DEMOCRAT UTOPIA... Do You Want This In Your Town?


Why the fuck are you SHOUTING? Turn the caps lock off, for fucks sake. You sound like a nut case.

No, shit, right?
If you care about humanity, you would volunteer to be a human toilet for the 20-30 million illegals who shit on America's Streets.

So, is this where we get to the end of the 'debate' and you're tired and cranky?
No, I won the debate weeks ago. I am just pointing out your unwillingness to take responsibility for your policies.


Just trying to SAVE THE PLANET and reduce The Surplus Population.

I think we start by Aborting the ENTIRE STATE OF CALIFORNIA!

Better than Partial Birth Abortion any day.

You just get vaporized and feel no pain.


Why the fuck are you SHOUTING? Turn the caps lock off, for fucks sake. You sound like a nut case.

No, shit, right?
If you care about humanity, you would volunteer to be a human toilet for the 20-30 million illegals who shit on America's Streets.

Why don't you? If anyone were an expert on bags of shit, my money would be on you. Make America Shitty Again, amirite?
Da fuq?! You could have a spitball war from house to house.

If your neighbors are too loud at night, just reach out with a fishing pole and tap on their window.

Yeah, land is a commodity in San Francisco considering the square footage. It's one reason it's so expensive. But way to not understand why the pics are posted in the first place. You can't afford to live there, I don't care if you want to or not.

You don't think so, huh? You don't know me. STFU. I could live there for free on acres with an Olympic pool and shit. :fu:

Whatever that means, you can't afford to live in Sea Cliff.

All I'd have to do is maintain the pool and whatever I'm capable of. Well, and expected family duties. :funnyface:
Welcome people in, assign rooms, etc.. Keep things going.

Assign rooms? Yeah, you don't even understand the neighborhood in those pics, do you? Haven't a fucking clue.

See the way that mountain goes up? Yeah, boy. you don't know. Ain't no random people copping a squat where I'd be going. No faggots, either. After the elevation goes up for a few miles, that's where I'd be.

Yeah, you'll do great in the city, probably run away from the first mime at Fishermans Wharf.

No, but I would be leary of getting Shanghai'd.

Why the fuck are you SHOUTING? Turn the caps lock off, for fucks sake. You sound like a nut case.

No, shit, right?
If you care about humanity, you would volunteer to be a human toilet for the 20-30 million illegals who shit on America's Streets.

So, is this where we get to the end of the 'debate' and you're tired and cranky?
No, I won the debate weeks ago. I am just pointing out your unwillingness to take responsibility for your policies.



....And I'm right again.

Why the fuck are you SHOUTING? Turn the caps lock off, for fucks sake. You sound like a nut case.

No, shit, right?
If you care about humanity, you would volunteer to be a human toilet for the 20-30 million illegals who shit on America's Streets.

So, is this where we get to the end of the 'debate' and you're tired and cranky?
No, I won the debate weeks ago. I am just pointing out your unwillingness to take responsibility for your policies.



The wheel barrow image is not even San Francisco, that's obviously horse manure. So, it's OK to lie as long as you're a fire and brimstone Christian, like you?

And no, you probably didn't win and today doesn't appear to be your day either.
Yep... welcome to the DEMOCRAT UTOPIA of America. They want this EVERYWHERE. They want this to be YOUR TOWN. They want to take over America and make it ALL JUST LIKE THIS. This is their idea of UTOPIA... you all LOVE this... RIGHT? Of course you do... you want to see some dumbass taking a SHIT right in front of you while you're EATING... IN PUBLIC... just wonderful... the DEMOCRAT vision for the REST OF AMERICA... RIGHT HERE... vote DEMOCRAT if this is what you want...


This isn't the Democratic Utopia. This is the America the Republican Party has created. A party which has created the greatest wealth disparity in the First World. Added to the California fire season which created a massive amount of the population with no place to go but the cities which at least had social services which were not available in the rural communities.

But blame it on the Democrats. That's what Republicans do. They make a big mess of things, and then blame the Democrats.
How many people did you see poop while you were eating?

Did you do any site seeing? Maybe drive down Lumbard or check out Twin Peaks? Did you see Alcatraz or visit Fort Point? Perhaps you took a jog across the Golden Gate Bridge? Maybe you saw some of the communities near San Francisco like Sausalito?

Yes, I've seen ALL of the above and homelessness is in fact a problem in SanFranciso and many other California cities.
Are you denying that?

There is a similar homlessness, drug problem developing in South Florida's East Coast major cities....which are yet another Democrat run place.

Apparently you want to completely deny there is a problem in SanFranciso.
Sorry, but denying a problem does not correct it.....or mean it doesn't exist.

Almost all major cities have a homeless problem, because there are more people there. San Francisco's homeless problem is more pronounced due to the cost of real estate and rent. Unfortunately much of San Francisco's problems have to do with not building up for fear of ruining their skyline and tourism revenue. That's not a liberal or conservative issue.

It's also not the entirety of San Francisco. It's also a very tolerant city of race, religion and sexual orientation and was a pioneer for equal rights. It has some of the most interesting and beautiful architecture you will find on the west coast. Has a large functioning China Town that yes, is a tourism spot however also carries many Chinese traditions that allow people to see a different culture up close. There is beautiful North Beach which has a strong Italian heritage, great food. Great town for walking, one of the healthiest cities in the country and fuck they have cable cars, who doesn't love cable cars?

Anyway, San Francisco is one of our great American cities, its' not perfect and who would expect it to be?

California Dreaming!

Do they not let people use toilets in California, or wtf?!

Walmart, McDonalds? Del Taco?!

Fuck, we bought a porta-potty and dug a hole and keep moving it and digging more holes. It stays stocked with paper. Try to ignore the spiders.
How many people did you see poop while you were eating?

Did you do any site seeing? Maybe drive down Lumbard or check out Twin Peaks? Did you see Alcatraz or visit Fort Point? Perhaps you took a jog across the Golden Gate Bridge? Maybe you saw some of the communities near San Francisco like Sausalito?

Yes, I've seen ALL of the above and homelessness is in fact a problem in SanFranciso and many other California cities.
Are you denying that?

There is a similar homlessness, drug problem developing in South Florida's East Coast major cities....which are yet another Democrat run place.

Apparently you want to completely deny there is a problem in SanFranciso.
Sorry, but denying a problem does not correct it.....or mean it doesn't exist.

Almost all major cities have a homeless problem, because there are more people there. San Francisco's homeless problem is more pronounced due to the cost of real estate and rent. Unfortunately much of San Francisco's problems have to do with not building up for fear of ruining their skyline and tourism revenue. That's not a liberal or conservative issue.

It's also not the entirety of San Francisco. It's also a very tolerant city of race, religion and sexual orientation and was a pioneer for equal rights. It has some of the most interesting and beautiful architecture you will find on the west coast. Has a large functioning China Town that yes, is a tourism spot however also carries many Chinese traditions that allow people to see a different culture up close. There is beautiful North Beach which has a strong Italian heritage, great food. Great town for walking, one of the healthiest cities in the country and fuck they have cable cars, who doesn't love cable cars?

Anyway, San Francisco is one of our great American cities, its' not perfect and who would expect it to be?

California Dreaming!

Do they not let people use toilets in California, or wtf?!

Walmart, McDonalds? Del Taco?!

Fuck, we bought a porta-potty and dug a hole and keep moving it and digging more holes. It stays stocked with paper. Try to ignore the spiders.
Businesses usually shoo away the homeless. Do you want corporations to take care of our public welfare or are just fishing?
How many people did you see poop while you were eating?

Did you do any site seeing? Maybe drive down Lumbard or check out Twin Peaks? Did you see Alcatraz or visit Fort Point? Perhaps you took a jog across the Golden Gate Bridge? Maybe you saw some of the communities near San Francisco like Sausalito?

Yes, I've seen ALL of the above and homelessness is in fact a problem in SanFranciso and many other California cities.
Are you denying that?

There is a similar homlessness, drug problem developing in South Florida's East Coast major cities....which are yet another Democrat run place.

Apparently you want to completely deny there is a problem in SanFranciso.
Sorry, but denying a problem does not correct it.....or mean it doesn't exist.

Almost all major cities have a homeless problem, because there are more people there. San Francisco's homeless problem is more pronounced due to the cost of real estate and rent. Unfortunately much of San Francisco's problems have to do with not building up for fear of ruining their skyline and tourism revenue. That's not a liberal or conservative issue.

It's also not the entirety of San Francisco. It's also a very tolerant city of race, religion and sexual orientation and was a pioneer for equal rights. It has some of the most interesting and beautiful architecture you will find on the west coast. Has a large functioning China Town that yes, is a tourism spot however also carries many Chinese traditions that allow people to see a different culture up close. There is beautiful North Beach which has a strong Italian heritage, great food. Great town for walking, one of the healthiest cities in the country and fuck they have cable cars, who doesn't love cable cars?

Anyway, San Francisco is one of our great American cities, its' not perfect and who would expect it to be?

California Dreaming!

Do they not let people use toilets in California, or wtf?!

Walmart, McDonalds? Del Taco?!

Fuck, we bought a porta-potty and dug a hole and keep moving it and digging more holes. It stays stocked with paper. Try to ignore the spiders.
Businesses usually shoo away the homeless. Do you want corporations to take care of our public welfare or are just fishing?

How about some personal responsibility for those that are capable and the rest go to a decent Mental Institution? That never crossed your commie mind, huh?

Before LBJ, in America, if you didn't work, you starved to death. I think this is a good model. After the free housing and food was introduced, there has been a marked decline.

Why the fuck are you SHOUTING? Turn the caps lock off, for fucks sake. You sound like a nut case.

No, shit, right?
If you care about humanity, you would volunteer to be a human toilet for the 20-30 million illegals who shit on America's Streets.

Why don't you? If anyone were an expert on bags of shit, my money would be on you. Make America Shitty Again, amirite?
I'm not a Democrat. I would Euthanize all The Illegal Aliens and Heroin Addicts or Deport them To South America.

Call it Late Term Abortion.

I'm not cleaning up some lazy assed homeless, parasitic illegals fecal matter 'cause feelings' and I am not giving one cent of my tax money to support Leftist Bullshit. If Lefty wants me to help, it will be in the form of some cheap lead to clean up lefty's mess.
How many people did you see poop while you were eating?

Did you do any site seeing? Maybe drive down Lumbard or check out Twin Peaks? Did you see Alcatraz or visit Fort Point? Perhaps you took a jog across the Golden Gate Bridge? Maybe you saw some of the communities near San Francisco like Sausalito?

Yes, I've seen ALL of the above and homelessness is in fact a problem in SanFranciso and many other California cities.
Are you denying that?

There is a similar homlessness, drug problem developing in South Florida's East Coast major cities....which are yet another Democrat run place.

Apparently you want to completely deny there is a problem in SanFranciso.
Sorry, but denying a problem does not correct it.....or mean it doesn't exist.

Almost all major cities have a homeless problem, because there are more people there. San Francisco's homeless problem is more pronounced due to the cost of real estate and rent. Unfortunately much of San Francisco's problems have to do with not building up for fear of ruining their skyline and tourism revenue. That's not a liberal or conservative issue.

It's also not the entirety of San Francisco. It's also a very tolerant city of race, religion and sexual orientation and was a pioneer for equal rights. It has some of the most interesting and beautiful architecture you will find on the west coast. Has a large functioning China Town that yes, is a tourism spot however also carries many Chinese traditions that allow people to see a different culture up close. There is beautiful North Beach which has a strong Italian heritage, great food. Great town for walking, one of the healthiest cities in the country and fuck they have cable cars, who doesn't love cable cars?

Anyway, San Francisco is one of our great American cities, its' not perfect and who would expect it to be?

California Dreaming!

Do they not let people use toilets in California, or wtf?!

Walmart, McDonalds? Del Taco?!

Fuck, we bought a porta-potty and dug a hole and keep moving it and digging more holes. It stays stocked with paper. Try to ignore the spiders.
Businesses usually shoo away the homeless. Do you want corporations to take care of our public welfare or are just fishing?

How about some personal responsibility for those that are capable and the rest go to a decent Mental Institution? That never crossed your commie mind, huh?

How many are capable? I mean, you're obviously not interested in helping them or even understanding their problems. To you the solution is just to sweep them under the carpet in some institution.

But, at least you're willing to pay for their housing, that's a start.

Why the fuck are you SHOUTING? Turn the caps lock off, for fucks sake. You sound like a nut case.

No, shit, right?
If you care about humanity, you would volunteer to be a human toilet for the 20-30 million illegals who shit on America's Streets.

Why don't you? If anyone were an expert on bags of shit, my money would be on you. Make America Shitty Again, amirite?
I'm not a Democrat. I would Euthanize all The Illegal Aliens and Heroin Addicts or Deport them To South America.

Call it Late Term Abortion.

I'm not cleaning up some lazy assed homeless, parasitic illegals fecal matter 'cause feelings' and I am not giving one cent of my tax money to support Leftist Bullshit. If Lefty wants me to help, it will be in the form of some cheap lead to clean up lefty's mess.

Okay, thanks.
How many people did you see poop while you were eating?

Did you do any site seeing? Maybe drive down Lumbard or check out Twin Peaks? Did you see Alcatraz or visit Fort Point? Perhaps you took a jog across the Golden Gate Bridge? Maybe you saw some of the communities near San Francisco like Sausalito?

Yes, I've seen ALL of the above and homelessness is in fact a problem in SanFranciso and many other California cities.
Are you denying that?

There is a similar homlessness, drug problem developing in South Florida's East Coast major cities....which are yet another Democrat run place.

Apparently you want to completely deny there is a problem in SanFranciso.
Sorry, but denying a problem does not correct it.....or mean it doesn't exist.

Almost all major cities have a homeless problem, because there are more people there. San Francisco's homeless problem is more pronounced due to the cost of real estate and rent. Unfortunately much of San Francisco's problems have to do with not building up for fear of ruining their skyline and tourism revenue. That's not a liberal or conservative issue.

It's also not the entirety of San Francisco. It's also a very tolerant city of race, religion and sexual orientation and was a pioneer for equal rights. It has some of the most interesting and beautiful architecture you will find on the west coast. Has a large functioning China Town that yes, is a tourism spot however also carries many Chinese traditions that allow people to see a different culture up close. There is beautiful North Beach which has a strong Italian heritage, great food. Great town for walking, one of the healthiest cities in the country and fuck they have cable cars, who doesn't love cable cars?

Anyway, San Francisco is one of our great American cities, its' not perfect and who would expect it to be?

California Dreaming!

Do they not let people use toilets in California, or wtf?!

Walmart, McDonalds? Del Taco?!

Fuck, we bought a porta-potty and dug a hole and keep moving it and digging more holes. It stays stocked with paper. Try to ignore the spiders.
Businesses usually shoo away the homeless. Do you want corporations to take care of our public welfare or are just fishing?

How about some personal responsibility for those that are capable and the rest go to a decent Mental Institution? That never crossed your commie mind, huh?

Before LBJ, in America, if you didn't work, you starved to death. I think this is a good model. After the free housing and food was introduced, there has been a marked decline.

Would not surprise me if he pulled the trigger on JFK himself.
Why the fuck are you SHOUTING? Turn the caps lock off, for fucks sake. You sound like a nut case.

No, shit, right?
If you care about humanity, you would volunteer to be a human toilet for the 20-30 million illegals who shit on America's Streets.

Why don't you? If anyone were an expert on bags of shit, my money would be on you. Make America Shitty Again, amirite?
I'm not a Democrat. I would Euthanize all The Illegal Aliens and Heroin Addicts or Deport them To South America.

Call it Late Term Abortion.

I'm not cleaning up some lazy assed homeless, parasitic illegals fecal matter 'cause feelings' and I am not giving one cent of my tax money to support Leftist Bullshit. If Lefty wants me to help, it will be in the form of some cheap lead to clean up lefty's mess.

Okay, thanks.
Just trying to help lefty come back to reality. But he might not be able to see beyond the shit castles he has been building for himself.

Why the fuck are you SHOUTING? Turn the caps lock off, for fucks sake. You sound like a nut case.

No, shit, right?
If you care about humanity, you would volunteer to be a human toilet for the 20-30 million illegals who shit on America's Streets.

Why don't you? If anyone were an expert on bags of shit, my money would be on you. Make America Shitty Again, amirite?
I'm not a Democrat. I would Euthanize all The Illegal Aliens and Heroin Addicts or Deport them To South America.

Call it Late Term Abortion.

I'm not cleaning up some lazy assed homeless, parasitic illegals fecal matter 'cause feelings' and I am not giving one cent of my tax money to support Leftist Bullshit. If Lefty wants me to help, it will be in the form of some cheap lead to clean up lefty's mess.

Don't worry, nobody thinks you are capable of helping. You actually don't sound that different from a homeless guy who has mental issues yelling at a building because it wont' get out of your way.
Yes, I've seen ALL of the above and homelessness is in fact a problem in SanFranciso and many other California cities.
Are you denying that?

There is a similar homlessness, drug problem developing in South Florida's East Coast major cities....which are yet another Democrat run place.

Apparently you want to completely deny there is a problem in SanFranciso.
Sorry, but denying a problem does not correct it.....or mean it doesn't exist.

Almost all major cities have a homeless problem, because there are more people there. San Francisco's homeless problem is more pronounced due to the cost of real estate and rent. Unfortunately much of San Francisco's problems have to do with not building up for fear of ruining their skyline and tourism revenue. That's not a liberal or conservative issue.

It's also not the entirety of San Francisco. It's also a very tolerant city of race, religion and sexual orientation and was a pioneer for equal rights. It has some of the most interesting and beautiful architecture you will find on the west coast. Has a large functioning China Town that yes, is a tourism spot however also carries many Chinese traditions that allow people to see a different culture up close. There is beautiful North Beach which has a strong Italian heritage, great food. Great town for walking, one of the healthiest cities in the country and fuck they have cable cars, who doesn't love cable cars?

Anyway, San Francisco is one of our great American cities, its' not perfect and who would expect it to be?

California Dreaming!

Do they not let people use toilets in California, or wtf?!

Walmart, McDonalds? Del Taco?!

Fuck, we bought a porta-potty and dug a hole and keep moving it and digging more holes. It stays stocked with paper. Try to ignore the spiders.
Businesses usually shoo away the homeless. Do you want corporations to take care of our public welfare or are just fishing?

How about some personal responsibility for those that are capable and the rest go to a decent Mental Institution? That never crossed your commie mind, huh?

How many are capable? I mean, you're obviously not interested in helping them or even understanding their problems. To you the solution is just to sweep them under the carpet in some institution.

But, at least you're willing to pay for their housing, that's a start.
I don't give a FUCK about their Problems, or The PROBLEMS you created for YOURSELF.

Fuck EM. Not one cent of my tax dollars. Deport them or Abort them.

You Left Tards Love Abortion so just give the contract to your local Planned Parenthood Extermination Center.

Then Bill The Sanctuary Cities Directly for having to take out the trash and dispose of it.

Hire MS-13 to mow down the tent cities with machine guns for all I care.

They don't belong here.

Leave or Die.

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