Democrats already rationalizing their horrible 2018 midterm losses

No, it isn't the "Russians" this time. It's going to be GOP "voter suppression" and "disenfranchisement" as an explanation of how their "blue wave" was nothing more than a ripple.

"The Republican party cannot win elections if everybody eligible to vote actually votes and has their votes counted. Republicans do not intend to lose elections. This is not a vexing paradox for GOP strategists. Instead, it’s a solvable problem that requires only voter suppression, rubber stamped by courts stacked with Republican operatives.

Their plan is working. Liberals have spent an incredible amount of time over the past two years worrying if the Russians are going to “steal” another election. Republicans have been working to steal the election for themselves, with or without help from Moscow..."

Now Witness The Firepower Of This Fully Armed And Operational Voter Suppression Battle Station
And speaking about "Russians meddling with the election", here is an easy explanation for liberal dummies.

View attachment 222316
And of course there is no evidence Hillary cheated against berny....

You libtards are such fools...……...
Yeah we like guilty until proven innocent and stuff... 25 years of BS against Hillary the foundation etc etc... Who needs evidence or courtrooms?

There's all kind of evidence against Hillary...

comey just swept it under the rug......

So true...

No, it isn't the "Russians" this time. It's going to be GOP "voter suppression" and "disenfranchisement" as an explanation of how their "blue wave" was nothing more than a ripple.

"The Republican party cannot win elections if everybody eligible to vote actually votes and has their votes counted. Republicans do not intend to lose elections. This is not a vexing paradox for GOP strategists. Instead, it’s a solvable problem that requires only voter suppression, rubber stamped by courts stacked with Republican operatives.

Their plan is working. Liberals have spent an incredible amount of time over the past two years worrying if the Russians are going to “steal” another election. Republicans have been working to steal the election for themselves, with or without help from Moscow..."

Now Witness The Firepower Of This Fully Armed And Operational Voter Suppression Battle Station

Yep, I noticed that too.
That is your scumbag party, super duper nothing new.
And speaking about "Russians meddling with the election", here is an easy explanation for liberal dummies.

View attachment 222316
And of course there is no evidence Hillary cheated against berny....

You libtards are such fools...……...
Yeah we like guilty until proven innocent and stuff... 25 years of BS against Hillary the foundation etc etc... Who needs evidence or courtrooms?

There's all kind of evidence against Hillary...

comey just swept it under the rug......

So true...

View attachment 222331
All you have is propaganda repeated endlessly, super duper. You are a disgrace. Just like your scumbag thieving party.
No, it isn't the "Russians" this time. It's going to be GOP "voter suppression" and "disenfranchisement" as an explanation of how their "blue wave" was nothing more than a ripple.

"The Republican party cannot win elections if everybody eligible to vote actually votes and has their votes counted. Republicans do not intend to lose elections. This is not a vexing paradox for GOP strategists. Instead, it’s a solvable problem that requires only voter suppression, rubber stamped by courts stacked with Republican operatives.

Their plan is working. Liberals have spent an incredible amount of time over the past two years worrying if the Russians are going to “steal” another election. Republicans have been working to steal the election for themselves, with or without help from Moscow..."

Now Witness The Firepower Of This Fully Armed And Operational Voter Suppression Battle Station

The article says that having to show an ID to vote is akin to Jim Crow Laws.

That is fucking hilarious.
No, it isn't the "Russians" this time. It's going to be GOP "voter suppression" and "disenfranchisement" as an explanation of how their "blue wave" was nothing more than a ripple.

"The Republican party cannot win elections if everybody eligible to vote actually votes and has their votes counted. Republicans do not intend to lose elections. This is not a vexing paradox for GOP strategists. Instead, it’s a solvable problem that requires only voter suppression, rubber stamped by courts stacked with Republican operatives.

Their plan is working. Liberals have spent an incredible amount of time over the past two years worrying if the Russians are going to “steal” another election. Republicans have been working to steal the election for themselves, with or without help from Moscow..."

Now Witness The Firepower Of This Fully Armed And Operational Voter Suppression Battle Station
And speaking about "Russians meddling with the election", here is an easy explanation for liberal dummies.

View attachment 222316
And of course there is no evidence Hillary cheated against berny....

You libtards are such fools...……...
Yeah we like guilty until proven innocent and stuff... 25 years of BS against Hillary the foundation etc etc... Who needs evidence or courtrooms?

There's all kind of evidence against Hillary...

comey just swept it under the rug......

He didn't even do that! He laid all the evidence out bare in the open before the public . . . then usurped the power of the AG to say that no prosecutor in their right mind would ACT on the evidence!

. . . . except I've yet to find one who didn't say that they would jump at the chance with that much evidence.
<quoting ABOVE THE LAW>"The Republican party cannot win elections if everybody eligible to vote actually votes and has their votes counted.
GREAT! Next time the DNC loses badly and they want to blame voter suppression, all they need to do is bring us the PROOF OF IT with a list of the millions of verified people who actually tried to vote and were turned away because they honestly go through life as adults without the most basic ID required to buy a pack of cigarettes. Then we'll give it all the same attention they give us when we tell them millions of illegal alien non-citizens and dead or ineligible people voted for them.

Let's put it THIS WAY: Democrats have been busting a nut to help illegals into the country for ages. If they are not paying them back by voting democrat instead of republican, then the democrats are dumber than a box of shoes.

Republicans do not intend to lose elections.
HEY! There's an insight! And the Democrats DO intend to lose elections? Who writes this stuff???

This is not a vexing paradox for GOP strategists. Instead, it’s a solvable problem that requires only voter suppression, rubber stamped by courts stacked with Republican operatives.
Where are all these courts stacked with Republican operatives when Trump needs one?

Their plan is working. Liberals have spent an incredible amount of time over the past two years worrying if the Russians are going to “steal” another election.
If the Russians accomplished with a few hundred thousand in Facebook ads what the Democrats couldn't win with two billion in campaign contributions, then that makes the DNC the dumbest bunch of sonsofbitches that ever walked the face of the planet.

Republicans have been working to steal the election for themselves, with or without help from Moscow..."
We've had good mentors:
  • Stealing debate questions in secret.
  • Illegal backroom FISA deals.
  • The FBI helping sweep your crimes under the rug to keep you in the race.
  • Defrauding Bernie Sanders campaign so he couldn't possibly win.
  • Rigging the IRS as a weapon to sit on organizations so they couldn't help the Romney campaign, to get Obama reelected.
Do I really need to say more?
Last edited:
No, it isn't the "Russians" this time. It's going to be GOP "voter suppression" and "disenfranchisement" as an explanation of how their "blue wave" was nothing more than a ripple.

"The Republican party cannot win elections if everybody eligible to vote actually votes and has their votes counted. Republicans do not intend to lose elections. This is not a vexing paradox for GOP strategists. Instead, it’s a solvable problem that requires only voter suppression, rubber stamped by courts stacked with Republican operatives.

Their plan is working. Liberals have spent an incredible amount of time over the past two years worrying if the Russians are going to “steal” another election. Republicans have been working to steal the election for themselves, with or without help from Moscow..."

Now Witness The Firepower Of This Fully Armed And Operational Voter Suppression Battle Station
And speaking about "Russians meddling with the election", here is an easy explanation for liberal dummies.

View attachment 222316
And of course there is no evidence Hillary cheated against berny....
Read the emails its right in them and off her illegal server. You got to read to understand it.
<quoting ABOVE THE LAW>"The Republican party cannot win elections if everybody eligible to vote actually votes and has their votes counted.
GREAT! Next time the DNC loses badly and they want to blame voter suppression, all they need to do is bring us the PROOF OF IT with a list of the millions of verified people who actually tried to vote and were turned away because they honestly go through life as adults without the most basic ID required to buy a pack of cigarettes. Then we'll give it all the same attention they give us when we tell them millions of illegal alien non-citizens and dead or ineligible people voted for them.

Let's put it THIS WAY: Democrats have been busting a nut to help illegals into the country for ages. If they are not paying them back by voting democrat instead of republican, then the democrats are dumber than a box of shoes.

Republicans do not intend to lose elections.
HEY! There's an insight! And the Democrats DO intend to lose elections? Who writes this stuff???

This is not a vexing paradox for GOP strategists. Instead, it’s a solvable problem that requires only voter suppression, rubber stamped by courts stacked with Republican operatives.
Where are all these courts stacked with Republican operatives when Trump needs one?

Their plan is working. Liberals have spent an incredible amount of time over the past two years worrying if the Russians are going to “steal” another election.
If the Russians accomplished with a few hundred thousand in Facebook ads what the Democrats couldn't win with two billion in campaign contributions, then that makes the DNC the dumbest bunch of sonsofbitches that ever walked the face of the planet.

Republicans have been working to steal the election for themselves, with or without help from Moscow..."
We've had good mentors:
  • Stealing debate questions in secret.
  • Illegal backroom FISA deals.
  • The FBI helping sweep your crimes under the rug to keep you in the race.
  • Defrauding Bernie Sanders campaign so he couldn't possibly win.
  • Rigging the IRS as a weapon to sit on organizations so they could help the Romney campaign to get Obama reelected.
Do I really need to say more?
No, it isn't the "Russians" this time. It's going to be GOP "voter suppression" and "disenfranchisement" as an explanation of how their "blue wave" was nothing more than a ripple.

"The Republican party cannot win elections if everybody eligible to vote actually votes and has their votes counted. Republicans do not intend to lose elections. This is not a vexing paradox for GOP strategists. Instead, it’s a solvable problem that requires only voter suppression, rubber stamped by courts stacked with Republican operatives.

Their plan is working. Liberals have spent an incredible amount of time over the past two years worrying if the Russians are going to “steal” another election. Republicans have been working to steal the election for themselves, with or without help from Moscow..."

Now Witness The Firepower Of This Fully Armed And Operational Voter Suppression Battle Station
And speaking about "Russians meddling with the election", here is an easy explanation for liberal dummies.

View attachment 222316
And of course there is no evidence Hillary cheated against berny....

Oh really, no evidence you say-
These are all liberal sources, so maybe you can’t trust them though.

Warren says DNC system was rigged in Hillary Clinton's favor - CNNPolitics

Court Concedes DNC Had the Right to Rig Primaries Against Sanders
He wasn't really looking for proof, he actually believes there is none, if he even responds at all expect him to disregard the evidence or torture the daylights out of logic so as to try and divert away from discussing the proof you provided.
<quoting ABOVE THE LAW>"The Republican party cannot win elections if everybody eligible to vote actually votes and has their votes counted.
GREAT! Next time the DNC loses badly and they want to blame voter suppression, all they need to do is bring us the PROOF OF IT with a list of the millions of verified people who actually tried to vote and were turned away because they honestly go through life as adults without the most basic ID required to buy a pack of cigarettes. Then we'll give it all the same attention they give us when we tell them millions of illegal alien non-citizens and dead or ineligible people voted for them.

Let's put it THIS WAY: Democrats have been busting a nut to help illegals into the country for ages. If they are not paying them back by voting democrat instead of republican, then the democrats are dumber than a box of shoes.

Republicans do not intend to lose elections.
HEY! There's an insight! And the Democrats DO intend to lose elections? Who writes this stuff???

This is not a vexing paradox for GOP strategists. Instead, it’s a solvable problem that requires only voter suppression, rubber stamped by courts stacked with Republican operatives.
Where are all these courts stacked with Republican operatives when Trump needs one?

Their plan is working. Liberals have spent an incredible amount of time over the past two years worrying if the Russians are going to “steal” another election.
If the Russians accomplished with a few hundred thousand in Facebook ads what the Democrats couldn't win with two billion in campaign contributions, then that makes the DNC the dumbest bunch of sonsofbitches that ever walked the face of the planet.

Republicans have been working to steal the election for themselves, with or without help from Moscow..."
We've had good mentors:
  • Stealing debate questions in secret.
  • Illegal backroom FISA deals.
  • The FBI helping sweep your crimes under the rug to keep you in the race.
  • Defrauding Bernie Sanders campaign so he couldn't possibly win.
  • Rigging the IRS as a weapon to sit on organizations so they couldn't help the Romney campaign, to get Obama reelected.
Do I really need to say more?
Of course the problem was they hacked the DNC server and gave it to WikiLeaks and that's all people talked about ever since stupid f****** emails, spun All To Hell by your propaganda service, super duper.
No, it isn't the "Russians" this time. It's going to be GOP "voter suppression" and "disenfranchisement" as an explanation of how their "blue wave" was nothing more than a ripple.

"The Republican party cannot win elections if everybody eligible to vote actually votes and has their votes counted. Republicans do not intend to lose elections. This is not a vexing paradox for GOP strategists. Instead, it’s a solvable problem that requires only voter suppression, rubber stamped by courts stacked with Republican operatives.

Their plan is working. Liberals have spent an incredible amount of time over the past two years worrying if the Russians are going to “steal” another election. Republicans have been working to steal the election for themselves, with or without help from Moscow..."

Now Witness The Firepower Of This Fully Armed And Operational Voter Suppression Battle Station
And speaking about "Russians meddling with the election", here is an easy explanation for liberal dummies.

View attachment 222316
And of course there is no evidence Hillary cheated against berny....

Oh really, no evidence you say-
These are all liberal sources, so maybe you can’t trust them though.

Warren says DNC system was rigged in Hillary Clinton's favor - CNNPolitics

Court Concedes DNC Had the Right to Rig Primaries Against Sanders
No evidence of any rigging there, just politics where the presumed candidate and the DNC cooperate. Nothing about rigging votes or anything else. What a pile of crap. Our media sucks, will do anything for ratings. And fox Rush Etc is a lying thieving disgrace.
He wasn't really looking for proof, he actually believes there is none, if he even responds at all expect him to disregard the evidence or torture the daylights out of logic so as to try and divert away from discussing the proof you provided.
The DNC and the presumed candidate cooperating on finances? I am shocked shocked. No rigging of votes as people believe.
And of course there is no evidence Hillary cheated against berny....

You libtards are such fools...……...
Yeah we like guilty until proven innocent and stuff... 25 years of BS against Hillary the foundation etc etc... Who needs evidence or courtrooms?

There's all kind of evidence against Hillary...

comey just swept it under the rug......
GOP Big Mouth James Comey who wrecked the election for her? B******* super duper

comey was covering her ass...….
Another conspiracy nut job they're everywhere on the GOP side....
And of course there is no evidence Hillary cheated against berny....

You libtards are such fools...……...
Yeah we like guilty until proven innocent and stuff... 25 years of BS against Hillary the foundation etc etc... Who needs evidence or courtrooms?

There's all kind of evidence against Hillary...

comey just swept it under the rug......

So true...

View attachment 222331
All you have is propaganda repeated endlessly, super duper. You are a disgrace. Just like your scumbag thieving party.

Clearly Projection libtard…………
2018 will be a referendum on Trumps America

We will see how well he does
You libtards are such fools...……...
Yeah we like guilty until proven innocent and stuff... 25 years of BS against Hillary the foundation etc etc... Who needs evidence or courtrooms?

There's all kind of evidence against Hillary...

comey just swept it under the rug......
GOP Big Mouth James Comey who wrecked the election for her? B******* super duper

comey was covering her ass...….
Another conspiracy nut job they're everywhere on the GOP side....

Hey Jack ASS….

The role FBI is to investigate

not render verdicts.

It’s so easy to make a fool of you TARDS….

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