Democrats corner Republicans with more class warfare nonsense

Would you rather have the Dems in control of the supposed "also ran" or Republicans?

Right now you guys are becoming a party with one demographic; angry white men. Grumps has to use the "slut" word when responding...this got a "thanks" from you.
It's not charitable but you're viewed as follows by a significant portion of each voting block:

To Women: "Why aren't you in the kitchen making our pie?"
To Minorities: "Why aren't you serving me my pie."
To The Poor: "This is my pie, get your own."
To LGBT/non Christians: "All real Americans agree out pie is the best"

Do you disagree?
I don't want the GOP to take it on the chin. If I were a GOP supporter, I'd want them to be tactical and realize the way to mold the government is by winning elections.

I stand by what I originally stated about the media, and you've just proven my point.
I thank you for this post. :clap2:


It's always the media's fault. Must be nice to have a universal crutch to always fall back on.

Oh well, What cha gonna do?
Deal with it, Candy. If the truth hurts, it hurts.
There has been studies on the subject.
Yes, that makes total sense candy. Im gonna let your team score touchdowns in the first quarter because I should win the game in the end.

Worst strategy ever and thats why you, unlike fluke the slut, will never have 10 minutes of fame.

Bow to the dems to win lol

You should win the game anyway dumbass...don't you get it? Why you're fucking with the perfect recipe for success when you are going to win in 2014 is flat out stupid. Besides, in 9 months when you get control of the Senate, you can then play hardball when you have a lot more power.

What you fail to realize is that you're trying to play hardball now. Remember the shutdown from October shitbrains? You played hardball and the Dems bitchslapped you into the stoneage. Remember the 40+ attempts to rollback Obamacare? Everyone failed making you guys look as dumb as you personally are. Another failure.

You can't play hardball unless you have the ammo to back it up...thats the lesson you refuse to learn.


Doing the right thing equates to hardball?

Immigration is too complex to just pass all willy nilly. Thats what was done with the mess now known as the ACA.

Your solutions are simple minded and thats the kind of carelessness that led to this mess.

People done need free money they need jobs and to get jobs we need a good economy and to get that Obama needs to be gone.
I stand by what I originally stated about the media, and you've just proven my point.
I thank you for this post. :clap2:


It's always the media's fault. Must be nice to have a universal crutch to always fall back on.

Oh well, What cha gonna do?
Deal with it, Candy. If the truth hurts, it hurts.
There has been studies on the subject.

Deal with what?

Democrats who reflect liberal ideas have won 5 of the last 6 popular votes (I guess the media took the 6th year off that year...:lol::lol::lol::lol:). Meanwhile, you guys are running out of people to alienate.

Dealing with "it" just fine.

It's always the media's fault. Must be nice to have a universal crutch to always fall back on.

Oh well, What cha gonna do?
Deal with it, Candy. If the truth hurts, it hurts.
There has been studies on the subject.

Deal with what?

Democrats who reflect liberal ideas have won 5 of the last 6 popular votes (I guess the media took the 6th year off that year...:lol::lol::lol::lol:). Meanwhile, you guys are running out of people to alienate.

Dealing with "it" just fine.

Deflecting is not defending. :eusa_whistle:
Yes, that makes total sense candy. Im gonna let your team score touchdowns in the first quarter because I should win the game in the end.

Worst strategy ever and thats why you, unlike fluke the slut, will never have 10 minutes of fame.

Bow to the dems to win lol

You should win the game anyway dumbass...don't you get it? Why you're fucking with the perfect recipe for success when you are going to win in 2014 is flat out stupid. Besides, in 9 months when you get control of the Senate, you can then play hardball when you have a lot more power.

What you fail to realize is that you're trying to play hardball now. Remember the shutdown from October shitbrains? You played hardball and the Dems bitchslapped you into the stoneage. Remember the 40+ attempts to rollback Obamacare? Everyone failed making you guys look as dumb as you personally are. Another failure.

You can't play hardball unless you have the ammo to back it up...thats the lesson you refuse to learn.


Doing the right thing equates to hardball?
When you try to force compliance by being betcha.

Immigration is too complex to just pass all willy nilly. Thats what was done with the mess now known as the ACA.
The current bill is a joke; I frankly am happy that you guys have stopped it. Politically it's a dumb move on the part of the GOP though.

Your solutions are simple minded and thats the kind of carelessness that led to this mess.

People done need free money they need jobs and to get jobs we need a good economy and to get that Obama needs to be gone.

Yeah, how has that worked out for you in 08 and 12?

In this ultra-early polling atmosphere, Clinton is trouncing whomever is put up against her. That can change of course. But what usually needs to happen is the opposition needs to field someone with some sort of attractiveness. It's been a while and I know how you guys hate facts but GWB ran on something called "compassionate conservatism". It turned out to be neither compassionate or conservative but it worked with the voters (i.e. he won).

In 2016, women will be about 53% of the electorate. Your use of "slut" every day is not helping your cause dummy.
did he call you a slut, or did he call fluke a slut????

ms. Fluke. You should be outraged that a fellow conservative would use such vulgarity in describing a woman he never met...but something tells me you're not.

did he call you a slut, or did he call fluke a slut???

Perhaps I should refer to candy as a slut? Dumbass just seems more appropriate.

BTW candy, calling an INDIVIDUAL a name is condescending to THEM not the entire population. Idiot
ms. Fluke. You should be outraged that a fellow conservative would use such vulgarity in describing a woman he never met...but something tells me you're not.

did he call you a slut, or did he call fluke a slut???

Perhaps I should refer to candy as a slut? Dumbass just seems more appropriate.

BTW candy, calling an INDIVIDUAL a name is condescending to THEM not the entire population. Idiot

Yeah, and if you identify with "joe the plumber" and I call Joe the plumber a name, you don't feel the least bit inflicted?

Hey, it helps the liberal cause every time you open your mouth so feel free to keep it up. However I do recall after the last election you said the following:

Primetime line up.

All I'm hearing is throwbacks to the republican politicians of the 60's thru 80's.

I'm hearing hosts who for some reason think we are still in the old days when whitey ruled the political scene and everyone that voted voted on two or three issues.

Times have changed people. Demographics have changed even more. What fucking part of that are you not getting? Everyone is acting like its a bad thing to broaden our base.
What parts of your base have you tried to broaden in the ensuing 15 months? Hmmm?

We don't have to give away the kitchen sink to appeal to more people. And if you think we do then we're doomed as a nation anyways.

Aspouse our core fiscal issues and leave the damn social issues in the bedroom.
Yet, here you are using the "S-word" as if you were saying hello.

Secondly EVERYONE should support MAJOR campaign finance reform. All this money corrupts our system.

I'm just really dismayed at the reaction many are having to our loss. Its only the end of the world if we don't learn from our mistakes.

And what have you learned? Not much apparently.

Just one other thing before I go...

When you wrote the following; were they just words or did you mean it?
The election is over. Obama won. Get a fucking grip and move on with your life people.

The board has become a cesspool of hate and anger.

I DO own a business and I'm not hiring or firing anyone based on who the president is. I will do it based on my bottom line. So why don't I represent the typical gop business owner? Why is it always the extreme individuals who are chosen as the standard bareres?

I'm not demanding impeachment. I'm not threatening violence. I'm not suggesting succession. I'm not telling the people to rise up against their govt. I'm not blaming the other party.

Get a grip people and look within to solve your problems. We used our rhetoric to try to oust obama and WE failed.

We need to move forward. Focus our energy on demanding fixes for our nations problems and stop fixiating on the past.
Minimum Wage (poor because of their own decisions growing up)

Unemployment Benefits beyond 99 weeks (intentional abuse of government handouts)

I'm begging you to get a copy of Ronald Reagan's obscure autobiography "Where's the Rest of Me". In this book Reagan tells of his family's struggles during the Great Depression. You will learn that the Reagan's, despite trying very hard, couldn't find sufficient work - they couldn't take care of themselves. There simply were not enough jobs for everyone who wanted to work. The Reagan Family benefited immensely from Government Assistance, including the father getting a government job so he could save his family. [When the private sector economy, which had destroyed itself through an unregulated banking crisis, failed to produce enough jobs for people, FDR took action and put people who wanted to work back to work building infrastructure. This not only created valuable assets for the future, but it also put spenders back in the economy, so people could buy things from local businesses and help prevent them from going under.] FDR didn't view this stuff as a hand out; he didn't view saving the Reagan's as a handout but an investment in the American People. A reasonable supposition by FDR would be: what if the Reagan Family includes a future scientist or President? So FDR invested in the Reagan's during a time when economic output was so low that the economy could not satisfy everyone who wanted to work, including the Reagan's.

To scale: If there are 10 million people who want work and only 1 million available jobs, than not everyone who wants to work will be able to find work. What scares me is that you probably don't know the ratio of available jobs to people who want to work. You believe choice explains everything - and that unemployment is 100% caused by people's choice not to work, rather than a factual absence of available jobs. Son, the Reagan's chose to look for work, but they couldn't find it because there were not enough jobs. In some big cities there were as many as 2,000 applications for every 1 job offering. So FDR helped people who couldn't find work until the economy recovered. Some people think that FDR's investment in Human Capital (i.e., people who wanted to work but couldn't find jobs) paid off. Ronald Reagan is living proof. This is why in his autobiography he confesses to being deeply indebted to FDR. This is why he was a member of the Democratic Party and campaigned for Truman.

Do you know how much money we give to Saudi Arabia? Do you know how much money we have given, at various times in our history, to Iran, Iraq and Syria? And now you are mad that we diverted a little bit of that money to our own people - like the Reagan's - who needed it, and who used it to better themselves and help this nation. Your hatred for hard working American Families who have fallen on hard times makes you worse than our enemies.

[ame=]Reagan Campaigns for Truman in 1948 - YouTube[/ame]

Please stop repeating Rightwing Talking Points and study this stuff.

The Hoover Dam Project employed 20,000 workers during the heart of the Great Depression. If your party was in charge, it would have never happened. Many of those 20,000 hard working Americans would have been destroyed by the Depression and the fucking Southwest would still be in the dark ages.
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did he call you a slut, or did he call fluke a slut???

Perhaps I should refer to candy as a slut? Dumbass just seems more appropriate.

BTW candy, calling an INDIVIDUAL a name is condescending to THEM not the entire population. Idiot

Yeah, and if you identify with "joe the plumber" and I call Joe the plumber a name, you don't feel the least bit inflicted?

Hey, it helps the liberal cause every time you open your mouth so feel free to keep it up. However I do recall after the last election you said the following:

What parts of your base have you tried to broaden in the ensuing 15 months? Hmmm?

Yet, here you are using the "S-word" as if you were saying hello.

Secondly EVERYONE should support MAJOR campaign finance reform. All this money corrupts our system.

I'm just really dismayed at the reaction many are having to our loss. Its only the end of the world if we don't learn from our mistakes.

And what have you learned? Not much apparently.

Just one other thing before I go...

When you wrote the following; were they just words or did you mean it?
The election is over. Obama won. Get a fucking grip and move on with your life people.

The board has become a cesspool of hate and anger.

I DO own a business and I'm not hiring or firing anyone based on who the president is. I will do it based on my bottom line. So why don't I represent the typical gop business owner? Why is it always the extreme individuals who are chosen as the standard bareres?

I'm not demanding impeachment. I'm not threatening violence. I'm not suggesting succession. I'm not telling the people to rise up against their govt. I'm not blaming the other party.

Get a grip people and look within to solve your problems. We used our rhetoric to try to oust obama and WE failed.

We need to move forward. Focus our energy on demanding fixes for our nations problems and stop fixiating on the past.

1. I don't identify with anyone, I am my own man. Do you see me whining incessantly like you when someone insults Hannity or Limbaugh?

2. My opinion doesn't help your cause because it doesn't go beyond my home or usmb. Unless you think that Americans rely on usmb to form opinions.

3. I'm not a republican opperative idiot. Unlike you and many others I don't pretend to be something im not or have any influence in my party.

4. I have learned plenty. Mostly how much of a leech the democratic party & voters are on our economy. If other republicans are dumb enough to get sucked into your cesspool of social issues thats on them not me.

5. Yes I ment it and yes Fluke is a SLUT. Not hate, just opinion.
Candy you continue to prove that liberals are overly sensitive politically correct pussies with a severe case of low self worth along with self esteem issues.

Sticking up for the underdog is one thing but apparently you weren't smart enough to realize that SLUT was not the underdog. YOU were.
Perhaps I should refer to candy as a slut? Dumbass just seems more appropriate.

BTW candy, calling an INDIVIDUAL a name is condescending to THEM not the entire population. Idiot

Yeah, and if you identify with "joe the plumber" and I call Joe the plumber a name, you don't feel the least bit inflicted?

Hey, it helps the liberal cause every time you open your mouth so feel free to keep it up. However I do recall after the last election you said the following:

What parts of your base have you tried to broaden in the ensuing 15 months? Hmmm?

Yet, here you are using the "S-word" as if you were saying hello.

And what have you learned? Not much apparently.

Just one other thing before I go...

When you wrote the following; were they just words or did you mean it?
The election is over. Obama won. Get a fucking grip and move on with your life people.

The board has become a cesspool of hate and anger.

I DO own a business and I'm not hiring or firing anyone based on who the president is. I will do it based on my bottom line. So why don't I represent the typical gop business owner? Why is it always the extreme individuals who are chosen as the standard bareres?

I'm not demanding impeachment. I'm not threatening violence. I'm not suggesting succession. I'm not telling the people to rise up against their govt. I'm not blaming the other party.

Get a grip people and look within to solve your problems. We used our rhetoric to try to oust obama and WE failed.

We need to move forward. Focus our energy on demanding fixes for our nations problems and stop fixiating on the past.

1. I don't identify with anyone, I am my own man. Do you see me whining incessantly like you when someone insults Hannity or Limbaugh?

2. My opinion doesn't help your cause because it doesn't go beyond my home or usmb. Unless you think that Americans rely on usmb to form opinions.

3. I'm not a republican opperative idiot. Unlike you and many others I don't pretend to be something im not or have any influence in my party.

4. I have learned plenty. Mostly how much of a leech the democratic party & voters are on our economy. If other republicans are dumb enough to get sucked into your cesspool of social issues thats on them not me.

5. Yes I ment it and yes Fluke is a SLUT. Not hate, just opinion.

I'm not even registered with one party or another. For being "your own man" you seem to identify yourself with the GOP...

Though USMB is an obscure message board...likely your liberal use of the S word is probably emblematic.
Perhaps I should refer to candy as a slut? Dumbass just seems more appropriate.

BTW candy, calling an INDIVIDUAL a name is condescending to THEM not the entire population. Idiot

Yeah, and if you identify with "joe the plumber" and I call Joe the plumber a name, you don't feel the least bit inflicted?

Hey, it helps the liberal cause every time you open your mouth so feel free to keep it up. However I do recall after the last election you said the following:

What parts of your base have you tried to broaden in the ensuing 15 months? Hmmm?

Yet, here you are using the "S-word" as if you were saying hello.

And what have you learned? Not much apparently.

Just one other thing before I go...

When you wrote the following; were they just words or did you mean it?
The election is over. Obama won. Get a fucking grip and move on with your life people.

The board has become a cesspool of hate and anger.

I DO own a business and I'm not hiring or firing anyone based on who the president is. I will do it based on my bottom line. So why don't I represent the typical gop business owner? Why is it always the extreme individuals who are chosen as the standard bareres?

I'm not demanding impeachment. I'm not threatening violence. I'm not suggesting succession. I'm not telling the people to rise up against their govt. I'm not blaming the other party.

Get a grip people and look within to solve your problems. We used our rhetoric to try to oust obama and WE failed.

We need to move forward. Focus our energy on demanding fixes for our nations problems and stop fixiating on the past.

1. I don't identify with anyone, I am my own man. Do you see me whining incessantly like you when someone insults Hannity or Limbaugh?

2. My opinion doesn't help your cause because it doesn't go beyond my home or usmb. Unless you think that Americans rely on usmb to form opinions.

3. I'm not a republican opperative idiot. Unlike you and many others I don't pretend to be something im not or have any influence in my party.

4. I have learned plenty. Mostly how much of a leech the democratic party & voters are on our economy. If other republicans are dumb enough to get sucked into your cesspool of social issues thats on them not me.

5. Yes I ment it and yes Fluke is a SLUT. Not hate, just opinion.

Then there is this:

WASHINGTON – Republicans have taken one look at Democrats’ “war on women” rhetoric – and run straight toward it.

“I don’t think there’s any greater war on women anywhere in the world than abortion on demand,” Rep. Trent Franks told msnbc this morning, shortly after a subcommittee hearing on HR7, the so-called No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act. The bill would ban federal subsidies and tax benefits to private insurance plans if they cover abortion, broadening the scope of the Hyde Amendment, which already largely prohibits taxpayer funding for abortion.

As for the so-called GOP rebrand, Franks, who has often championed such legislation, said, “There are very few issues that are more important to the Republican [party] foundation than protecting innocent human life.” He added, “If somehow now we should let that central pillar of who we are as a party crumble, we would simply go the way of the Whigs.”

Franks isn’t alone. Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus delayed the start of the party’s winter meeting so members could attend the annual March on Life on the Mall. “This is a core principle of our party,” he told the Washington Times.

More "oh oh" at the site :

Why the GOP is still talking about abortion | MSNBC
Immigration (obviously poor minorities)

Minimum Wage (poor because of their own decisions growing up)

Unemployment Benefits beyond 99 weeks (intentional abuse of government handouts)

Three subjects all at once thrown on the table. Can republicans stand their ground and do the right thing without getting blasted in the next election?
Why the fuck won't democrats put forth some legislation to lift up the entirety of our nation, both citizens & economy? Instead all we get from your side is pandering to the poor & stupid.

if republicans would be good at math, they would just plain IGNORE the class warfare as the numbers affected can be thrown away the window.

and address the REAL issues.

which is unconstitutional overreach by this administration almost in every area and as a result - strangulation of jobs creation almost entirely. And never forget to point that this crap obamacare is aimed at killing the middle class.
Candy you continue to prove that liberals are overly sensitive politically correct pussies with a severe case of low self worth along with self esteem issues.

Sticking up for the underdog is one thing but apparently you weren't smart enough to realize that SLUT was not the underdog. YOU were.

and you continue to pay attention to those which do not matter ;)
It was okay as long as democrats could perpetuate the myth that the very rich would be paying for everything. Now the care and feeding of those who choose to be poor, is shifting to the working class, it would be an error to imagine they are okay with getting their pockets picked. It's NOT the The Koch Brothers who have to get used to the idea that family movie and dinner night is over because the poor need birth control. It's the family who used to look forward to that. It's not Donald Trump that has to give up his kids' college education so that Pedro can bring his six kids here from mexico. It's the family that thought education was worth their personal sacrifice.

It's not the rich, it's the working class that is now expected to support the ever expanding base of people who choose not to better themselves and when that working class gets done with it, they will stop.

It was ALWAYS the middle class which was ALWAYS paying for everything and it was the middle class which was the AIM of this robbery called obamacare.
it has to be reminded to those which have to suffer every month to pay for this crap - in case the lying lame stream media want to divert their attention to some traffic jam and make it a "scandal"
Yeah, and if you identify with "joe the plumber" and I call Joe the plumber a name, you don't feel the least bit inflicted?

Hey, it helps the liberal cause every time you open your mouth so feel free to keep it up. However I do recall after the last election you said the following:

What parts of your base have you tried to broaden in the ensuing 15 months? Hmmm?

Yet, here you are using the "S-word" as if you were saying hello.

And what have you learned? Not much apparently.

Just one other thing before I go...

When you wrote the following; were they just words or did you mean it?

1. I don't identify with anyone, I am my own man. Do you see me whining incessantly like you when someone insults Hannity or Limbaugh?

2. My opinion doesn't help your cause because it doesn't go beyond my home or usmb. Unless you think that Americans rely on usmb to form opinions.

3. I'm not a republican opperative idiot. Unlike you and many others I don't pretend to be something im not or have any influence in my party.

4. I have learned plenty. Mostly how much of a leech the democratic party & voters are on our economy. If other republicans are dumb enough to get sucked into your cesspool of social issues thats on them not me.

5. Yes I ment it and yes Fluke is a SLUT. Not hate, just opinion.

I'm not even registered with one party or another. For being "your own man" you seem to identify yourself with the GOP...

Though USMB is an obscure message board...likely your liberal use of the S word is probably emblematic.

Because its so much different than the vile nonsense spewed forth regularly about Palin Bachmann etc right?


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