Democrats & Liberals need a wake up call STAT/ Big biz leaving the US

No dumbfuck...this is a day of reckoning for moronic libs who make it to damn costly to do business in America.
Keep on letting the illegals in,keep on fucking with business.

You know what? You morons wont change my life one bit,my retirement is set unless of course you drive the value of the dollar into the toilet.

I'm about two seconds away from pulling all my bucks from the economy and heading towards Belize where I can live for two or three thousand a month like a king for the next thirty years.

Fuck this country if libs keep running things. I'll be gone just like business.

See ya.:eusa_clap:

Yeah,you'll see me leave along with business and my mills I've saved for retirement.
Have fun,because anyone who has any wealth will be doing the same thing.
Why in the hell would anyone in their right mind stay and spend their money here when they can live so much better elsewhere?

How bout love of country you people are always going on about? Money grubbing hater dupes....funny how the non rich don't have any money after 30 years of Reaganism...see sig.

Yeah,you'll see me leave along with business and my mills I've saved for retirement.
Have fun,because anyone who has any wealth will be doing the same thing.
Why in the hell would anyone in their right mind stay and spend their money here when they can live so much better elsewhere?

But have a greater chance at getting a brain eating parasite from the local water...

Who the hell drinks the local water?
Many US corps pay 0-15% in taxes after deductions and write offs...Don't play me. I was a business owner/tax preparer... Self employed pay more because of SE tax @15.03%, and a general lack of how to play tax avoision....
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Yeah,you'll see me leave along with business and my mills I've saved for retirement.
Have fun,because anyone who has any wealth will be doing the same thing.
Why in the hell would anyone in their right mind stay and spend their money here when they can live so much better elsewhere?

But have a greater chance at getting a brain eating parasite from the local water...

Who the hell drinks the local water?

Local animals...

Yeah,you'll see me leave along with business and my mills I've saved for retirement.
Have fun,because anyone who has any wealth will be doing the same thing.
Why in the hell would anyone in their right mind stay and spend their money here when they can live so much better elsewhere?

How bout love of country you people are always going on about? Money grubbing hater dupes....funny how the non rich don't have any money after 30 years of Reaganism...see sig.

Oh I love my country all right. But I refuse to support a bunch of illegals and liberals because they dont represent my country. They represent the downfall of my country..why in the hell would I support that?
Leaving? Good, let me help you pack, and get the fuck out of my country you unpatriotic bastards, AKA good capitalists who don't give a Goddamn, and aren't required to. See how that works boys, and why maybe trying to say they have the answers to everything is BULLSHIT?

If you think avoiding paying high taxes is what makes people unpatriotic in America... You might be an idiot.
Yeah,you'll see me leave along with business and my mills I've saved for retirement.
Have fun,because anyone who has any wealth will be doing the same thing.
Why in the hell would anyone in their right mind stay and spend their money here when they can live so much better elsewhere?

How bout love of country you people are always going on about? Money grubbing hater dupes....funny how the non rich don't have any money after 30 years of Reaganism...see sig.

Oh I love my country all right. But I refuse to support a bunch of illegals and liberals because they dont represent my country. They represent the downfall of my country..why in the hell would I support that?

yep, I think a lot a people are tired of being piggy banks for everyone else in the country.
Many US corps pay 0-15% in taxes after deductions and write offs...Don't play me. I was a business owner/tax preparer... Self employed pay more because of SE tax @15.03%, and a general lack of how to play tax avoision....

Thats all well and good but what happens when someone is looking forward to their last payout for retirement and the libs want to take a huge portion of that in capital gains?
Thats bullshit,we aren't talking about a golden parachute here,were talking about benefits that were worked for for twenty plus years. The average worker doesnt get a life long pension like a fucken gov worker. We rely on hard work and a payout at the end. Then the gov wants to come along and steal a large portion of it.

Fuck the gov and the union cocksuckers! I worked for my money,why the hell should I get robbed when a union or gov worker gets theirs without all the taxes?

Fuck all libs and the lefty government. I'm fucken shooting sick of those pricks!!

They are following their fiduciary (L-E-G-A-L) mandate to maximize shareholder value.

If they do not follow their mandate, they can and will be sued by their shareholders.

It's the best they can do in what is clearly a hostile environment for business.


It's not at all hostile.

It should be.

The US should close the foreign investment (tax inversion) loophole asap.

And codify the loss of American Protection, the access to American Markets and the loss of American government contracts.

You'll see how fast these fucks come back to the US.

Interesting to behold.

Conservatives want to build a wall on the Southern Border to keep people OUT. Liberals go ape-shit about America becoming a prison-nation.

Liberals want to set up a Tax Wall to keep people and corporations locked into the US.

What's a prison, something that keeps people out or something that locks them within?

Liberalism - One sick practical joke being played on humanity.
And if you are talking about cutting them? You are talking about weakening the government.

You make that sound like some kind of bad thing.

How bout love of country you people are always going on about? Money grubbing hater dupes....funny how the non rich don't have any money after 30 years of Reaganism...see sig.

Oh I love my country all right. But I refuse to support a bunch of illegals and liberals because they dont represent my country. They represent the downfall of my country..why in the hell would I support that?

yep, I think a lot a people are tired of being piggy banks for everyone else in the country.

Spoiled rotten brat of a drama queen. A lot of people pay taxes and somehow manage to still be happy in their lives because they are not so self absorbed to think they deserve to have their cake and eat it too.
Many US corps pay 0-15% in taxes after deductions and write offs...Don't play me. I was a business owner/tax preparer... Self employed pay more because of SE tax @15.03%, and a general lack of how to play tax avoision....

Thats all well and good but what happens when someone is looking forward to their last payout for retirement and the libs want to take a huge portion of that in capital gains?
Thats bullshit,we aren't talking about a golden parachute here,were talking about benefits that were worked for for twenty plus years. The average worker doesnt get a life long pension like a fucken gov worker. We rely on hard work and a payout at the end. Then the gov wants to come along and steal a large portion of it.

Fuck the gov and the union cocksuckers! I worked for my money,why the hell should I get robbed when a union or gov worker gets theirs without all the taxes?

Fuck all libs and the lefty government. I'm fucken shooting sick of those pricks!!

Is that like a semen overdose? Vomiting, ie, shooting sick,,,from those pricks(unless you mean poisonous vine needles)

I invested my nest egg in real estate. tripled in 3 years and the tax burden when you want out is easier than capital gains...the next step is ag futures.It's like gambling but I actually win at this game, and betting during football season..
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Leaving? Good, let me help you pack, and get the fuck out of my country you unpatriotic bastards, AKA good capitalists who don't give a Goddamn, and aren't required to. See how that works boys, and why maybe trying to say they have the answers to everything is BULLSHIT?

Yep. They'll take advantage of the US tax payer but they're ot willing to bgive anything back. Good for President Obama for getting this out in the open and pushing for fair taxes. The Rs can fight it but as usual, they're on the wrong side of history.

It's a lot more complicated than corporate tax rates, because we have the lowest EFFECTIVE tax rates in the modern world...

Definition of 'Corporate Inversion'

Re-incorporating a company overseas in order to reduce the tax burden on income earned abroad. Corporate inversion as a strategy is used by companies that receive a significant portion of their income from foreign sources, since that income is taxed both abroad and in the country of incorporation. Companies undertaking this strategy are likely to select a country that has lower tax rates and less stringent corporate governance requirements.

Investopedia explains 'Corporate Inversion'

Corporate inversion is one of the many strategies companies employ to reduce their tax burden. One way that a company can re-incorporate abroad is by having a foreign company buy its current operations. Assets are then owned by the foreign company, and the old incorporation is dissolved.

For example, take a manufacturing company that incorporated itself in the United States in the 1950s. For years the majority of its revenue came from U.S. sales, but recently the percentage of sales coming from abroad has grown. Income from abroad is taxed in the United States, and U.S. tax credits do not cover all taxes that the company has to pay abroad. As the percentage of sales coming from foreign operations grows relative to domestic operations, the company will find itself paying more U.S. taxes because of where it incorporated. If it incorporates abroad, it can bypass having to pay higher U.S. taxes on income that is not generated in the United States. This is a corporate inversion.

Corporate inversion is not considered tax evasion as long as it doesn’t involve misrepresenting information on a tax return or undertaking illegal activities to hide profits.''

As far as why people are retiring to 3rd world countries, see "Reaganism wrecking the non rich"...see sig.

Sounds like tax rates need to be fixed to do something about inversionas well as the bloated megarich and the struggling nonrich....
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Oh I love my country all right. But I refuse to support a bunch of illegals and liberals because they dont represent my country. They represent the downfall of my country..why in the hell would I support that?

yep, I think a lot a people are tired of being piggy banks for everyone else in the country.

Spoiled rotten brat of a drama queen. A lot of people pay taxes and somehow manage to still be happy in their lives because they are not so self absorbed to think they deserve to have their cake and eat it too.

[MENTION=1668]Stephanie[/MENTION] lives off government assistance so what else would we expect?
when he say's weakening the guberment he means they won't have enough for all the people in line waiting for their handouts
Oh I love my country all right. But I refuse to support a bunch of illegals and liberals because they dont represent my country. They represent the downfall of my country..why in the hell would I support that?

yep, I think a lot a people are tired of being piggy banks for everyone else in the country.

Spoiled rotten brat of a drama queen. A lot of people pay taxes and somehow manage to still be happy in their lives because they are not so self absorbed to think they deserve to have their cake and eat it too.

Fuck off lib. The wife and I put in over 70 years of work and we dont have pensions. We rely on the payout at the end for our retirement and obammy wants to take damn near half of it. FUCK YOU!!
Come tell me to my face the wife and I dont deserve all we've worked for and see what happens....I promise you wont see the outside of a hospital for at least a month.
yep, I think a lot a people are tired of being piggy banks for everyone else in the country.

Spoiled rotten brat of a drama queen. A lot of people pay taxes and somehow manage to still be happy in their lives because they are not so self absorbed to think they deserve to have their cake and eat it too.

Fuck off lib. The wife and I put in over 70 years of work and we dont have pensions. We rely on the payout at the end for our retirement and obammy wants to take damn near half of it. FUCK YOU!!
Come tell me to my face the wife and I dont deserve all we've worked for and see what happens....I promise you wont see the outside of a hospital for at least a month.

Wow empty threats and and extreme drama queenery. Turn it down a notch or two, your stupid belligerence makes me happy that your self-induced stress will kill you long before you retire.
Many US corps pay 0-15% in taxes after deductions and write offs...Don't play me. I was a business owner/tax preparer... Self employed pay more because of SE tax @15.03%, and a general lack of how to play tax avoision....

Thats all well and good but what happens when someone is looking forward to their last payout for retirement and the libs want to take a huge portion of that in capital gains?
Thats bullshit,we aren't talking about a golden parachute here,were talking about benefits that were worked for for twenty plus years. The average worker doesnt get a life long pension like a fucken gov worker. We rely on hard work and a payout at the end. Then the gov wants to come along and steal a large portion of it.

Fuck the gov and the union cocksuckers! I worked for my money,why the hell should I get robbed when a union or gov worker gets theirs without all the taxes?

Fuck all libs and the lefty government. I'm fucken shooting sick of those pricks!!

Is that like a semen overdose? Vomiting, ie, shooting sick,,,from those pricks(unless you mean poisonous vine needles)

I invested my nest egg in real estate. tripled in 3 years and the tax burden when you want out is easier than capital gains...the next step is ag futures.It's like gambling but I actually win at this game, and betting during football season..

Not sure how many dicks you've sucked to be worried about an overdose but you might want to stop sucking if it's a worry.

Not sure what you consider a nice payout,but if it doesnt approach 5 or 6 mill I dont consider it worth my time.
Oh I love my country all right. But I refuse to support a bunch of illegals and liberals because they dont represent my country. They represent the downfall of my country..why in the hell would I support that?

yep, I think a lot a people are tired of being piggy banks for everyone else in the country.

Spoiled rotten brat of a drama queen. A lot of people pay taxes and somehow manage to still be happy in their lives because they are not so self absorbed to think they deserve to have their cake and eat it too.

lol, you calling other's self absorbed...HOW was it while occupying other's people property. You think that was being a snotty ass self absorbed brat. go to hell what I do, what I have and if I'm happy or not is none of your fucking business you bitter old bag of bones...
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