Democrats Attempt to Destroy America

Don't play hard to get now, you know you'd enjoy a little water boarding, maybe some soft cuffs, whip, and dog collar, a little spanking. Come on know you like it like that.

You just might have something there, but for the marks from 10-foot poles all over you.

I'm intrigued......when can we meet?

Not so fast, buster....the common knowledge is that are so ugly robbers give you their masks to wear.

Still have that paper bag with the chin-strap?

If you look anything like your avatar I'm about to become extremely aroused.

There goes my appetite.

I think I'll print out a picture and admire it with one hand.
As a prime example of Democrat affinity for, and toward, communists, there is the Iran-Contra episode.

6. Reagan was the first President since FDR to speak frequently and substantively about the Founders and the Constitution, and he was the first President since Calvin Coolidge to criticize the administrative state that modern liberal direction has created.

a. Reagan wrote the following to Ben Shaw, publisher of the Dixon, Illinois, ‘Evening Telegraph’: “The permanent structure of our government with its power to pass regulations has eroded if not in effect repealed portions of our Constitution. . . I have been speaking particularly in my talks around the country about the 10tharticle of the Bill of Rights. The federal government is performing functions that are not specified in the Constitution and those functions should be returned to the states and to the people. Of course the tax sources to fund them should also be turned back.” Highlight Reel for the Week Power Line

b. The Iran-Contra scandal involved the sale of arms to Iran, basically to ransom American hostages that Islamic extremists held, and diverting proceeds from the sale to the anti-communist Contras in Nicaragua.
Two points should be made clear. The Democrat Congress was strongly in favor of the communists of Nicaragua, and the scandal was an attempt to tie the hands of the President, who was strongly anti-communist. And, two, congressional attempts to conduct foreign policy were, at the very least, constitutionally dubious.
Republicans dragged and lied us into Iraq. The cost starts at three trillion and over 3,000 dead. The cost will extend trillions into the future taking care of over 40,000 Americans maimed for life. Then passed that horrible mess off to Democrats after Republicans destabilized large areas of the world.

Republicans called it "protecting our country".

The deregulated GOP economy crashed and burned throwing the entire world into a merciless recession. They helped move millions of jobs to China and watched more than 40,000 factories close permanently which cost this country many trillions more.

Republicans called it "creating a free market".

Republicans are fighting to put in a pipeline that could potentially contaminate the world's breadbasket as it passes through the great plains from Canada to Koch owned refineries costing the jobs of an unknown number of truck drivers and creating a measly 35 permanent jobs.

Republicans call that "less dependence on foreign oil" because apparently Canada is not really "foreign".

Republicans passed, through reconciliation, an enormous tax cut to the wealthy ending in both a massive redistribution of wealth to the top 1% as well as creating trillions more in deficit.

Republicans call that "supporting the job creators".

Can this country really survive any more "help" from the GOP?
"I can show you a guy who ripped out the nails of his victims during interrogation, and skinned them alive. Therefore, waterboarding is not torture."

Words to that effect. That's the twisted thinking of a Nazi wannabe torture apologist.
Have you noticed that liberals who can't refute what you said, make up something else you didn't say and try to bash you for that?

g5000 regularly wallows in that pit, as he is doing now.

That's what you get, politicalchic, for trying to point out the difference between torture and waterboarding and giving him the opportunity to think for himself and figure it out.

He hears nothing except what the liberal drones told him to hear, and complains about that instead.

Pearls to swine.
Democrat Feinstein and the rest of the Liberal/Progressive clique are liars.

3. " Lesley Stahl interviews the former head of the CIA's Clandestine Service about waterboarding and other methods he says were essential to getting information from suspected terrorists, and he denies claims that these harsh measures caused detainees to provide false or unreliable information that misled the CIA. In fact, Rodriguez says that high-level detainees Khalid Sheik Mohammed and Abu Zubaydah provided their best information only after harsh treatment, a claim that the CIA's own investigator general has challenged."
Hard Measures Ex-CIA head defends post-9 11 tactics - CBS News

4. " WASHINGTON -- Congressional leaders were briefed in detail about techniques used in the Central Intelligence Agency's interrogation program, according to a new intelligence document.

The document appears to conflict with recent statements from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who was then the top Democrat on the House intelligence committee. Ms. Pelosi has said she hadn't been told that the CIA was using the technique known as waterboarding, or simulated drowning. According to the document, Ms. Pelosi was one of the first lawmakers briefed on the interrogations in 2002." CIA Says It Briefed Congressional Leaders - WSJ

a. "The leaders of the Senate and House Intelligence Committees and of both parties in Congress were briefed on the program more than 40 times between 2002 and 2009. But Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)tried to denythat she was told in 2002 that detainees had been waterboarded. That is simply not true. I was among those who briefed her." Today s CIA critics once urged the agency to do anything to fight al-Qaeda - The Washington Post

' The Constitution is not a"suicide pact."So wrote Robert Jackson in 1949.'
Constitution Is Not a Suicide Pact Charles J. Reid Jr.

It is if the Liberals/Progressives of the Democrat Party have their way.

Answering only yes or no,

would you object to Americans being tortured by an enemy? Would you withdraw your objection if the enemy could demonstrate that they had obtained actionable intelligence from the tortured Americans?

Americans don't torture.

Since the power of defining torture has not yet been delegated to RWnuts on the internet,

your opinion will be taken for what it's worth.
Democrat Feinstein and the rest of the Liberal/Progressive clique are liars.

3. " Lesley Stahl interviews the former head of the CIA's Clandestine Service about waterboarding and other methods he says were essential to getting information from suspected terrorists, and he denies claims that these harsh measures caused detainees to provide false or unreliable information that misled the CIA. In fact, Rodriguez says that high-level detainees Khalid Sheik Mohammed and Abu Zubaydah provided their best information only after harsh treatment, a claim that the CIA's own investigator general has challenged."
Hard Measures Ex-CIA head defends post-9 11 tactics - CBS News

4. " WASHINGTON -- Congressional leaders were briefed in detail about techniques used in the Central Intelligence Agency's interrogation program, according to a new intelligence document.

The document appears to conflict with recent statements from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who was then the top Democrat on the House intelligence committee. Ms. Pelosi has said she hadn't been told that the CIA was using the technique known as waterboarding, or simulated drowning. According to the document, Ms. Pelosi was one of the first lawmakers briefed on the interrogations in 2002." CIA Says It Briefed Congressional Leaders - WSJ

a. "The leaders of the Senate and House Intelligence Committees and of both parties in Congress were briefed on the program more than 40 times between 2002 and 2009. But Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)tried to denythat she was told in 2002 that detainees had been waterboarded. That is simply not true. I was among those who briefed her." Today s CIA critics once urged the agency to do anything to fight al-Qaeda - The Washington Post

' The Constitution is not a"suicide pact."So wrote Robert Jackson in 1949.'
Constitution Is Not a Suicide Pact Charles J. Reid Jr.

It is if the Liberals/Progressives of the Democrat Party have their way.

Answering only yes or no,

would you object to Americans being tortured by an enemy? Would you withdraw your objection if the enemy could demonstrate that they had obtained actionable intelligence from the tortured Americans?

Americans don't torture.

I'm sure the guys who were water boarded, or the one who had stuff stuffed up his butt would disagree. That one who died while being chained up in the cold probably wouldn't say anything. He's dead.
Democrat Feinstein and the rest of the Liberal/Progressive clique are liars.

3. " Lesley Stahl interviews the former head of the CIA's Clandestine Service about waterboarding and other methods he says were essential to getting information from suspected terrorists, and he denies claims that these harsh measures caused detainees to provide false or unreliable information that misled the CIA. In fact, Rodriguez says that high-level detainees Khalid Sheik Mohammed and Abu Zubaydah provided their best information only after harsh treatment, a claim that the CIA's own investigator general has challenged."
Hard Measures Ex-CIA head defends post-9 11 tactics - CBS News

4. " WASHINGTON -- Congressional leaders were briefed in detail about techniques used in the Central Intelligence Agency's interrogation program, according to a new intelligence document.

The document appears to conflict with recent statements from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who was then the top Democrat on the House intelligence committee. Ms. Pelosi has said she hadn't been told that the CIA was using the technique known as waterboarding, or simulated drowning. According to the document, Ms. Pelosi was one of the first lawmakers briefed on the interrogations in 2002." CIA Says It Briefed Congressional Leaders - WSJ

a. "The leaders of the Senate and House Intelligence Committees and of both parties in Congress were briefed on the program more than 40 times between 2002 and 2009. But Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)tried to denythat she was told in 2002 that detainees had been waterboarded. That is simply not true. I was among those who briefed her." Today s CIA critics once urged the agency to do anything to fight al-Qaeda - The Washington Post

' The Constitution is not a"suicide pact."So wrote Robert Jackson in 1949.'
Constitution Is Not a Suicide Pact Charles J. Reid Jr.

It is if the Liberals/Progressives of the Democrat Party have their way.

Answering only yes or no,

would you object to Americans being tortured by an enemy? Would you withdraw your objection if the enemy could demonstrate that they had obtained actionable intelligence from the tortured Americans?

Americans don't torture.

I'm sure the guys who were water boarded, or the one who had stuff stuffed up his butt would disagree. That one who died while being chained up in the cold probably wouldn't say anything. He's dead.

It's less complicated than that. I guarantee that PoliticalChic could be waterboarded into saying

'waterboarding is torture.'
"I can show you a guy who ripped out the nails of his victims during interrogation, and skinned them alive. Therefore, waterboarding is not torture."

Words to that effect. That's the twisted thinking of a Nazi wannabe torture apologist.

So you are unable to give an example of torture that Americans supposedly committed?
You just blubber on with no real information?


Are you suggesting that waterboarding is torture?
Really, girly-man5000?

Eric Holder didn't think so.

1. [Rep. Dan] Lungren [(R., CA) and the state's former attorney general] then switched gears to a line of questioning aimed at clarifying the Obama Justice Department’s definition of torture. In one of the rare times he gave a straight answer, Holder stated at the hearing that in his view waterboarding is torture. Lundgren asked if it was the Justice Department’s position that Navy SEALS subjected to waterboarding as part of their training were being tortured.

Holder: No, it’s not torture in the legal sense because you’re not doing it with the intention of harming these people physically or mentally, all we’re trying to do is train them —

Lungren: So it’s the question of intent?
Eric Holder Waterboarding is not torture

Seems you're tripping over your own feet, huh?

Well, Eric Holder is a lying torturer. The entire world considers waterboarding to be torture.
1. If one loves America, one must hate Liberalism/Progressivism, the Democrat Party.

No two ways about it.

Every day, in every way, they strike a blow against this great nation.

Make no mistake, this is not merely the unrealistic desires that they turn into laws and regulations, it is the outright attempts to weaken America!

In this thread, I will document the Democrat Party's associations with communism, and the efforts of the Democrat Party to emasculate the intelligence community that protects all of us.

2. What brought this into focus most recently is Democrat Frankenfeinstein's odious "CIA" report.
Yesterday (12/9), the Liberal/Progressive Democrat Party aimed their slash and burn tactics at the agency which is designed to anticipate and blunt future attacks on the nation.

a. " The CIA "provided inaccurate information to the White House, Congress, the Justice Department, the CIA inspector general, the media and the American public" about the "brutal" interrogation techniques it used on terrorism suspects, a long-held Senate intelligence committee report finds.."
Report Says CIA Misled Congress White House On Interrogation Program The Two-Way NPR

The liars from the Left attacking America again.

And the lie is central here:

b. "....aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks ....Nobody wants to do something that is going to bring on any kind of attack,” Ms. Feinstein, the committee’s chairwoman, told reporters after her hourlong speech from the Senate floor on Tuesday describing the report and its harsh criticism of the Central Intelligence Agency’s interrogation program."

I will show that the efforts of the Liberal/Progressive Democrat Party, are meant to do exactly that: ".... bring on any kind of attack,".....and are responsible for the 9/11 attacks themselves.

c. " At times, she had seemed to waver when pressure mounted against disclosing the report, which was assembled over five years by committee Democrats."

If there is some reason for the incessant attacks on the intelligence agencies by Democrats, other than the desire to weaken America.....what is it?

Why didn't you use REPUBLICAN John McCain as your example?
Di-Fi is rightly pissed about the CIA spying on the Senate, but this was done during the Obama era. Her revenge is misdirected.
We now know who accepts, concedes, and legitimizes acts of terrorism. Maybe its time for those that accept and justify such to immigrate to a country with like views. These same minions are of the same mindset that turned their heads the other way and ignored the acts of Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, and host of others.
The cost and expense of Freedom is not maintained by words and ignorance.
Democrats have always been destructive to this country. They get so many things wrong that they just can't help themselves.

Only idiots would have released that report at a time when we are trying to form a coalition in the Muslim world to fight ISIS. What were these morons thinking?

I think the root of this stupidity was their destructive drive to blame Obama's failures on Bush. After all the election last month is an indication that the American people are getting tired of Obama's incompetence and corruption so they had to do something to change the discussion.

It doesn't make any difference to the filthy Democrats that this will do tremendous harm to our country at a time when we can least afford it.
Di-Fi is rightly pissed about the CIA spying on the Senate, but this was done during the Obama era. Her revenge is misdirected.

This report was started years ago. Long before any evidence of spying was reported. Do you really consider it a form of revenge instead of answering the question of whether we actually tortured people?
Republicans dragged and lied us into Iraq. The cost starts at three trillion and over 3,000 dead. The cost will extend trillions into the future taking care of over 40,000 Americans maimed for life. Then passed that horrible mess off to Democrats after Republicans destabilized large areas of the world.

Republicans called it "protecting our country".

The deregulated GOP economy crashed and burned throwing the entire world into a merciless recession. They helped move millions of jobs to China and watched more than 40,000 factories close permanently which cost this country many trillions more.

Republicans called it "creating a free market".

Republicans are fighting to put in a pipeline that could potentially contaminate the world's breadbasket as it passes through the great plains from Canada to Koch owned refineries costing the jobs of an unknown number of truck drivers and creating a measly 35 permanent jobs.

Republicans call that "less dependence on foreign oil" because apparently Canada is not really "foreign".

Republicans passed, through reconciliation, an enormous tax cut to the wealthy ending in both a massive redistribution of wealth to the top 1% as well as creating trillions more in deficit.

Republicans call that "supporting the job creators".

Can this country really survive any more "help" from the GOP?

You may not have been keeping up with current events but Obama fought the war in Iraq for three years according to the Bush plan and then he declared it a success and then he started bombing Iraq again and reintroduced troops. This comes on the heels of escalating the Afghanistan war and bombing the hell out of Libya for oil.

I don't think this country can survive a war mongering dimwit like Obama, can we?
Democrats have always been destructive to this country. They get so many things wrong that they just can't help themselves.

Only idiots would have released that report at a time when we are trying to form a coalition in the Muslim world to fight ISIS. What were these morons thinking?

I think the root of this stupidity was their destructive drive to blame Obama's failures on Bush. After all the election last month is an indication that the American people are getting tired of Obama's incompetence and corruption so they had to do something to change the discussion.

It doesn't make any difference to the filthy Democrats that this will do tremendous harm to our country at a time when we can least afford it.

So you are good with our country carrying out war crimes? I thought The USA was supposed to be better than that, you know.........honorable......... but I guess you just don't care about such things.
Republicans dragged and lied us into Iraq. The cost starts at three trillion and over 3,000 dead. The cost will extend trillions into the future taking care of over 40,000 Americans maimed for life. Then passed that horrible mess off to Democrats after Republicans destabilized large areas of the world.

Republicans called it "protecting our country".

The deregulated GOP economy crashed and burned throwing the entire world into a merciless recession. They helped move millions of jobs to China and watched more than 40,000 factories close permanently which cost this country many trillions more.

Republicans called it "creating a free market".

Republicans are fighting to put in a pipeline that could potentially contaminate the world's breadbasket as it passes through the great plains from Canada to Koch owned refineries costing the jobs of an unknown number of truck drivers and creating a measly 35 permanent jobs.

Republicans call that "less dependence on foreign oil" because apparently Canada is not really "foreign".

Republicans passed, through reconciliation, an enormous tax cut to the wealthy ending in both a massive redistribution of wealth to the top 1% as well as creating trillions more in deficit.

Republicans call that "supporting the job creators".

Can this country really survive any more "help" from the GOP?

You may not have been keeping up with current events but Obama fought the war in Iraq for three years according to the Bush plan and then he declared it a success and then he started bombing Iraq again and reintroduced troops. This comes on the heels of escalating the Afghanistan war and bombing the hell out of Libya for oil.

I don't think this country can survive a war mongering dimwit like Obama, can we?

WOW....a right winger calling Obama a warmonger. I guess it's true, there is no limit to the ignorance of the right.
Tip O'Neal was not a communist sympathizer....

1. If one loves America, one must hate Liberalism/Progressivism, the Democrat Party.

It's called the Democratic Party.. Are you sure you went to college?

The good old days.

My pal Ms. Truthie used to become incensed when I called it the "Democrat Party."

Glad to see the new replacement for her!

You lair!!!!

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