Democrats Will No Longer Allow GOP Lawmakers to View Transcripts from Impeachment Hearings

Pure banana republic 3rd world tactics. Be careful Lefty's you don't any fights in the streets.

So many of right-wing pajama bois here are making threats of violence. They're part of a very violent and unstable Stalinist cult.

Of course, they want someone else to do that violence. Their own cowardly fat asses will stay firmly planted on the couch.
A huge release of ass gas, that is.
Oh, i know you trumpers are hoping! Alas, it appears Trump has been nailed. Now, whether or not you think he should be thrown out of office for it is up to you.
What has Trump EXACTLY been nailed on? Give specifics and the statutes involved.
Abusing the power of his office. A high crime if ever there was one.
You can't even define what "Abusing the power of his office" means.
A huge release of ass gas, that is.
Oh, i know you trumpers are hoping! Alas, it appears Trump has been nailed. Now, whether or not you think he should be thrown out of office for it is up to you.
What has Trump EXACTLY been nailed on? Give specifics and the statutes involved.
Abusing the power of his office. A high crime if ever there was one.

Can you point to the statute he violated?
Why would they?
Since when is a Democratic Republic associated with secret proceedings? Why would any sane person advocate secret proceedings, secret testimony, secret transcripts?

If it is an honest endeavor, it should be transparent and out in the open.

Only Evil Men Plot their Crimes in The Dark.
secret proceedings happen all the time. There are issues of confidentiality and witness protection and many other security reasons why things happen behind closed doors. You are stretching to find an argument here... pretty pathetic.

There is nothing to discuss in secret. The Transcript of The Ukraine call was declassified and nothing unethical occurred during the call.

So why interview people who only heard gossip about The Call?

This is just more Democrats looking for a crime that never occurred, and they cannot name or cannot find.

Only Evil Men do their Evil Deeds in The Evil Dark.
they are taking depositions. The trial would happen in the senate after there is a presentation of findings and a vote from the house. You need to learn a little more about procedure if you’re gonna bitch about it.
Dems and republicans are both part of the depositions. Closed door interviews happen all the time.
Do you idiots actually expect members of Congress to vote on impeachment when they haven't seen any of the evidence? Such a vote would lack any legitimacy.
I wouldnt vote for impeachment... I was exhausted from the investigations during the Benghazi nonsense and instead of the dems being adults when got power they did the same thing they spent years criticizing.

well I criticized it then, I’m not supporting it now and in two years when the dems have power and republicans start in with their obstruction investigation none sense I’ll be right there calling you a hypocrite as you defend the investigators
A huge release of ass gas, that is.
Oh, i know you trumpers are hoping! Alas, it appears Trump has been nailed. Now, whether or not you think he should be thrown out of office for it is up to you.
What has Trump EXACTLY been nailed on? Give specifics and the statutes involved.
Abusing the power of his office. A high crime if ever there was one.

Can you point to the statute he violated?
That's the thing about high crimes and impeachment... There doesn't have to be a statute. While, yes, I personally think he is a criminal, the articles that the House votes on will just be to say he committed a high crime by abusing the power of the office.

They are going to pile on that case with many other examples, including stuff from the Mueller investigation.

And again, whether you think that's enough to toss him from office is up to you.
The Senate does the trial.
Is there not a even single Trumptard here who knows the Constitution? Apparently not. But then, if they did, they wouldn't be Trumptards.
The House is the prosecutor here. The prosecutor does not have to share its prosecution strategy with the defense.

Republicans are working very hard to give the Democrats the Senate as well with all the mass quitters and defections.

I'm sure democrats will play nice once they have both houses and the WH. Not worried.
First of all they are not hearing, they are depositions. If there is a recommendation to the Judiciary Committee to draft articles of impeachment, it will be a public process with all depositions available to the public. If Articles of Impeachment come to a vote in the House and are passed, all investigations will be made available to the Senate. The House is doing what it should do, investigate the president.
Oct. 23, and still no Big Giant Impeachment Vote!!! And there won't be one by or after Nov. 23, either!!! lol poor Democrats, too corrupt to do anything but snivel and make up dumb fake news crap to make their deviant base feel better.
Rule XI says clearly that they can ONLY hold secret meetings if they believe the witness will be degraded or incriminate himself and they can only hold executive meetings if the information disclosure would violate a law or was National Security..

House rule 11 deals with amendments to bills. I just read the Congressional Research Service report on secret sessions, and I didn't see what you claim. Perhaps you could be more specific about where you found that.
It is not house rule 11 it is House rule XI they use roman numerals so you did not look at the same thing I did. and House rule XI clearly has clauses for when and how secret meetings are allowed.

OK. You left out the part that says a session can be closed to prevent sensitive law enforcement information from being compromised. The investigation is certainly covering potential law enforcement information. Schiff already said there are many more witnesses to be called, and release of transcripts would allow future witnesses to change their testimony to match what was already said by others. That sounds like potentially compromising their testimony to me. You're just pouting because that fat orange fool is being investigated. Get over it.

So you mean all the Demorat traitors 'evidence' is coming from criminals who violated the laws and have zero credibility? Okay, we all know that already. Will you feel better when Uncle Joe and his coke head kid have to take the 5th 100 times under oath over what he was doing in Red China and the Ukraine? lol you're really are too dumb to even be a good lil parrot for the DNC.
Rule XI says clearly that they can ONLY hold secret meetings if they believe the witness will be degraded or incriminate himself and they can only hold executive meetings if the information disclosure would violate a law or was National Security..

House rule 11 deals with amendments to bills. I just read the Congressional Research Service report on secret sessions, and I didn't see what you claim. Perhaps you could be more specific about where you found that.
It is not house rule 11 it is House rule XI they use roman numerals so you did not look at the same thing I did. and House rule XI clearly has clauses for when and how secret meetings are allowed.

OK. You left out the part that says a session can be closed to prevent sensitive law enforcement information from being compromised. The investigation is certainly covering potential law enforcement information. Schiff already said there are many more witnesses to be called, and release of transcripts would allow future witnesses to change their testimony to match what was already said by others. That sounds like potentially compromising their testimony to me. You're just pouting because that fat orange fool is being investigated. Get over it.

So you mean all the Demorat traitors 'evidence' is coming from criminals who violated the laws and have zero credibility? Okay, we all know that already. Will you feel better when Uncle Joe and his coke head kid have to take the 5th 100 times under oath over what he was doing in Red China and the Ukraine? lol you're really are too dumb to even be a good lil parrot for the DNC.

What a dumb, off subject remark. The following link says for "but Hillary" posts, but you can put your "but Biden" posts there as well.
"BUT HILLARY" posts go here.
I wouldnt vote for impeachment... I was exhausted from the investigations during the Benghazi nonsense and instead of the dems being adults when got power they did the same thing they spent years criticizing.

well I criticized it then, I’m not supporting it now and in two years when the dems have power and republicans start in with their obstruction investigation none sense I’ll be right there calling you a hypocrite as you defend the investigators

On first blush, that looks like consistency.

Yet, in order to get there you have to equal - "investigations during the Benghazi nonsense and instead of the dems being adults when got power they did the same thing" - eight Benghazi "investigations", none of which uncovered any wrongdoing on Hillary's part, with the investigations into the obvious abuse of power and corruption in the Trump administration.

You will also remember that the last running Benghazi investigation was unceremoniously dropped as soon as Hillary was defeated - because getting to the bottom of it suddenly was no longer an urgent matter.

So, while aiming for consistency, do please make sure you are applying one and the same yardstick to matters that really are the same, or at least reasonably similar. Wildly different things require different yardsticks.

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