Democrats are Leaving Party to Vote Ron Paul

Fuck,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you stupid idiots.............

We were attacked because some asshole morons in the Mid east thought that some dead pedophile told them it was the right thing to do.

It was not the fault of any American. It was the fault of the assholes who did it.

You can go on believing that we caused it all you like But I tell you you're thinking is fucked up....

The fault lies with those who did it. It was purely their choice. You can say they had their own reasons for the attacks, but their reasons do not make us to blame.....
Ollie, with respect - you're reacting emotionally and missing the point. I understand, I really do. You love your country. The thing is, so do I. so does Ron Paul. But we can't let that blur our vision and blind us to mistakes our leaders may have made. Doing so only guarantees we'll make the same mistakes again.

I think anyone who's raised kids has an intuitive understanding of why it's necessary to keep your emotions out of your judgment. As parents, we're pretty much hardwired to love our kids unconditionally. But the sorry fact is that kids, by default, are little hellions (especially boys). As a parent you have to stow your love for them and call them to task when they get out of hand. If you fail to do that you raise adults who are self-centered jerks and a menace to the rest of society.

I think blind patriotism has led us to create a foreign policy that is in many ways irrational, self-centered - and rightfully considered a menace by much of the world. As the 'loving parents' of our country, it's our job to hold our leaders accountable. We can, and should, question their decisions and look dispassionately at the ways our government failed to protect us.

Please try to avoid hearing 'justification' and 'blame' when people are looking at the reasons why 9/11 happen. It really doesn't matter whose 'fault' it was. The point is to understand that causal relationships and figure out how to prevent the same thing from happening again.
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Please try to avoid hearing 'justification' and 'blame' when people are looking at the reasons why 9/11 happen. It really doesn't matter whose 'fault' it was. The point is to understand that causal relationships and figure out how to prevent the same thing from happening again.


"Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

George Santayana

Some liberals who might vote for RP will do it because they think he will smack down Israel. Other's because they don't know his social policies. Others because they see him as an attractive Maverick like Ross Perot.

In the end, libs aren't leaving Obama even though they disapprove of him.
We've certainly had enough of the run of the mill politicians. Maybe it is time to give a strict, there's that word, STRICT, constitutionalist a chance. I certainly don't think any of Ron Pauls ideas will HURT our country like odumbo's have. His knowledge of the economy and why we're a train wreck in motion I agree with 100%, more than any other candidate. He is connecting with more and more people, including myself. I think pot should be legal, I think we should get the hell out of the middle east, lock, stock and barrel, I think we should audit the FED, and on and on. I can agree with Paul on lots of things, so if it comes down to Paul or the kenyan, you can bet your ass I'm going to vote for the Dr. with enthusiasm.

You aren't a big fan of learning, are you?

So did he provide solutions?
America is the greatest nation in human history. Our respect for individual liberty, free markets, and limited constitutional government produced the strongest, most prosperous country in the world. But, we have drifted far from our founding principles, and America is in crisis. Ron Paul’s “Restore America” plan slams on the brakes and puts America on a return to constitutional government. It is bold but achievable. Through the bully pulpit of the presidency, the power of the Veto, and, most importantly, the united voice of freedom-loving Americans, we can implement fundamental reforms.


Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate who doesn’t just talk about balancing the budget, but who has a full plan to get it done.


Cuts $1 trillion in spending during the first year of Ron Paul’s presidency, eliminating five cabinet departments (Energy, HUD, Commerce, Interior, and Education), abolishing the Transportation Security Administration and returning responsibility for security to private property owners, abolishing corporate subsidies, stopping foreign aid, ending foreign wars, and returning most other spending to 2006 levels.


Honors our promise to our seniors and veterans, while allowing young workers to opt out. Block grants Medicaid and other welfare programs to allow States the flexibility and ingenuity they need to solve their own unique problems without harming those currently relying on the programs.


Makes a 10% reduction in the federal workforce, slashes Congressional pay and perks, and curbs excessive federal travel. To stand with the American People, President Paul will take a salary of $39,336, approximately equal to the median personal income of the American worker.


Lowers the corporate tax rate to 15%, making America competitive in the global market. Allows American companies to repatriate capital without additional taxation, spurring trillions in new investment. Extends all Bush tax cuts. Abolishes the Death Tax. Ends taxes on personal savings, allowing families to build a nest egg.


Repeals ObamaCare, Dodd-Frank, and Sarbanes-Oxley. Mandates REINS-style requirements for thorough congressional review and authorization before implementing any new regulations issued by bureaucrats. President Paul will also cancel all onerous regulations previously issued by Executive Order.


Conducts a full audit of the Federal Reserve and implements competing currency legislation to
strengthen the dollar and stabilize inflation.


Dr. Paul is the only candidate with a plan to cut spending and truly balance the budget. This is the only plan that will deliver what America needs in these difficult times: Major regulatory relief, large spending cuts, sound monetary policy, and a balanced budget.
more in detail: RON PAUL "PLAN TO RESTORE AMERICA"*|*Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

But in those original you tube vids supplied to us in here, that was years BEFORE 2012. Remember, him calling so many things.

I will ask again, did he supply resolutions to problems he said were coming BACK THEN? If not, why only supply us with future problems, and no solutions then?
Fuck,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you stupid idiots.............

We were attacked because some asshole morons in the Mid east thought that some dead pedophile told them it was the right thing to do.

It was not the fault of any American. It was the fault of the assholes who did it.

You can go on believing that we caused it all you like But I tell you you're thinking is fucked up....

The fault lies with those who did it. It was purely their choice. You can say they had their own reasons for the attacks, but their reasons do not make us to blame.....
Ollie, with respect - you're reacting emotionally and missing the point. I understand, I really do. You love your country. The thing is, so do I. so does Ron Paul. But we can't let that blur our vision and blind us to mistakes our leaders may have made. Doing so only guarantees we'll make the same mistakes again.

I think anyone who's raised kids has an intuitive understanding of why it's necessary to keep your emotions out of your judgment. As parents, we're pretty much hardwired to love our kids unconditionally. But the sorry fact is that kids, by default, are little hellions (especially boys). As a parent you have to stow your love for them and call them to task when they get out of hand. If you fail to do that you raise adults who are self-centered jerks and a menace to the rest of society.

I think blind patriotism has led us to create a foreign policy that is in many ways irrational, self-centered - and rightfully considered a menace by much of the world. As the 'loving parents' of our country, it's our job to hold our leaders accountable. We can, and should, question their decisions and look dispassionately at the ways our government failed to protect us.

Please try to avoid hearing 'justification' and 'blame' when people are looking at the reasons why 9/11 happen. It really doesn't matter whose 'fault' it was. The point is to understand that causal relationships and figure out how to prevent the same thing from happening again.

Most patronizing post I've seen here yet.
How about considering that Ollie is right?
So did he provide solutions?
America is the greatest nation in human history. Our respect for individual liberty, free markets, and limited constitutional government produced the strongest, most prosperous country in the world. But, we have drifted far from our founding principles, and America is in crisis. Ron Paul’s “Restore America” plan slams on the brakes and puts America on a return to constitutional government. It is bold but achievable. Through the bully pulpit of the presidency, the power of the Veto, and, most importantly, the united voice of freedom-loving Americans, we can implement fundamental reforms.


Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate who doesn’t just talk about balancing the budget, but who has a full plan to get it done.


Cuts $1 trillion in spending during the first year of Ron Paul’s presidency, eliminating five cabinet departments (Energy, HUD, Commerce, Interior, and Education), abolishing the Transportation Security Administration and returning responsibility for security to private property owners, abolishing corporate subsidies, stopping foreign aid, ending foreign wars, and returning most other spending to 2006 levels.


Honors our promise to our seniors and veterans, while allowing young workers to opt out. Block grants Medicaid and other welfare programs to allow States the flexibility and ingenuity they need to solve their own unique problems without harming those currently relying on the programs.


Makes a 10% reduction in the federal workforce, slashes Congressional pay and perks, and curbs excessive federal travel. To stand with the American People, President Paul will take a salary of $39,336, approximately equal to the median personal income of the American worker.


Lowers the corporate tax rate to 15%, making America competitive in the global market. Allows American companies to repatriate capital without additional taxation, spurring trillions in new investment. Extends all Bush tax cuts. Abolishes the Death Tax. Ends taxes on personal savings, allowing families to build a nest egg.


Repeals ObamaCare, Dodd-Frank, and Sarbanes-Oxley. Mandates REINS-style requirements for thorough congressional review and authorization before implementing any new regulations issued by bureaucrats. President Paul will also cancel all onerous regulations previously issued by Executive Order.


Conducts a full audit of the Federal Reserve and implements competing currency legislation to
strengthen the dollar and stabilize inflation.


Dr. Paul is the only candidate with a plan to cut spending and truly balance the budget. This is the only plan that will deliver what America needs in these difficult times: Major regulatory relief, large spending cuts, sound monetary policy, and a balanced budget.
more in detail: RON PAUL "PLAN TO RESTORE AMERICA"*|*Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

But in those original you tube vids supplied to us in here, that was years BEFORE 2012. Remember, him calling so many things.

I will ask again, did he supply resolutions to problems he said were coming BACK THEN? If not, why only supply us with future problems, and no solutions then?

Ron Paul has been offering his solutions since the 70s.
Fuck,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you stupid idiots.............

We were attacked because some asshole morons in the Mid east thought that some dead pedophile told them it was the right thing to do.

It was not the fault of any American. It was the fault of the assholes who did it.

You can go on believing that we caused it all you like But I tell you you're thinking is fucked up....

The fault lies with those who did it. It was purely their choice. You can say they had their own reasons for the attacks, but their reasons do not make us to blame.....
Ollie, with respect - you're reacting emotionally and missing the point. I understand, I really do. You love your country. The thing is, so do I. so does Ron Paul. But we can't let that blur our vision and blind us to mistakes our leaders may have made. Doing so only guarantees we'll make the same mistakes again.

I think anyone who's raised kids has an intuitive understanding of why it's necessary to keep your emotions out of your judgment. As parents, we're pretty much hardwired to love our kids unconditionally. But the sorry fact is that kids, by default, are little hellions (especially boys). As a parent you have to stow your love for them and call them to task when they get out of hand. If you fail to do that you raise adults who are self-centered jerks and a menace to the rest of society.

I think blind patriotism has led us to create a foreign policy that is in many ways irrational, self-centered - and rightfully considered a menace by much of the world. As the 'loving parents' of our country, it's our job to hold our leaders accountable. We can, and should, question their decisions and look dispassionately at the ways our government failed to protect us.

Please try to avoid hearing 'justification' and 'blame' when people are looking at the reasons why 9/11 happen. It really doesn't matter whose 'fault' it was. The point is to understand that causal relationships and figure out how to prevent the same thing from happening again.

Most patronizing post I've seen here yet.
How about considering that Ollie is right?

The Sergeant is always right...... Ask me......
Obama doesn't have the monopoly on OWS votes, either.

Democrats are Leaving Party to Vote for Ron Paul - YouTube

If the GOP truly believed in "anyone but Obama", they'd stop blackballing Ron Paul.

This is why Paul will stomp Obama if he is nominated...

Besides for the militant partisan left-wing Obamabot hacks I don't believe there are many democrats who are pleased with the idiot either...

Getting Paul nominated will be more difficult than Paul destroying Obama...
Obama doesn't have the monopoly on OWS votes, either.

Democrats are Leaving Party to Vote for Ron Paul - YouTube

If the GOP truly believed in "anyone but Obama", they'd stop blackballing Ron Paul.

This is why Paul will stomp Obama if he is nominated...

Besides for the militant partisan left-wing Obamabot hacks I don't believe there are many democrats who are pleased with the idiot either...

Getting Paul nominated will be more difficult than Paul destroying Obama...

Totally agree. For Paul, it's like being a NFC team in the 90s when beating up on the Bills in the Super Bowl was a mere formality after winning the NFC Championship Game. If Ron Paul can win the GOP Primary, he'd walk over Obama. Obama would probably still win a modest majority of the minority vote, but the only portion of the white vote Obama would take is the degenerate self-acknowledged Marxist vote.
This is why Paul will stomp Obama if he is nominated...

Besides for the militant partisan left-wing Obamabot hacks I don't believe there are many democrats who are pleased with the idiot either...

Getting Paul nominated will be more difficult than Paul destroying Obama...

I wish I could be confident in that. But I suspect there are a good number of neocons who would cross party lines to vote against Paul, correctly recognizing that they have more to fear from him, than from Obama.
I think I would write in my own name before I voted for Ron Paul. And I would really suck at it....
Stop being a non-thinking, robot drone. I'll bet you've never even been to his website:

Ron Paul 2012 Official Campaign Website

Tell us all what's wrong with Dr. Paul. Not your preconceived notions, but what's wrong with his views based on what you see at his website.


Without needing to visit his site I can tell you that I believe his plans for the military will cost us our entire nation. His foreign policy is closer to isolationism than I care to even think about. But these are simply my opinions. I could be wrong. But I doubt it.

Our current plans will cost our military. They are strung out, worn out, and tired of being used for bullshit nation building. On top of that is the cost monetarily, and the lowered defense we have stateside (ie. the border). Having our military spread all over the world helping dictators into power does not help us.
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Obama doesn't have the monopoly on OWS votes, either.

Democrats are Leaving Party to Vote for Ron Paul - YouTube

If the GOP truly believed in "anyone but Obama", they'd stop blackballing Ron Paul.

That guy is so obnoxious. It's like he's saying "Look lady, I don't care what you want to say, just say the things I want you to say and nothing else, got it!!!". I've seen him before - FOX right?

If it's the guy I'm thinking of He, O'Reilly, Ed Whateverhisnameis and Chris Matthews are among the worst.
Ollie, with respect - you're reacting emotionally and missing the point. I understand, I really do. You love your country. The thing is, so do I. so does Ron Paul. But we can't let that blur our vision and blind us to mistakes our leaders may have made. Doing so only guarantees we'll make the same mistakes again.

I think anyone who's raised kids has an intuitive understanding of why it's necessary to keep your emotions out of your judgment. As parents, we're pretty much hardwired to love our kids unconditionally. But the sorry fact is that kids, by default, are little hellions (especially boys). As a parent you have to stow your love for them and call them to task when they get out of hand. If you fail to do that you raise adults who are self-centered jerks and a menace to the rest of society.

I think blind patriotism has led us to create a foreign policy that is in many ways irrational, self-centered - and rightfully considered a menace by much of the world. As the 'loving parents' of our country, it's our job to hold our leaders accountable. We can, and should, question their decisions and look dispassionately at the ways our government failed to protect us.

Please try to avoid hearing 'justification' and 'blame' when people are looking at the reasons why 9/11 happen. It really doesn't matter whose 'fault' it was. The point is to understand that causal relationships and figure out how to prevent the same thing from happening again.

Most patronizing post I've seen here yet.
How about considering that Ollie is right?

The Sergeant is always right...... Ask me......

Right about what, exactly?

Your main point seems to be that Americans aren't to "blame". I agree. But you're using that position as an excuse to ignore any consideration of changing our foreign policy. Do you really think that does us any good? Should we stubbornly refuse to change our policies no matter how ineffective they've been?

This is the same kind of crap that the demagogues would whip out during the Bush administration and it's very dangerous in my opinion. It's not patriotism. It's blind nationalism and it's used to silence criticism. As citizens we need to criticize our leadership to keep them on the right path.
Most patronizing post I've seen here yet.
How about considering that Ollie is right?

The Sergeant is always right...... Ask me......

Right about what, exactly?

Your main point seems to be that Americans aren't to "blame". I agree. But you're using that position as an excuse to ignore any consideration of changing our foreign policy. Do you really think that does us any good? Should we stubbornly refuse to change our policies no matter how ineffective they've been?

This is the same kind of crap that the demagogues would whip out during the Bush administration and it's very dangerous in my opinion. It's not patriotism. It's blind nationalism and it's used to silence criticism. As citizens we need to criticize our leadership to keep them on the right path.

You're backtrqacking. Either US policy caused 9/11 or it didnt. Which is it?
I think I would write in my own name before I voted for Ron Paul. And I would really suck at it....
Stop being a non-thinking, robot drone. I'll bet you've never even been to his website:

Ron Paul 2012 Official Campaign Website

Tell us all what's wrong with Dr. Paul. Not your preconceived notions, but what's wrong with his views based on what you see at his website.


well for me it is his belief that industry will regulate itself to the betterment of the USA.
that is my main stickler with him.
Fuck,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you stupid idiots.............

We were attacked because some asshole morons in the Mid east thought that some dead pedophile told them it was the right thing to do.

It was not the fault of any American. It was the fault of the assholes who did it.

You can go on believing that we caused it all you like But I tell you you're thinking is fucked up....

The fault lies with those who did it. It was purely their choice. You can say they had their own reasons for the attacks, but their reasons do not make us to blame.....

Who was the reason those jihadists were in power and had money?

If you break a serial killer out of jail, drive him to a school and hand him an AK-47, would it be fair to put blame on you for what he did with it or would only the serial killer deserve blame?
Because the Saudi government supported them and because we withdrew from the region after the Soviets left. Remind me why that justifies killing 3,000 civilians.

I see, now you're denying basic history.

We supported Osama and his pals, you know that but you partisans have to change history in order to remain partisans. Truth be damned. Your hero Reagan supported Osama (dont' worry Carter did too), and it'd be hard to speak the truth and say "My hero supported the terrorist who killed thousands of americans." Better to just lie and live in a fantasy world.

It wasn't justified. What Osama and his pals did was terribly immoral, no one denies that. It's your other heros like Hannity who tell you what others think, rather than listening to what they say, and you go with that.

But it was also horribly immoral to support monsters like Osama, like we did in Iraq, like we're doing in Libya, but you want that policy to remain in place despite it having bit us in the ass for decades.
This is why Paul will stomp Obama if he is nominated...

Besides for the militant partisan left-wing Obamabot hacks I don't believe there are many democrats who are pleased with the idiot either...

Getting Paul nominated will be more difficult than Paul destroying Obama...

I wish I could be confident in that. But I suspect there are a good number of neocons who would cross party lines to vote against Paul, correctly recognizing that they have more to fear from him, than from Obama.

No doubt about it.

They can at least take comfort that Obama will blow up muslims. Both versions of partisan love that.

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