It's amazing how fast Mexico caved on immigration when Trump threatened tariffs...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
...what's even more amazing is that even Republicans in Senate were back stabbing Trump the entire time he was getting this done.

Fuck 'em.
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It's also amazing how fast the democrat propaganda wing forgot to mention his success.

Fuck them too.
CNN and MSNBC. Turn on your TV - or Google it.
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...what's even more amazing is that even Republicans in Senate were back stabbing Trump the entire time he was getting this done.

Fuck 'em.

Funny. Mexico says it's all bullshit. No deal. Trump caved on tariffs - then lied about it. Trump is all smoke and mirrors.

CNN and MSNBC. Turn on your TV - or Google it.
Yes, the two networks that said Hillary had a 98% chance to win the presidency throughout the whole campaign! Go crawl back in your Tepee, Injun!
...what's even more amazing is that even Republicans in Senate were back stabbing Trump the entire time he was getting this done.

Fuck 'em.

Of course, the left will never give him credit but then they hate the thought of closing the flood gates.

Congress has not only failed to act on the border crisis, and it is a crisis at this point, but they have encouraged illegal immigration for years. Offering amnesty several times, allowing illegals to have anchor babies that give them access to the welfare system, offering them driver's licenses and even the right to vote. Dems don't want them deported even after they get out of prison after being convicted of violent crimes.

The lure of welfare and other goodies have caused a steady stream of illegal entries.

The left whines about separating families and refuses to look at the whole picture. Human traffickers are kidnapping children and using them to help people get through the border since they know a family is more likely to gain asylum or early release from detention since now we don't separate them long, if at all. One reason the detention takes a while is because they are actually checking DNA to see if the people bringing the children are actually related. Much of the time, they are not. The left is more interested in making Trump look bad even if it means turning their backs on kidnapped children who are used over and over to help the traffickers move people.

The left pretends that only honest, hard working people pour through the border and they ignore the drug cartels, the human traffickers and even terrorists. The human traffickers are moving people both ways through the border. They help illegals get in and often help get kidnapped American women and children out so they can be sold or used as prostitutes. But, getting those Dem votes is more important than all that human suffering.

Mexico hasn't done anything till now because they have way more to gain than lose by our non-existent borders. Billions in remittances sent back by illegals and they get rid of their poor. Many border patrol have reported seeing the Mexican military vehicles assisting some of the drug cartels. It's big money and they certainly have no incentive to stop it. That is why Trump opted for tariffs. Money is the only thing that talks in this case.

Trump managed to do what congress and the courts have refused to do. If the left truly cared about safety of Americans, they'd quit bitching about law abiding gun owners and they would cooperate with Trump and secure the damn border. That would save a lot of lives. Not just citizens who fall victims to illegal alien criminals but the many innocent people trying to come here who end up in the hands of human traffickers. Most women report being raped. After getting through the border, they are handed off to more criminals and are basically held captive and work till they pay their debt to the criminals. Usually, prostitution. The criminals charge around $5,000 per person to get them across and that's a huge debt for these poor people.

Trump found a way around the lame congress and activist judges. He hit Mexico where it hurts and they have no choice but to help stop the flow of criminals. We need to take back our borders and we need to say who can come in. Right now, the criminals own the border.

The left sees voters being stopped from coming. The wise people see a president who actually gives a shit about the people in this country.
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Not surprising at all how fast the shyster democrats and their propaganda wing try and spread MORE LIES.

They're the enemy of America. The democrat party is the party of trash. Everywhere they are, their cities, shitting in the streets, needles all over in the gutters, shooting each on a scale only seen in war... that's the democrat utopia... the democrats vision of how they want the rest of America to be.

They are trash, and they should be defeated by whatever means necessary.
...what's even more amazing is that even Republicans in Senate were back stabbing Trump the entire time he was getting this done.

Fuck 'em.

Funny. Mexico says it's all bullshit. No deal. Trump caved on tariffs - then lied about it. Trump is all smoke and mirrors.

CNN and MSNBC. Turn on your TV - or Google it.

Oddly enough, there isn't a word about that anywhere that I can find. Is it any wonder the Left are so lost in this Zone of Bullshit? They actually believe the line of crap fed them by these places. The funny thing is that some sources claim Mexico had already agreed to the key points of the deal MONTHS ago -------- the ODD thing is WHO was pursuing it and why did it take them till NOW to admit to it?


I guess the key-point here is that Mexico COULD have been better controlling these illegals ALL ALONG, then, right?

Now I'll wait to see Mexico actually implement the action. It's one thing to agree to something, another to carry it through.
...what's even more amazing is that even Republicans in Senate were back stabbing Trump the entire time he was getting this done.

Fuck 'em.

Funny. Mexico says it's all bullshit. No deal. Trump caved on tariffs - then lied about it. Trump is all smoke and mirrors.

CNN and MSNBC. Turn on your TV - or Google it.

Oddly enough, there isn't a word about that anywhere that I can find. Is it any wonder the Left are so lost in this Zone of Bullshit? They actually believe the line of crap fed them by these places. The funny thing is that some sources claim Mexico had already agreed to the key points of the deal MONTHS ago -------- the ODD thing is WHO was pursuing it and why did it take them till NOW to admit to it?


I guess the key-point here is that Mexico COULD have been better controlling these illegals ALL ALONG, then, right?

Now I'll wait to see Mexico actually implement the action. It's one thing to agree to something, another to carry it through.

Of course you can't find a word about it when your only sources are fox and a few right win conspiracy theory nuts.
Now I'll wait to see Mexico actually implement the action. It's one thing to agree to something, another to carry it through.
What? Refusing the Kool Aid?

speaking of kool aid----google Ilhan Omar for a REAL GENIUS
idea on how to "solve" the problem the Islamic way----EASY---simply
annex the northern part of Mexico
...what's even more amazing is that even Republicans in Senate were back stabbing Trump the entire time he was getting this done.

Fuck 'em.

Funny. Mexico says it's all bullshit. No deal. Trump caved on tariffs - then lied about it. Trump is all smoke and mirrors.

CNN and MSNBC. Turn on your TV - or Google it.

Oddly enough, there isn't a word about that anywhere that I can find. Is it any wonder the Left are so lost in this Zone of Bullshit? They actually believe the line of crap fed them by these places. The funny thing is that some sources claim Mexico had already agreed to the key points of the deal MONTHS ago -------- the ODD thing is WHO was pursuing it and why did it take them till NOW to admit to it?


I guess the key-point here is that Mexico COULD have been better controlling these illegals ALL ALONG, then, right?

Now I'll wait to see Mexico actually implement the action. It's one thing to agree to something, another to carry it through.

Public radio claims the Mexicans aren't shutting down their southern border, then in the same report whines about the roadblocks and searches. lol NPR isn't a real news service, though.
...what's even more amazing is that even Republicans in Senate were back stabbing Trump the entire time he was getting this done.

Fuck 'em.

Funny. Mexico says it's all bullshit. No deal. Trump caved on tariffs - then lied about it. Trump is all smoke and mirrors.

CNN and MSNBC. Turn on your TV - or Google it.

Oddly enough, there isn't a word about that anywhere that I can find. Is it any wonder the Left are so lost in this Zone of Bullshit? They actually believe the line of crap fed them by these places. The funny thing is that some sources claim Mexico had already agreed to the key points of the deal MONTHS ago -------- the ODD thing is WHO was pursuing it and why did it take them till NOW to admit to it?


I guess the key-point here is that Mexico COULD have been better controlling these illegals ALL ALONG, then, right?

Now I'll wait to see Mexico actually implement the action. It's one thing to agree to something, another to carry it through.

Public radio claims the Mexicans aren't shutting down their southern border, then in the same report whines about the roadblocks and searches. lol NPR isn't a real news service, though.

PIC!!!! read my post # 16 -----genius muslimah Ilhan has
THE ANSWER (she got it from the history of the glorious age
of Islamc conquest--------when half the world got DONE A FAVOR)
...what's even more amazing is that even Republicans in Senate were back stabbing Trump the entire time he was getting this done.

Fuck 'em.

Funny. Mexico says it's all bullshit. No deal. Trump caved on tariffs - then lied about it. Trump is all smoke and mirrors.

CNN and MSNBC. Turn on your TV - or Google it.

Oddly enough, there isn't a word about that anywhere that I can find. Is it any wonder the Left are so lost in this Zone of Bullshit? They actually believe the line of crap fed them by these places. The funny thing is that some sources claim Mexico had already agreed to the key points of the deal MONTHS ago -------- the ODD thing is WHO was pursuing it and why did it take them till NOW to admit to it?


I guess the key-point here is that Mexico COULD have been better controlling these illegals ALL ALONG, then, right?

Now I'll wait to see Mexico actually implement the action. It's one thing to agree to something, another to carry it through.

Public radio claims the Mexicans aren't shutting down their southern border, then in the same report whines about the roadblocks and searches. lol NPR isn't a real news service, though.
NPR are anti-white racist bastards that get federal $$$$ for racist content

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