Democrat Lies, America Dies

Powerful testimony today. Against Hunter and Joe Biden.

Democrats, knowing their propaganda arm of the MSM will ignore (MSNBC and CNN didn't run today's hearings) and will allow them to deceive Americans. Or downplay the revelations under oath.

Nothing of import passed at all. Go away. You are now just boring.
Powerful testimony today. Against Hunter and Joe Biden.

Democrats, knowing their propaganda arm of the MSM will ignore (MSNBC and CNN didn't run today's hearings) and will allow them to deceive Americans. Or downplay the revelations under oath.

I'm sure the Mod Squad is thrilled with all the "links." Makes for great discussion and debate (not).
No wonder CNN & MSNBC don't want their audience to see these whistleblowers. Not only are they providing shocking testimony about the efforts by the Biden DOJ to obstruct their investigation, by the Democrats are humiliating themselves.
One of the Democrat committee members complains about the unfair treatment black Americans are receiving at the hands of IRS audits, yet she voted to increase IRS funding by tens of billions of dollars and addition of 87,000 new IRS agents. What a buffoon.

I got to say it. The whole bit about the IRS agents is the clearest indicator of just how conned you Trump supporters are. I mean you guys are fools, idiots, being played. The IRS is woefully understaffed. Nothing reflects that more than the fact that the IRS is required, by law, to audit the president. They haven't even completed the audit for Trump in 2017. So don't cry a damn river when they don't audit Biden.

And that is the tip of the iceberg. The audits of wealthy taxpayers, those with seven figure incomes, are at a record low. And that is a problem. And then there are the complaints about the deficit, spending, all that. Well the CBO scored the increased funding and additional IRS agents as a revenue generator, the increased collection of taxes more than offsets the cost.

The head of the federal reserve issued a clear directive. None of the increased funding, the additional agents, would be used to audit those with incomes of less than $400,000 a year. Do you make $400,000 a year? Hell no, probably not even $40,000. I mean it is comical, but also a little bit insulting, that Republicans are claiming those additional IRS agents are going to be stationed outside of the hair salon and counting the clients going in.

Let me lay it out there for you. The IRS ain't worried about your ass. Grandmaw's simple shitass theory applies here. "Why the hell is the government worried about a simple shitass like you". You are standing there, fighting against the increase in IRS funding and additional agents, not to protect you, the simple shitass, but to protect the wealthy business owner that writes off "legal expenses" far in excess of what he pays. And yes, I am talking about Trump here. But there are many others. And while you struggle day to day to meet your obligations, those wealthy individuals gather at the country club, drinking their expensive microbrews, and laugh at how stupid you are.
NEW: Democrat Rep. Kweisi Mfume appears to forget what the three government branches are in America.

Did he actually forget or did he just accidentally say the quiet part out loud?

During testimony on how the DOJ stepped in to protect Hunter Biden, Kweisi argued that Americans should support the Department of Justice, FBI and IRS because they “keep democracy in check” and “provide checks and balances.”

“I don't like these attacks on the Department of Justice, the FBI, the IRS, as if they are somehow anti-US agencies. Those agencies keep this democracy in check. It keeps them afloat. They provide the checks and they provide the balances.”

The DOJ, IRS & FBI have become so powerful that sitting members of Congress think they are the 3rd branch of government.



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