Democrat poll SHOCKER: Palin 46% Obama 46%

Democrat poll SHOCKER: Palin 46% Obama 46%

Not really. Remember, half the country is below average in intelligence. They are called Republicans.

When did you become a republican?
Not surprising. The Socialist/Marxist loons are killing this country. It will be "Anyone but Obama" for most next time around. Suing his own people in Arizona on behalf of the Mexican Government and Illegals really has angered many fence-sitting Independents. I really do think the Democrats are completely oblivious to how angry many Americans over that issue. I guess we'll see though. Never under-estimate the Community Organizers' ability to rig elections. Just look at Minnesota where Franken's Community Organizer buds stole that thing. I'm optimistic but not too optimistic. Stay vigilant. Make 2010 count.

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