Democrats Don't Have To 'WIN' Mid-Terms...GOP Giving Them To DNC


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
It is being teported on Drudge that there is a possibility that Tax Cuts get delayed, risking not getting done this year.

The GOP has already proven to be either, too reluctant, opposed to, or too incompetent to get any of the major Trump agenda items passed despite controlling the House and Senate.

The GOP continues to be the DNC's greatest hope for winning in 2018 as the DNC contunues to self-destruct amidst scandal now highlighted by former DNC Chairman Donna Brazile taking a flamethrower to the DNC.


Senate Republican tax plan may eliminate property tax deductions and delay corporate cut
Mark my words: some sort of tax legislation will be passed in each chamber and some utter piece of crap that is of not good to anyone in the middle classes will be what results after the bills go through the bill reconciliation process (note: this is not the reconciliation procedure the Senate is using to obviate the need for 60 votes).
Either the GOP passes something that passes the Middle Class smell test, or the House and quite possibly the Senate go blue in 2018.
Mark my words: some sort of tax legislation will be passed in each chamber and some utter piece of crap that is of not good to anyone in the middle classes will be what results after the bills go through the bill reconciliation process (note: this is not the reconciliation procedure the Senate is using to obviate the need for 60 votes).
I'd love to be a fly on the wall when these guys get together and talk.

Do they have any idea how impotent and incompetent they look?

Or are they just so full of themselves that they really can't see it?
Mark my words: some sort of tax legislation will be passed in each chamber and some utter piece of crap that is of not good to anyone in the middle classes will be what results after the bills go through the bill reconciliation process...

Sadly, if anything does get passed, I agree...
It is being teported on Drudge that there is a possibility that Tax Cuts get delayed, risking not getting done this year.

The GOP has already proven to be either, too reluctant, opposed to, or too incompetent to get any of the major Trump agenda items passed despite controlling the House and Senate.

The GOP continues to be the DNC's greatest hope for winning in 2018 as the DNC contunues to self-destruct amidst scandal now highlighted by former DNC Chairman Donna Brazile taking a flamethrower to the DNC.


Senate Republican tax plan may eliminate property tax deductions and delay corporate cut
Neither party represents me so it almost doesn't matter which one is in power. I just hate voting against someone every damn election. I have not voted for or been proud of my vote since Reagan.
Mark my words: some sort of tax legislation will be passed in each chamber and some utter piece of crap that is of not good to anyone in the middle classes will be what results after the bills go through the bill reconciliation process (note: this is not the reconciliation procedure the Senate is using to obviate the need for 60 votes).
I'd love to be a fly on the wall when these guys get together and talk.

Do they have any idea how impotent and incompetent they look?

Or are they just so full of themselves that they really can't see it?

You are surmising that things are not exactly how the establishment wants them.
Either the GOP passes something that passes the Middle Class smell test, or the House and quite possibly the Senate go blue in 2018.
Even though that may happen it is more a testament to people thinking that it really matters who they vote for. Congress is going to turn blue this midterm election, mark my words. No matter what happens in the country.
Mark my words: some sort of tax legislation will be passed in each chamber and some utter piece of crap that is of not good to anyone in the middle classes will be what results after the bills go through the bill reconciliation process (note: this is not the reconciliation procedure the Senate is using to obviate the need for 60 votes).
I'd love to be a fly on the wall when these guys get together and talk.

Do they have any idea how impotent and incompetent they look?

Or are they just so full of themselves that they really can't see it?

You are surmising that things are not exactly how the establishment wants them.
What people want are results, regardless of the inter-party bickering. The GOP had a choice: It could have gone for smaller, incremental victories, or it could have come crashing into the china shop screaming "drain the swamp!"

Okay, the party made its choice. It has less than one year to convince the electorate they made the right decision. I'm lousy at political predictions, but I doubt that pleading "we just need more swamp drainers" is going to be enough.
It is being teported on Drudge that there is a possibility that Tax Cuts get delayed, risking not getting done this year.

The GOP has already proven to be either, too reluctant, opposed to, or too incompetent to get any of the major Trump agenda items passed despite controlling the House and Senate.

The GOP continues to be the DNC's greatest hope for winning in 2018 as the DNC contunues to self-destruct amidst scandal now highlighted by former DNC Chairman Donna Brazile taking a flamethrower to the DNC.


Senate Republican tax plan may eliminate property tax deductions and delay corporate cut

I never thought Republicans took control from Democrats as much as Democrats handed it to Republicans. That said, I can see Democrats winning mid terms..... then again, I've sited the crazy notion that the American voter does not leave one party in control for very long. There will be another Democrat as President and then another Republican. Go figure.
The day we understand that we have been in a ONE PARTY SYSTEM over the last 30 years will be the day we get what is going on.

Make no mistake about it. The ESTABLISHMENT cannot have a successful Trump presidency and most of us know this.

The ESTABLISHMENT has clearly decided that they will be sabotaging the Trump presidency. Could not be more obvious.

Should I give example after example of how this has all been a farce, really since the Reagan presidency? What do you think about the Bush family being best friends with the Clinton family? Have you all noticed the ACTUAL rhetoric being shared between the two parties and then we all defend each side? THEY SAY THE EXACT SAME THING!!

Should I list ALL of the things the democrats said in regards to WMDS and Iraq BEFORE Bush took office? It really goes for every issue, except for when they run their fake campaigns. That is when they divide us into the two sides, and pretend to represent WE THE PEOPLE. Anything more clear to anyone that they don't do that?

Most of us are pretty sure they all serve SPECIAL INTERESTS. What, we think this is limited to one party or the other?

It is beyond clear that there is a joint effort from "both sides" to sabotage Trump. You think it is just a remarkable coincidence that the obamacare thing was defeated by "one or two" votes? Now the tax thing? The elections going in favor of the democrats?

The day we understand that we understand very little, will be the day we understand a lot.
I never thought Republicans took control from Democrats as much as Democrats handed it to Republicans.
I 100% agree!


...and the Republicans, under the 'leadership' of Ryan and McConnell, are doing their best to hand it back over to the Democrats.
Those GOP RINO fuckers in congress are finally exposed as LIARS. President Trump delivered, he went out there and took the White House back from the Dem's. The American people said okay GOP now you have it all, the House, the Senate, and the White House no more excuses. So what have they done? They sided with Dem's and stabbed us all in the back.
Mark my words: some sort of tax legislation will be passed in each chamber and some utter piece of crap that is of not good to anyone in the middle classes will be what results after the bills go through the bill reconciliation process (note: this is not the reconciliation procedure the Senate is using to obviate the need for 60 votes).
I'd love to be a fly on the wall when these guys get together and talk.

Do they have any idea how impotent and incompetent they look?

Or are they just so full of themselves that they really can't see it?

You are surmising that things are not exactly how the establishment wants them.
What people want are results, regardless of the inter-party bickering. The GOP had a choice: It could have gone for smaller, incremental victories, or it could have come crashing into the china shop screaming "drain the swamp!"

Okay, the party made its choice. It has less than one year to convince the electorate they made the right decision. I'm lousy at political predictions, but I doubt that pleading "we just need more swamp drainers" is going to be enough.

The problem is there is really two factions in the Republican party, one going with option A, the other with Option B, and neither getting anything done.

The only successes have been under the table, court appointments, EO revocations, and regulatory roll-back.
Mark my words: some sort of tax legislation will be passed in each chamber and some utter piece of crap that is of not good to anyone in the middle classes will be what results after the bills go through the bill reconciliation process (note: this is not the reconciliation procedure the Senate is using to obviate the need for 60 votes).
I'd love to be a fly on the wall when these guys get together and talk.

Do they have any idea how impotent and incompetent they look?

Or are they just so full of themselves that they really can't see it?

You are surmising that things are not exactly how the establishment wants them.
What people want are results, regardless of the inter-party bickering. The GOP had a choice: It could have gone for smaller, incremental victories, or it could have come crashing into the china shop screaming "drain the swamp!"

Okay, the party made its choice. It has less than one year to convince the electorate they made the right decision. I'm lousy at political predictions, but I doubt that pleading "we just need more swamp drainers" is going to be enough.

The problem is there is really two factions in the Republican party, one going with option A, the other with Option B, and neither getting anything done.

The only successes have been under the table, court appointments, EO revocations, and regulatory roll-back.
Yes, definitely. We essentially have three parties right now.

Is this really what the GOP wants? It's choosing to shoot itself in the foot, no one is making them.
Mark my words: some sort of tax legislation will be passed in each chamber and some utter piece of crap that is of not good to anyone in the middle classes will be what results after the bills go through the bill reconciliation process (note: this is not the reconciliation procedure the Senate is using to obviate the need for 60 votes).
I'd love to be a fly on the wall when these guys get together and talk.

Do they have any idea how impotent and incompetent they look?

Or are they just so full of themselves that they really can't see it?

You are surmising that things are not exactly how the establishment wants them.
What people want are results, regardless of the inter-party bickering. The GOP had a choice: It could have gone for smaller, incremental victories, or it could have come crashing into the china shop screaming "drain the swamp!"

Okay, the party made its choice. It has less than one year to convince the electorate they made the right decision. I'm lousy at political predictions, but I doubt that pleading "we just need more swamp drainers" is going to be enough.

The problem is there is really two factions in the Republican party, one going with option A, the other with Option B, and neither getting anything done.

The only successes have been under the table, court appointments, EO revocations, and regulatory roll-back.
Yes, definitely. We essentially have three parties right now.

Is this really what the GOP wants? It's choosing to shoot itself in the foot, no one is making them.

The other question is how long can the democrats hold their coalition together?
Mark my words: some sort of tax legislation will be passed in each chamber and some utter piece of crap that is of not good to anyone in the middle classes will be what results after the bills go through the bill reconciliation process (note: this is not the reconciliation procedure the Senate is using to obviate the need for 60 votes).

We have an utter piece of crap tax system right now. Each party just shuffles the deck.

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