Democrats Leave Jeff Van Drew

mmm ..I guess Jeff didn't appreciate Nancy's/Democratic Party gestapo tactics on impeachment/patriotism and the Christian faith ..

(big tent shrinkage) ..pragmatic and common sense Democrats need not apply, that PARTY has left you .. :)


Who is Jeff Van Pelt?

He's a back bencher and you can't even get his name right.
mmm ..I guess Jeff didn't appreciate Nancy's/Democratic Party gestapo tactics on impeachment/patriotism and the Christian faith ..

(big tent shrinkage) ..pragmatic and common sense Democrats need not apply, that PARTY has left you .. :)



Is he Putin's brother?
There is a resemblance.


mmm ..I guess Jeff didn't appreciate Nancy's/Democratic Party gestapo tactics on impeachment/patriotism and the Christian faith ..

(big tent shrinkage) ..pragmatic and common sense Democrats need not apply, that PARTY has left you .. :)



Is he Putin's brother?
There is a resemblance.



talk about resemblance.. and grumpy George Soros puppets

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President Trump speaks to the press after being impeached by the House Dems, and Jeff Van Drew explains why he switched to the Republican Party.....Listen and learn all you ABNORMALS!!

"I didnt leave my party, my party left me"

But what do you care, he's white

What I don't care about is phony performance art and an utterly corrupt political system set up to serve the donor class at the expense of society at large.

So .. why don't you move to where you'd be far more comfortable, just wondering and also, where would that be?

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