Democrats And Their Silly Tokenism With Respect To Everything....Especially Gender


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
If you're wondering if the world has gone're right.
Democrats have turned America into a joke.
Their Identity Politics and Gender Tokenism is running amok.

Democrats don't appeal to the average American anymore. They only appeal to people that have a screw loose:

  • People who were born black and went to Harvard but feel like slaves
  • People who want to compete in women's sports....when they're sporting a penis...
  • People who live in Honduras but want to come to America for the $3600/mo Democrats offered them
  • Black people who hate whites
  • Jews who hate Israel
  • People who hate meat-eaters
  • People who hate fossil-fuels but still get a ride in their friend's car and heat their homes with natural gas...because it's natural
  • People who hate Nazis so much they ban their Twitter accounts and want to put their kids in re-education camps
  • Smarmy Progressives that look down their noses at the uneducated

Imagine....celebrating failure but calling it success because of gender.
The setup in 2019 for Twitter and Facebook to start deplatforming and banning conservative thought:

Note that this was the only probable reason for this hearing. To pave the way for the closing of Trump's Twitter account.

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