Democrats - can we finally come together now?

SORRY I'd like your republicans to get the same shit you dealt out for 8 years ,back in your face

You mean after you dealt it out to Bush for eight years?
Yeah taz after you pubs gave bill your shit Lets keep going this way You f me I try to f u Good for our country you pieces of shit
Well if you recognize that is not good for our country Eddie, then get behind Donald Trump. Don't bash him - support him and elect representatives from your district that will support him.

Talk is cheap my friend. Walk the walk.
Do you plan to join them in that epic flipflop now, or will you wait until they officially command you to hold that opinion? One thing's for sure. You won't have the guts to condemn trump for his record deficits.
Folks...this proves what a lying, irrational, partisan-hack that mamooth is. Donald Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet. He's still a month a way from his first day in office - yet already she is proclaiming that Donald Trump has accumulated "record deficits".

I can't make this stuff up. Unbelievable.
Do you plan to join them in that epic flipflop now, or will you wait until they officially command you to hold that opinion? One thing's for sure. You won't have the guts to condemn trump for his record deficits.
Folks...this proves what a lying, irrational, partisan-hack that mamooth is. Donald Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet. He's still a month a way from his first day in office - yet already she is proclaiming that Donald Trump has accumulated "record deficits".

I can't make this stuff up. Unbelievable.
It doesn't take much to figure what massive tax cuts for the wealthy and trillions spent on infrastructure with more billions spent on defense will do to our deficit
And given that Bush issued far more executive orders, why weren't you squealing like a little bitch about that?
I feel so sorry for low IQ, welfare queens. It has to be hard going through life being so confused, lost, and so easily duped.

You are correct (sort of). If you want to get technical - George W. Bush did indeed issue more Executive Orders than Barack Obama. But here's the thing sweetie - Barack did that intentionally to dupe the uninformed, low IQ voter like you.

Instead of issuing "Exectuive Orders" he issued "Presidential Memorandums". And he issued more Presidential Memorandums than any presidient in U.S. history. That's how he achieved his illegal, unconstitutional, amnesty. Through a Presidential Memorandum.

And while you make up outlandish lies - I back up my facts with sources:

Obama issues 'executive orders by another name'
It doesn't take much to figure what massive tax cuts for the wealthy and trillions spent on infrastructure with more billions spent on defense will do to our deficit
Except that you have no idea if any of that is going to happen. Hell, Donald Trump could be assassintated by one of the millions of unhinged progressives before he gets sworn in. You have no idea what tomorrow brings - so stop trying to play Nostradamus.
Conservative economic policy.......slash taxes to pay for two wars

Bush 101
Progressive economic policy....
  • Regulate the shit out of business until they close their doors and are unable to provide any goods or services
  • Tax the bejeezus out of successful, wealthy people to punish them
  • Incentivize lazy, selfish people to reward them for not working
  • Once there are no businesses left, the wealthy have been stripped of their money, and the useless have been given some table scraps, declare a "state of emergency" to abuse power and authority permanently
  • Lather/Rinse/Repeat
Obama 101
Tax people who make profits?

How unAmerican
Ask an adult to read the post to you! If you can't find an adult at this hour, just sit patient until tomorrow. But refrain from commenting further as it is really embarassing for you. are really gasping for air in your last two posts

Ran out of gas didn't you?
I'm owning you sweetheart. And you know it too. Hence your frustration. You couldn't even come up with a lie to dispute the progressive economic policies that I outlined.
When you have to proclaim self declared victories.....I know I own you
If Obama violated the Constitution, why didn't the courts slap him down?
You were saying? :lmao:

Obama Lost Supreme Court More Than Any Modern President

Obama's Abysmal Record Before the Supreme Court

GOP leader: Supreme Court has ruled 13 times that Obama exceeded his constitutional authority

Supreme Court Rules Unanimously Against Obama for 12th and 13th Time Since 2012, by John Fund, National Review

Now here is where it gets really jaw-dropping. First of all, all of these loses come with the three most radical, political activists ever assigned to the Supreme Court: Ruth Bader Ginsburg (by Bill Clinton) and Sonja Sotomayor and Elanan Kagen (by Barack Obama himself).

By 2014 he had lost a staggering 23 times by unanimous decisions. Unanimous!!! Even Ginsburg, Sotomayor, and Kagen said "whoah...damn Obama...this is pure third-world dictator shit right here and we can't let this go".

Do you realize how uninformed you are now mamooth? You're getting obliterated in this thread with facts.
\Then do it. Add a link to just one...right now. I'll wait patiently.

No. To quote one of your standard evasive responses "I answered your question. Get over it."

Now, were you wrong to use that response with me? I just want to see how you justify your double standard this time. You always find some way.

Remember, we don't have to play your chickenshit games. You're not dictator. If that pisses you off, so much the better.
I'm owning you sweetheart. And you know it too. Hence your frustration. You couldn't even come up with a lie to dispute the progressive economic policies that I outlined.
When you have to proclaim self declared victories.....I know I own you

See what I mean folks? A low IQ, welfare queen will always parrot back to you what you said. They just don't have the mental capacity to come up with their own thoughts.
Do you plan to join them in that epic flipflop now, or will you wait until they officially command you to hold that opinion? One thing's for sure. You won't have the guts to condemn trump for his record deficits.
Folks...this proves what a lying, irrational, partisan-hack that mamooth is. Donald Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet. He's still a month a way from his first day in office - yet already she is proclaiming that Donald Trump has accumulated "record deficits".

I can't make this stuff up. Unbelievable.
That's what experts expect...and what the New BS GOP does duh...
Then do it. Add a link to just one...right now. I'll wait patiently.

No. Remember, we don't have to play your chickenshit games. You're not dictator. If that pisses you off, so much the better.
Bwahahahahaha! Just caught mamooth in yet another lie. She can't provide even a single quote where she bashed the Dumbocrat Party after saying she does it all the time.


And sweetie...when I said "I answered your question, get over it" - I wasn't evading anything. I had answered your question throughly and you were all upset about it. You asked a specific question, I gave you a specific answer, and then you were upset and regretted asking the question. That's what I was telling you to move on from.
Bwahahahahaha! Just caught mamooth in yet another lie. She can't provide even a single quote where she bashed the Dumbocrat Party after saying she does it all the time.

Yes! My little bitch-stalker took the bait.

So, chickenshit, how about we bet on it?

I show one such case, you leave the board.

I fail to do so, you leave.

Got the balls for that? After all, you did say I was lying. Were you lying about that?

Remember, the board is watching. Are you going to squeal and run now? What excuse to run will you come up with, I wonder?

And sweetie...when I said "I answered your question, get over it" - I wasn't evading anything. I had answered your question throughly and you were all upset about it. You asked a specific question, I gave you a specific answer, and then you were upset and regretted asking the question. That's what I was telling you to move on from.

Like I said, you always find an excuse to justify your hypocrisy, and to justify running away. The secret to dealing with cowards like you is to just keep coming back to what you were running from.
It doesn't take much to figure what massive tax cuts for the wealthy and trillions spent on infrastructure with more billions spent on defense will do to our deficit
Except that you have no idea if any of that is going to happen. Hell, Donald Trump could be assassintated by one of the millions of unhinged progressives before he gets sworn in. You have no idea what tomorrow brings - so stop trying to play Nostradamus.
Be still my heart
Yes, we get it. You hate the strong economy, low deficits and increased freedom under Obama, because you hate the USA in general.
Bwahahahahaha! "Low deficits" under Obama?!? :lmao:

Sweetie...Barack Obama added more to the national debt in his first 4 years than all U.S. Presidents combined did in their first terms.

It took Barack Obama 8 years to add as much to the national debt as it took all president in U.S. history 235 to add.

Holy geezus.....could you possibly lie any more? :lol:

So you're lying outright about the Bush deficits now?

Maybe it's that you don't know the difference between debt and deficit, but that's expected, given your abject ignorance of all economics. I said Obama reduced the deficit, shit-for-brains. The deficit Bush left him with, and which you loved when Bush ran it up. If you need further help with the topic, ask a fourth-grader.
You were saying?

Oooh, four links to right-wing kooks! Good work! Such a good parrot you are.

Was that what you intended to prove?

Seriously, you're not very smart, or well-informed. You only know what TheParty tells you. You'd never hack it as a reason-based liberal.
So let me get this straight - you are denying that all of those links are accurate?

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