Democrats corner Republicans with more class warfare nonsense

Immigration (obviously poor minorities)

Minimum Wage (poor because of their own decisions growing up)

Unemployment Benefits beyond 99 weeks (intentional abuse of government handouts)

Three subjects all at once thrown on the table. Can republicans stand their ground and do the right thing without getting blasted in the next election?
Why the fuck won't democrats put forth some legislation to lift up the entirety of our nation, both citizens & economy? Instead all we get from your side is pandering to the poor & stupid.

And what sort of legislation is going to lift up the entire nation?

Much of the type that resides in Harry Reids trash can.

This is the GOP's opportunity to open the flaps of the tent and enlarge their party. Lets see if they take it or remain a closeted group.

As long as we have the liberal media in place, nothing will ever change.
Case in point, the liberal media along with the dems say that the GOP doesn't want to extend the UE benefits. What very few media outlets are saying is that the repubs just want the extension paid for. What the media isn't stating is that the dems, republicans, AND Obama signed off on the UE.
Crazy world, huh?
This is the GOP's opportunity to open the flaps of the tent and enlarge their party. Lets see if they take it or remain a closeted group.

As long as we have the liberal media in place, nothing will ever change.
Case in point, the liberal media along with the dems say that the GOP doesn't want to extend the UE benefits. What very few media outlets are saying is that the repubs just want the extension paid for. What the media isn't stating is that the dems, republicans, AND Obama signed off on the UE.
Crazy world, huh?

Okay...lets assume what you're stating is true.

What is the downside to going ahead and extending the UE benefits without the offsets?
This is the GOP's opportunity to open the flaps of the tent and enlarge their party. Lets see if they take it or remain a closeted group.

As long as we have the liberal media in place, nothing will ever change.
Case in point, the liberal media along with the dems say that the GOP doesn't want to extend the UE benefits. What very few media outlets are saying is that the repubs just want the extension paid for. What the media isn't stating is that the dems, republicans, AND Obama signed off on the UE.
Crazy world, huh?

Okay...lets assume what you're stating is true.

What is the downside to going ahead and extending the UE benefits without the offsets?
Outside of more debt, and 3 months from now another extension scenario...just like the others in the past....not paid for. Candy, I will throw that right back at you.....what could possible be the downside effects if we paid for it?
If Republicans were not so dead set on killing various welfare programs for the poor while jealously keeping and trying to expand various welfare programs for wealthy individuals and corporations there would be no accusations of class warfare. Reagan sounded the charge when he invented the image of the welfare queen while funneling unprecedented amounts to the MIC, energy industry and bankers.

The problem with all this is that republicans have never presented this strategy of running the country for the rich in terms that really makes any sense, taking food out the mouths of the poor and giving it to the oil companies? How does that shit help anyone? Be consistent, oppose handouts to the rich with the same virulent hatred that you oppose handouts to the poor and maybe, just maybe, you won't all seem like a bunch of heartless plutocratic ass kissers.
Immigration (obviously poor minorities)

Minimum Wage (poor because of their own decisions growing up)

Unemployment Benefits beyond 99 weeks (intentional abuse of government handouts)

Three subjects all at once thrown on the table. Can republicans stand their ground and do the right thing without getting blasted in the next election?
Why the fuck won't democrats put forth some legislation to lift up the entirety of our nation, both citizens & economy? Instead all we get from your side is pandering to the poor & stupid.

Given your obvious hatred for the vast population of economically and culturally disadvantage people in this country--and assuming you are representative of modern Republican thinking--a "class war" isn't a strategy, it's a reality.

Wanting to see people get off benefits, earn their own living and lead responsible lives is not "hatred"; quite the opposite. A life spend living on handouts is not one to be envied and the desire to wean people away from is a demonstration of empathy.
As long as we have the liberal media in place, nothing will ever change.
Case in point, the liberal media along with the dems say that the GOP doesn't want to extend the UE benefits. What very few media outlets are saying is that the repubs just want the extension paid for. What the media isn't stating is that the dems, republicans, AND Obama signed off on the UE.
Crazy world, huh?

Okay...lets assume what you're stating is true.

What is the downside to going ahead and extending the UE benefits without the offsets?

Poor media coverage has become the universal healthcare of the GOP. Anything that paints the GOP/conservatives in a negative light is the fault of the alleged slanted media. You commented yesterday in a thread about Sandra Fluke. I'm not trying to derail your thread into a Fluke referendum but I mention it because it happened. Anyway, Political Chick and several others can't refer to her in any way except using the S**T word. If a 20 year old rapper used the word as liberally as a lot of your friends used it, he'd probably be looked upon as a thug. Politically...what do you expect women to do when behavior like this is not only tolerated but celebrated? Poor media coverage has nothing to do with it.

Outside of more debt, and 3 months from now another extension scenario...just like the others in the past....not paid for. Candy, I will throw that right back at you.....what could possible be the downside effects if we paid for it?

There are no downside effects if it were paid for. None whatsoever. Except while you're arguing about it, families are suffering and they are blaming the GOP for the hold-up. I'm sure the media will be blamed once more.

What seems to be lost on the GOP is that you forget there are elections until the even numbered years present themselves and you wait until Memorial day in those years to start campaigning.

If I were quarterbacking the GOP, I'd call the bluff for 2014. Everything outside of the issues lines up perfectly for the GOP...

1. More Senatorial Dem seats up for grabs
2. The historic upswing in the midterms for the party not in the White House.

Then you add in the befuddled roll out of Obamacare, the lie about keeping your policy that Mr. Obama told, the still sluggish economy....All these are issues on top of the built-in advantages...

So what you should do is tell the Dems that it will be paid for with Defense cuts. Take the bat...the one that they are going to hit you with...out of their hands.

Pass the immigration bill which is going to do nothing to stop illegal immigration. Again, take that bat...the one that they are going to hit you with...out of their hands.

Give up some ground now to win a lot of ground later. You're giving the other side massive amounts of ammunition.
Yes, that makes total sense candy. Im gonna let your team score touchdowns in the first quarter because I should win the game in the end.

Worst strategy ever and thats why you, unlike fluke the slut, will never have 10 minutes of fame.

Bow to the dems to win lol
Yes, that makes total sense candy. Im gonna let your team score touchdowns in the first quarter because I should win the game in the end.

Worst strategy ever and thats why you, unlike fluke the slut, will never have 10 minutes of fame.

Bow to the dems to win lol

You should win the game anyway dumbass...don't you get it? Why you're fucking with the perfect recipe for success when you are going to win in 2014 is flat out stupid. Besides, in 9 months when you get control of the Senate, you can then play hardball when you have a lot more power.

What you fail to realize is that you're trying to play hardball now. Remember the shutdown from October shitbrains? You played hardball and the Dems bitchslapped you into the stoneage. Remember the 40+ attempts to rollback Obamacare? Everyone failed making you guys look as dumb as you personally are. Another failure.

You can't play hardball unless you have the ammo to back it up...thats the lesson you refuse to learn.

Okay...lets assume what you're stating is true.

What is the downside to going ahead and extending the UE benefits without the offsets?

Poor media coverage has become the universal healthcare of the GOP. Anything that paints the GOP/conservatives in a negative light is the fault of the alleged slanted media. You commented yesterday in a thread about Sandra Fluke. I'm not trying to derail your thread into a Fluke referendum but I mention it because it happened. Anyway, Political Chick and several others can't refer to her in any way except using the S**T word. If a 20 year old rapper used the word as liberally as a lot of your friends used it, he'd probably be looked upon as a thug. Politically...what do you expect women to do when behavior like this is not only tolerated but celebrated? Poor media coverage has nothing to do with it.

Outside of more debt, and 3 months from now another extension scenario...just like the others in the past....not paid for. Candy, I will throw that right back at you.....what could possible be the downside effects if we paid for it?

There are no downside effects if it were paid for. None whatsoever. Except while you're arguing about it, families are suffering and they are blaming the GOP for the hold-up. I'm sure the media will be blamed once more.

What seems to be lost on the GOP is that you forget there are elections until the even numbered years present themselves and you wait until Memorial day in those years to start campaigning.

If I were quarterbacking the GOP, I'd call the bluff for 2014. Everything outside of the issues lines up perfectly for the GOP...

1. More Senatorial Dem seats up for grabs
2. The historic upswing in the midterms for the party not in the White House.

Then you add in the befuddled roll out of Obamacare, the lie about keeping your policy that Mr. Obama told, the still sluggish economy....All these are issues on top of the built-in advantages...

So what you should do is tell the Dems that it will be paid for with Defense cuts. Take the bat...the one that they are going to hit you with...out of their hands.

Pass the immigration bill which is going to do nothing to stop illegal immigration. Again, take that bat...the one that they are going to hit you with...out of their hands.

Give up some ground now to win a lot of ground later. You're giving the other side massive amounts of ammunition.

The media is covering for one side, Candy. I gave an example of it earlier.
You want the GOP to take it on the chin while transforming America? Then having to deal with ALL the ground they lost? Really?????????????????????????????????????
Give up all the touchdowns early, may mean you may be too late for the win.
Why you ask?????? Get enough people depending on the government is not a way to win the game. It just means that America will end up an "also ran" in the global community.
Just WOW!!!
Yes, that makes total sense candy. Im gonna let your team score touchdowns in the first quarter because I should win the game in the end.

Worst strategy ever and thats why you, unlike fluke the slut, will never have 10 minutes of fame.

Bow to the dems to win lol

You should win the game anyway dumbass...don't you get it? Why you're fucking with the perfect recipe for success when you are going to win in 2014 is flat out stupid. Besides, in 9 months when you get control of the Senate, you can then play hardball when you have a lot more power.

What you fail to realize is that you're trying to play hardball now. Remember the shutdown from October shitbrains? You played hardball and the Dems bitchslapped you into the stoneage. Remember the 40+ attempts to rollback Obamacare? Everyone failed making you guys look as dumb as you personally are. Another failure.

You can't play hardball unless you have the ammo to back it up...thats the lesson you refuse to learn.


Hmmm, resorting to name calling? :eusa_hand:
Immigration (obviously poor minorities)

Minimum Wage (poor because of their own decisions growing up)

Unemployment Benefits beyond 99 weeks (intentional abuse of government handouts)

Three subjects all at once thrown on the table. Can republicans stand their ground and do the right thing without getting blasted in the next election?
Why the fuck won't democrats put forth some legislation to lift up the entirety of our nation, both citizens & economy? Instead all we get from your side is pandering to the poor & stupid.

You mean like Pollocks?

People on minimum wage are to blame? No matter their circumstances? At least they're working.

Unemployment is a government handout? How about tax cuts to promote hiring?

Poor media coverage has become the universal healthcare of the GOP. Anything that paints the GOP/conservatives in a negative light is the fault of the alleged slanted media. You commented yesterday in a thread about Sandra Fluke. I'm not trying to derail your thread into a Fluke referendum but I mention it because it happened. Anyway, Political Chick and several others can't refer to her in any way except using the S**T word. If a 20 year old rapper used the word as liberally as a lot of your friends used it, he'd probably be looked upon as a thug. Politically...what do you expect women to do when behavior like this is not only tolerated but celebrated? Poor media coverage has nothing to do with it.

Outside of more debt, and 3 months from now another extension scenario...just like the others in the past....not paid for. Candy, I will throw that right back at you.....what could possible be the downside effects if we paid for it?

There are no downside effects if it were paid for. None whatsoever. Except while you're arguing about it, families are suffering and they are blaming the GOP for the hold-up. I'm sure the media will be blamed once more.

What seems to be lost on the GOP is that you forget there are elections until the even numbered years present themselves and you wait until Memorial day in those years to start campaigning.

If I were quarterbacking the GOP, I'd call the bluff for 2014. Everything outside of the issues lines up perfectly for the GOP...

1. More Senatorial Dem seats up for grabs
2. The historic upswing in the midterms for the party not in the White House.

Then you add in the befuddled roll out of Obamacare, the lie about keeping your policy that Mr. Obama told, the still sluggish economy....All these are issues on top of the built-in advantages...

So what you should do is tell the Dems that it will be paid for with Defense cuts. Take the bat...the one that they are going to hit you with...out of their hands.

Pass the immigration bill which is going to do nothing to stop illegal immigration. Again, take that bat...the one that they are going to hit you with...out of their hands.

Give up some ground now to win a lot of ground later. You're giving the other side massive amounts of ammunition.

The media is covering for one side, Candy. I gave an example of it earlier.
You want the GOP to take it on the chin while transforming America? Then having to deal with ALL the ground they lost? Really?????????????????????????????????????
Give up all the touchdowns early, may mean you may be too late for the win.
Why you ask?????? Get enough people depending on the government is not a way to win the game. It just means that America will end up an "also ran" in the global community.
Just WOW!!!

Would you rather have the Dems in control of the supposed "also ran" or Republicans?

Right now you guys are becoming a party with one demographic; angry white men. Grumps has to use the "slut" word when responding...this got a "thanks" from you.
It's not charitable but you're viewed as follows by a significant portion of each voting block:

To Women: "Why aren't you in the kitchen making our pie?"
To Minorities: "Why aren't you serving me my pie."
To The Poor: "This is my pie, get your own."
To LGBT/non Christians: "All real Americans agree out pie is the best"

Do you disagree?
I don't want the GOP to take it on the chin. If I were a GOP supporter, I'd want them to be tactical and realize the way to mold the government is by winning elections.
Yes, that makes total sense candy. Im gonna let your team score touchdowns in the first quarter because I should win the game in the end.

Worst strategy ever and thats why you, unlike fluke the slut, will never have 10 minutes of fame.

Bow to the dems to win lol

You should win the game anyway dumbass...don't you get it? Why you're fucking with the perfect recipe for success when you are going to win in 2014 is flat out stupid. Besides, in 9 months when you get control of the Senate, you can then play hardball when you have a lot more power.

What you fail to realize is that you're trying to play hardball now. Remember the shutdown from October shitbrains? You played hardball and the Dems bitchslapped you into the stoneage. Remember the 40+ attempts to rollback Obamacare? Everyone failed making you guys look as dumb as you personally are. Another failure.

You can't play hardball unless you have the ammo to back it up...thats the lesson you refuse to learn.


Hmmm, resorting to name calling? :eusa_hand:

Yeah...why did he have to use the word "slut"? Do you have an answer?:eusa_whistle:
You should win the game anyway dumbass...don't you get it? Why you're fucking with the perfect recipe for success when you are going to win in 2014 is flat out stupid. Besides, in 9 months when you get control of the Senate, you can then play hardball when you have a lot more power.

What you fail to realize is that you're trying to play hardball now. Remember the shutdown from October shitbrains? You played hardball and the Dems bitchslapped you into the stoneage. Remember the 40+ attempts to rollback Obamacare? Everyone failed making you guys look as dumb as you personally are. Another failure.

You can't play hardball unless you have the ammo to back it up...thats the lesson you refuse to learn.


Hmmm, resorting to name calling? :eusa_hand:

Yeah...why did he have to use the word "slut"? Do you have an answer?:eusa_whistle:
Did he call you a slut, or did he call Fluke a slut????

Poor media coverage has become the universal healthcare of the GOP. Anything that paints the GOP/conservatives in a negative light is the fault of the alleged slanted media. You commented yesterday in a thread about Sandra Fluke. I'm not trying to derail your thread into a Fluke referendum but I mention it because it happened. Anyway, Political Chick and several others can't refer to her in any way except using the S**T word. If a 20 year old rapper used the word as liberally as a lot of your friends used it, he'd probably be looked upon as a thug. Politically...what do you expect women to do when behavior like this is not only tolerated but celebrated? Poor media coverage has nothing to do with it.

There are no downside effects if it were paid for. None whatsoever. Except while you're arguing about it, families are suffering and they are blaming the GOP for the hold-up. I'm sure the media will be blamed once more.

What seems to be lost on the GOP is that you forget there are elections until the even numbered years present themselves and you wait until Memorial day in those years to start campaigning.

If I were quarterbacking the GOP, I'd call the bluff for 2014. Everything outside of the issues lines up perfectly for the GOP...

1. More Senatorial Dem seats up for grabs
2. The historic upswing in the midterms for the party not in the White House.

Then you add in the befuddled roll out of Obamacare, the lie about keeping your policy that Mr. Obama told, the still sluggish economy....All these are issues on top of the built-in advantages...

So what you should do is tell the Dems that it will be paid for with Defense cuts. Take the bat...the one that they are going to hit you with...out of their hands.

Pass the immigration bill which is going to do nothing to stop illegal immigration. Again, take that bat...the one that they are going to hit you with...out of their hands.

Give up some ground now to win a lot of ground later. You're giving the other side massive amounts of ammunition.

The media is covering for one side, Candy. I gave an example of it earlier.
You want the GOP to take it on the chin while transforming America? Then having to deal with ALL the ground they lost? Really?????????????????????????????????????
Give up all the touchdowns early, may mean you may be too late for the win.
Why you ask?????? Get enough people depending on the government is not a way to win the game. It just means that America will end up an "also ran" in the global community.
Just WOW!!!

Would you rather have the Dems in control of the supposed "also ran" or Republicans?

Right now you guys are becoming a party with one demographic; angry white men. Grumps has to use the "slut" word when responding...this got a "thanks" from you.
It's not charitable but you're viewed as follows by a significant portion of each voting block:

To Women: "Why aren't you in the kitchen making our pie?"
To Minorities: "Why aren't you serving me my pie."
To The Poor: "This is my pie, get your own."
To LGBT/non Christians: "All real Americans agree out pie is the best"

Do you disagree?
I don't want the GOP to take it on the chin. If I were a GOP supporter, I'd want them to be tactical and realize the way to mold the government is by winning elections.

I stand by what I originally stated about the media, and you've just proven my point.
I thank you for this post. :clap2:
The media is covering for one side, Candy. I gave an example of it earlier.
You want the GOP to take it on the chin while transforming America? Then having to deal with ALL the ground they lost? Really?????????????????????????????????????
Give up all the touchdowns early, may mean you may be too late for the win.
Why you ask?????? Get enough people depending on the government is not a way to win the game. It just means that America will end up an "also ran" in the global community.
Just WOW!!!

Would you rather have the Dems in control of the supposed "also ran" or Republicans?

Right now you guys are becoming a party with one demographic; angry white men. Grumps has to use the "slut" word when responding...this got a "thanks" from you.
It's not charitable but you're viewed as follows by a significant portion of each voting block:

To Women: "Why aren't you in the kitchen making our pie?"
To Minorities: "Why aren't you serving me my pie."
To The Poor: "This is my pie, get your own."
To LGBT/non Christians: "All real Americans agree out pie is the best"

Do you disagree?
I don't want the GOP to take it on the chin. If I were a GOP supporter, I'd want them to be tactical and realize the way to mold the government is by winning elections.

I stand by what I originally stated about the media, and you've just proven my point.
I thank you for this post. :clap2:


It's always the media's fault. Must be nice to have a universal crutch to always fall back on.

Oh well, What cha gonna do?
Would you rather have the Dems in control of the supposed "also ran" or Republicans?

Right now you guys are becoming a party with one demographic; angry white men. Grumps has to use the "slut" word when responding...this got a "thanks" from you.
It's not charitable but you're viewed as follows by a significant portion of each voting block:

To Women: "Why aren't you in the kitchen making our pie?"
To Minorities: "Why aren't you serving me my pie."
To The Poor: "This is my pie, get your own."
To LGBT/non Christians: "All real Americans agree out pie is the best"

Do you disagree?
I don't want the GOP to take it on the chin. If I were a GOP supporter, I'd want them to be tactical and realize the way to mold the government is by winning elections.

I stand by what I originally stated about the media, and you've just proven my point.
I thank you for this post. :clap2:


It's always the media's fault. Must be nice to have a universal crutch to always fall back on.

Oh well, What cha gonna do?

You know he can't hear you right? At all? Ever?

I stand by what I originally stated about the media, and you've just proven my point.
I thank you for this post. :clap2:


It's always the media's fault. Must be nice to have a universal crutch to always fall back on.

Oh well, What cha gonna do?

You know he can't hear you right? At all? Ever?

I would respond to your drivel, but you're just too damn fragile, Ms. Boop.
Don't want to hurt your feeling where you would run off, like you usually do. :eusa_whistle:

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