Democrats More Willing to Tell Lies than Republicans... New Study Shows


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
"A Party of Asses"

By Scott Rohter, July 2012

A little bit of insightful information was provided this morning by a very unlikely source, National Public Radio which is not necessarily known for its fairness in reporting the news. It appears that Democrats are more willing to tolerate their political leaders lying to them than Republicans are!... Isn't that interesting? That is what this new study showed. Now it's a proven fact backed up by actual scientific data, and not just the subject of intelligent speculation anymore! Democrats actually like liars better than Republicans do! In a recently released study broadcast over National Public Radio by their very own Ari Shapiro, NPR reported that members of the "Donkey Party" have now become full-fledged members of the "Jackass Party" or as I am wont to call them the "Dumbass Party". So you see, Democrats really do tell more lies in order to get elected than their Republican counterparts do!

Well, well, well. Isn't that interesting? Isn't that what we have all suspected for quite a long time,... that Democrats are liars, cheats, and crooks? And they will do just about anything to get elected including lie, cheat and steal! They will engage in vote buying and vote fraud too if it helps them win elections. Think of it. Is there any real difference between lying, cheating, or stealing? I don't think so! Anybody who is willing to lie, is also going to cheat and steal in order to win, and if they are being judged by their own Democrat piers, now it appears they have nothing at all to worry about. There is no one to blame them for anything! They are as it were, absolved of their guilt...

To read more of this article, or see photos and other related articles please visit my website

Democrats are More Willing to Tell Lies than Republicans ? Party of Asses
Democrats More Willing to Tell Lies than Republicans... New Study Shows

Yeah.....let's ignore.....

Yea, let's not laugh at a thread about ethics from the poster who brought us this gem:

What would you like Obama to do if he wins reelection?

"Put the business end of a revolver in his mouth and pull the trigger. "
"A Party of Asses"

By Scott Rohter, July 2012

A little bit of insightful information was provided this morning by a very unlikely source, National Public Radio which is not necessarily known for its fairness in reporting the news. It appears that Democrats are more willing to tolerate their political leaders lying to them than Republicans are!... Isn't that interesting? That is what this new study showed. Now it's a proven fact backed up by actual scientific data, and not just the subject of intelligent speculation anymore! Democrats actually like liars better than Republicans do! In a recently released study broadcast over National Public Radio by their very own Ari Shapiro, NPR reported that members of the "Donkey Party" have now become full-fledged members of the "Jackass Party" or as I am wont to call them the "Dumbass Party". So you see, Democrats really do tell more lies in order to get elected than their Republican counterparts do!

Well, well, well. Isn't that interesting? Isn't that what we have all suspected for quite a long time,... that Democrats are liars, cheats, and crooks? And they will do just about anything to get elected including lie, cheat and steal! They will engage in vote buying and vote fraud too if it helps them win elections. Think of it. Is there any real difference between lying, cheating, or stealing? I don't think so! Anybody who is willing to lie, is also going to cheat and steal in order to win, and if they are being judged by their own Democrat piers, now it appears they have nothing at all to worry about. There is no one to blame them for anything! They are as it were, absolved of their guilt...

To read more of this article, or see photos and other related articles please visit my website

Democrats are More Willing to Tell Lies than Republicans ? Party of Asses

Real unbiased "study"!!! Pat, you get dumber by the day. :cool:
"A Party of Asses"

By Scott Rohter, July 2012

A little bit of insightful information was provided this morning by a very unlikely source, National Public Radio which is not necessarily known for its fairness in reporting the news. It appears that Democrats are more willing to tolerate their political leaders lying to them than Republicans are!... Isn't that interesting? That is what this new study showed. Now it's a proven fact backed up by actual scientific data, and not just the subject of intelligent speculation anymore! Democrats actually like liars better than Republicans do! In a recently released study broadcast over National Public Radio by their very own Ari Shapiro, NPR reported that members of the "Donkey Party" have now become full-fledged members of the "Jackass Party" or as I am wont to call them the "Dumbass Party". So you see, Democrats really do tell more lies in order to get elected than their Republican counterparts do!

Well, well, well. Isn't that interesting? Isn't that what we have all suspected for quite a long time,... that Democrats are liars, cheats, and crooks? And they will do just about anything to get elected including lie, cheat and steal! They will engage in vote buying and vote fraud too if it helps them win elections. Think of it. Is there any real difference between lying, cheating, or stealing? I don't think so! Anybody who is willing to lie, is also going to cheat and steal in order to win, and if they are being judged by their own Democrat piers, now it appears they have nothing at all to worry about. There is no one to blame them for anything! They are as it were, absolved of their guilt...

To read more of this article, or see photos and other related articles please visit my website

Democrats are More Willing to Tell Lies than Republicans ? Party of Asses

Warnabrotha about links to Pelosis face

damn that woman is hard to look at.

All the props in the world to the man that wakes up to that everyday
From what I can tell about todays typical Rethug, If the guy they support is saying whatever, todays rethug would never question what is being said.

They think if it comes from a rethug, it is like from Gods mouth to their ear.

If the rethug lie is simply to big to swallow, todays rethugs have tried and true resposnes; Dems lie to.

Easier to just admit that all politicians lie to get elected. And go from there.

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