Democrats are trying to deny their Russian Collusion Scandal


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Democrats aren’t buying a yearslong, independent investigation’s findings that the FBI lacked “actual evidence” to justify its probe into whether Donald Trump colluded with Russians to win the 2016 presidential election.

Democrats on Capitol Hill said Tuesday that the report by special counsel John Durham is “a huge nothingburger” and “flat-out wrong” in its conclusion that the FBI based its decision to surveil the Trump campaign on shoddy, uncorroborated intelligence.

They said Mr. Trump aligns himself with Russian President Vladimir Putin even as he leads the 2024 Republican presidential primary field.

Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff went on repeated media tours and sounded off on the House floor following the 2016 election, claiming there was "plenty of evidence of collusion or conspiracy in plain sight" regarding the Trump campaign and Russia — a false claim originally approved and advanced by failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Schiff's thoroughly discredited claims now appear to be even more damning in light of the release of the final version of special counsel John Durham's report.

Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff went on repeated media tours and sounded off on the House floor following the 2016 election, claiming there was "plenty of evidence of collusion or conspiracy in plain sight" regarding the Trump campaign and Russia — a false claim originally approved and advanced by failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Schiff's thoroughly discredited claims now appear to be even more damning in light of the release of the final version of special counsel John Durham's report.

Deep denial of reality is one of the things that makes the corrupt Democrat Party such a dangerous political cult.
They used the FBI and DOJ to frame a Trump with their crazy Russian Collusion Conspiracy.
This is a historical political scandal, and the Left-Wing Press is trying to bury it.
Democrats aren’t buying a yearslong, independent investigation’s findings that the FBI lacked “actual evidence” to justify its probe into whether Donald Trump colluded with Russians to win the 2016 presidential election.

Democrats on Capitol Hill said Tuesday that the report by special counsel John Durham is “a huge nothingburger” and “flat-out wrong” in its conclusion that the FBI based its decision to surveil the Trump campaign on shoddy, uncorroborated intelligence.

They said Mr. Trump aligns himself with Russian President Vladimir Putin even as he leads the 2024 Republican presidential primary field.

Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff went on repeated media tours and sounded off on the House floor following the 2016 election, claiming there was "plenty of evidence of collusion or conspiracy in plain sight" regarding the Trump campaign and Russia — a false claim originally approved and advanced by failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Schiff's thoroughly discredited claims now appear to be even more damning in light of the release of the final version of special counsel John Durham's report.

Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff went on repeated media tours and sounded off on the House floor following the 2016 election, claiming there was "plenty of evidence of collusion or conspiracy in plain sight" regarding the Trump campaign and Russia — a false claim originally approved and advanced by failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Schiff's thoroughly discredited claims now appear to be even more damning in light of the release of the final version of special counsel John Durham's report.

Deep denial of reality is one of the things that makes the corrupt Democrat Party such a dangerous political cult.
They used the FBI and DOJ to frame a Trump with their crazy Russian Collusion Conspiracy.
This is a historical political scandal, and the Left-Wing Press is trying to bury it.
media forgot bout it already

every gender confused democraps here says it did not
I hope they use a stout wall to stand all the dem traitors up against.....Because it's going to take one hell of a beating.

Democrats aren’t buying a yearslong, independent investigation’s findings that the FBI lacked “actual evidence” to justify its probe into whether Donald Trump colluded with Russians to win the 2016 presidential election.

Democrats on Capitol Hill said Tuesday that the report by special counsel John Durham is “a huge nothingburger” and “flat-out wrong” in its conclusion that the FBI based its decision to surveil the Trump campaign on shoddy, uncorroborated intelligence.

They said Mr. Trump aligns himself with Russian President Vladimir Putin even as he leads the 2024 Republican presidential primary field.

Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff went on repeated media tours and sounded off on the House floor following the 2016 election, claiming there was "plenty of evidence of collusion or conspiracy in plain sight" regarding the Trump campaign and Russia — a false claim originally approved and advanced by failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Schiff's thoroughly discredited claims now appear to be even more damning in light of the release of the final version of special counsel John Durham's report.

Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff went on repeated media tours and sounded off on the House floor following the 2016 election, claiming there was "plenty of evidence of collusion or conspiracy in plain sight" regarding the Trump campaign and Russia — a false claim originally approved and advanced by failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Schiff's thoroughly discredited claims now appear to be even more damning in light of the release of the final version of special counsel John Durham's report.

Deep denial of reality is one of the things that makes the corrupt Democrat Party such a dangerous political cult.
They used the FBI and DOJ to frame a Trump with their crazy Russian Collusion Conspiracy.
This is a historical political scandal, and the Left-Wing Press is trying to bury it.

The Durham report, four years in the writing revealed nothing, charged no one, and at the end of the day is making the same vague, insinuations and allegations which Republicans have been making for the past 30 years.

We’ve now had 30 years of allegations and insinuations by Republicans thst Democrats are criminals. What we don’t have is any evidence or charges to back up these allegations.

Show us the evidence and file the charges. Until you do, you have nothing but bullshit, accusations, and innuendo.

Durham spends 300 pages dressing his nothing burger up as something, but in the cold light of day it’s the same “nothing” that every other investigation of Democrats comes up with.
The Durham report, four years in the writing revealed nothing, charged no one, and at the end is making vague, insinuations and allegations, which they have admitted they cannot back up or prosecute.

We’ve now had 30 years of allegations and insinuations by Republicans of democratic wrongdoing and criminal activity.

Show us the evidence and file the charges. Until you do, you have nothing but bullshit, accusations, and innuendo.

Durham has nothing. No evidence of criminal wrongdoing, no charges for criminal wrongdoing.

He spends 300 pages dressing it up as something, but in the cold light of day it’s the same nothing but every other investigation of Democrats comes up with.
I want a reporter to ask Hillary Clinton and Obama about the Durham Report.

“In late July 2016, U.S. intelligence agencies obtained insight into Russian intelligence analysis alleging that U.S Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had approved a campaign plan to stir up a scandal against U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump by tying him to Putin and the Russians’ hacking of the Democratic National Committee,” the report stated.

But the September 2016 CIA “referral memo” that was addressed to then-Deputy Assistant Director Strzok and his boss, fired former FBI director James Comey never saw the light of day, a withholding of a key piece of information that could have altered history and averted the current downward spiral of the nation into the abyss of authoritarian despotism driven by a corrupt kakistocracy and an unrestrained deep state.

“The CIA sent a memo to Peter Strzok saying it had intel that Clinton was trying to frame Trump for Russia ties. Strzok concealed it from the team tasked with investigating Russia. When one agent found out, he felt so ‘betrayed’ that he stormed out,
“In late July 2016, U.S. intelligence agencies obtained insight into Russian intelligence analysis alleging that U.S Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had approved a campaign plan to stir up a scandal against U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump by tying him to Putin and the Russians’ hacking of the Democratic National Committee,” the report stated.

But the September 2016 CIA “referral memo” that was addressed to then-Deputy Assistant Director Strzok and his boss, fired former FBI director James Comey never saw the light of day, a withholding of a key piece of information that could have altered history and averted the current downward spiral of the nation into the abyss of authoritarian despotism driven by a corrupt kakistocracy and an unrestrained deep state.

“The CIA sent a memo to Peter Strzok saying it had intel that Clinton was trying to frame Trump for Russia ties. Strzok concealed it from the team tasked with investigating Russia. When one agent found out, he felt so ‘betrayed’ that he stormed out,
Strzok is a psychopath

CIA told the FBI that Carter Page was working with them - FBI ignored.
CIA told the FBI that Hilliary was executing a plan to frame Trump - FBI ignored.

Greatest Abuse of Power in US history and they did it without committing any crimes.

Stop me if you have heard this - Democrats simply are not subject to US law.
The Durham Report confirmed this week that Joe Biden was briefed about Hillary Clinton’s global plot to tie Donald Trump to Russia when he was Vice President of the United States and refused to disclose the information to the public.
Durham’s new 306-page report harshly criticized the FBI’s “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation into baseless claims of collusion between Trump and Russia during the 2016 presidential campaign. Durham found the bureau’s rush to investigate Trump was “markedly different from the FBI’s actions with respect to other highly significant intelligence it received from a trusted foreign source pointing to a Clinton campaign plan to vilify Trump by tying him to Vladimir Putin.”
Biden, while President Barack Obama’s vice president, was briefed on what Durham dubbed the “Clinton Plan intelligence” in the summer of 2016. The intelligence concerned the purported “approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016 of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisers” to “stir up a scandal” against Trump by “tying him” to “Putin and the Russian hacking of the Democratic National Committee.”

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