Democrats set to lose another Congressional seat (NY-9) to unknown Republican

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Many Democrats have sided with Turner (R) in an attempt to send a message to President Obama to start listening to what the people want. Turner is a business man with little to no political experience. The polls have Turner up with 24 hours to go.

Bob Turner (R) 47%
David Weprin (D) 41%

Public Policy Polling
Sept 8-11
MOE +/- 3.8$

I think the public is sending a message. Question is, WILL OBAMA LISTEN??? :eusa_whistle:
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I think we can glean some insight into next years election from this election result. Is it a sign of things to come? I think it will be.
We are seeing Republicans loose in their districts as well. Much of the electorate is seething and angry in a non partisan way and wants change for its own sake.
We are seeing Republicans loose in their districts as well. Much of the electorate is seething and angry in a non partisan way and wants change for its own sake.

even if they pick a wacko like turner....

fwiw, turner gave anthony weiner a run for his money in the last election and weprin doesn't have weiner's incumbancy status.

weprin is a good guy, though. he should win. if he doesn't it's ny's loss because the last thing ny needs right now is a tea party nutter who wants to cut money to schools.
after this emotional weekend and all who is really going to vote? I would say no matter who wins this is no where near a test for 2012, to even go there reeks of desperation. from either party.
Yeah Im sure the peopel who rank the republican lower than the president will vote in a bunch od republicans instead huh?

why is the right so delusional?
after this emotional weekend and all who is really going to vote? I would say no matter who wins this is no where near a test for 2012, to even go there reeks of desperation. from either party.

Thats exactly how Obama took the last mid-terms. Funny how clueless one can look when the obvious is staring you in the face and you ignore it. :eusa_whistle:
what are you talking about dude? are you serious?

I presidential election is comparable to a little HO-duck Congressional seat a week after a very emotional 9/11 weekend. *****face palm city*****.

If you are serious, you are sort of twisted honestly.
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It should be an interesting vote, especially if the Jews in the district turn their backs on the dimocrat candidate.

first of all, oh braindead imbecile, it's democrats. i suppose spelling isn't your strong suit, though. so we'll let it pass.

as for jews turning their backs... how stupid would the jews in the district have to be to turn their backs on the jewish candidate who's supported israel for his entire life?

i guess only in rightwingnut world would that make sense.
after this emotional weekend and all who is really going to vote? I would say no matter who wins this is no where near a test for 2012, to even go there reeks of desperation. from either party.

Thats exactly how Obama took the last mid-terms. Funny how clueless one can look when the obvious is staring you in the face and you ignore it. :eusa_whistle:

actually, gramps, your assessment is pretty silly...

try some real analysis. and remember that turner came close to unseating anthony weiner...
what are you talking about dude? are you serious?

I presidential election is comparable to a little HO-duck Congressional seat a week after a very emotional 9/11 weekend. *****face palm city*****.

If you are serious, you are sort of twisted honestly.

Yes im serious. If you cant see that an election speaks to the mindset of the people involved in the election then your lost.
Your attempt to blame this possible loss on 9/11 is pathetic
after this emotional weekend and all who is really going to vote? I would say no matter who wins this is no where near a test for 2012, to even go there reeks of desperation. from either party.

Thats exactly how Obama took the last mid-terms. Funny how clueless one can look when the obvious is staring you in the face and you ignore it. :eusa_whistle:

actually, gramps, your assessment is pretty silly...

try some real analysis. and remember that turner came close to unseating anthony weiner...

As I stated earlier I am unfamiliar with NY politics. Having said that with all the hate the left on here claims for the right and especially the tea party I woulda thought this election wouldnt be close. I think its close because of Obama. But I admit im on the outside looking in...
but who votes in these little ho-duck elections besides the hard core dyed in wool peeps? Its just no way to even for a second take a hint at 2012. I mean, be excited all you want, its your choice but to even try and make this about a election 14 month away is utterly a lesson in futility.
We are seeing Republicans loose in their districts as well. Much of the electorate is seething and angry in a non partisan way and wants change for its own sake.

even if they pick a wacko like turner....

fwiw, turner gave anthony weiner a run for his money in the last election and weprin doesn't have weiner's incumbancy status.

weprin is a good guy, though. he should win. if he doesn't it's ny's loss because the last thing ny needs right now is a tea party nutter who wants to cut money to schools.

OH the old tried and true for the children. Come on Jillian thats an old worn out record. You do not keep feeding a dying system you back up and make changes to fix it.

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