Democratic candidate admits she lied about saving pulse massacre victims " I just made it up"


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Democratic candidate admits she lied about saving Pulse massacre victims: 'I just made it up'
A former Democratic candidate for the Florida State House of Representatives has admitted that she lied about being a physician who helped victims of the 2016 mass shooting at Pulse nightclub. Elizabeth McCarthy, a lesbian, is also being fined $3,094.95 for committing the third-degree felony of representing herself as a medical professional without being licensed.

OMG we told you democrats are nothing but liars cheaters and thieves gawd dam you fkrs can't win anything fairly you can't even compete fairly. DEMOCRATS THE NEWLY HATED RACE WHOSE ALL THEIR OWN.........anybody normal wants nothing to do with these anti american pukes.
Democratic candidate admits she lied about saving Pulse massacre victims: 'I just made it up'
A former Democratic candidate for the Florida State House of Representatives has admitted that she lied about being a physician who helped victims of the 2016 mass shooting at Pulse nightclub. Elizabeth McCarthy, a lesbian, is also being fined $3,094.95 for committing the third-degree felony of representing herself as a medical professional without being licensed.

OMG we told you democrats are nothing but liars cheaters and thieves gawd dam you fkrs can't win anything fairly you can't even compete fairly. DEMOCRATS THE NEWLY HATED RACE WHOSE ALL THEIR OWN.........anybody normal wants nothing to do with these anti american pukes.

Like any brain-fried postmodernist, she redefined her life's reality in order to give herself a medical degree. After all, according to the postmodernists, an education is nothing more than a social construct, right? And then, as always happens, real reality opened and shut its jaws on her posterior; chaos returned to order.

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