Democrats = failed ideas, still running against bush

And Cons have no ideas at all.

I'm going to give you some news that you seem to not be aware of,or you are..:cuckoo:
The GOP is not in power now.Obama won the election and the Dems are in the majority.
Sorry to be so cruel but you are saying foolish things here and I'm just trying to be helpful
to a DEM who needs it.:lol:

which means what? that you don't have to have any ideas beyond the pathetic ones that got us to where the economy imploded?


I already said that they don't differ...other than Financial reform and ObamCare. What more would you like?

so it doesn't bother you when obama says "bush's policies drove us in to the ditch, mine are getting us out"

Evidently no.
Why? Because he is a politican and they all lie.
Can't help it that some people are naive and though that he was actually going to usher in "hope and change". When in fact...he's "more of the same."
Since you bring it up, what exactly do you think Obama is trying to do?

Anyone who thinks Obama is in the White House with good intentions should get smacked around with a Louisville Slugger

Do you have anything original to add to this board?

We already have an adequate supply of "Obama is evil" posters
I already said that they don't differ...other than Financial reform and ObamCare. What more would you like?

so it doesn't bother you when obama says "bush's policies drove us in to the ditch, mine are getting us out"

Evidently no.
Why? Because he is a politican and they all lie.
Can't help it that some people are naive and though that he was actually going to usher in "hope and change". When in fact...he's "more of the same."

you're right. i can't believe how stupid all those young people and minorities were when they actually believed obama was going to be any different. maybe they're the ones who should have been drug tested.
Since you bring it up, what exactly do you think Obama is trying to do?

Anyone who thinks Obama is in the White House with good intentions should get smacked around with a Louisville Slugger

Do you have anything original to add to this board?

We already have an adequate supply of "Obama is evil" posters

We have an adequate supply of "Obama--Greatest President Ever" posters here too. But that doesn't stop you from posting.
Anyone who thinks Obama is in the White House with good intentions should get smacked around with a Louisville Slugger

Do you have anything original to add to this board?

We already have an adequate supply of "Obama is evil" posters

We have an adequate supply of "Obama--Greatest President Ever" posters here too. But that doesn't stop you from posting.

I never said "Greatest President Ever"

I said he will be a "Top 10 Presidents of ALL TIME"
Do you have anything original to add to this board?

We already have an adequate supply of "Obama is evil" posters

We have an adequate supply of "Obama--Greatest President Ever" posters here too. But that doesn't stop you from posting.

I never said "Greatest President Ever"

I said he will be a "Top 10 Presidents of ALL TIME"

he will go down as one of the top 10 mongrel presidents of all time.

no doubt.
Do you have anything original to add to this board?

We already have an adequate supply of "Obama is evil" posters

We have an adequate supply of "Obama--Greatest President Ever" posters here too. But that doesn't stop you from posting.

I never said "Greatest President Ever"

I said he will be a "Top 10 Presidents of ALL TIME" can not be serious.
The man is an average POTUS at best.
so it doesn't bother you when obama says "bush's policies drove us in to the ditch, mine are getting us out"

Evidently no.
Why? Because he is a politican and they all lie.
Can't help it that some people are naive and though that he was actually going to usher in "hope and change". When in fact...he's "more of the same."

you're right. i can't believe how stupid all those young people and minorities were when they actually believed obama was going to be any different. maybe they're the ones who should have been drug tested.

Well I am at least glad that they are finally getting a clue as to what this man is...just another big business/big pharma ass kisser.

I am hoping that he does not run in 2012...
Anyone who thinks Obama is in the White House with good intentions should get smacked around with a Louisville Slugger

Do you have anything original to add to this board?

We already have an adequate supply of "Obama is evil" posters

If you don't like what I have to say then ignore my posts asshole.


Have you provided anything memorable?

Take some chances, provide some original thoughts. Don't fall into the nonsense provided by most right wing posters.



The differences between Obama and Bush are as vast as the differences between Republicans (90% white and mostly Christian) and the Democrats (everyone else).

First off, Bush didn't include the cost of either war in any of his budgets. That's 3 trillion right off the bat. Second, Bush didn't include the cost of the unpaid for "Drugs for Votes" bill costing 1.3 trillion (more about that later). And finally, Bush didn't include the cost of his unpaid for 2.4 trillion dollar tax break for the rich.

By my count, that's 6.7 trillion Bush left off his budget. He had to know it. It's why they were left off the budget.

Obama presented the first REAL budget, with everything in it, for the first time in 9 years. This is why the deficit exploded. It was always there, just hidden. Ask a Republican, "If Obama spent so much money, what did he spend it on?" The banks have paid back. The auto companies have paid back.

What's left is Bush's false budget and the Republicans ruined economy.

The jobs bill signed into law today was paid for by closing loopholes corporations were using to move jobs overseas. This was confirmed by the CBO.

The Health Care bill, cost 900 billion dollars, but will bring down the deficit by 130 billion over 10 years. On the other hand, the Republican drug bill, they passed only to get votes from seniors, cost 1.3 trillion right off the bat and the CBO has said it could cost anywhere from 3 to 7 trillion.

And speaking of the health care bill, here's a link so you can read it. I've found that when Republicans can bring themselves to get passed the lies and the propaganda and actually start reading and thinking, they become, gasp, "liberals".

It may be two thousand pages, but once you start, it's fascinating. You can't stop.

The first thing out of a conservatives mouth is, "Democrats had both houses during the last two years of the Bush Administration". Yea, in the senate by a vote of 49 to 49 with two independents. So when conservatives say, "Democrats had ALL the power", it's just another in a long, long list of lies. You can always see that one coming. Best to get it out of the way early.
Anyone who thinks Obama is in the White House with good intentions should get smacked around with a Louisville Slugger

Do you have anything original to add to this board?

We already have an adequate supply of "Obama is evil" posters

We have an adequate supply of "Obama--Greatest President Ever" posters here too. But that doesn't stop you from posting.

Just who on here thinks that Obnama is the greatest president ever?



The differences between Obama and Bush are as vast as the differences between Republicans (90% white and mostly Christian) and the Democrats (everyone else).

First off, Bush didn't include the cost of either war in any of his budgets. That's 3 trillion right off the bat. Second, Bush didn't include the cost of the unpaid for "Drugs for Votes" bill costing 1.3 trillion (more about that later). And finally, Bush didn't include the cost of his unpaid for 2.4 trillion dollar tax break for the rich.

By my count, that's 6.7 trillion Bush left off his budget. He had to know it. It's why they were left off the budget.

Obama presented the first REAL budget, with everything in it, for the first time in 9 years. This is why the deficit exploded. It was always there, just hidden. Ask a Republican, "If Obama spent so much money, what did he spend it on?" The banks have paid back. The auto companies have paid back.

What's left is Bush's false budget and the Republicans ruined economy.

The jobs bill signed into law today was paid for by closing loopholes corporations were using to move jobs overseas. This was confirmed by the CBO.

The Health Care bill, cost 900 billion dollars, but will bring down the deficit by 130 billion over 10 years. On the other hand, the Republican drug bill, they passed only to get votes from seniors, cost 1.3 trillion right off the bat and the CBO has said it could cost anywhere from 3 to 7 trillion.

And speaking of the health care bill, here's a link so you can read it. I've found that when Republicans can bring themselves to get passed the lies and the propaganda and actually start reading and thinking, they become, gasp, "liberals".

It may be two thousand pages, but once you start, it's fascinating. You can't stop.

The first thing out of a conservatives mouth is, "Democrats had both houses during the last two years of the Bush Administration". Yea, in the senate by a vote of 49 to 49 with two independents. So when conservatives say, "Democrats had ALL the power", it's just another in a long, long list of lies. You can always see that one coming. Best to get it out of the way early.

so what you're saying is, obama didn't have a stimulus bill, didn't increase spending, didn't have tax cuts, didn't have bailouts?

didn't the cbo revise their cost estimates of obamare up by 115 billion, pushing it over 1 trillion?

let me ask you this. why did they only decide to close the loopholes when they wanted to spend more money? if that was such a great way to save money, why not do it before?
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Democrats = Failed Ideas.
Republicans = Failed Ideas.
Libertarians = pipe dreaming republicans.
We is up da creek folks.
Sorry Jillian.

Your opinion...and certainly directly contrasting of mine.

As I see it, you partisan hatred for Bush seems to be allowing you to express opinion as fact.

Me? I did not like Bush at all, but I also recognized what he did and what he tried to do. But he never tried to manipulate the thinking of the peop[le in my eyes.

Obama? The man is an outright liar. No ifs and or buts about it. He has you believing he tried to be bi-partisan...and all he has are words....but no proof that the GOP would not work with him. He uses his gift of gab to fool people into thinking he says one thing when in fact he is saying another. Thay is why Gibbs is continually saying "look at the record, he never said that"

And you are a birght woamn...and you fell for it.

Obama is good...real good at fooling people and one day you will wake up and say "what the fu@#"

Totally agree.

OL'BO fooled a lot of folks. Folks who took him at face value. They believed everything coming out of his mouth. He had an agenda and still does.

If the media hadn't been in the tank for him, with the exception of FOX, then folks might have gotten a better view of what he is. They certainly should have gotten an unbiased look at him.

OL'BO is a shyster, a flim flam man and he's damned good at it and loads of folks bought his act hook, line and sinker.

As for Bush well I liked him just fine his first term. He was the right man in the right place at the right time on 9-11 and he and his Administration kept this country safe for 7 years.

Second term was a disaster.

lol... of course you agree... you haven't had an independent thought in your life.


Like your such a fountain of independant thought. LMAO
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The differences between Obama and Bush are as vast as the differences between Republicans (90% white and mostly Christian) and the Democrats (everyone else).

First off, Bush didn't include the cost of either war in any of his budgets. That's 3 trillion right off the bat. Second, Bush didn't include the cost of the unpaid for "Drugs for Votes" bill costing 1.3 trillion (more about that later). And finally, Bush didn't include the cost of his unpaid for 2.4 trillion dollar tax break for the rich.

By my count, that's 6.7 trillion Bush left off his budget. He had to know it. It's why they were left off the budget.

Obama presented the first REAL budget, with everything in it, for the first time in 9 years. This is why the deficit exploded. It was always there, just hidden. Ask a Republican, "If Obama spent so much money, what did he spend it on?" The banks have paid back. The auto companies have paid back.

What's left is Bush's false budget and the Republicans ruined economy.

The jobs bill signed into law today was paid for by closing loopholes corporations were using to move jobs overseas. This was confirmed by the CBO.

The Health Care bill, cost 900 billion dollars, but will bring down the deficit by 130 billion over 10 years. On the other hand, the Republican drug bill, they passed only to get votes from seniors, cost 1.3 trillion right off the bat and the CBO has said it could cost anywhere from 3 to 7 trillion.

And speaking of the health care bill, here's a link so you can read it. I've found that when Republicans can bring themselves to get passed the lies and the propaganda and actually start reading and thinking, they become, gasp, "liberals".

It may be two thousand pages, but once you start, it's fascinating. You can't stop.

The first thing out of a conservatives mouth is, "Democrats had both houses during the last two years of the Bush Administration". Yea, in the senate by a vote of 49 to 49 with two independents. So when conservatives say, "Democrats had ALL the power", it's just another in a long, long list of lies. You can always see that one coming. Best to get it out of the way early.

so what you're saying is, obama didn't have a stimulus bill, didn't increase spending, didn't have tax cuts, didn't have bailouts?

didn't the cbo revise their cost estimates of obamare up by 115 billion, pushing it over 1 trillion?

let me ask you this. why did they only decide to close the loopholes when they wanted to spend more money? if that was such a great way to save money, why not do it before?


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