Democrats Try To Paint The Sun Belt Blue


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
As Populations Shift Democrats Hope To Paint The Sun Belt Blue NPR?

The Democratic National Committee is running a Spanish language ad on radio stations in North Carolina and Georgia, where there are competitive U.S. Senate races.

"Republicans think we're going to stay home," thead says. "It's time to rise up."

Democrats see opportunity in Southern states with fast-growing minority populations and an influx of people relocating to the Sun Belt. In Georgia, there's a push to register new voters in hopes of turning a red state blue.

The GOP needs to enjoy any gains they may make in November. It may be the end of the road for their southern block.
Yep, since white Dims don't have kids, they need someone out there that they can keep addicted to their government handouts. It's of course how the white libs stay in power. Give shit away, and they'll keep voting for you.
Yep, since white Dims don't have kids, they need someone out there that they can keep addicted to their government handouts. It's of course how the white libs stay in power. Give shit away, and they'll keep voting for you.
That and letting illegals in.
Georgia and North Carolina are both developing into post-industrial, service oriented economies. North Carolina has it's growing tech industry and Georgia is becoming increasingly international and entrepreneurial. South Carolina is slower then it's neighbors, but it's trending in the same direction.

These urban-focused, high education changes are working out in the Democrat's advantage, but the effects are slow and gradual rather then sudden and dramatic.

Out west in Alabama, Mississippi, and elsewhere in the area, it's much more business as usual. The states there remain much more blue collar.

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