Democratic Debate Thread: October 13, 2015

October 18, 2015
The Democrats Cross Epees
By Clarice Feldman

Well, this was the week of the late but heavily hyped Democratic debate in which a bunch of old white people mostly touting long-failed 1930s policies were asked softball questions designed to make Hillary look good and the panel civil. Her challengers are complicit in the game, making sure to cover her considerable weaknesses as best they can -- dueling with bladeless, blunted weapons. The media’s role in this charade is to pretend that if she could speak in complete sentences without falling off the stage, she won.

Sultan Knish parodied the volleying.

Here’s a sample:

Anderson Cooper: Can anyone find Syria on a map?

Hillary Clinton: Well Anderson, as a woman...

Anderson Cooper: Can you find Syria on a map?

Hillary Clinton: As a woman...

Anderson Cooper: Syria on a map. Can you find it?

Hillary Clinton: As a woman...

Anderson Cooper: Never mind. Senator Sanders, do you agree with the Secretary?

Bernie Sanders: SYRIA? Why are we talking about Syria when 41 PERCENT OF 99 PERCENT of all the money is going to the 1 PERCENT.

Anderson Cooper: Can you just answer the question.

Bernie Sanders: Syria is CONFUSING. Lots of PEOPLE fighting. Economics is SIMPLE. You just take away all the money from all the people who have the MONEY.

Anderson Cooper: The question is about Syria.


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