The Soros Effect on Local Prosecutors


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
I live in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania (home to Pittsburgh), where we have had a pretty bad Democrat District Attorney (Steve Zappala) for many years, but while he is bad, he is not looney enough for the "progressive" wing of the local Democrat party. He occasionally supports the local police, believes in cash bail, prosecutes actual crimes, and so on. Totally unacceptable.

So the local Progs have identified someone who will bring the law enforcement paradise to Allegheny County: A long-time public defender called, Matt Dugan. Dugan's entire campaign has been funded by a Soros-front organization. They were not the main funders; they were essentially the ONLY funders. And of course he shares the law-non-enforcement philosophy of his counterparts in Manhattan, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.

Dugan won the Democrat primary in a landslide. This was predicted, and happened as expected. The Progs have absolutely taken over the Democrat party in Allegheny County, and not surprisingly, the Democrats hold every significant office in the County, and have for a long time.

So I was put in an untenable situation. I could vote in the R primary for the only candidate on the ballot, who has no chance of winning in November, or I could write in Steve Zappala, hoping that he gets the R nomination, and that sanity MIGHT prevail in November, if the R's team up with the few rational Democrats and Independents.

So I held my nose and did the right thing...or the thing that is less evil. God help me. Still waiting to see if my boy Steve won the Republican nomination.

Good luck. It looks like urban Pa. is turning into a freak show these days. Didn't Pittsburgh just elect an LGBTQ chief of police too?
I live in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania (home to Pittsburgh), where we have had a pretty bad Democrat District Attorney (Steve Zappala) for many years, but while he is bad, he is not looney enough for the "progressive" wing of the local Democrat party. He occasionally supports the local police, believes in cash bail, prosecutes actual crimes, and so on. Totally unacceptable.

So the local Progs have identified someone who will bring the law enforcement paradise to Allegheny County: A long-time public defender called, Matt Dugan. Dugan's entire campaign has been funded by a Soros-front organization. They were not the main funders; they were essentially the ONLY funders. And of course he shares the law-non-enforcement philosophy of his counterparts in Manhattan, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.

Dugan won the Democrat primary in a landslide. This was predicted, and happened as expected. The Progs have absolutely taken over the Democrat party in Allegheny County, and not surprisingly, the Democrats hold every significant office in the County, and have for a long time.

So I was put in an untenable situation. I could vote in the R primary for the only candidate on the ballot, who has no chance of winning in November, or I could write in Steve Zappala, hoping that he gets the R nomination, and that sanity MIGHT prevail in November, if the R's team up with the few rational Democrats and Independents.

So I held my nose and did the right thing...or the thing that is less evil. God help me. Still waiting to see if my boy Steve won the Republican nomination.

Every five years or so, I have occasion to visit Pittsburgh. I always had a favorable impression of it. Not this last time. A few months ago. January. Had the familiar stench of the death spiral of the American city. Shoddy public transportation. Litter everywhere. Surly negroes loitering about. Homeless white guys at every intersection.

Baltimore, redux.
"Soros" is a conservative dogwhistle for "Jews", along with "globalists". If you see either of those words, substitute in "Jews" to understand what the writer is really trying to say.
You sure it's not a dog whistle for stupid people, it sure drew you in.
Geo. Soros has spent his entire life trying to reject and renounce his jewish roots, such as they are. No rational human thinks of him as a "jew": certainly no jews do.

But it is convenient to him to slander anyone who criticizes him as an "Anti-Semite." Chubby Checker famously asked, "How low can you go?" Soros has exceeded all expectations.

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