Democratic Party Getting Tired Of Hillary Throwing Them Under The Bus For HER Loss


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Dems to Hillary: We’re getting pretty tired of the view under your bus - Hot Air

"Irritated Democrats say Hillary Clinton is wrong to cast blame on the national party for her loss to Donald Trump.

Allies of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) in particular were incensed by Clinton’s criticism of the party apparatus, saying she mischaracterized the committee’s work while needlessly stoking internal divisions.

“This is all about the last campaign. And really, what Democrats should be focusing on, and what I think Hillary Clinton should be figuring out, is how do we empower the DNC to have the best data resources to win races this year, in 2018 and 2020,” a former DNC aide said."

"Tom Bonier, the CEO of TargetSmart, a data firm that works with many Democratic clients, defended the DNC’s 2016 efforts as “the most robust data operation the DNC has ever seen.”

Bonier also noted in a series of tweets that, “the Clinton team was using DNC data throughout the primary. If it was that bad, they knew that for 2 yrs but did nothing.”

“Forgive the analogy,” John Hagner, currently a partner at Clarity Campaign Labs told The Daily Beast. “The DNC is farming and what the campaign does is cooking. It’s hard to blame the farmer if the souffle folds.”

"Hillary might be doing Democrats a favor by slapping a little egg on their faces. It gives them an excuse to finally cut the strings to the Clintons, and to stop indulging in conspiracy theories over their losses last year — and the six years previous, too. Hillary lost for the same reasons Democrats have been in retreat for most of the past decade at all levels of American politics: because they have embraced a hard-Left view and insist on nothing but acquiescence to it. And at the same time, Democrats have gone all-in on protecting their own establishment rather than expanding their reach, which is why jettisoning the Clintons would make for a very good first step on the road to relevance."
The DNC (Wasserman, and Brazile ) did help add to the democrats anger and concern...
They both need to go..

After DWS was exposed as not only originally hiring the 3 Pakistani Brother Spies and giving them illegal access to classified House files but also ignoring their House ban and investigation of 'Espionage', RE-hiring one of them, and again giving him illegal access to House files...and all DNC e-mails, DWS was FIRED as DNC Chairman but immediately HIRED by the Clinton Campaign.

The DNC (Wasserman, and Brazile ) did help add to the democrats anger and concern...
They both need to go..

After DWS was exposed as not only originally hiring the 3 Pakistani Brother Spies and giving them illegal access to classified House files but also ignoring their House ban and investigation of 'Espionage', RE-hiring one of them, and again giving him illegal access to House files...and all DNC e-mails, DWS was FIRED as DNC Chairman but immediately HIRED by the Clinton Campaign.


She is a US Florida rep.... and needs to go after trying to cheat and get Berney out..
Yes, the DNC pissed off a lot of people who didn't come out for the vote..they totally let the democrats down..

Now..the RNC was hacked as well..but it was not leaked..I can imagine that Ryan and Reince had similar emails trying to get Trump out.. They hate Trump
Now..the RNC was hacked as well..but it was not leaked..I can imagine that Ryan and Reince had similar emails trying to get Trump out..
Actually that is NOT the case. It was reported that attempts to hack the DNC were attempted and failed. The reported DNC cyber weaknesses and poor security practices made it easier for hackers to get into DNC files.

When Democrats use 'password' for their passwords and give persons without security clearances - like lawyers, maids, and Pakistani spies - access to classified information it just makes the hackers' job that much easier.
Well the DNC does share some of the blame for Hillary's loss. They supported the tactics and socialistic agenda that the American people rejected on Nov. 8, 2016.

But the fact remains that Hillary was a poor candidate - shrill, contemptuous of the people she wanted to vote for her, dishonest, corrupt, and dictatorial. Normal people don't want a President like that, so they chose someone else.

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