Democrats and the Abortion Issue

Nope. That would horrible law if it were true. What about all those frozen embryos in IVF clinics? Are they all prisoners of conscience? Do we need to issue a writ of habeas corpus?

I've covered this.
Zygotes aren't people.
Embryos aren't people
Fetuses aren't people.
a zygot is a stage of development not another type of being,, thats another lie baby killers tell themselve to relieve the guilt of what they support,,
Nope. Biology also says they aren't viable until the sixth month of pregnancy. So not people.
they are viable if you dont kill them,,

using your logic they are not viable up to several yrs old,,

another lie baby killers like you tell yourself to relieve the guilt you feel inside,,

To those of us with three-digit IQ's, the Dobbs decision took abortion off the table as a FEDERAL issue. It is a matter for the States to decide, period. In fact, if Congress passed a law trying to establish a Federal/National position on abortion, "we" all know that law would be nullified as unconstitutional as quickly as a case could be brought and appealed up through the Federal court pyramid.

But look at what has happened in recent months. Our Addled President has openly stated that if he were permitted to do so, he would pass just such an unconstitutional law to "protect a woman's so-called Right to Choose." And although we all know that he is no Constitutional scholar, even he knows that is bullshit.

Democrat (Biden) television ads have grotesquely painted a picture of some woman rushing to an out-of-state abortion clinic being stopped by police and forced to do a pregnancy test. [A pox on the house of every Leftist who was involved in any way with that abortion of an ad].

Clearly, the Democrats are determined to make this non-issue their biggest pitch in the coming general election campaign.

What can you say about this? They are knowingly focusing on something they know the President can literally do NOTHING about, in the hope that their voters are too ignorant to realize it.

And of course, the Media, far from pointing out Democrat duplicity, are constantly posting articles and opinion pieces that support this false Narrative of Biden "protecting abortion rights."

Sometimes I think the Left is stupid, but in this case, I think it's evil.
Americans, overwhelmingly, support reproductive freedom within the strictures of Roe v Wade that had been the recognized law of the land for half a century.

Democratic candidates emphasis upon authoritarian politicians who seek to abrogate such rights is entirely relevant and appropriate.
they are viable if you dont kill them,,

using your logic they are not viable up to several yrs old,,

another lie baby killers like you tell yourself to relieve the guilt you feel inside,,
Your extremism is repugnant to most freedom-loving Americans, as polls and referenda in both red and blue states clearly demonstrate.

A microscopic, mindless amalgam of cells is not a person, and does not license the State to seize control of the womb, as is the case in repressive regimes such as El Salvador and Nicaragua.

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a zygot is a stage of development not another type of being,, thats another lie baby killers tell themselve to relieve the guilt of what they support,,
But it's a stage of development no sane person would give human rights to.

Otherwise, IVF would be illegal, IUDs would be illegal, etc.

they are viable if you dont kill them,,

using your logic they are not viable up to several yrs old,,

No, because then they can live independently. No one is COMPELLED to take care of it.
But it's a stage of development no sane person would give human rights to.

Otherwise, IVF would be illegal, IUDs would be illegal, etc.

No, because then they can live independently. No one is COMPELLED to take care of it.
is a stage no baby killer will recognize because it would prove they are a sick POS that wants to murder innocent children,,

a child for several yrs after birth can not survive on their own and why they need someone to take care of them,,

just admit its a human child and you dont care if its being killed so we can move on
But it's a stage of development no sane person would give human rights to.

Otherwise, IVF would be illegal, IUDs would be illegal, etc.

No, because then they can live independently. No one is COMPELLED to take care of it.
Don't step on an acorn. They'll accuse you of cutting down an oak tree.
a child for several yrs after birth can not survive on their own and why they need someone to take care of them,,
but no one is compelled to.

If I found a basket with a baby in on my doorstep tomorrow, I would turn it over to the authorities, but that's all the obligation I have.

A woman with a glob of tissue doesn't have that option.
but no one is compelled to.

If I found a basket with a baby in on my doorstep tomorrow, I would turn it over to the authorities, but that's all the obligation I have.

A woman with a glob of tissue doesn't have that option.
still denying science thats already proved its not a clump of cells/tissue but a living human child I see,,
still denying science thats already proved its not a clump of cells/tissue but a living human child I see,,
If the deliberate killing of humans in the womb is fine, they can't complain when somebody takes their life. It is for the executioner to judge as they see it.
still denying science thats already proved its not a clump of cells/tissue but a living human child I see,,

Sorry, I don't give a clump of cells more rights than the woman it is inside.

If the deliberate killing of humans in the womb is fine, they can't complain when somebody takes their life. It is for the executioner to judge as they see it.
Why do you wingnuts have such a violence fetish? We realize the world isn't going your way, but you need better coping mechanism.
Sorry, I don't give a clump of cells more rights than the woman it is inside.

Why do you wingnuts have such a violence fetish? We realize the world isn't going your way, but you need better coping mechanism.
we arent talking about a clump of cells,,
we are talking about a living human being inside the womb of its mother,,

you just call it that to relieve the guilt you feel knowing you support the murder of an innocent child,,

why you nutjobs strive for child sacrifice I dont understand,,
Sorry, I don't give a clump of cells more rights than the woman it is inside.

Why do you wingnuts have such a violence fetish? We realize the world isn't going your way, but you need better coping mechanism.
We might as well end all laws about taking human life as to do things your way. We argue to preserve life. You argue to preserve death.
Even the Supreme Court's sanctifying service, the Catholic Church, didn't call upon its faithful servants to outlaw abortion. So, if y'all want to debate with people who think abortion is murder (and it was not at the founding unless the fetus had "quickened") have at it .... if that "pleases" you.

But, imo, the interesting question is when the maj on this "Court" will apply textual literalism and when it won't. There's no right of privacy in the const and BoR, and there's no presidential immunity either.

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