Democrats letting violent gun offenders out of jail is why we have gun crime, Chicago anyone?

This is why we have gun crime in the United we have violent gun offenders let out of jail because they are put on ankle monitors.....and then they slip the ankle monitors and disappear....

Guy, we lock up 2 million people.

View attachment 193744

View attachment 193745

If locking them up was the answer, we'd be there.

On the other hand, all those commie socialist countries that don't lock lots of people up also don't hae anywhere near our gun crime... because civilians can't own guns.

This isn't complicated.

They are letting them back out......that is the issue, not locking them up. These guys are violent gun offenders on repeat offenses and they let them back out on the street. These are the guys who are actually using guns to shoot people, not John and Jane Q. Citizen.

Those socialist countries have different cultures and suffered through Feudalism, World War 1 and World War 2...and now they are catching up to our country....we are past our most violent phase, they are entering theirs...our gun murder rate has gone down 49%...our gun crime rate has gone down 75%...their gun crime rate is now going up....
Even morons know that except for Chicago, Illinois is mostly a red farm state.
And even morons know that Cook County is obviously liberal Chicongo if the black/latino faces in the video (the perps) didn't give it away.
Chicago is about half white and half everyone else.

Chicago named among safest cities in the world

Chicago ranked one of worlds safest cities Crain's Chicago Business

How did Chicago — yes, that Chicago — rank as one of the world’s safest cities?

Republicans are liars. These are racist a$$wipes that insisted the former president was born in Kenya.
And now they elected one of the world's biggest liars.
That's who they are. Lying is what they do. Who they are.
dean do democrats ever lie?.....
Even morons know that except for Chicago, Illinois is mostly a red farm state.

You can go a mile outside Chicago and buy all the guns you want.

Illinois Gun Shows

Check it out. How many gun shows do you see talking place in Chicago?
How many?
I can't hear you.

None....since they don't even allow gun stores...but that is where all the gun crime is happening, not out in the Red Farm country where they have all the guns..........see the problem? It isn't gun owners, it is criminals....until you guys understand that, the gun murder problem will not be dealt with...but that works for you, you need dead people...
And no factual, objective evidence that it was Dems that put the criminals on monitor release.
Gee...Cook County, Chicago, high black/hispanic population, democratic mayors since the 1930s, 4-5 faces shown in the video are all blacks/hispanics. Hmmm...I wonder if it's democrat or republican policies that are responsible...
Prove the were Dems. Hint: you can't.
You want a link to the party affiliation of the majority of the leaders?
I want to see the voter registration cards of the judges that are letting them out on monitor release.

I am simply tired of far right and alt right fake news lying.
Even morons know that except for Chicago, Illinois is mostly a red farm state.
And even morons know that Cook County is obviously liberal Chicongo if the black/latino faces in the video (the perps) didn't give it away.
Chicago is about half white and half everyone else.
Unlike the rest of the country, where whites make up a much bigger percent and blacks make up a much smaller one.
Yeah, if you compare it to mostly black or mostly latino cities in places like latin America!
And no factual, objective evidence that it was Dems that put the criminals on monitor release.
Gee...Cook County, Chicago, high black/hispanic population, democratic mayors since the 1930s, 4-5 faces shown in the video are all blacks/hispanics. Hmmm...I wonder if it's democrat or republican policies that are responsible...
Prove the were Dems. Hint: you can't.
You want a link to the party affiliation of the majority of the leaders?
I want to see the voter registration cards of the judges that are letting them out on monitor release.

I am simply tired of far right and alt right fake news lying.
Yeah, it's probably racist republican KKK members letting the blacks out of prison! :21:
And no factual, objective evidence that it was Dems that put the criminals on monitor release.
Gee...Cook County, Chicago, high black/hispanic population, democratic mayors since the 1930s, 4-5 faces shown in the video are all blacks/hispanics. Hmmm...I wonder if it's democrat or republican policies that are responsible...
Prove the were Dems. Hint: you can't.
You want a link to the party affiliation of the majority of the leaders?
I want to see the voter registration cards of the judges that are letting them out on monitor release.

I am simply tired of far right and alt right fake news lying.
Yeah, it's probably racist republican KKK members letting the blacks out of prison! :21:
Alt Right confusion as usual. Show us the voter registration cards, or admit you are making it up.
Gee...Cook County, Chicago, high black/hispanic population, democratic mayors since the 1930s, 4-5 faces shown in the video are all blacks/hispanics. Hmmm...I wonder if it's democrat or republican policies that are responsible...
Prove the were Dems. Hint: you can't.
You want a link to the party affiliation of the majority of the leaders?
I want to see the voter registration cards of the judges that are letting them out on monitor release.

I am simply tired of far right and alt right fake news lying.
Yeah, it's probably racist republican KKK members letting the blacks out of prison! :21:
Alt Right confusion as usual. Show us the voter registration cards, or admit you are making it up.
Voter registration cards? The city is run by democrats you moron! Are you saying the democrat leaders of the city are registered republicans?
This is why we have gun crime in the United we have violent gun offenders let out of jail because they are put on ankle monitors.....and then they slip the ankle monitors and disappear....

Guy, we lock up 2 million people.

View attachment 193744

View attachment 193745

If locking them up was the answer, we'd be there.

On the other hand, all those commie socialist countries that don't lock lots of people up also don't hae anywhere near our gun crime... because civilians can't own guns.

This isn't complicated.

Other countries don’t play games with prisoners, no TV, workout benches, basketball.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
bgrouse, if you can't offer factual, objective evidence, your claim is hot air.
If locking them up was the answer, we'd be there.

On the other hand, all those commie socialist countries that don't lock lots of people...
...can actually afford to do so since they don't have as many violent, criminal blacks and latinos in their countries.
They are letting them back out......that is the issue, not locking them up. These guys are violent gun offenders on repeat offenses and they let them back out on the street. These are the guys who are actually using guns to shoot people, not John and Jane Q. Citizen.

Um, no. Most gun deaths are suicides, domestic violence and accidents.

Frankly, I've known three people who've died by gun violence. Two suicides and one domestic violence case.. none had 'criminal records".

Those socialist countries have different cultures and suffered through Feudalism, World War 1 and World War 2...and now they are catching up to our country....we are past our most violent phase, they are entering theirs...our gun murder rate has gone down 49%...our gun crime rate has gone down 75%...their gun crime rate is now going up....

Guy, our gun death rate has remained pretty consistent.


The only "difference" is those countries don't have gun cultures of nuts giving guns to other nuts.
Other countries don’t play games with prisoners, no TV, workout benches, basketball.

Wrong again. If anything, European Prisons are more humane than ours.

This is prison? 60 Minutes goes to Germany

In Germany, prison isn't meant to punish, it's designed to mirror normal life as much as possible. Among the privileges enjoyed by German prisoners: immaculate facilities, organized sports, video games and keys to their own cells. Inmates can wear street clothes and can freely decorate their own cells -- keeping all sorts of household objects that American prison guards might consider dangerous. Prisoners who demonstrate good behavior can even leave prison for work or weekend getaways. Average Americans may balk at this level of freedom for convicted criminals, but prisons in Germany cost less and produce far fewer repeat offenders than U.S. prisons. Bill Whitaker reports on a corrections concept that may shock Americans but could offer solutions for the troubled U.S. system. His story will be broadcast on 60 Minutes, Sun, April 3 at 7 p.m. ET/PT.
bgrouse, if you can't offer factual, objective evidence, your claim is hot air.
Look at the history of the mayors of Chicago: Mayor of Chicago - Wikipedia See a pattern? And look at the council: Chicago City Council - Wikipedia See anything?
They don't work in the court system. See what I mean?
Judges decide sentences based on laws written by whom? Judges are elected by people who also happened to vote for whom?

See what I mean?
They are letting them back out......that is the issue, not locking them up. These guys are violent gun offenders on repeat offenses and they let them back out on the street. These are the guys who are actually using guns to shoot people, not John and Jane Q. Citizen.

Um, no. Most gun deaths are suicides, domestic violence and accidents.

Frankly, I've known three people who've died by gun violence. Two suicides and one domestic violence case.. none had 'criminal records".

Those socialist countries have different cultures and suffered through Feudalism, World War 1 and World War 2...and now they are catching up to our country....we are past our most violent phase, they are entering theirs...our gun murder rate has gone down 49%...our gun crime rate has gone down 75%...their gun crime rate is now going up....

Guy, our gun death rate has remained pretty consistent.


The only "difference" is those countries don't have gun cultures of nuts giving guns to other nuts.

Those other countries are now having more and more gun crime......after they banned guns...our gun crime rate dropped 75% as more Americans own and carry guns...and our gun murder rate dropped 49% as more Americans own and carry guns......

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Laugh all you want. The correlation between blacks/hispanics and violent crime is undeniable.

Dumb racists are always to be laughed at.

Those other countries are now having more and more gun crime......

yes, yes, your tiresome NRA talking points, which probably fools the rednecks inbreds who've never been outside their own states, much less another country.

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