Democrat Lies, America Dies


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Powerful testimony today. Against Hunter and Joe Biden.

Democrats, knowing their propaganda arm of the MSM will ignore (MSNBC and CNN didn't run today's hearings) and will allow them to deceive Americans. Or downplay the revelations under oath.


No wonder CNN & MSNBC don't want their audience to see these whistleblowers. Not only are they providing shocking testimony about the efforts by the Biden DOJ to obstruct their investigation, by the Democrats are humiliating themselves.

One of the Democrat committee members complains about the unfair treatment black Americans are receiving at the hands of IRS audits, yet she voted to increase IRS funding by tens of billions of dollars and addition of 87,000 new IRS agents. What a buffoon.

No wonder CNN & MSNBC don't want their audience to see these whistleblowers. Not only are they providing shocking testimony about the efforts by the Biden DOJ to obstruct their investigation, by the Democrats are humiliating themselves.
One of the Democrat committee members complains about the unfair treatment black Americans are receiving at the hands of IRS audits, yet she voted to increase IRS funding by tens of billions of dollars and addition of 87,000 new IRS agents. What a buffoon.

No bigger threats to America and Americans then the democrats.
There is no way the news media will let anything to do with any Biden's pedaling of influence for cash or cocaine in small baggies hit the honest news. Sorry did I just say honest news? How stupid of me.

It is very clear that the Democrats are sending a message to any courageous potential additional whistleblowers at the DOJ and FBI, and beyond, as they did when the FBI whistle blowers came forward -- that they can expect to be smeared and abused if they dare to come forward. It does not matter if they are Democrats, voted for Biden, or anything else. And they are making clear to the IRS/DOJ/FBI that they are free to destroy the careers of any employee who does come forward.

This POS just listened to TWO veteran IRS whistleblowers (Ones Democrat and Gay) discuss and show in detail Hunter Bidens financial crimes, ties to CCP owned companies, and Joe Bidens potential involvement, and he chose to ask them about Trumps recent indictment which they have nothing to do with.


Rep. Krishnamoorthi spent his time hammering away on proving that Biden was not the president when some decisions were made. When both witnesses tried to explain that Biden was running for president at that time, Krishnamoorthi became irate. They were trying to explain how the elections were impacting their internal decisionmaking.

Powerful testimony today. Against Hunter and Joe Biden.

Democrats, knowing their propaganda arm of the MSM will ignore (MSNBC and CNN didn't run today's hearings) and will allow them to deceive Americans. Or downplay the revelations under oath.

The Marxists/Demofascists couldnt refute any of the sworn testimony of the witnesses, so they bloviated on their talking points so when election time rolls around they can then say how they spoke in behalf of the moronic constituents.
No wonder CNN & MSNBC don't want their audience to see these whistleblowers. Not only are they providing shocking testimony about the efforts by the Biden DOJ to obstruct their investigation, by the Democrats are humiliating themselves.
One of the Democrat committee members complains about the unfair treatment black Americans are receiving at the hands of IRS audits, yet she voted to increase IRS funding by tens of billions of dollars and addition of 87,000 new IRS agents. What a buffoon.

Yeah, idiots will be idiots, and not realize they say some really stupid shit, then get caught, then have to lie about it.

Racist number 3, Lee going off about black men incarcerations.

Zero questions to the Whistleblowers.

The 3 racists on the oversite committee sound so angry, so full of hate. Talking about lynching's and slavery. And there she said.. Trump.. LOL

She sounds insane...

This POS just listened to TWO veteran IRS whistleblowers (Ones Democrat and Gay) discuss and show in detail Hunter Bidens financial crimes, ties to CCP owned companies, and Joe Bidens potential involvement, and he chose to ask them about Trumps recent indictment which they have nothing to do with.
Hunter Biden certainly whored out his family name but it is unclear to me if any of that was illegal, I don't know. But just because Hunter was corrupt doesn't mean that Joe also was. Guilt by association is not a legal thing and until I see actual evidence of Joe's potential guilt I'm keeping an open mind.
I didn't watch a lot of it but the dems didn't even appear to dispute the sworn testimony. They just deflected and talked about other things that had shit-all to do with the testimony. The dems embarrassed themselves.

I'll tell you straight up, had I been the one putting my career on the line I would have pulled them up short and asked if they had any relative questions for me that pertained to the issue at hand or were they just going to sit there and grandstand.

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