Democrats are Hemorraging money; Is This the Spur for Their Recent Moderation?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Dont get me wrong, but I am happy that the libs are moving away from Antifa and some are even wishing our President well, like Senator Diane Feinstein, but I was wondering why now and why all at once?

Maybe this explains it some.

The Democratic Party’s Looming Fundraising Crisis

There’s one problem for the Democrats: The party has a serious fundraising crisis.

Over the first six months of 2017, the Republican National Committee pulled in $75 million—nearly twice as much money as the Democratic National Committee, which raised $38 million. The predicament isn’t simply that there is a funding gap between the parties; it’s what kind of money they attract. Republicans have quietly taken a decisive edge over Democrats when it comes to small-dollar fundraising.

During that same six-month time span, the RNC raised $33 million in small contributions—money from people who donate $200 or less over an election cycle—while that same class of donors gave the DNC just $21 million.

This isn’t just about money. Small-dollar donors are an important measure of how much grass-roots enthusiasm a campaign or organization has. They are the supporters who will show up to knock on doors, make phone calls and get out the vote. And since they don’t donate enough to reach campaigns’ individual contribution limits, you can return to ask them for money time and again—which frees campaigns from continually being on the hunt for new, deep-pocketed donors who can max out. The lack of their support threatens to prevent major gains by the party in 2018 and beyond.

How did this happen?

As one of the people who led Senator Bernie Sanders’ fundraising operation during the 2016 primaries, I watched Donald Trump’s campaign take many of our ideas and duplicate them, employing language and tactics nearly identical to those we used on the Sanders campaign. What we found to be most powerful wasn’t just hiring the right people or using the right technology. What mattered more was figuring out an empowering message of hope and reaching people with it. In the Trump era, the Democratic Party has sputtered along with fundraising appeals focused on scare tactics—understandable, but counterproductive. Meanwhile, Trump—a billionaire who is already president—is still winning grass-roots donors by offering his supporters an empowering message.​
The coming criminal investigations are the cause; Sessions is finally moving on them, apparently. Comey is the canary in the coal mine, and will most likely rat out anybody and everybody, causing more rats to be flushed out and spilling their guts, and so. The entire Democratic Party is a criminal enterprise at this point. Those RICO indictments are getting harder and harder to avoid.
Actually, all investigations center on Trump. Trump however inspired NEW active members of the party. But Democrats are generally outspent, at least until in office, we shall see if Trump's low approval ratings stem the tide of cash.
some are even wishing our President well, like Senator Diane Feinstein
Feinstein said:
"The question is whether he can learn and change. If so, I believe he can be a good president. We’ll have to see if he can forget himself enough and have the type of empathy and direction the country needs."

"The president shouldn’t have tried to placate both sides. You cannot placate American Nazis. You cannot placate white supremacists. It was a stupid thing to do”
Were those the type and tone of so-called plaudits I received, helping me better isn't what they'd accomplish. Seriously. The substance of the first "encomium" is that if Trump to the core changes everything about himself, he can be a good president. Well, anyone could say that about nearly everyone whom they currently despise and who's neither on their deathbed nor dead.
Considering the Left's slippage to the Farther Left since 2000, and the recent behavior of Antifa and other Democrat-supported activist groups, no one of sound mind believes they are moderating.

They are merely attempting - shall we say politely - to cover an enormous fat, bare and impecunious ass with pretty words, one not easily covered in any case.
Dont get me wrong, but I am happy that the libs are moving away from Antifa and some are even wishing our President well, like Senator Diane Feinstein, but I was wondering why now and why all at once?

Maybe this explains it some.

The Democratic Party’s Looming Fundraising Crisis

There’s one problem for the Democrats: The party has a serious fundraising crisis.

Over the first six months of 2017, the Republican National Committee pulled in $75 million—nearly twice as much money as the Democratic National Committee, which raised $38 million. The predicament isn’t simply that there is a funding gap between the parties; it’s what kind of money they attract. Republicans have quietly taken a decisive edge over Democrats when it comes to small-dollar fundraising.

During that same six-month time span, the RNC raised $33 million in small contributions—money from people who donate $200 or less over an election cycle—while that same class of donors gave the DNC just $21 million.

This isn’t just about money. Small-dollar donors are an important measure of how much grass-roots enthusiasm a campaign or organization has. They are the supporters who will show up to knock on doors, make phone calls and get out the vote. And since they don’t donate enough to reach campaigns’ individual contribution limits, you can return to ask them for money time and again—which frees campaigns from continually being on the hunt for new, deep-pocketed donors who can max out. The lack of their support threatens to prevent major gains by the party in 2018 and beyond.

How did this happen?

As one of the people who led Senator Bernie Sanders’ fundraising operation during the 2016 primaries, I watched Donald Trump’s campaign take many of our ideas and duplicate them, employing language and tactics nearly identical to those we used on the Sanders campaign. What we found to be most powerful wasn’t just hiring the right people or using the right technology. What mattered more was figuring out an empowering message of hope and reaching people with it. In the Trump era, the Democratic Party has sputtered along with fundraising appeals focused on scare tactics—understandable, but counterproductive. Meanwhile, Trump—a billionaire who is already president—is still winning grass-roots donors by offering his supporters an empowering message.​

So, is the Democratic Party is learning that Marxism doesn't pay?

I think it is poetic justice....but it would save the U.S.A. a whole lot of grief to come if the damn fool Democrats would just check out the recent, brief history of the Soviet Union....the bankrupt, collapsed Soviet Union.

But, instead of learning from History, the Democratic Party now espouses pretty much everything Karl Marx taught...and Marxists are notoriously poor donators....they believe it is more blessed to receive than to give.*
*Translation for those educated in a rotting northern city run by Democrats for 4 decades or more:

Its hard to get Free Shit out of people who are looking for Free Shit.


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