Democrats - truly the party of RACISM


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
There is only one word for dumbocrats and their racism: UGLY. It's so dark and ugly. Here's a man scraping to get by, and for them to scream "******" at him and destroy the equipment he uses for his livelihood is despicable beyond words - especially when the asshole dumbocrat claims to be "for the working man".

And no, this is NOT a "one time" event. Any time an African American stands with conservatives, they are called either "Uncle Tom" or "******" by dumbocrats.

How any of you stand with such a despicable party is stupifying. This is the party that spread diseases and filth during the Occupy Movement. Who defacated all over public property, raped women, and had several murders. Tea Party protests were civil, peaceful, clean, lawful, and inviting.

‘Union Thugs’ Destroy Hot Dog Stand of Alleged Romney Supporter During Protest and Taunt Him With Racial Slurs | Video |
Outstanding post Rottweiler!!

Also, it is the Democrats and lefties who think people outside the white race are too dumb to get into college or get a job without affirmative action. Not much has changed from the Democrat party. They thought black people were too dumb to survive on their own and off the Democrats plantations during the slave era, and Democrats now think the same people are too dumb to make it without affirmative action and still think they need to be on the Democrat plantation and watched over by their overseers. The Democrats and left are just much more clever about hiding their racism.
Democrats - truly the party of RACISM
Outstanding post Rottweiler!!
Obviously you’re both unaware of the fact you succeed in only making each of you sound idiotic with such proclamations.

Then you commit the fallacy of judging an entire group of people by the actions of a few, just as you accuse the hated ‘liberals’ of doing.
Union Protesters Greet Project 21's Stacy Swimp with Racist Taunts

Amy Ridenour

Steven Crowder wasn't the only member of the National Center family having interactions, so to speak, outside the state capitol in Lansing today.

Stacy Swimp returned after an eventful Friday there.


Stacy reports:

I was surrounded, at one point, with union terrorists, at every side, as they yelled affectionate comments to me such as:

"You are a token!"

"How much they paying you, Boy!"

"Martin L. King would spit in your face!"

"You are a shame to your race!"

"How does it feel to be rich?!"

Keep in mind that these are, if not some of the identical people who have called Tea Party activists "racists," they are representing people who do it often.

Stacy took it in good humor, saying:

I had no idea I would have my intellect challenged by protesters today. :)

Union Protesters Greet Project 21's Stacy Swimp with Racist*Taunts - Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog - A Conservative Blog
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The truth is the truth. Democrats have been at it since the 1800s. Following the Marxist code. Divide identify exploit separate and conquer to satisfy the needs and wants of the Master architects of progressivism to conquer a nation and society you guys have this stone age down pat. After all your the party of professional exploitation such as affirmative action and PC where everyone is labeled rather than accepting a one American nation cause it sure doesn't fit your mechanism to create self victimization and dependence. Argue that bitches
There is only one word for dumbocrats and their racism: UGLY. It's so dark and ugly. Here's a man scraping to get by, and for them to scream "******" at him and destroy the equipment he uses for his livelihood is despicable beyond words - especially when the asshole dumbocrat claims to be "for the working man".

And no, this is NOT a "one time" event. Any time an African American stands with conservatives, they are called either "Uncle Tom" or "******" by dumbocrats.

How any of you stand with such a despicable party is stupifying. This is the party that spread diseases and filth during the Occupy Movement. Who defacated all over public property, raped women, and had several murders. Tea Party protests were civil, peaceful, clean, lawful, and inviting.

‘Union Thugs’ Destroy Hot Dog Stand of Alleged Romney Supporter During Protest and Taunt Him With Racial Slurs | Video |
"... Tea Party protests were civil, peaceful, clean, lawful, and inviting."

[ame=]More video of Rand Paul Thugs Stomping Democratic Woman - YouTube[/ame][/
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I can't wait to hear the outrage the next time some black guys take it to a guy wearing a Union T-shirt... Gonna get the popcorn ready. :lol:
There is only one word for dumbocrats and their racism: UGLY. It's so dark and ugly. Here's a man scraping to get by, and for them to scream "******" at him and destroy the equipment he uses for his livelihood is despicable beyond words - especially when the asshole dumbocrat claims to be "for the working man".

And no, this is NOT a "one time" event. Any time an African American stands with conservatives, they are called either "Uncle Tom" or "******" by dumbocrats.

How any of you stand with such a despicable party is stupifying. This is the party that spread diseases and filth during the Occupy Movement. Who defacated all over public property, raped women, and had several murders. Tea Party protests were civil, peaceful, clean, lawful, and inviting.

‘Union Thugs’ Destroy Hot Dog Stand of Alleged Romney Supporter During Protest and Taunt Him With Racial Slurs | Video |
Democrats - truly the party of RACISM

There appears to be a total "disconnect" between "Rottweiler's" assertions and historical reality!

1. Doid not those states in that South that are at the core of Republican/Tea Party support, also happen to be the very ones that formed the Confederacy bring the Civil War?

Was not the fundamental issue for that conflict based on "racism" (slavery)?

2. Weren't Presidents Kennedy and Johnson the 2 most instrumental leaders in the 20thC for passing/enforcing civil rights legislation aimed at achieving racial equality - particularily in those Southern states where the opposition to integration was the most intense?

Were not both of these presidents Democrats?

3. Which of these facts does the OP wish to refute?

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There is only one word for dumbocrats and their racism: UGLY. It's so dark and ugly. Here's a man scraping to get by, and for them to scream "******" at him and destroy the equipment he uses for his livelihood is despicable beyond words - especially when the asshole dumbocrat claims to be "for the working man".

And no, this is NOT a "one time" event. Any time an African American stands with conservatives, they are called either "Uncle Tom" or "******" by dumbocrats.

How any of you stand with such a despicable party is stupifying. This is the party that spread diseases and filth during the Occupy Movement. Who defacated all over public property, raped women, and had several murders. Tea Party protests were civil, peaceful, clean, lawful, and inviting.

‘Union Thugs’ Destroy Hot Dog Stand of Alleged Romney Supporter During Protest and Taunt Him With Racial Slurs | Video |

Pity any poor rightwing black....

Parker, a columnist at a handful of outlets over the years, has a history of stirring the pot when it comes to race issues in sports. He teeters back and forth between evaluating how “black” Griffin is – “kind of black,” “not really down with the cause” or “not one of us,” but it’s the evidence that prompted his hand wringing that’s so disturbing. “We all know he has a white fiancé. There was all this talk about he’s a Republican, which, there’s no information [about that] at all. I’m just trying to dig deeper as to why he has an issue.”

For Parker, having a white fiancé and potentially being a Republican is “an issue.”
ESPN Analyst Calls RGIII a ‘Cornball Brother’ Because He May Be a Republican - By Andrew Johnson - The Corner - National Review Online

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