democrat obamacare is still failing and hurting Americans....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Here is another story of obamacare failing people.....the democrats created the worst healthcare system in the world.....

‘Obamacare Won’t Pay For My Back Surgery, But It Will Pay For Opioids’

Joe is one of the many victims of Obamacare. His doctors say he needs surgery to repair the nerve damage in his lower back and pelvis, but his insurance company, Blue Cross Blue Shield, won’t cover it. In most of North Carolina, including Union County where Joe and his family live, Blue Cross is the only health insurer still offering coverage on the exchanges established by Obamacare. The only treatment Blue Cross will cover for Joe is pain medication—a battery of prescription drugs he must take daily, including what he calls “comatose-inducing” muscle-relaxers and opioids.

“When people call it being between a rock and a hard place I call it choosing between a firing squad and burning at the stake,” Joe says. If he doesn’t take the drugs, he’ll end up in the emergency room because of the pain. If he does take them, he’s useless as a functioning member of society. “I don’t want to pick either.”

He shouldn’t have to, but the collapse of Obamacare has left him with few choices. As the debate over health care reform rages in Washington DC, millions of American families who purchase health insurance on the individual market are struggling to get the care they need. Joe’s case is just one example of how federal health care policy has crippled the individual insurance market, limiting access to care and leaving families with no good options
Democrats made obamacare........democrats made obamacare.........democrats...keep trying to deny it....
Here is another story of obamacare failing people.....the democrats created the worst healthcare system in the world.....

‘Obamacare Won’t Pay For My Back Surgery, But It Will Pay For Opioids’

Joe is one of the many victims of Obamacare. His doctors say he needs surgery to repair the nerve damage in his lower back and pelvis, but his insurance company, Blue Cross Blue Shield, won’t cover it. In most of North Carolina, including Union County where Joe and his family live, Blue Cross is the only health insurer still offering coverage on the exchanges established by Obamacare. The only treatment Blue Cross will cover for Joe is pain medication—a battery of prescription drugs he must take daily, including what he calls “comatose-inducing” muscle-relaxers and opioids.

“When people call it being between a rock and a hard place I call it choosing between a firing squad and burning at the stake,” Joe says. If he doesn’t take the drugs, he’ll end up in the emergency room because of the pain. If he does take them, he’s useless as a functioning member of society. “I don’t want to pick either.”

He shouldn’t have to, but the collapse of Obamacare has left him with few choices. As the debate over health care reform rages in Washington DC, millions of American families who purchase health insurance on the individual market are struggling to get the care they need. Joe’s case is just one example of how federal health care policy has crippled the individual insurance market, limiting access to care and leaving families with no good options

Move to MI. My BIL on a plan from the ACA marketplace, BCBS had 2 back surgeries last year, I find this story suspect. If a surgeon says surgery will help then he could have it, maybe his surgeon is not recommending surgery.
Democrats made obamacare........democrats made obamacare.........democrats...keep trying to deny it....

You don't remember insurance before the ACA apparently.

You mean where 80% of Americans like their insurance plan? You mean that insurance before obamacare came in and wrecked the place?

Do you mean the insurance where obama said if you liked your doctor, you could keep your doctor? That was a lie. Or when obama said if you liked your plan, which 80% of the country did, you could keep your plan? You mean that? And that was also a lie.

Of the two of us, you don't remember what insurance was like before obamacare....
Something is very strange.
Ironically, Joe and his wife pay more for their Blue Cross plan ($120 per month) than they did for their Aetna plan ($36 per month).
Democrats made obamacare........democrats made obamacare.........democrats...keep trying to deny it....

You don't remember insurance before the ACA apparently.

You mean where 80% of Americans like their insurance plan? You mean that insurance before obamacare came in and wrecked the place?

Do you mean the insurance where obama said if you liked your doctor, you could keep your doctor? That was a lie. Or when obama said if you liked your plan, which 80% of the country did, you could keep your plan? You mean that? And that was also a lie.

Of the two of us, you don't remember what insurance was like before obamacare....

Yes that same one and doctors who refuse to be in the plan are not worth going to or want to be paid in cash. Obviously he does not like his cheap plan, you get a cheap plan you get what you pay for. He would of got better care if he was on expanded Medicaid, but NC doesn't have that, a GOP state.

There is way to much info missing and to say its due to the ACA is false.
Something is very strange.
Ironically, Joe and his wife pay more for their Blue Cross plan ($120 per month) than they did for their Aetna plan ($36 per month).
Democrats made obamacare........democrats made obamacare.........democrats...keep trying to deny it....

You don't remember insurance before the ACA apparently.

You mean where 80% of Americans like their insurance plan? You mean that insurance before obamacare came in and wrecked the place?

Do you mean the insurance where obama said if you liked your doctor, you could keep your doctor? That was a lie. Or when obama said if you liked your plan, which 80% of the country did, you could keep your plan? You mean that? And that was also a lie.

Of the two of us, you don't remember what insurance was like before obamacare....

Yes that same one and doctors who refuse to be in the plan are not worth going to or want to be paid in cash. Obviously he does not like his cheap plan, you get a cheap plan you get what you pay for. He would of got better care if he was on expanded Medicaid, but NC doesn't have that, a GOP state.

There is way to much info missing and to say its due to the ACA is false.

That's why you read the link.....

How Obamacare Left Joe Cato With No Options
Last summer, when his chronic back pain became unmanageable, Joe was insured by Aetna, which worked with him to diagnose the problem. Aetna paid for CT scans, an MRI, nine spinal injections, visits to the emergency room, physical therapy, chiropractic care, and massage specialists. But last July Joe received a letter from Aetna saying it would be exiting the individual market at the end of the year. Given the company’s financial losses, there was no way for them to stay in the exchange.

Joe and his wife, Becky, tried to expedite the tests and treatments for his back, hoping to get a surgery scheduled before the end of the year. He needs a minimally invasive procedure called radiofrequency ablation, which helps ease pain caused by the degeneration of joints from degenerative arthritis. The surgery involves burning the nerve out of the hip joint, easing inflammation and allowing it to move without causing pain. But it took too long to properly diagnose the problem and schedule surgery before the family’s coverage with Aetna ended.

When Joe went to buy new coverage in January, there was only one option on the exchange: Blue Cross. The company was offering a plan called “Blue Value,” created specifically for exchange customers. The plan is designed to provide general primary care, and little else. The idea is to prevent people from going to the ER for things like the flu but it does little for patients with more serious health concerns.

Under his new plan, Joe lost access to all of his regular doctors, including the specialists he had been working with to diagnose and treat his back pain, as well as the Carolina Medical Center (CMC), the major health-care system in Charlotte that runs 15 hospitals and nearly all the outpatient surgery centers in the area. CMC is the must-have provider network for all of North Carolina south of Raleigh, but his “Blue Value” plan didn’t include it.

What’s more, the new plan denies all radiofrequency ablation procedures, no matter what. Blue Cross deems the surgery “experimental,” even though it’s been around for a decade and Aetna was going to cover the procedure before it dropped out of the market. “The idea that it’s experimental is bogus, that’s not why Blue Cross is denying it,” Joe says. “It’s a business decision for them, plain and simple.”

Now, Joe’s only in-network provider is Novant Health, which stipulates that new enrollees can only see a Novant provider that’s accepting new patients. The closest provider that would accept Joe is 30 miles away. Joe says the Novant facility he goes to is “definitely lower quality” than the CMC clinics and hospitals he had access to under his Aetna plan. “It looks like Fallujah.”

Ironically, Joe and his wife pay more for their Blue Cross plan ($120 per month) than they did for their Aetna plan ($36 per month).

Joe’s story illustrates in a microcosm what’s been happening all over the country. Obamacare sought to transform the individual health insurance market by making two major changes: 1) forcing everyone to purchase coverage—the individual mandate provision—and 2) forcing insurance companies to cover everyone, even those with preexisting conditions. The idea was that the young and healthy would sign up, and their premiums would pay for the cost of older and sicker people, whose premiums wouldn’t actually cover the cost of their care.

It hasn’t worked out that way. Young people didn’t sign up for coverage on the exchanges in sufficient numbers, opting instead to pay the penalty. Insurers were forced either to raise premiums, which have skyrocketed in recent years, or simply exit the market in the face of huge financial losses.

This year, insurers fleeing the market left 21 percent of all Obamacare exchange customers with only one insurer in their area—including Joe Cato in North Carolina. Next year it might be even worse, with as many as 1,200 counties projected to have only one insurer and 47 counties with no Obamacare insurers at all.

Democrats made obamacare........democrats made obamacare.........democrats...keep trying to deny it....

You don't remember insurance before the ACA apparently.

You mean where 80% of Americans like their insurance plan? You mean that insurance before obamacare came in and wrecked the place?

Do you mean the insurance where obama said if you liked your doctor, you could keep your doctor? That was a lie. Or when obama said if you liked your plan, which 80% of the country did, you could keep your plan? You mean that? And that was also a lie.

Of the two of us, you don't remember what insurance was like before obamacare....
Well now, you are a fool, you have demonstrated that repeatedly. Were any of the GOP bills passed, tens of millions of Americans would lose their health care. Yes, there are things about the ACA that need fixed. Fixed, not destroyed. The President and the GOP had plenty of time to create a real health care plan, they absolutely did not even consider what they were going to replace the ACA with. They were just, like you, mewling and puking about the present ACA, and not even considering what should replace. And, by the way, I gained from the implementation of the ACA. My deductables went up, but the company picked up the part that I had been previously been paying. So, over the period the ACA has been in effect, I made several thousand dollars.

And I very well remember what the healthcare industry was like before the ACA. 26 million more Americans have health care insurance than did prior to the ACA. Now I know you would like to see them all without any health care insurance. Just a typical dumb ass 'Conservative' that likes to see his fellow Americans suffer.
Here is another story of obamacare failing people.....the democrats created the worst healthcare system in the world.....

‘Obamacare Won’t Pay For My Back Surgery, But It Will Pay For Opioids’

Joe is one of the many victims of Obamacare. His doctors say he needs surgery to repair the nerve damage in his lower back and pelvis, but his insurance company, Blue Cross Blue Shield, won’t cover it. In most of North Carolina, including Union County where Joe and his family live, Blue Cross is the only health insurer still offering coverage on the exchanges established by Obamacare. The only treatment Blue Cross will cover for Joe is pain medication—a battery of prescription drugs he must take daily, including what he calls “comatose-inducing” muscle-relaxers and opioids.

“When people call it being between a rock and a hard place I call it choosing between a firing squad and burning at the stake,” Joe says. If he doesn’t take the drugs, he’ll end up in the emergency room because of the pain. If he does take them, he’s useless as a functioning member of society. “I don’t want to pick either.”

He shouldn’t have to, but the collapse of Obamacare has left him with few choices. As the debate over health care reform rages in Washington DC, millions of American families who purchase health insurance on the individual market are struggling to get the care they need. Joe’s case is just one example of how federal health care policy has crippled the individual insurance market, limiting access to care and leaving families with no good options
Meanwhile, Trumpcare has failed. The GOP can't GOVERN!
Something is very strange.
Ironically, Joe and his wife pay more for their Blue Cross plan ($120 per month) than they did for their Aetna plan ($36 per month).
Democrats made obamacare........democrats made obamacare.........democrats...keep trying to deny it....

You don't remember insurance before the ACA apparently.

You mean where 80% of Americans like their insurance plan? You mean that insurance before obamacare came in and wrecked the place?

Do you mean the insurance where obama said if you liked your doctor, you could keep your doctor? That was a lie. Or when obama said if you liked your plan, which 80% of the country did, you could keep your plan? You mean that? And that was also a lie.

Of the two of us, you don't remember what insurance was like before obamacare....

Yes that same one and doctors who refuse to be in the plan are not worth going to or want to be paid in cash. Obviously he does not like his cheap plan, you get a cheap plan you get what you pay for. He would of got better care if he was on expanded Medicaid, but NC doesn't have that, a GOP state.

There is way to much info missing and to say its due to the ACA is false.

That's why you read the link.....

How Obamacare Left Joe Cato With No Options
Last summer, when his chronic back pain became unmanageable, Joe was insured by Aetna, which worked with him to diagnose the problem. Aetna paid for CT scans, an MRI, nine spinal injections, visits to the emergency room, physical therapy, chiropractic care, and massage specialists. But last July Joe received a letter from Aetna saying it would be exiting the individual market at the end of the year. Given the company’s financial losses, there was no way for them to stay in the exchange.

Joe and his wife, Becky, tried to expedite the tests and treatments for his back, hoping to get a surgery scheduled before the end of the year. He needs a minimally invasive procedure called radiofrequency ablation, which helps ease pain caused by the degeneration of joints from degenerative arthritis. The surgery involves burning the nerve out of the hip joint, easing inflammation and allowing it to move without causing pain. But it took too long to properly diagnose the problem and schedule surgery before the family’s coverage with Aetna ended.

When Joe went to buy new coverage in January, there was only one option on the exchange: Blue Cross. The company was offering a plan called “Blue Value,” created specifically for exchange customers. The plan is designed to provide general primary care, and little else. The idea is to prevent people from going to the ER for things like the flu but it does little for patients with more serious health concerns.

Under his new plan, Joe lost access to all of his regular doctors, including the specialists he had been working with to diagnose and treat his back pain, as well as the Carolina Medical Center (CMC), the major health-care system in Charlotte that runs 15 hospitals and nearly all the outpatient surgery centers in the area. CMC is the must-have provider network for all of North Carolina south of Raleigh, but his “Blue Value” plan didn’t include it.

What’s more, the new plan denies all radiofrequency ablation procedures, no matter what. Blue Cross deems the surgery “experimental,” even though it’s been around for a decade and Aetna was going to cover the procedure before it dropped out of the market. “The idea that it’s experimental is bogus, that’s not why Blue Cross is denying it,” Joe says. “It’s a business decision for them, plain and simple.”

Now, Joe’s only in-network provider is Novant Health, which stipulates that new enrollees can only see a Novant provider that’s accepting new patients. The closest provider that would accept Joe is 30 miles away. Joe says the Novant facility he goes to is “definitely lower quality” than the CMC clinics and hospitals he had access to under his Aetna plan. “It looks like Fallujah.”

Ironically, Joe and his wife pay more for their Blue Cross plan ($120 per month) than they did for their Aetna plan ($36 per month).

Joe’s story illustrates in a microcosm what’s been happening all over the country. Obamacare sought to transform the individual health insurance market by making two major changes: 1) forcing everyone to purchase coverage—the individual mandate provision—and 2) forcing insurance companies to cover everyone, even those with preexisting conditions. The idea was that the young and healthy would sign up, and their premiums would pay for the cost of older and sicker people, whose premiums wouldn’t actually cover the cost of their care.

It hasn’t worked out that way. Young people didn’t sign up for coverage on the exchanges in sufficient numbers, opting instead to pay the penalty. Insurers were forced either to raise premiums, which have skyrocketed in recent years, or simply exit the market in the face of huge financial losses.

This year, insurers fleeing the market left 21 percent of all Obamacare exchange customers with only one insurer in their area—including Joe Cato in North Carolina. Next year it might be even worse, with as many as 1,200 counties projected to have only one insurer and 47 counties with no Obamacare insurers at all.

I read your link a few times. It does not make sense. Aetna paid for CT scans, an MRI, nine spinal injections, visits to the emergency room, physical therapy, chiropractic care, and massage specialists. It took all this while to diagnose the condition ???

He is 30 miles away, that is peanuts. I doubt the truthfulness of this article, it was more about slamming the ACA than about this guy, who by the way had 4 kids and if he is paying 130 a month, that is cheap.

Something is being left out of the article, and I call it as hiding some facts, not the whole story.

The GOP has done all in its power to obstruct the ACA, now they need to work with the Dems to improve it, by lowering deducts and those same GOP states need to expand Medicaid.

T stop advertising when he took office, just by bad mouthing it the GOP has obstructed it. Now he said he is going to let it implode on itself, that is the kind of Potus we have now. Then what, back to the same ins before the ACA? I remember those days.

He thinks his ins won't cover much, he would not even be able to of got new ins with BCBS with his pre existing condition, and he'd be paying more than 120 a month.

Get the rest of the facts and get back to us.
Here is another story of obamacare failing people.....the democrats created the worst healthcare system in the world.....

‘Obamacare Won’t Pay For My Back Surgery, But It Will Pay For Opioids’

Joe is one of the many victims of Obamacare. His doctors say he needs surgery to repair the nerve damage in his lower back and pelvis, but his insurance company, Blue Cross Blue Shield, won’t cover it. In most of North Carolina, including Union County where Joe and his family live, Blue Cross is the only health insurer still offering coverage on the exchanges established by Obamacare. The only treatment Blue Cross will cover for Joe is pain medication—a battery of prescription drugs he must take daily, including what he calls “comatose-inducing” muscle-relaxers and opioids.

“When people call it being between a rock and a hard place I call it choosing between a firing squad and burning at the stake,” Joe says. If he doesn’t take the drugs, he’ll end up in the emergency room because of the pain. If he does take them, he’s useless as a functioning member of society. “I don’t want to pick either.”

He shouldn’t have to, but the collapse of Obamacare has left him with few choices. As the debate over health care reform rages in Washington DC, millions of American families who purchase health insurance on the individual market are struggling to get the care they need. Joe’s case is just one example of how federal health care policy has crippled the individual insurance market, limiting access to care and leaving families with no good options
Wow another Joe the Plumber story?

Quit blaming the ACA because a guy purchased a policy that does not cover his problem.

Joe was free to buy a policy outside the exchanges. Why didn't he do that?
Democrats made obamacare........democrats made obamacare.........democrats...keep trying to deny it....

You don't remember insurance before the ACA apparently.

You mean where 80% of Americans like their insurance plan? You mean that insurance before obamacare came in and wrecked the place?

Do you mean the insurance where obama said if you liked your doctor, you could keep your doctor? That was a lie. Or when obama said if you liked your plan, which 80% of the country did, you could keep your plan? You mean that? And that was also a lie.

Of the two of us, you don't remember what insurance was like before obamacare....
bTherre vypu go again.

If you were too fucking stupid to choose a plan that included your doctor, it is YOUR fault., There was NOTHING in the ACA that dictated coverage networks.

There was a clause in the ACA that said insurance companies could continue to offer any plan in place at the time the bill passed. Blame the insurance industry.

When will you morons quit clingin g to the same shit., t makes you look really stupid.
Democrats made obamacare........democrats made obamacare.........democrats...keep trying to deny it....

You don't remember insurance before the ACA apparently.
Yes it was cheaper and paid out more.

The rate of premium increases slowed under the ACA.

If you purchased insurance as an individual or small group, you saved money under the ACA.
Sure it did. Must be why insurers that leave the exchange only come back at a 50 - 80% premium increase.

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