Democrats Hold Sessions Learning How To Talk To Regular People


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Priceless.....the "Party of the People" has a serious people problem. :lmao:

Democratic members of Congress are learning how to converse with regular people during a retreat this week to prepare to battle President Donald Trump.

Several liberal speakers-including political operative David Brock, Center for American Progress CEO Neera Tanden, and Priorities USA CEO Guy Cecil-were scheduled to speak to Democratic lawmakers in Sheperdstown, W.Va. on Thursday, Politico reported.

Sen. Joe Manchin (D., W.Va.) moderated an earlier session described as a "discussion with Trump voters," according to a draft schedule of the retreat that Politico obtained. Many of the events were geared toward understanding Trump voters and how to convert them to support Democrats in 2018.

Hey want to covert Trump voters? Stop denying science ("Global Warming" has been proven a scam). Stop denying biology (chromosomes dictate your gender - not mental illness). Stop denying what the U.S. Constitution says. And most of all - stop insisting that sexual deviants suffering from mental illness have the right to shower and pee with my wife and daughters. Once you reverse course on your radicalized, bat-shit crazy ideology, voters will stop rejecting you in record numbers.

Democrats Hold Sessions Learning How to Talk to Regular People
Check it out. It's almost as if the Trump-thugs are all blindly parroting the same propaganda.

Are you a "Real Person" and can Democrats Learn to Talk to You

Oh wait. Nothing 'almost' about it. It's what they do, get fed propaganda and then all run to message boards, hoping to be the first to repeat it. (P@triot, you were too slow. No cult brownie points for you.)

Then, after repeated displays of such lemminglike behavior, they'll all declare, in perfect unison, that Soros is paying the robot-like Democrats to all say the same thing.
Check it out. It's almost as if the Trump-thugs are all blindly parroting the same propaganda.

Are you a "Real Person" and can Democrats Learn to Talk to You

Oh wait. Nothing 'almost' about it. It's what they do, get fed propaganda and then all run to message boards, hoping to be the first to repeat it. (P@triot, you were too slow. No cult brownie points for you.)

Then, after repeated displays of such lemminglike behavior, they'll all declare, in perfect unison, that Soros is paying the robot-like Democrats to all say the same thing.
Propaganda?!? So you're denying this actually happened? :uhh:
Check it out. It's almost as if the Trump-thugs are all blindly parroting the same propaganda.

Are you a "Real Person" and can Democrats Learn to Talk to You

Oh wait. Nothing 'almost' about it. It's what they do, get fed propaganda and then all run to message boards, hoping to be the first to repeat it. (P@triot, you were too slow. No cult brownie points for you.)

Then, after repeated displays of such lemminglike behavior, they'll all declare, in perfect unison, that Soros is paying the robot-like Democrats to all say the same thing.
Check it out....looks like little mammy is mortified that her party is so inept, they need lessons on how to talk to people. :lmao:
Have they got any real people coming to talk to them, or is it just Loons, Pinheads, and Grievance-Mongers trying to figure it out for themselves?
Check it out. It's almost as if the Trump-thugs are all blindly parroting the same propaganda.

Are you a "Real Person" and can Democrats Learn to Talk to You

Oh wait. Nothing 'almost' about it. It's what they do, get fed propaganda and then all run to message boards, hoping to be the first to repeat it. (P@triot, you were too slow. No cult brownie points for you.)

Then, after repeated displays of such lemminglike behavior, they'll all declare, in perfect unison, that Soros is paying the robot-like Democrats to all say the same thing.
Again! Nothing to add to the discussion but ad hominim attacks.
'Democrats Hold Sessions Learning How To Talk To Regular People'

Kind of makes a person wonder who is caged in a zoo, and who the spectators are.
Check it out. It's almost as if the Trump-thugs are all blindly parroting the same propaganda.

Are you a "Real Person" and can Democrats Learn to Talk to You

Oh wait. Nothing 'almost' about it. It's what they do, get fed propaganda and then all run to message boards, hoping to be the first to repeat it. (P@triot, you were too slow. No cult brownie points for you.)

Then, after repeated displays of such lemminglike behavior, they'll all declare, in perfect unison, that Soros is paying the robot-like Democrats to all say the same thing.
Check it out....looks like little mammy is mortified that her party is so inept, they need lessons on how to talk to people. :lmao:
Osama, Obama, and Yo' Mama

Is that like when Sistah Hillarapper put on blackface and drawled a Negro Spiritual?
Again! Nothing to add to the discussion but ad hominim attacks.

I'll be happy to talk about the rank hypocrisy of the billionaire's party calling the Democrats elitists.

Would any of you billionaire suckups like to discuss your hypocrisy?

"You tell 'em, Buckwheat!"
Check it out. It's almost as if the Trump-thugs are all blindly parroting the same propaganda.

Are you a "Real Person" and can Democrats Learn to Talk to You

Oh wait. Nothing 'almost' about it. It's what they do, get fed propaganda and then all run to message boards, hoping to be the first to repeat it. (P@triot, you were too slow. No cult brownie points for you.)

Then, after repeated displays of such lemminglike behavior, they'll all declare, in perfect unison, that Soros is paying the robot-like Democrats to all say the same thing.
Again! Nothing to add to the discussion but ad hominim attacks.
She's been a little butt-hurt every since Donald Trump bent her over and made a playground out of her... :lol:
Priceless.....the "Party of the People" has a serious people problem. :lmao:

Democratic members of Congress are learning how to converse with regular people during a retreat this week to prepare to battle President Donald Trump.

Several liberal speakers-including political operative David Brock, Center for American Progress CEO Neera Tanden, and Priorities USA CEO Guy Cecil-were scheduled to speak to Democratic lawmakers in Sheperdstown, W.Va. on Thursday, Politico reported.

Sen. Joe Manchin (D., W.Va.) moderated an earlier session described as a "discussion with Trump voters," according to a draft schedule of the retreat that Politico obtained. Many of the events were geared toward understanding Trump voters and how to convert them to support Democrats in 2018.

Hey want to covert Trump voters? Stop denying science ("Global Warming" has been proven a scam). Stop denying biology (chromosomes dictate your gender - not mental illness). Stop denying what the U.S. Constitution says. And most of all - stop insisting that sexual deviants suffering from mental illness have the right to shower and pee with my wife and daughters. Once you reverse course on your radicalized, bat-shit crazy ideology, voters will stop rejecting you in record numbers.

Democrats Hold Sessions Learning How to Talk to Regular People
Lesson one: Don't call them deplorable
Lesson two: Don't talk about them being Bible clinging gun nuts.
Lesson three: STFU
Lesson one: Don't call them deplorable
Lesson two: Don't talk about them being Bible clinging gun nuts.
Lesson three: STFU
Lesson four: Stop mocking the U.S. Constitution
Lesson five: Stop acting like fascists (respect the limitation of powers)
Lesson four: Stop mocking the U.S. Constitution

Says the guy who literally doesn't care about the emoluments clause.

Lesson five: Stop acting like fascists (respect the limitation of powers)

Says the fascist who says Trump can ignore any court order he doesn't like. Obama never did that. We respect separation of powers, and you proudly shit on the concept. You suck as an American.

We're proud of Obama's record of never having the SC strike down one of his EO's on constitutional grounds. Yes, you'll lie about that. If you want to post the lie again. I'll be happy to humiliate your bitch ass again.

Seriously, why do you think you can rape the Constitution and not have loyal Americans oppose you? I took a sacred oath to defend the Constitution. I'm not going to lie back and let you shit on it.
Again! Nothing to add to the discussion but ad hominim attacks.

I'll be happy to talk about the rank hypocrisy of the billionaire's party calling the Democrats elitists.

Would any of you billionaire suckups like to discuss your hypocrisy?
When we call your sorry asses elitists, it has nothing to do with bank accounts.It's about perception of privilege.Democrat elitists seem to feel that the rules don't apply to them.
Exhibit A woman who tried to destroy the reputations of women raped or sexually abused by her husband was all over a man who had a conversation about grabbing pussy. You spoke of hypocrisy? well, I think you're way the fuck behind. Please try to catch up.
Check it out. It's almost as if the Trump-thugs are all blindly parroting the same propaganda.

Are you a "Real Person" and can Democrats Learn to Talk to You

Oh wait. Nothing 'almost' about it. It's what they do, get fed propaganda and then all run to message boards, hoping to be the first to repeat it. (P@triot, you were too slow. No cult brownie points for you.)

Then, after repeated displays of such lemminglike behavior, they'll all declare, in perfect unison, that Soros is paying the robot-like Democrats to all say the same thing.
Again! Nothing to add to the discussion but ad hominim attacks.
She's been a little butt-hurt every since Donald Trump bent her over and made a playground out of her... :lol:
I've noticed. But nothing has really changed. She rarely speaks on the subject, instead resorting to ad hominim attacks. When someone points that out, she doubles down. She's been well trained by her Liberal plantation owners.
Democrats Hold Sessions Learning How To Talk To Regular People

That's precious.

It'll be like teaching a person blind from birth, what color is.

They'll never, ever, ever get it.


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