Dem sponsored Aggitators trying to block revised health care to save health care.


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Fact: the health care plan is not just dying, it's imploding. The same people complaining about Trump failing to revise Obama Care have been trying to prevent the revision by sabotage, agitating and bullying the State officials.
False info was spread about the first drafted bill, now the aggitators "Resist" (assisted by Moveon org) are lying about the second bill complaining about the revisions affecting people which was necessary to satisfy complaints about the original draft. However "Resist" conveniently leaves out the cleared up issues of the first draft and likes to trick people into believing they still exist but worse with new issues existing.
This is an outright lie on top of the former projected made up figures they used on their first propaganda campaign.
This time around they intend to bully and target the list of possible dissenters of the new bill. They literally call these Senators Targets, which should worry people seeing the terrorist threats and acts already done to celebrities and politicians and their properties.
Here's a snipet of their rally cry:
"Emergency: There's a new effort to take away our healthcare and winning will come down to whether or not #Resist shows up."
The emergency is that Trump will look good abolishing the implidong Obama care healthcare plan and the Treasonous party can't have that. They are actually Opposing revising and fixing this healthcare debacle inherited by a fascist party who forced it upon us without bipartisan participation or the blessing of the people in this country.
The Dems- Resist (arm of Moveon org) does not want us to have a workable
Affordable Care Act, period, as sucess for this administration spells failure of the former.
The spearhead of this disruptive bullying is a former Obama employee and financed activist, Ashley Kroetsch.
The Shadow Gov't is sabotaging the success of our nation and our people just for the sake of party politics and regaining power.
Either we call it treason and address the issue or admit our system fails us and is broken and this tit for tat 2 party system doesn't protect us with checks and balances from corrupt systems, it creates those corrupt systems and throws off the balances with the causing of extreme oendullwm swings in counter actions of the other party's extremism.
You're a evil piece of shit...

24 million people will be kicked off their healthcare if that bill passed and you think that is saving it? What the fuck has the private sector in healthcare ever done to better the system??? Just jack the cost up, destroy peoples lives and fail.
You're a evil piece of shit...

24 million people will be kicked off their healthcare if that bill passed and you think that is saving it? What the fuck has the private sector in healthcare ever done to better the system??? Just jack the cost up, destroy peoples lives and fail.

And there you go with the propaganda figure pulled out their.....
This is exactly what I talked about, the new bill solves those "subjective opinion" concerns and yet they still use that in conjunction with new problems that solving the first one causes.
You lost your argument when you needed to demonize the poster with ad hominem response and cussing. Truth does not need that, only someone with no reasoning skill will reply in that manner instead of a reasonable refutation. Epic fail from the party of angry intollerant kvetches.
The GOP owns this now. Trump promised repeal and an (insert ridiculous hyperbole here) new plan.

The party has the White House, Senate and House.

There ya go. Let's see it.

Not really, the whole health care socialist plan is the dems, there is no way to please everyone with a disaster that should never have been tackled. They will own the fix idea but can't be blamed for being given a sinking ship and bandaids to save it.
The fact the dems won't even give
bandaids shows you where they are in this sinking ship. They are the ones poking more holes instead, while taking all the life rafts and poking holes in those, while throwing woman and children over board to swim with the sharks. Nice!
The GOP owns this now. Trump promised repeal and an (insert ridiculous hyperbole here) new plan.

The party has the White House, Senate and House.

There ya go. Let's see it.

Not really, the whole health care socialist plan is the dems, there is no way to please everyone with a disaster that should never have been tackled. They will own the fix idea but can't be blamed for being given a sinking ship and bandaids to save it.
The fact the dems won't even give
bandaids shows you where they are in this sinking ship. They are the ones poking more holes instead, while taking all the life rafts and poking holes in those, while throwing woman and children over board to swim with the sharks. Nice!
So we shouldn't expect anything better from the GOP with the White House, House and Senate?

Are they incapable of making decisions and governing?
The GOP owns this now. Trump promised repeal and an (insert ridiculous hyperbole here) new plan.

The party has the White House, Senate and House.

There ya go. Let's see it.

Not really, the whole health care socialist plan is the dems, there is no way to please everyone with a disaster that should never have been tackled. They will own the fix idea but can't be blamed for being given a sinking ship and bandaids to save it.
The fact the dems won't even give
bandaids shows you where they are in this sinking ship. They are the ones poking more holes instead, while taking all the life rafts and poking holes in those, while throwing woman and children over board to swim with the sharks. Nice!
So we shouldn't expect anything better from the GOP with the White House, House and Senate?

Are they incapable of making decisions and governing?

Let them(the dems) be intellectually honest and admit that there is no perfect solution for an unavoidable disaster. Let them admit
that bills take time from draft to tweeking to get the best agreed upon resulting bill that irons out the lumps & bumps.
But if you give a war torn t shirt to the cleaners he'll give back a pressed
clean tshirt but it will still be torn and old and wrinkled like the NEGATIVE NANCY'S kvetching about the cleaned up version.
: )
So we shouldn't expect anything better from the GOP with the White House, House and Senate?
Ummm... no.

Where you totally comatose during the entire Bush II regime or sumptin'? The Republicans aren't any more competent than the Democrats, they just have a different style of incompetency. Stop expecting the federal government to solve problems, that's not what it does, it creates new problems and exacerbates existing ones no matter which party happens to be pretending to run the money wasting, liberty destruction machine in Washington.

In other words, same miscreants rattling the GNDN tubes and breaking everything in sight, different color shirts.
So we shouldn't expect anything better from the GOP with the White House, House and Senate?.
Ummm... no. Where you totally comatose during the entire Bush II regime or sumptin'? The Republicans aren't any more competent than the Democrats, they just have a different style of incompetency. Stop expecting the federal government to solve problems, that's not what it does, it creates new problems and exacerbates existing ones no matter which party happens to be pretending to run the money wasting, liberty destruction machine in Washington.In other words, same miscreants rattling the GNDN tubes and breaking everything in sight, different color shirts.
Can't argue for the most part, but this is why our "leaders" (cough) have to detach themselves from those who control their purse strings, act like reasonable adults, and work together. Yes, that would mean that less would get "done" - and I imagine you'd be for that - but that which DID get "done" would be longer-lasting. These wild ideological swings are not helpful, they are destructive.

How do we get there? Only if we change the system. Short, strict term limits, publicly-funded elections, Balanced Budget Amendment. We have to remove the power from those who abuse it the most, even if that means giving in here and there.
The biggest problem by far with the GOP and healthcare, is the fact that people do not like what the GOP has offered up.
Maybe, instead of thinking offering a severely stripped down healthcare plan, they should of devised a plan that works for the people and not their political objective.
Other countries have much, much lower costs for healthcare and the US does NOT have the best healthcare in the world. Maybe the US should follow what other countries in the world are doing to hold down their costs? But they won't do it because their narrow ideology gets in the way of common sense.
By the way, before Obamacare, healthcare costs were running wild, so throw out this ideological bullshit.

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