Democrats: Americans Overwhelmingly Do Not Want Impeachment

Americans believe President Trump may have "obstructed justice" (for a crime he didn't commit) and even that he may have committed crimes before elected to office, but by an overwhelming majority of 66-29 percent they DO NOT believe Democrats should begin impeachment. Despite crimes. Despite obstruction.

It seems to me that this will be all the evidence Nancy needs to shut down Maxine and Co.

QU Poll Release Detail

Yup, only the un-Americans do.
Americans tolerate obstruction of justice by our chief law enforcement officer now?

Another fine precedent being set by a people that have lost their way.

Looks like Americans tolerate spying on other candidates. You want that as a precedent?
No. If you are asking me that question in an attempt to justify obstruction of justice, then you are part of the problem.
the problem is both sides have their own definition of "Justice"

this is what happens when we choose to redefine worse along the way.

ie - stop being a jerk has become YOU DAMN NAZI!

we have lost our ability to determine the appropriate levels of rage within a situation and have simply chosen to rage quickly to the most extreme position and begin there. i don't see how anything good can come of that.

*IF* Russia turns out to be a leftist goose chase, then yes we do need to follow back and find out why. Now *IF* Mueller had found cause to keep going after Trump then the left would have grounds of which to do so.

Instead, the left didn't get what they wanted out of the report so they re-frame what justice should look like. its become painfully obvious they don't care about justice, just getting what they want. Anything short of getting rid of Trump is simply not acceptable. This is illustrated by members of the (D) side saying we need to impeach Trump or he'll get re-elected.


that phrase is all you need to know. now tell me - WHO is using political weaponized power to get rid of opponants *IF* their reason to impeach Trump is in fact to keep him from getting re-elected?

Is that really how we wish to run our country? If I don't get my way the person IN my way is criminal? Is this REALLY what the left wants to see come back at them in a "hold my beer" fashion?

i don't want to see us as a country do this. AT ALL.

and i do think most in the middle would prefer we back off the edge and learn to talk like adults again, not pissed off 6 year olds upset we have to do as we're told.
Americans believe President Trump may have "obstructed justice" (for a crime he didn't commit) and even that he may have committed crimes before elected to office, but by an overwhelming majority of 66-29 percent they DO NOT believe Democrats should begin impeachment. Despite crimes. Despite obstruction.

It seems to me that this will be all the evidence Nancy needs to shut down Maxine and Co.

QU Poll Release Detail

I do. I want those SCUM to have an Impeachment vote. I really, really, really do.

It will be the end of dimocrap scum power on a national level for the next ten years.
I'm not what the connection is between politics and the will of the people.

There isn't always one. But in this case, Leftists are nothing if not self-interested. They will not plunge into impeachment if Americans are so strongly opposed. It will backfire in the voter's booth, which effects THEM.

in the months b4 impeachment hearings started for nixon, the sentiment was the same. however, once the televised hearings began, showing the evidence to the american people , attitudes changed & (R)s knew that nixon was indeed a crook because the 'evidence' reflected that.

& that needs to happen now.
there is no evidence.

people keep referencing watergate and then spin off to some bullshit that has nothing to do with it. it only shows they're using watergate like racist, nazi and the like - effect. reality need not be a part of this.

lets have a history lesson:

Watergate scandal - Wikipedia
"The term Watergate, by metonymy, has come to encompass an array of clandestine and often illegal activities undertaken by members of the Nixon administration. Those activities included such dirty tricks as bugging the offices of political opponents and people of whom Nixon or his officials were suspicious. Nixon and his close aides also ordered investigations of activist groups and political figures, using the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as political weapons.[3]

The scandal led to the discovery of multiple abuses of power by members of the Nixon administration, the commencement of an impeachment process against the president,[4] and Nixon's resignation. The scandal also resulted in the indictment of 69 people, with trials or pleas resulting in 48 being found guilty, many of whom were top Nixon officials.[5]"

using the FBI, CIA and IRS against your opponents.

find me an example of trump doing this that would spawn this term / label being applied to him. he never bugged/wiretapped anyone and has not used our agencies against his political opponents.

100% swing and a miss to apply this term to trump. so unless you can show me where he has done this, you're using WATERGATE as an emotional ploy and are either 100% ignorant of what it was about or know and choose to mischaracterize it for your own emotional gain.

now shall we look at obama being accused of each and every one of these direct actions, apples for apples?

i'll provide examples of obama's actions and wait patiently for you to do the same for trump.

Obama's Weaponization of Government
4 Ways The Obama Administration Weaponized The Government
Trish Regan: The Obama FBI was weaponized for political purposes
OMB Director Mick Mulvaney: Obama "Weaponized" Government Shutdown In 2013, "Will Look Very Different" This Time!
Trish Regan: The Obama FBI was weaponized for political purposes
The 2 reasons Obama criminalized intel agencies - WND - WND

as for spying now:
It looks like Obama did spy on Trump, just as he apparently did to me
Obama spied on Trump’s campaign. Where’s the outrage?
Tucker Carlson: The Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign – and the media refuse to call it spying
How Obama Officials Spied on Trump
12 Pieces Of Proof: The MSM Knew Obama Spied On Trump and LIED To Cover It Up

now - i have covered what watergate entailed and have provided link after link to show this applies directly to obama. now please, do the same for trump or stop the stupid emotional comparisons.

instead - here's what you are going to do. laugh at me, call all these accusations bullshit, and double down on orange man bad.

naw - just throw out the but but OBAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! reply because, well it fits so nicely & works great.

as for watergate... why did nixon resign after the impeachment hearings started & were televised? why did (R) barry goldwater go to him & tell him he needed to resign or he was sunk & the senate was going to try him?

here's what you are going to do. laugh at me, call all these accusations bullshit, and double down on black man bad OR bring up slick willy's BJ or worse - uranium one & BENGHAZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII & triple down on all clintons bad.
so, what you are saying is, i was dead on right.

you can call out WATERGATE and dig into the past and i say it has zero relevance. i do however re-frame your stupidity onto a previous president who HAS done directly related actions and you whine we're brining up obama.

so YOU can bring up the past to frame the future, but no one else can.

typical leftist bullshit that gets people chunked out of helicopters eventually.

nixon didn't break into watergate - but was going to be impeached for obstruction if he didn't resign.

ticky tocky.
Americans tolerate obstruction of justice by our chief law enforcement officer now?

Another fine precedent being set by a people that have lost their way.

Looks like Americans tolerate spying on other candidates. You want that as a precedent?
No. If you are asking me that question in an attempt to justify obstruction of justice, then you are part of the problem.
the problem is both sides have their own definition of "Justice"

this is what happens when we choose to redefine worse along the way.

ie - stop being a jerk has become YOU DAMN NAZI!

we have lost our ability to determine the appropriate levels of rage within a situation and have simply chosen to rage quickly to the most extreme position and begin there. i don't see how anything good can come of that.

*IF* Russia turns out to be a leftist goose chase, then yes we do need to follow back and find out why. Now *IF* Mueller had found cause to keep going after Trump then the left would have grounds of which to do so.

Instead, the left didn't get what they wanted out of the report so they re-frame what justice should look like. its become painfully obvious they don't care about justice, just getting what they want. Anything short of getting rid of Trump is simply not acceptable. This is illustrated by members of the (D) side saying we need to impeach Trump or he'll get re-elected.


that phrase is all you need to know. now tell me - WHO is using political weaponized power to get rid of opponants *IF* their reason to impeach Trump is in fact to keep him from getting re-elected?

Is that really how we wish to run our country? If I don't get my way the person IN my way is criminal? Is this REALLY what the left wants to see come back at them in a "hold my beer" fashion?

i don't want to see us as a country do this. AT ALL.

and i do think most in the middle would prefer we back off the edge and learn to talk like adults again, not pissed off 6 year olds upset we have to do as we're told.

The Left/Democrats can't beat Trump on issues especially in a solid economy so they need to resort to tactics. I have yet to see a Democrat propose how we can build or sustain economic success. Even if they want to push more dependence and redistribution of wealth, they ought to be focusing how this is going to get paid for.
There isn't always one. But in this case, Leftists are nothing if not self-interested. They will not plunge into impeachment if Americans are so strongly opposed. It will backfire in the voter's booth, which effects THEM.

in the months b4 impeachment hearings started for nixon, the sentiment was the same. however, once the televised hearings began, showing the evidence to the american people , attitudes changed & (R)s knew that nixon was indeed a crook because the 'evidence' reflected that.

& that needs to happen now.
there is no evidence.

people keep referencing watergate and then spin off to some bullshit that has nothing to do with it. it only shows they're using watergate like racist, nazi and the like - effect. reality need not be a part of this.

lets have a history lesson:

Watergate scandal - Wikipedia
"The term Watergate, by metonymy, has come to encompass an array of clandestine and often illegal activities undertaken by members of the Nixon administration. Those activities included such dirty tricks as bugging the offices of political opponents and people of whom Nixon or his officials were suspicious. Nixon and his close aides also ordered investigations of activist groups and political figures, using the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as political weapons.[3]

The scandal led to the discovery of multiple abuses of power by members of the Nixon administration, the commencement of an impeachment process against the president,[4] and Nixon's resignation. The scandal also resulted in the indictment of 69 people, with trials or pleas resulting in 48 being found guilty, many of whom were top Nixon officials.[5]"

using the FBI, CIA and IRS against your opponents.

find me an example of trump doing this that would spawn this term / label being applied to him. he never bugged/wiretapped anyone and has not used our agencies against his political opponents.

100% swing and a miss to apply this term to trump. so unless you can show me where he has done this, you're using WATERGATE as an emotional ploy and are either 100% ignorant of what it was about or know and choose to mischaracterize it for your own emotional gain.

now shall we look at obama being accused of each and every one of these direct actions, apples for apples?

i'll provide examples of obama's actions and wait patiently for you to do the same for trump.

Obama's Weaponization of Government
4 Ways The Obama Administration Weaponized The Government
Trish Regan: The Obama FBI was weaponized for political purposes
OMB Director Mick Mulvaney: Obama "Weaponized" Government Shutdown In 2013, "Will Look Very Different" This Time!
Trish Regan: The Obama FBI was weaponized for political purposes
The 2 reasons Obama criminalized intel agencies - WND - WND

as for spying now:
It looks like Obama did spy on Trump, just as he apparently did to me
Obama spied on Trump’s campaign. Where’s the outrage?
Tucker Carlson: The Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign – and the media refuse to call it spying
How Obama Officials Spied on Trump
12 Pieces Of Proof: The MSM Knew Obama Spied On Trump and LIED To Cover It Up

now - i have covered what watergate entailed and have provided link after link to show this applies directly to obama. now please, do the same for trump or stop the stupid emotional comparisons.

instead - here's what you are going to do. laugh at me, call all these accusations bullshit, and double down on orange man bad.

naw - just throw out the but but OBAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! reply because, well it fits so nicely & works great.

as for watergate... why did nixon resign after the impeachment hearings started & were televised? why did (R) barry goldwater go to him & tell him he needed to resign or he was sunk & the senate was going to try him?

here's what you are going to do. laugh at me, call all these accusations bullshit, and double down on black man bad OR bring up slick willy's BJ or worse - uranium one & BENGHAZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII & triple down on all clintons bad.
so, what you are saying is, i was dead on right.

you can call out WATERGATE and dig into the past and i say it has zero relevance. i do however re-frame your stupidity onto a previous president who HAS done directly related actions and you whine we're brining up obama.

so YOU can bring up the past to frame the future, but no one else can.

typical leftist bullshit that gets people chunked out of helicopters eventually.

nixon didn't break into watergate - but was going to be impeached for obstruction if he didn't resign.

ticky tocky.
/——/ Mueller tick tock tick tock - fail. Now Watergate tick tock tick tock.
Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
in the months b4 impeachment hearings started for nixon, the sentiment was the same. however, once the televised hearings began, showing the evidence to the american people , attitudes changed & (R)s knew that nixon was indeed a crook because the 'evidence' reflected that.

& that needs to happen now.
there is no evidence.

people keep referencing watergate and then spin off to some bullshit that has nothing to do with it. it only shows they're using watergate like racist, nazi and the like - effect. reality need not be a part of this.

lets have a history lesson:

Watergate scandal - Wikipedia
"The term Watergate, by metonymy, has come to encompass an array of clandestine and often illegal activities undertaken by members of the Nixon administration. Those activities included such dirty tricks as bugging the offices of political opponents and people of whom Nixon or his officials were suspicious. Nixon and his close aides also ordered investigations of activist groups and political figures, using the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as political weapons.[3]

The scandal led to the discovery of multiple abuses of power by members of the Nixon administration, the commencement of an impeachment process against the president,[4] and Nixon's resignation. The scandal also resulted in the indictment of 69 people, with trials or pleas resulting in 48 being found guilty, many of whom were top Nixon officials.[5]"

using the FBI, CIA and IRS against your opponents.

find me an example of trump doing this that would spawn this term / label being applied to him. he never bugged/wiretapped anyone and has not used our agencies against his political opponents.

100% swing and a miss to apply this term to trump. so unless you can show me where he has done this, you're using WATERGATE as an emotional ploy and are either 100% ignorant of what it was about or know and choose to mischaracterize it for your own emotional gain.

now shall we look at obama being accused of each and every one of these direct actions, apples for apples?

i'll provide examples of obama's actions and wait patiently for you to do the same for trump.

Obama's Weaponization of Government
4 Ways The Obama Administration Weaponized The Government
Trish Regan: The Obama FBI was weaponized for political purposes
OMB Director Mick Mulvaney: Obama "Weaponized" Government Shutdown In 2013, "Will Look Very Different" This Time!
Trish Regan: The Obama FBI was weaponized for political purposes
The 2 reasons Obama criminalized intel agencies - WND - WND

as for spying now:
It looks like Obama did spy on Trump, just as he apparently did to me
Obama spied on Trump’s campaign. Where’s the outrage?
Tucker Carlson: The Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign – and the media refuse to call it spying
How Obama Officials Spied on Trump
12 Pieces Of Proof: The MSM Knew Obama Spied On Trump and LIED To Cover It Up

now - i have covered what watergate entailed and have provided link after link to show this applies directly to obama. now please, do the same for trump or stop the stupid emotional comparisons.

instead - here's what you are going to do. laugh at me, call all these accusations bullshit, and double down on orange man bad.

naw - just throw out the but but OBAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! reply because, well it fits so nicely & works great.

as for watergate... why did nixon resign after the impeachment hearings started & were televised? why did (R) barry goldwater go to him & tell him he needed to resign or he was sunk & the senate was going to try him?

here's what you are going to do. laugh at me, call all these accusations bullshit, and double down on black man bad OR bring up slick willy's BJ or worse - uranium one & BENGHAZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII & triple down on all clintons bad.
so, what you are saying is, i was dead on right.

you can call out WATERGATE and dig into the past and i say it has zero relevance. i do however re-frame your stupidity onto a previous president who HAS done directly related actions and you whine we're brining up obama.

so YOU can bring up the past to frame the future, but no one else can.

typical leftist bullshit that gets people chunked out of helicopters eventually.

nixon didn't break into watergate - but was going to be impeached for obstruction if he didn't resign.

ticky tocky.
/——/ Mueller tick tock tick tock - fail. Now Watergate tick tock tick tock.
Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

there is no tick tock for watergate. that's a done deal.

but this ain't.

mueller will be going to congress when he becomes a private citizen...same with the house pump, hope hicks...& cory lewandowski. mcgahn better decide to go as well.

it's going to be interesting to see if traitor tot pleads the fifth after what his daddy said about those that do.
Americans tolerate obstruction of justice by our chief law enforcement officer now?

Another fine precedent being set by a people that have lost their way.

Looks like Americans tolerate spying on other candidates. You want that as a precedent?
No. If you are asking me that question in an attempt to justify obstruction of justice, then you are part of the problem.
the problem is both sides have their own definition of "Justice"

this is what happens when we choose to redefine worse along the way.

ie - stop being a jerk has become YOU DAMN NAZI!

we have lost our ability to determine the appropriate levels of rage within a situation and have simply chosen to rage quickly to the most extreme position and begin there. i don't see how anything good can come of that.

*IF* Russia turns out to be a leftist goose chase, then yes we do need to follow back and find out why. Now *IF* Mueller had found cause to keep going after Trump then the left would have grounds of which to do so.

Instead, the left didn't get what they wanted out of the report so they re-frame what justice should look like. its become painfully obvious they don't care about justice, just getting what they want. Anything short of getting rid of Trump is simply not acceptable. This is illustrated by members of the (D) side saying we need to impeach Trump or he'll get re-elected.


that phrase is all you need to know. now tell me - WHO is using political weaponized power to get rid of opponants *IF* their reason to impeach Trump is in fact to keep him from getting re-elected?

Is that really how we wish to run our country? If I don't get my way the person IN my way is criminal? Is this REALLY what the left wants to see come back at them in a "hold my beer" fashion?

i don't want to see us as a country do this. AT ALL.

and i do think most in the middle would prefer we back off the edge and learn to talk like adults again, not pissed off 6 year olds upset we have to do as we're told.

The Left/Democrats can't beat Trump on issues especially in a solid economy so they need to resort to tactics. I have yet to see a Democrat propose how we can build or sustain economic success. Even if they want to push more dependence and redistribution of wealth, they ought to be focusing how this is going to get paid for.
if they built a platform that addressed issues, i'd listen.

if their platform is ORANGE MAN BAD i will continue to mock then.
There isn't always one. But in this case, Leftists are nothing if not self-interested. They will not plunge into impeachment if Americans are so strongly opposed. It will backfire in the voter's booth, which effects THEM.

in the months b4 impeachment hearings started for nixon, the sentiment was the same. however, once the televised hearings began, showing the evidence to the american people , attitudes changed & (R)s knew that nixon was indeed a crook because the 'evidence' reflected that.

& that needs to happen now.
there is no evidence.

people keep referencing watergate and then spin off to some bullshit that has nothing to do with it. it only shows they're using watergate like racist, nazi and the like - effect. reality need not be a part of this.

lets have a history lesson:

Watergate scandal - Wikipedia
"The term Watergate, by metonymy, has come to encompass an array of clandestine and often illegal activities undertaken by members of the Nixon administration. Those activities included such dirty tricks as bugging the offices of political opponents and people of whom Nixon or his officials were suspicious. Nixon and his close aides also ordered investigations of activist groups and political figures, using the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as political weapons.[3]

The scandal led to the discovery of multiple abuses of power by members of the Nixon administration, the commencement of an impeachment process against the president,[4] and Nixon's resignation. The scandal also resulted in the indictment of 69 people, with trials or pleas resulting in 48 being found guilty, many of whom were top Nixon officials.[5]"

using the FBI, CIA and IRS against your opponents.

find me an example of trump doing this that would spawn this term / label being applied to him. he never bugged/wiretapped anyone and has not used our agencies against his political opponents.

100% swing and a miss to apply this term to trump. so unless you can show me where he has done this, you're using WATERGATE as an emotional ploy and are either 100% ignorant of what it was about or know and choose to mischaracterize it for your own emotional gain.

now shall we look at obama being accused of each and every one of these direct actions, apples for apples?

i'll provide examples of obama's actions and wait patiently for you to do the same for trump.

Obama's Weaponization of Government
4 Ways The Obama Administration Weaponized The Government
Trish Regan: The Obama FBI was weaponized for political purposes
OMB Director Mick Mulvaney: Obama "Weaponized" Government Shutdown In 2013, "Will Look Very Different" This Time!
Trish Regan: The Obama FBI was weaponized for political purposes
The 2 reasons Obama criminalized intel agencies - WND - WND

as for spying now:
It looks like Obama did spy on Trump, just as he apparently did to me
Obama spied on Trump’s campaign. Where’s the outrage?
Tucker Carlson: The Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign – and the media refuse to call it spying
How Obama Officials Spied on Trump
12 Pieces Of Proof: The MSM Knew Obama Spied On Trump and LIED To Cover It Up

now - i have covered what watergate entailed and have provided link after link to show this applies directly to obama. now please, do the same for trump or stop the stupid emotional comparisons.

instead - here's what you are going to do. laugh at me, call all these accusations bullshit, and double down on orange man bad.

naw - just throw out the but but OBAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! reply because, well it fits so nicely & works great.

as for watergate... why did nixon resign after the impeachment hearings started & were televised? why did (R) barry goldwater go to him & tell him he needed to resign or he was sunk & the senate was going to try him?

here's what you are going to do. laugh at me, call all these accusations bullshit, and double down on black man bad OR bring up slick willy's BJ or worse - uranium one & BENGHAZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII & triple down on all clintons bad.
so, what you are saying is, i was dead on right.

you can call out WATERGATE and dig into the past and i say it has zero relevance. i do however re-frame your stupidity onto a previous president who HAS done directly related actions and you whine we're brining up obama.

so YOU can bring up the past to frame the future, but no one else can.

typical leftist bullshit that gets people chunked out of helicopters eventually.

nixon didn't break into watergate - but was going to be impeached for obstruction if he didn't resign.

ticky tocky.
'WOW! This is FUBAR'! FBI's Steele story falling apart, officials KNEW it was false 10 days BEFORE FISA application

ticky tocky
Americans tolerate obstruction of justice by our chief law enforcement officer now?

Another fine precedent being set by a people that have lost their way.

Looks like Americans tolerate spying on other candidates. You want that as a precedent?
No. If you are asking me that question in an attempt to justify obstruction of justice, then you are part of the problem.
the problem is both sides have their own definition of "Justice"

this is what happens when we choose to redefine worse along the way.

ie - stop being a jerk has become YOU DAMN NAZI!

we have lost our ability to determine the appropriate levels of rage within a situation and have simply chosen to rage quickly to the most extreme position and begin there. i don't see how anything good can come of that.

*IF* Russia turns out to be a leftist goose chase, then yes we do need to follow back and find out why. Now *IF* Mueller had found cause to keep going after Trump then the left would have grounds of which to do so.

Instead, the left didn't get what they wanted out of the report so they re-frame what justice should look like. its become painfully obvious they don't care about justice, just getting what they want. Anything short of getting rid of Trump is simply not acceptable. This is illustrated by members of the (D) side saying we need to impeach Trump or he'll get re-elected.


that phrase is all you need to know. now tell me - WHO is using political weaponized power to get rid of opponants *IF* their reason to impeach Trump is in fact to keep him from getting re-elected?

Is that really how we wish to run our country? If I don't get my way the person IN my way is criminal? Is this REALLY what the left wants to see come back at them in a "hold my beer" fashion?

i don't want to see us as a country do this. AT ALL.

and i do think most in the middle would prefer we back off the edge and learn to talk like adults again, not pissed off 6 year olds upset we have to do as we're told.
The problem isn't defining justice. The problem is partisan zealotry.

All you are saying is that Trump is excused for any wrong doing he may have done as the chief law enforcement officer because of the way the Democrats acted.

I'm saying he Democrats were wrong, but that doesn't excuse Trump.

You zealots are in a race to the bottom.
Americans tolerate obstruction of justice by our chief law enforcement officer now?

Another fine precedent being set by a people that have lost their way.

Looks like Americans tolerate spying on other candidates. You want that as a precedent?
No. If you are asking me that question in an attempt to justify obstruction of justice, then you are part of the problem.
the problem is both sides have their own definition of "Justice"

this is what happens when we choose to redefine worse along the way.

ie - stop being a jerk has become YOU DAMN NAZI!

we have lost our ability to determine the appropriate levels of rage within a situation and have simply chosen to rage quickly to the most extreme position and begin there. i don't see how anything good can come of that.

*IF* Russia turns out to be a leftist goose chase, then yes we do need to follow back and find out why. Now *IF* Mueller had found cause to keep going after Trump then the left would have grounds of which to do so.

Instead, the left didn't get what they wanted out of the report so they re-frame what justice should look like. its become painfully obvious they don't care about justice, just getting what they want. Anything short of getting rid of Trump is simply not acceptable. This is illustrated by members of the (D) side saying we need to impeach Trump or he'll get re-elected.


that phrase is all you need to know. now tell me - WHO is using political weaponized power to get rid of opponants *IF* their reason to impeach Trump is in fact to keep him from getting re-elected?

Is that really how we wish to run our country? If I don't get my way the person IN my way is criminal? Is this REALLY what the left wants to see come back at them in a "hold my beer" fashion?

i don't want to see us as a country do this. AT ALL.

and i do think most in the middle would prefer we back off the edge and learn to talk like adults again, not pissed off 6 year olds upset we have to do as we're told.
The problem isn't defining justice. The problem is partisan zealotry.

All you are saying is that Trump is excused for any wrong doing he may have done as the chief law enforcement officer because of the way the Democrats acted.

I'm saying he Democrats were wrong, but that doesn't excuse Trump.

You zealots are in a race to the bottom.
not was i was saying but way to see what you want
Instead, the left didn't get what they wanted out of the report so they re-frame what justice should look like. its become painfully obvious they don't care about justice, just getting what they want. Anything short of getting rid of Trump is simply not acceptable. This is illustrated by members of the (D) side saying we need to impeach Trump or he'll get re-elected.

No, we need to impeach Trump before he does anymore damage.
in the months b4 impeachment hearings started for nixon, the sentiment was the same. however, once the televised hearings began, showing the evidence to the american people , attitudes changed & (R)s knew that nixon was indeed a crook because the 'evidence' reflected that.

& that needs to happen now.
there is no evidence.

people keep referencing watergate and then spin off to some bullshit that has nothing to do with it. it only shows they're using watergate like racist, nazi and the like - effect. reality need not be a part of this.

lets have a history lesson:

Watergate scandal - Wikipedia
"The term Watergate, by metonymy, has come to encompass an array of clandestine and often illegal activities undertaken by members of the Nixon administration. Those activities included such dirty tricks as bugging the offices of political opponents and people of whom Nixon or his officials were suspicious. Nixon and his close aides also ordered investigations of activist groups and political figures, using the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as political weapons.[3]

The scandal led to the discovery of multiple abuses of power by members of the Nixon administration, the commencement of an impeachment process against the president,[4] and Nixon's resignation. The scandal also resulted in the indictment of 69 people, with trials or pleas resulting in 48 being found guilty, many of whom were top Nixon officials.[5]"

using the FBI, CIA and IRS against your opponents.

find me an example of trump doing this that would spawn this term / label being applied to him. he never bugged/wiretapped anyone and has not used our agencies against his political opponents.

100% swing and a miss to apply this term to trump. so unless you can show me where he has done this, you're using WATERGATE as an emotional ploy and are either 100% ignorant of what it was about or know and choose to mischaracterize it for your own emotional gain.

now shall we look at obama being accused of each and every one of these direct actions, apples for apples?

i'll provide examples of obama's actions and wait patiently for you to do the same for trump.

Obama's Weaponization of Government
4 Ways The Obama Administration Weaponized The Government
Trish Regan: The Obama FBI was weaponized for political purposes
OMB Director Mick Mulvaney: Obama "Weaponized" Government Shutdown In 2013, "Will Look Very Different" This Time!
Trish Regan: The Obama FBI was weaponized for political purposes
The 2 reasons Obama criminalized intel agencies - WND - WND

as for spying now:
It looks like Obama did spy on Trump, just as he apparently did to me
Obama spied on Trump’s campaign. Where’s the outrage?
Tucker Carlson: The Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign – and the media refuse to call it spying
How Obama Officials Spied on Trump
12 Pieces Of Proof: The MSM Knew Obama Spied On Trump and LIED To Cover It Up

now - i have covered what watergate entailed and have provided link after link to show this applies directly to obama. now please, do the same for trump or stop the stupid emotional comparisons.

instead - here's what you are going to do. laugh at me, call all these accusations bullshit, and double down on orange man bad.

naw - just throw out the but but OBAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! reply because, well it fits so nicely & works great.

as for watergate... why did nixon resign after the impeachment hearings started & were televised? why did (R) barry goldwater go to him & tell him he needed to resign or he was sunk & the senate was going to try him?

here's what you are going to do. laugh at me, call all these accusations bullshit, and double down on black man bad OR bring up slick willy's BJ or worse - uranium one & BENGHAZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII & triple down on all clintons bad.
so, what you are saying is, i was dead on right.

you can call out WATERGATE and dig into the past and i say it has zero relevance. i do however re-frame your stupidity onto a previous president who HAS done directly related actions and you whine we're brining up obama.

so YOU can bring up the past to frame the future, but no one else can.

typical leftist bullshit that gets people chunked out of helicopters eventually.

nixon didn't break into watergate - but was going to be impeached for obstruction if he didn't resign.

ticky tocky.
'WOW! This is FUBAR'! FBI's Steele story falling apart, officials KNEW it was false 10 days BEFORE FISA application

ticky tocky

no FISA warrant was granted on the dossier alone. ever.

so there will be no gold star for you.
Americans believe President Trump may have "obstructed justice" (for a crime he didn't commit) and even that he may have committed crimes before elected to office, but by an overwhelming majority of 66-29 percent they DO NOT believe Democrats should begin impeachment. Despite crimes. Despite obstruction.

It seems to me that this will be all the evidence Nancy needs to shut down Maxine and Co.

QU Poll Release Detail
They don't know what ‘obstruction of justice’ actually means but could be easily and quickly taught with an ad campaign.


Attorney General William Barr sparred with senators about the meaning of the word “corruptly” as it’s used in the obstruction statutes.

Special counsel Robert Mueller spent 182 pages analyzing the president’s conduct under those same statutes, only to leave the ultimate question unresolved. When Barr returned for Senate Judiciary Committee hearings, Sen. Dianne Feinstein seemed flummoxed when he explained that instructing someone to lie isn’t necessarily a crime.

Democrats Are Painted Into a Corner.

Since the day after the 2016 election they have been threatening this, placing their chips on the Russian-collusion fantasy and then on the phantasmagoric charade of obstruction of justice. The attorney general accurately gave the ingredients of the offense of obstruction of justice in his four-page summary of the Mueller report: a corrupt act for corrupt purposes in contemplation of a legal proceeding.

The attorney general, William Barr, the then deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein, and the Justice Department counsel concurred that none of the elements was present in the conduct of the president as recounted by Mr. Mueller. The dream died, except in the febrile imagination of the Democrats, who launched an unfounded attack on the attorney general’s integrity.

Everyone knows that the prospects of a successful move to impeach and remove the president from office by two thirds of the Senate finding that he has been proved beyond a reasonable doubt to have committed high crimes and misdemeanors, as the Constitution requires, are less than zero.

The turn of the tables has been exquisite and complete. The idea that anyone ever nominated by a serious American political party would collude with a foreign power to rig a presidential election is insane. No one, not even a scoundrel such as Aaron Burr or a third-party naif such as Henry Wallace, would have dreamt of such a thing.

But in their desperation and denial after the unimaginable victory of someone pledged to clean out the entire political class that has ruled America since the Reagan years, the Democrats paid $10 million for a false dossier on Mr. Trump, corrupted and politicized the intelligence services and the FBI, set up an echo chamber of self-verification with the national media Trump had already reviled as dishonest, and provoked the creation of a special counsel to look into Trump–Russian collusion.

The Republican congressional leaders sat on their hands to see if the leader none of them had supported would be impeached, and the Democrats and their scripted press choristers smugly carped and waited like noisy crocodiles for their victim to be reduced to inert helplessness. Guess what.​

He fights.

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