Democrats’ tax-hike obsession killed the SuperCommittee


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Democrats’ tax-hike obsession killed the SuperCommittee « The Enterprise Blog

The spectacular failure of the much-hyped, congressional debt-reduction panel completes the devolution of the Democratic Party back to its pre-Clintonion state: unabashed champion of the high-tax welfare state. And America is worse for it.

It’s like the 1990s never happened and the 1970s never stopped happening for the Washington Obamacrats. The U.S. economy faces two screamingly obvious problems: historically slow growth and historically high government spending leading to massive budget deficits. In this way, American is already frighteningly like Greece and Italy.

Yet Democrats used the SuperCommittee to push a trillion-dollar tax hike and block fundamental entitlement reform. As one GOP aide told Politico, “If they were willing to go a little further on entitlements, we’d see what we can do on revenues. That was the way it would have to work. What we found was, they needed a trillion-plus in revenues, and weren’t willing to do anywhere near that on entitlements.”

It’s been an underappreciated fact just how far left Democrats have moved on taxes in recent years. But it should now be blindingly clear. The SuperCommittee Democrats are perfectly happy to let the top tax rate soar to nearly 45 percent in 2013 (including both income taxes and Medicare taxes) on small business, entrepreneurs, and investors. This, even though the exploding eurozone debt crisis threatens to push the U.S. economy from sputter speed to stall. And even if financial contagion doesn’t wash up on our shores, few economists see growth fast enough to substantially reduce unemployment and boost incomes any year soon.

Yet Democrats seem unconcerned or even eager for taxes to rise, thanks in part to the work of liberal economists advocating taxes rates as high as 80 percent. It will also take dramatically higher tax revenue to fund what Democrats argue is an unavoidable surge in government spending due to a) the aging of the population and — as they see it — b) trillions in needed public “investment” catch-up after years of Republican stinginess.

But it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. Without market-based entitlement reform — which even many centrists endorse — government health spending will indeed continue to soar.

If Uncle Sam does need more revenue, pro-growth tax reform is the best way to get it. A host of studies from both liberal and conservative economists have found that eliminating the tax code’s bias against investment would boost long-term GDP growth by as much as 10 percent and add perhaps a full percentage point to annual GDP growth for a number of years.

But cutting taxes on capital cuts against the Democrat embrace of Occupy politics. So no tax reform, no entitlement reform, and no progress on America’s biggest problems.
So a right wing blog claims what the GOP talking points have been stating even before the super committee was set up... oh the shock!

What killed the super committee was partisan clusterfuck politics with the GOP at the front of the problem.

The GOP needs to learn a new word...

com·pro·mise   [kom-pruh-mahyz] Show IPA noun, verb, -mised, -mis·ing.
a settlement of differences by mutual concessions; an agreement reached by adjustment of conflicting or opposing claims, principles, etc., by reciprocal modification of demands.
Compromising with Democrat thieves is what got us into this fix in the first place. When good compromises with evil, good loses and evil wins. The last thing this country needs is compromise with Democrat tax-and-spend scumbags.

Democrats killed the super committee, which was a bad idea in the first place.

One thing is perfectly clear, the only "solution" democrats are interested in is massive tax increases. I hope they plan on running on that agenda in the 2012 elections.

So a right wing blog claims what the GOP talking points have been stating even before the super committee was set up... oh the shock!

What killed the super committee was partisan clusterfuck politics with the GOP at the front of the problem.

The GOP needs to learn a new word...

com·pro·mise   [kom-pruh-mahyz] Show IPA noun, verb, -mised, -mis·ing.
a settlement of differences by mutual concessions; an agreement reached by adjustment of conflicting or opposing claims, principles, etc., by reciprocal modification of demands.
The problem was created by a combination of tax cuts and increased spending.

Unless you're an idiot, you realize then that the appropriate solution is a combination of tax hikes and spending cuts.
So a right wing blog claims what the GOP talking points have been stating even before the super committee was set up... oh the shock!

What killed the super committee was partisan clusterfuck politics with the GOP at the front of the problem.

The GOP needs to learn a new word...

com·pro·mise   [kom-pruh-mahyz] Show IPA noun, verb, -mised, -mis·ing.
a settlement of differences by mutual concessions; an agreement reached by adjustment of conflicting or opposing claims, principles, etc., by reciprocal modification of demands.

The GOP offered some revenue increases though while the dems would not agree to making more cuts.

Your being just as much of a hack as you are deriding the person making the first post for being.

It wasn't the republicans any more than it was the democrats....both parties in congress and the president all share equal blame for the stupid committee being formed in the first place and its failure.
Dems don't want to raise taxes on everyonefd,r Just the Rich. And of course, the Reb will not have any of that. They rather the money come out of grandpa SSI check and he go without his medication.:clap2:

No problems though---Come 12-2011 the Bush tax cuts for the rich wil expire.
If anyone actually thought this so called "Super Committee' was going to acomplish anything then they were doomed to disappointment.

The Reps won't go for tax increases and the Dems won't do any REAL cuts. They won't touch entitlments. Of course both the Dems and the Reps knew this going in so it was all a big waste of time.

This committe went just where it was aimed. Nowhere.
If anyone actually thought this so called "Super Committee' was going to acomplish anything then they were doomed to disappointment.

The Reps won't go for tax increases and the Dems won't do any REAL cuts. They won't touch entitlments. Of course both the Dems and the Reps knew this going in so it was all a big waste of time.

This committe went just where it was aimed. Nowhere.

[ame=]Newt Was Right On The 'Super Committee' - YouTube[/ame]
Dems don't want to raise taxes on everyonefd,r Just the Rich. And of course, the Reb will not have any of that. They rather the money come out of grandpa SSI check and he go without his medication.:clap2:

No problems though---Come 12-2011 the Bush tax cuts for the rich wil expire.

and of Course YOU have no problems having the Government STICK IT to CERTAIN citizens in this country, as LONG AS that tax knife isn't stuck IN YOU ALLS BACKS.

Dems don't want to raise taxes on everyonefd,r Just the Rich. And of course, the Reb will not have any of that. They rather the money come out of grandpa SSI check and he go without his medication.:clap2:

No problems though---Come 12-2011 the Bush tax cuts for the rich wil expire.

This tax the rich is a bunch of BS. The wealthy in this country already pay upwards of 60%of all Fed taxes. 47% in this country pay no Fed taxes at all.

The Dems are just playing the class warfare game. Some folks are buying it because its okay to raise taxes on someone else.

Get rid of all the tax loopholes, subsidies and tax breaks and that alone Should bring in quite a bit of revenue.

And by all means. Let the Bush tax cuts expire and raise EVERYONES taxes. Why pick and chose. I'm sure the economy will come roaring back with all that added revenue. LOL
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Debt reduction involves increasing revenue and decreasing spending. Democrats were prepared to do both.....Republicans were not

Democrats were prepared to require shared sacrifice for all.......Republicans were not
Democrats’ tax-hike obsession killed the SuperCommittee « The Enterprise Blog

The spectacular failure of the much-hyped, congressional debt-reduction panel completes the devolution of the Democratic Party back to its pre-Clintonion state: unabashed champion of the high-tax welfare state. And America is worse for it.

It’s like the 1990s never happened and the 1970s never stopped happening for the Washington Obamacrats. The U.S. economy faces two screamingly obvious problems: historically slow growth and historically high government spending leading to massive budget deficits. In this way, American is already frighteningly like Greece and Italy.

Yet Democrats used the SuperCommittee to push a trillion-dollar tax hike and block fundamental entitlement reform. As one GOP aide told Politico, “If they were willing to go a little further on entitlements, we’d see what we can do on revenues. That was the way it would have to work. What we found was, they needed a trillion-plus in revenues, and weren’t willing to do anywhere near that on entitlements.”

It’s been an underappreciated fact just how far left Democrats have moved on taxes in recent years. But it should now be blindingly clear. The SuperCommittee Democrats are perfectly happy to let the top tax rate soar to nearly 45 percent in 2013 (including both income taxes and Medicare taxes) on small business, entrepreneurs, and investors. This, even though the exploding eurozone debt crisis threatens to push the U.S. economy from sputter speed to stall. And even if financial contagion doesn’t wash up on our shores, few economists see growth fast enough to substantially reduce unemployment and boost incomes any year soon.

Yet Democrats seem unconcerned or even eager for taxes to rise, thanks in part to the work of liberal economists advocating taxes rates as high as 80 percent. It will also take dramatically higher tax revenue to fund what Democrats argue is an unavoidable surge in government spending due to a) the aging of the population and — as they see it — b) trillions in needed public “investment” catch-up after years of Republican stinginess.

But it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. Without market-based entitlement reform — which even many centrists endorse — government health spending will indeed continue to soar.

If Uncle Sam does need more revenue, pro-growth tax reform is the best way to get it. A host of studies from both liberal and conservative economists have found that eliminating the tax code’s bias against investment would boost long-term GDP growth by as much as 10 percent and add perhaps a full percentage point to annual GDP growth for a number of years.

But cutting taxes on capital cuts against the Democrat embrace of Occupy politics. So no tax reform, no entitlement reform, and no progress on America’s biggest problems.

Democrats’ tax-hike obsession killed the SuperCommittee
It takes TWO to TANGO
That may be, but it takes

The tax hike is Democrats' final bid to destroy people's abillity to take care of themselves financially if they have saved their money all their lives. Without the tax hike, we can still afford to pay the OUT OF CONTROL GAS PRICES THAT OBAMA CAUSED WHEN HE CLOSED DOWN THE GULF OF MEXICO TO AMERICAN AND BRITISH OIL DRILLERS AND PASSED IT ON TO TWO GODDAMNED COMMUNIST COUNTRIES.



I knew you would, eventually.

Now, can we stop shouting, please?

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Debt reduction involves increasing revenue and decreasing spending. Democrats were prepared to do both.....Republicans were not

Democrats were prepared to require shared sacrifice for all.......Republicans were not

screw that...the Government is taking ENOUGH REVENUES off the backs of us citizens..

we are TAXED ENOUGH want to give them MORE of your money. have at it.

the Democrats didn't want ANY CUTS UNLESS they could rasie SOMEONES taxes. GET A CLUE FOLKS.
Debt reduction involves increasing revenue and decreasing spending. Democrats were prepared to do both.....Republicans were not

Democrats were prepared to require shared sacrifice for all.......Republicans were not

It takes TWO to TANGO

Yes it does and not a single Democrat has said they are unwilling to make cuts, they just disagree on where to make the cuts.

How many Republicans did the Grover Norquist pinky swear in the clubhouse?
The tax hike is Democrats' final bid to destroy people's abillity to take care of themselves financially if they have saved their money all their lives. Without the tax hike, we can still afford to pay the OUT OF CONTROL GAS PRICES THAT OBAMA CAUSED WHEN HE CLOSED DOWN THE GULF OF MEXICO TO AMERICAN AND BRITISH OIL DRILLERS AND PASSED IT ON TO TWO GODDAMNED COMMUNIST COUNTRIES.

Get a grip...(and buy a Prius)

Debt reduction involves increasing revenue and decreasing spending. Democrats were prepared to do both.....Republicans were not

Democrats were prepared to require shared sacrifice for all.......Republicans were not

screw that...the Government is taking ENOUGH REVENUES off the backs of us citizens..

we are TAXED ENOUGH want to give them MORE of your money. have at it.

the Democrats didn't want ANY CUTS UNLESS they could rasie SOMEONES taxes. GET A CLUE FOLKS.

Our tax rates are the lowest in 50 years.....most noticeably for the super wealthy
Debt reduction involves increasing revenue and decreasing spending. Democrats were prepared to do both.....Republicans were not

Democrats were prepared to require shared sacrifice for all.......Republicans were not

screw that...the Government is taking ENOUGH REVENUES off the backs of us citizens..

we are TAXED ENOUGH want to give them MORE of your money. have at it.

the Democrats didn't want ANY CUTS UNLESS they could raise SOMEONES taxes. GET A CLUE FOLKS.

Our tax rates are the lowest in 50 years.....most noticeably for the super wealthy

Hey, you don't think you are giving the Guberment ENOUGH REVENUE? and all you in favor of RAISING ANYBODIES TAXES...send them your ALLS weekly paycheck..then we will see you put your MONIES where your mouths are...

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