Democrat Gov. Andy Beshear vetos bill that protects school children


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — Kentucky's Democratic governor issued an election-year veto Friday of a Republican bill aimed at regulating the lives of transgender youths that includes banning access to gender-affirming health care and restricting the bathrooms they can use.

This an AP News story.
The AP is a far-left Democrat News organization, so they are supporting the corrupt Democrat Party's policy of genital mutilation of children.
The Democrat Party is being dominated by LGBTP extremist who are demanding access to people's children.
Parents want to protect their children from the LGBTP influencers.
It is a parent's right to protect their children from harm and bad influencers.
Hopefully this veto will be the end Beshear's far left extremist political career.
FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — Kentucky's Democratic governor issued an election-year veto Friday of a Republican bill aimed at regulating the lives of transgender youths that includes banning access to gender-affirming health care and restricting the bathrooms they can use.

This an AP News story.
The AP is a far-left Democrat News organization, so they are supporting the corrupt Democrat Party's policy of genital mutilation of children.
The Democrat Party is being dominated by LGBTP extremist who are demanding access to people's children.
Parents want to protect their children from the LGBTP influencers.
It is a parent's right to protect their children from harm and bad influencers.
Hopefully this veto will be the end Beshear's far left extremist political career.
Sounds about right, coming from the democrats
They should be able to over ride that veto. Beshear is a borderline retard.
The Republican Party of Kentucky issued the following statement:
Most people agree that you need to be a certain age before participating in certain activities, like consuming alcohol or smoking cigarettes,” RPK spokesman Sean Southard said. “Not Andy Beshear. Andy Beshear thinks it’s okay for children to have access to life-altering sex change surgery and drugs before they turn 18. Today, he revealed how radical he truly is. Is Andy Beshear the Governor of Kentucky or California? Despite years of attempting to look like a moderate, he has shown that he will never stand up to the special left-wing interests that bankroll his campaign. Kentucky voters will have an opportunity this fall to rid our state of this far-left Governor and replace him with a Republican who will work to protect children. Once this campaign is over, today may very well be remembered as the day Andy Beshear lost his bid for re-election.
They should be able to over ride that veto. Beshear is a borderline retard.
This will most likely happen with Republicans having control of the state house and senate. Beshear won because Bevin introduced some tough legislation on the public pension plan (and I believe Medicaid), while Beshear was promising raises to teachers.
This will most likely happen with Republicans having control of the state house and senate. Beshear won because Bevin introduced some tough legislation on the public pension plan (and I believe Medicaid), while Beshear was promising raises to teachers.
Bevin is also an outsider that did not help him.
FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — Kentucky's Democratic governor issued an election-year veto Friday of a Republican bill aimed at regulating the lives of transgender youths that includes banning access to gender-affirming health care and restricting the bathrooms they can use.

This an AP News story.
The AP is a far-left Democrat News organization, so they are supporting the corrupt Democrat Party's policy of genital mutilation of children.
The Democrat Party is being dominated by LGBTP extremist who are demanding access to people's children.
Parents want to protect their children from the LGBTP influencers.
It is a parent's right to protect their children from harm and bad influencers.
Hopefully this veto will be the end Beshear's far left extremist political career.
Makes you wonder what the bill actually says.
Beshear is taking care of these kind of men, not parents and children.

FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — Kentucky's Democratic governor issued an election-year veto Friday of a Republican bill aimed at regulating the lives of transgender youths that includes banning access to gender-affirming health care and restricting the bathrooms they can use.

This an AP News story.
The AP is a far-left Democrat News organization, so they are supporting the corrupt Democrat Party's policy of genital mutilation of children.
The Democrat Party is being dominated by LGBTP extremist who are demanding access to people's children.
Parents want to protect their children from the LGBTP influencers.
It is a parent's right to protect their children from harm and bad influencers.
Hopefully this veto will be the end Beshear's far left extremist political career.
‘Gov. Andy Beshear said in a written veto message that the bill allows “too much government interference in personal healthcare issues and rips away the freedom of parents to make medical decisions for their children.”’

Gov. Beshear is correct: individuals know best how to address their healthcare needs, not the state; parents know best how to care for their children, not the state.

The measure is just another manifestation of rightwing bigotry and hate.
FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — Kentucky's Democratic governor issued an election-year veto Friday of a Republican bill aimed at regulating the lives of transgender youths that includes banning access to gender-affirming health care and restricting the bathrooms they can use.

This an AP News story.
The AP is a far-left Democrat News organization, so they are supporting the corrupt Democrat Party's policy of genital mutilation of children.
The Democrat Party is being dominated by LGBTP extremist who are demanding access to people's children.
Parents want to protect their children from the LGBTP influencers.
It is a parent's right to protect their children from harm and bad influencers.
Hopefully this veto will be the end Beshear's far left extremist political career.
I'm from Kentucky. The greatest thing about Beshear's governorship is that he is governor of a state with a pure red legislature. His veto will be overridden and his vote will play big in this year's election.
FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — Kentucky's Democratic governor issued an election-year veto Friday of a Republican bill aimed at regulating the lives of transgender youths that includes banning access to gender-affirming health care and restricting the bathrooms they can use.

This an AP News story.
The AP is a far-left Democrat News organization, so they are supporting the corrupt Democrat Party's policy of genital mutilation of children.
The Democrat Party is being dominated by LGBTP extremist who are demanding access to people's children.
Parents want to protect their children from the LGBTP influencers.
It is a parent's right to protect their children from harm and bad influencers.
Hopefully this veto will be the end Beshear's far left extremist political career.

AP may be left leaning but they use proper sourcing and their fact check record is very clean.


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