Democrats Vote To Murder Children Outside Of The Womb

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  • Coronavirus

  • Russian interference in elections

  • Man-made Climate Change

  • Reckless & Irresponsible Democrats

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Democrats are nothing but chaos factories. The only thing they bring is fear and death. They literally voted this week to murder babies by refusing treatment, after a failed abortion.

Senate Democrats on Monday blocked a Republican bill that would have threatened prison time for doctors who don't try saving the life of infants born alive during failed abortions, leading conservatives to wonder openly whether Democrats were embracing "infanticide" to appeal to left-wing voters.

All prominent Democratic 2020 presidential hopefuls in the Senate voted down the measure, including Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Kamala Harris of California, Cory Booker of New Jersey, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts. The final vote was 53-44 to end Democratic delaying tactics -- seven votes short of the 60 needed. Dems block 'born alive' bill to provide medical care to infants who survive failed abortions

They claim that the only reason they voted to block passage of the live-birth bill is because it would make abortion less likely. WTF? The claim is that the bill would make late-term abortions illegal. But the fact still remains that Democrats support abortion because it is a tremendous cashcow to them. They could care less about the reproductive rights of women. Democrats sneer at the poor, smelly, unwashed Walmart shoppers who are the primary targets of the abortion debate. Major Democrat donors are making money off abortion by selling body parts in the world market.

So let's count all of the ways that Democrats are trying to cause fear and chaos this week:

  • They support open-borders which helps spread poverty and disease
  • They helped spread the Coronavirus in California (as I predicted) because of carelessness
  • They're in middle of a campaign to spread panic to hopefully crash the economy
  • They're fighting to protect doctors who allow their patients to die after a botched abortion
  • They're trying to blame it all on Trump
Is there anyone in this country that is stupid enough to believe that Democrats can solve our problems? After the abortion they caused during the Iowa Caucus (we still don't know who won)....and now this screw up mishandling the coronavirus in California...who can possibly be so stupid to believe that free stuff will save you from being murdered by reckless and irresponsible Democrats?

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Democrats are nothing but chaos factories. The only thing they bring is fear and death. They literally voted this week to murder babies by refusing treatment, after a failed abortion.

Senate Democrats on Monday blocked a Republican bill that would have threatened prison time for doctors who don't try saving the life of infants born alive during failed abortions, leading conservatives to wonder openly whether Democrats were embracing "infanticide" to appeal to left-wing voters.

All prominent Democratic 2020 presidential hopefuls in the Senate voted down the measure, including Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Kamala Harris of California, Cory Booker of New Jersey, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts. The final vote was 53-44 to end Democratic delaying tactics -- seven votes short of the 60 needed. Dems block 'born alive' bill to provide medical care to infants who survive failed abortions

They claim that the only reason they voted to block passage of the live-birth bill is because it would make abortion less likely. WTF? The claim is that the bill would make late-term abortions illegal. But the fact still remains that Democrats support abortion because it is a tremendous cashcow to them. They could care less about the reproductive rights of women. Democrats sneer at the poor, smelly, unwashed Walmart shoppers who are the primary targets of the abortion debate. Major Democrat donors are making money off abortion by selling body parts in the world market.

So let's count all of the ways that Democrats are trying to cause fear and chaos this week:

  • They support open-borders which helps spread poverty and disease
  • They helped spread the Coronavirus in California (as I predicted) because of carelessness
  • They're in middle of a campaign to spread panic to hopefully crash the economy
  • They're fighting to protect doctors who allow their patients to die after a botched abortion
  • They're trying to blame it all on Trump
Is there anyone in this country that is stupid enough to believe that Democrats can solve our problems? After the abortion they caused during the Iowa Caucus (we still don't know who won)....and now this screw up mishandling the coronavirus in California...who can possibly be so stupid to believe that free stuff will save you from being murdered by reckless and irresponsible Democrats?


On the local Chicago radio show Dan and Amy they interviewed a Doctor who used to be an abortionist.........he stated that there is no reason to abort a baby in the late term....that aborting a baby at that stage is more dangerous than having the baby...since you have to force dilation in order to evacuate the "pieces," of the baby..........

The cult of death that is the democrat party has been evil since long before they started the Civil War to keep Black Americans as slaves.....that the normal people in the democrat party can't see this is just frustrating....
February 28, 2020
The Democrats and the virus: Truth is hard, propaganda is cheap!
By Patricia McCarthy
The Democrats have truly lost their minds. For years they have wailed about how our borders should all be open, there should be no walls. When President Trump six weeks ago banned travelers from China, they called him a racist, of course. Now that the virus has spread, they are blaming him, accusing him of an anemic response.

Wrong. The country has a pandemic plan in place, no matter who is president, but Trump has been on the case since China informed the world of the virus breakout. A task force to address this virus has been in place for at least a month.

They’ve accused Trump of cutting the budget of the CDC and NIH. Even AP shows that he did not. He had proposed some cuts, but they never went into effect and there is a standing congressional fund for health emergencies.

But the Democrats do not care about facts; they live for any crisis they can weaponize for an assault on the President. They are as shameless as they are calculating. As always, they believe they can fool the American people and that their lies will not be exposed. Thomas Sowell was exactly right when he said that “It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance.”

Of course, these Dems have an army of like-minded fellow travelers in the media, like Gail Collins who in her NYT column said the virus should be called Trumpvirus, as if the President created it in the Oval Office and disseminated it far and wide. That is how depraved they are.

Bottom line? They are hoping for a massive pandemic because they believe it would bring about the defeat Trump in November. Not one of them has offered any plan of their own to combat the disease, of course. It has not occurred to any of them to offer to work with the, no, no.

They obviously are hoping for an outbreak worthy of a horror film. Thousands of deaths will not distress them if it takes Trump down. Like all those lefties who have been hoping for a recession that would hurt Trump:

Actress Patricia Arquette called on her Instagram followers over last weekend to spread the word about an "economic shutdown" effort scheduled for March 2.

"March 2 there is an economic shut down [sic] action," Arquette captioned the post. "Don't purchase anything on this day."



An epidemic of illness is even better in their minds. They can hardly contain their glee at the mere prospect of such a catastrophic event.

So, the same crowd that has lobbied for open borders and massive unchecked immigration is now angry that Trump has allowed the virus into the US. All these supporters of sanctuary cities are accusing Trump of poor judgment! They are truly torn – they relentlessly call the President a racist, a xenophobe without a shred of evidence but now blame him for China’s irresponsibility. You can’t make this stuff up.

“Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.”
― Groucho Marx

One self-appointed diversity cop complained that the assembled team of experts lacks diversity. Historian John Meacham worries that this will exacerbate our xenophobia! Elizabeth Warren wants to take the money allocated for the southern border wall to fight the virus! Lizzie lacks gray matter; Border Control has been testing for the virus and has quarantined a few Chinese persons attempting to enter the country. Bernie, while attacking Trump’s response, advocates open borders and citizenship for all comers who breach our boundaries. And Biden? He’s toast. Everyone who has ever known a person suffering from dementia recognizes the signs; Biden exhibits them all.

The Democrats are really quite bamboozled by how to play this current potential crisis, and planning how to use a crisis to their benefit is how they operate. They don’t want any possible doom to go to waste so they have to exploit it even if exploiting it goes against everything they claim to support and believe.
February 28, 2020
There’s a very good reason the media is silent about the Milwaukee mass shooting
By Andrea Widburg
On Wednesday, an angry ex-employee got a gun, put a silencer on it, went to the MillersCoors facility where he had once worked, and shot five people to death before shooting himself. One would expect to have a barrage of news stories about America’s gun violence problem and the need to ban guns. After all, on Tuesday, before the shooting happened, the Democrat candidates were all over each other trying to explain why each would be more effective at destroying the Second Amendment. Instead, though, we got crickets.

The reason for the media’s silence became apparent when the media identified the shooter: 51-year-old Anthony Ferrill was black. This meant that the media couldn’t use its white supremacist narrative to justify grabbing guns.

The narrative broke down even further when social media posts revealed that Ferrill may well have been an Elizabeth Warren supporter, an assumption arising from the fact that his wife proudly posted a selfie of herself last year at an Elizabeth Warren rally:

On her various social media pages, which have now been deleted, Ferrill’s wife posted photos of her family and expressing liberal political views. In July 2019, Ferrill’s wife attended a speech by U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren at South Division High School Gym in Milwaukee. Following the speech, Ferrill’s wife took a photo with the Massachusetts senator.

If the media were genuinely committed to gutting the Second Amendment, they would have promoted this shooting equally with other mass shootings. That they didn’t is a reminder that Democrat values tend to be situational. Guns are all right in some hands but not in others.

For example, even though Democrat-run inner cities are a place of routine gun carnage, the media tend to ignore all the black-on-black shooting that takes place in those cities, despite the sad fact that those shootings account for most of the non-suicide gun deaths in America. This silence suggests that Democrats don’t care about blacks, no matter how much they claim to.
Democrats lie about everything.
Part of the reason China is in the middle of a pandemic is because they lie like Democrats to their citizens.
They either planted the virus or they allowed it to spread and are now holding more than half of their population hostage in their homes.
The Chinese aren't much different from our a matter of fact...much of their ideologies are identical.
The greatest threat? Trump's re-election. Without him choices 1, 2 & 3 woul
Democrats are nothing but chaos factories. The only thing they bring is fear and death. They literally voted this week to murder babies by refusing treatment, after a failed abortion.

Senate Democrats on Monday blocked a Republican bill that would have threatened prison time for doctors who don't try saving the life of infants born alive during failed abortions, leading conservatives to wonder openly whether Democrats were embracing "infanticide" to appeal to left-wing voters.

All prominent Democratic 2020 presidential hopefuls in the Senate voted down the measure, including Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Kamala Harris of California, Cory Booker of New Jersey, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts. The final vote was 53-44 to end Democratic delaying tactics -- seven votes short of the 60 needed. Dems block 'born alive' bill to provide medical care to infants who survive failed abortions

They claim that the only reason they voted to block passage of the live-birth bill is because it would make abortion less likely. WTF? The claim is that the bill would make late-term abortions illegal. But the fact still remains that Democrats support abortion because it is a tremendous cashcow to them. They could care less about the reproductive rights of women. Democrats sneer at the poor, smelly, unwashed Walmart shoppers who are the primary targets of the abortion debate. Major Democrat donors are making money off abortion by selling body parts in the world market.

So let's count all of the ways that Democrats are trying to cause fear and chaos this week:

  • They support open-borders which helps spread poverty and disease
  • They helped spread the Coronavirus in California (as I predicted) because of carelessness
  • They're in middle of a campaign to spread panic to hopefully crash the economy
  • They're fighting to protect doctors who allow their patients to die after a botched abortion
  • They're trying to blame it all on Trump
Is there anyone in this country that is stupid enough to believe that Democrats can solve our problems? After the abortion they caused during the Iowa Caucus (we still don't know who won)....and now this screw up mishandling the coronavirus in California...who can possibly be so stupid to believe that free stuff will save you from being murdered by reckless and irresponsible Democrats?

The greatest threat? Trump's re-election. Without him choices 1, 2 & 3 would be much less of a thing.
Democrats are nothing but chaos factories. The only thing they bring is fear and death. They literally voted this week to murder babies by refusing treatment, after a failed abortion.

Senate Democrats on Monday blocked a Republican bill that would have threatened prison time for doctors who don't try saving the life of infants born alive during failed abortions, leading conservatives to wonder openly whether Democrats were embracing "infanticide" to appeal to left-wing voters.

All prominent Democratic 2020 presidential hopefuls in the Senate voted down the measure, including Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Kamala Harris of California, Cory Booker of New Jersey, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts. The final vote was 53-44 to end Democratic delaying tactics -- seven votes short of the 60 needed. Dems block 'born alive' bill to provide medical care to infants who survive failed abortions

They claim that the only reason they voted to block passage of the live-birth bill is because it would make abortion less likely. WTF? The claim is that the bill would make late-term abortions illegal. But the fact still remains that Democrats support abortion because it is a tremendous cashcow to them. They could care less about the reproductive rights of women. Democrats sneer at the poor, smelly, unwashed Walmart shoppers who are the primary targets of the abortion debate. Major Democrat donors are making money off abortion by selling body parts in the world market.

So let's count all of the ways that Democrats are trying to cause fear and chaos this week:

  • They support open-borders which helps spread poverty and disease
  • They helped spread the Coronavirus in California (as I predicted) because of carelessness
  • They're in middle of a campaign to spread panic to hopefully crash the economy
  • They're fighting to protect doctors who allow their patients to die after a botched abortion
  • They're trying to blame it all on Trump
Is there anyone in this country that is stupid enough to believe that Democrats can solve our problems? After the abortion they caused during the Iowa Caucus (we still don't know who won)....and now this screw up mishandling the coronavirus in California...who can possibly be so stupid to believe that free stuff will save you from being murdered by reckless and irresponsible Democrats?

So, a wife is pregnant with a severely disabled child whose chances living after birth are nil.

You would force the doctors to treat it over & over & over even though it will die? This is a medical decision best not made by stupid fucks like you.
Democrats are nothing but chaos factories. The only thing they bring is fear and death. They literally voted this week to murder babies by refusing treatment, after a failed abortion.

Senate Democrats on Monday blocked a Republican bill that would have threatened prison time for doctors who don't try saving the life of infants born alive during failed abortions, leading conservatives to wonder openly whether Democrats were embracing "infanticide" to appeal to left-wing voters.

All prominent Democratic 2020 presidential hopefuls in the Senate voted down the measure, including Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Kamala Harris of California, Cory Booker of New Jersey, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts. The final vote was 53-44 to end Democratic delaying tactics -- seven votes short of the 60 needed. Dems block 'born alive' bill to provide medical care to infants who survive failed abortions

They claim that the only reason they voted to block passage of the live-birth bill is because it would make abortion less likely. WTF? The claim is that the bill would make late-term abortions illegal. But the fact still remains that Democrats support abortion because it is a tremendous cashcow to them. They could care less about the reproductive rights of women. Democrats sneer at the poor, smelly, unwashed Walmart shoppers who are the primary targets of the abortion debate. Major Democrat donors are making money off abortion by selling body parts in the world market.

So let's count all of the ways that Democrats are trying to cause fear and chaos this week:

  • They support open-borders which helps spread poverty and disease
  • They helped spread the Coronavirus in California (as I predicted) because of carelessness
  • They're in middle of a campaign to spread panic to hopefully crash the economy
  • They're fighting to protect doctors who allow their patients to die after a botched abortion
  • They're trying to blame it all on Trump
Is there anyone in this country that is stupid enough to believe that Democrats can solve our problems? After the abortion they caused during the Iowa Caucus (we still don't know who won)....and now this screw up mishandling the coronavirus in California...who can possibly be so stupid to believe that free stuff will save you from being murdered by reckless and irresponsible Democrats?


As soon as you start caring about children I'll given your opinions some weight. Who's gonna provide for this hypothetical kid. Medical care? Food, schooling? Younclowns are against everything but himmor her being born. Talk about hypocrisy.


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