Democrats Agree Indictments Won't Stop Trump From Being President

They are the ones who defeated Trump.

Now, if there are now going to be more than 81 Million votes in 2024 to defeat Trump.......stay tuned, as Republicans keep losing more and more Republican voters with every stunt they come up with.

Will you be laughing after the results come out?

They are just not capable of wrapping their tiny little minds around the concept that Trump can actually win again.
I think this is true because their trusted media sources are priming them to rebel if/when they cannot stop his victory. They will simply continue their campaign in the streets, with violence.
If he is found guilty, it will make the 14th Amendment easier to pass and that will end him. Obviously tried to overturn the election and that is sedition and that makes you ineligible to run. On the other hand we could use a Democratic landslide in order to get some actual meaningful reform done. Taxing the rich and investing in America again, for cheap college and training health care for everyone and cheaper, and daycare paid parental leave vacations and infrastructure like every other modern country.
You guys are having a lot of trouble with post #1. Even Democratic strategists don't believe your nonsense.
Please, don't challenge them. This is what they excel at.
I've heard of universities using an electronic device that shuts down WiFi in the classrooms while tests are underway. I wonder if using something like this during elections could help to interfere with the digital processing of votes by those who cheat?
Republicans who will not vote for Trump, again and for the first time, will be the ones to stop him from becoming President.

From the article that you neglected to read:

Two factors appear to be driving the close race. The first is apprehension within Biden’s base. While 95% of self-identified Democrats voted for Biden in 2020, the CNN poll found him winning just 87% of Democrats. The New York Times poll found Biden winning 87% of his 2020 voters, and Trump holding 91% of his. The second is that the polls show Biden significantly underperforming recent elections with nonwhite Americans, mainly Black and Latino voters. After winning 92% of Black voters in 2020, Biden is winning just 71% of them in the Times poll.

Get it? Got it?

<cut> “Despite awaiting trial on 91 felony counts, Trump is a coin flip away from the presidency,” Dan Pfeiffer, a former adviser to President Barack Obama, wrote. <cut>
The pundit is saying there is an even chance, no more no less.

The chance is far, far less than that.

Six trials and legal and money pressures in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

Much less than that.
The pundit is saying there is an even chance, no more no less.

The chance is far, far less than that.

Six trials and legal and money pressures in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

Much less than that.
Again, you guys continue having trouble with post #1. Even Democratic strategists don't agree with you.
it will make the 14th Amendment easier to pass

That happened on June 8th,1866. Try harder, you're embarrassing yourself. That Amendment passed immediately after the conclusion of the Civil War. Its provisions were almost exclusively related to that war and the reformation of the country. There has been no SCOTUS review of it concerning its use as a political weapon and I welcome the challenge. SCOTUS will rule against your party and set a precedent by doing so.
The pundit is saying there is an even chance, no more no less.

The chance is far, far less than that.

Six trials and legal and money pressures in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

Much less than that.
Independentthinker Again, you guys continue having trouble with post #1. Even Democratic strategists don't agree with you.

John Edgar Slow Horses One agrees with you, while many GOP pundits says His Hugeness is in the tank for a final drubbing. :)
Again, you guys continue having trouble with post #1. Even Democratic strategists don't agree with you.
Imagine their rage if he wins despite all of their trust in the media telling them he has no chance. I think this play is intentional. They want to create chaos in the aftermath of 2024 that will take the country down.
If he is found guilty, it will make the 14th Amendment easier to pass and that will end him. Obviously tried to overturn the election and that is sedition and that makes you ineligible to run. On the other hand we could use a Democratic landslide in order to get some actual meaningful reform done. Taxing the rich and investing in America again, for cheap college and training health care for everyone and cheaper, and daycare paid parental leave vacations and infrastructure like every other modern country.
Wow, you're still holding out hope, aren't you? Didn't you learn from the past? The democrats are not going to give you what you want, yet you STILL vote for them. Amazing.

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