Democratic nominee Chad Taylor drops out of Kansas Senate race

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Whoa! This could be a game changer. The next round of polling will be interesting.

Democratic nominee Chad Taylor dropped out of the race for U.S. Senate in Kansas on Wednesday, an 11th hour move that could clear the way for his party to rally behind an independent candidate and potentially change the math in the battle for the Senate majority.

Taylor, who raised little money and had not gained traction in the campaign, submitted a letter to the Kansas secretary of state's office that said he was withdrawing from the contest, without providing any further information. E-mails and calls to his campaign seeking more information on why he bowed out were not immediately returned.

The move, which came on the last day for ballot changes, could clear the way for Democrats to rally behind Greg Orman, an independent candidate who has left the door open to caucusing with both parties if elected. Orman, who used to be a Democrat and a Republican, has been viewed as a more viable opponent against Sen. Pat Roberts (R), who polls show is vulnerable. Orman has been a far more productive fundraiser than Taylor.

Democratic nominee Chad Taylor drops out of Kansas Senate race - The Washington Post
damn...i wish we in MAINE could have had either the dem candidate or the independent candidate drop it's a guaranteed shoe in, for the governor....he'll probably win with just over a third of the Maine citizens wanting him....

looks like that is what happened in Kansas....1 needed to drop out for the chance to beat the incumbent....

EarthLink - Political News

Democrat to fight to quit Kansas US Senate race

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — The Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate in Kansas says he'll challenge a decision to keep his name on the November ballot even though he wants to withdraw against incumbent Republican Pat Roberts.

those republicans will do anything to win an election - even putting a democrat on the ballot after he has withdrawn from the race ...

Whoa! This could be a game changer. The next round of polling will be interesting.

Democratic nominee Chad Taylor dropped out of the race for U.S. Senate in Kansas on Wednesday, an 11th hour move that could clear the way for his party to rally behind an independent candidate and potentially change the math in the battle for the Senate majority.

Taylor, who raised little money and had not gained traction in the campaign, submitted a letter to the Kansas secretary of state's office that said he was withdrawing from the contest, without providing any further information. E-mails and calls to his campaign seeking more information on why he bowed out were not immediately returned.

The move, which came on the last day for ballot changes, could clear the way for Democrats to rally behind Greg Orman, an independent candidate who has left the door open to caucusing with both parties if elected. Orman, who used to be a Democrat and a Republican, has been viewed as a more viable opponent against Sen. Pat Roberts (R), who polls show is vulnerable. Orman has been a far more productive fundraiser than Taylor.

Democratic nominee Chad Taylor drops out of Kansas Senate race - The Washington Post

So the Kansas Democratic Party is following the Alaska Democratic Party's lead in withdrawing their own candidates in order to back a more appealing independent.

This, I think, is the future of Democratic successes in purple states. Such gridlock statewide demonstrates an inherent disgust towards both parties among the pyyple of a state, so a well-funded independent candidate who has the backing of a major political party (thus guaranteeing them the loyal party voters as well as the unaffiliated fed-up crowd) can certainly stomp out their harder to like Wrongpublican opponent.

Simply wonderful news. Looks to me like there won't be a filibuster-proof Wrongpublican majority this year after all.
People in Kansas will see this ruse for what it is. Independent until he caucuses with Democrats...then he's a Democrat.
People in Kansas will see this ruse for what it is. Independent until he caucuses with Democrats...then he's a Democrat.
And the Independent would be a Republican if he chose to caucus with the Republicans, right?

anyway, looks like the CHEATING has begun by the republicans....the stupid ass Secretary of State, said the guy CAN'T WITHDRAW even though he was told that his formal letter received by the state asking to withdraw was accepted and all they need from him by the secretary of States Aid, and NOW THE lying scum secretary of state, is telling the Dem she can not take his name off the ballot and will NOT accept his withdrawal from the race...

WHAT BULL CRAP..... this pisses me off....

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — The Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate in Kansas says he'll challenge a decision to keep his name on the November ballot even though he wants to withdraw against incumbent Republican Pat Roberts.

Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach said Thursday Democrat Chad Taylor did not comply with state law. He said Taylor didn't formally declare that he would be unable to serve if elected.

Kobach said Taylor's only recourse is filing a lawsuit.

Taylor withdrew from the race Wednesday without explanation, potentially giving independent candidate Greg Orman a better shot at defeating three-term conservative Roberts.

Taylor said in a statement that he was assured by a top Kobach aide that a letter he sent to the secretary of state's office was sufficient for for withdrawing. Kobach said that's not the case.
EarthLink - Political News
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damn...i wish we in MAINE could have had either the dem candidate or the independent candidate drop it's a guaranteed shoe in, for the governor....he'll probably win with just over a third of the Maine citizens wanting him....

looks like that is what happened in Kansas....1 needed to drop out for the chance to beat the incumbent....

I think Michaud has a large enough lead that when the independent's support drops for the election (as independents usually do...) he'll win the election. LePage isn't popular.
Whoa! This could be a game changer. The next round of polling will be interesting.

Democratic nominee Chad Taylor dropped out of the race for U.S. Senate in Kansas on Wednesday, an 11th hour move that could clear the way for his party to rally behind an independent candidate and potentially change the math in the battle for the Senate majority.

Taylor, who raised little money and had not gained traction in the campaign, submitted a letter to the Kansas secretary of state's office that said he was withdrawing from the contest, without providing any further information. E-mails and calls to his campaign seeking more information on why he bowed out were not immediately returned.

The move, which came on the last day for ballot changes, could clear the way for Democrats to rally behind Greg Orman, an independent candidate who has left the door open to caucusing with both parties if elected. Orman, who used to be a Democrat and a Republican, has been viewed as a more viable opponent against Sen. Pat Roberts (R), who polls show is vulnerable. Orman has been a far more productive fundraiser than Taylor.

Democratic nominee Chad Taylor drops out of Kansas Senate race - The Washington Post

i read he could not drop his name from the ballet
All is fair in politics and you can form your own opinion. One pulls a fast one and then the other counters,
People in Kansas will see this ruse for what it is. Independent until he caucuses with Democrats...then he's a Democrat.

anyway, looks like the CHEATING has begun by the republicans....the stupid ass Secretary of State, said the guy CAN'T WITHDRAW even though he was told that his formal letter received by the state asking to withdraw was accepted and all they need from him by the secretary of States Aid, and NOW THE lying scum secretary of state, is telling the Dem she can not take his name off the ballot and will NOT accept his withdrawal from the race...

WHAT BULL CRAP..... this pisses me off....

While I disagree with the candidate not being allowed to withdraw, it's not as if this has never happened before. It's actually quite common in presidential races. In 2012, for example, Herman Cain withdrew well in advance of the South Carolina primary, yet his name was still on the ballot and he still received votes.

It seems to me that these standards were probably useful in ages past, but with current technology they seem rather outdated and only restrict our votes rather than allowing us to use them to their full effectiveness.

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