DEM REP Waters: Trump investigation underway evidence not required for impeachment


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Dem Rep Waters: Trump 'Investigation' Underway; Evidence Not Required for Impeachment - Breitbart
Monday on CNN’s “Newsroom,” when asked about her comments last week stating that her “greatest desire” would be to impeach President Donald Trump, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said investigations had “already started” and that some of the investigation leads to the “possibility of impeachment.”

Dem Rep Waters: Trump ‘Investigation’ Underway; Evidence Not Required for Impeachment

Let's hope these crooked pos political fks get hung..............They are traitors to this Nation and they deserve to be slammed and hard.
HAHA...poor Maxine. This clip is great



I doubt she knows who can start article of impeachment.

Along with Sheila Jackson Lee, Hank Johnson, Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid she make top tier of dim bulbs in Washington. Unfortunately, they are not the problem, it is the imbeciles that voting them into office.
Dem Rep Waters: Trump 'Investigation' Underway; Evidence Not Required for Impeachment - Breitbart
Monday on CNN’s “Newsroom,” when asked about her comments last week stating that her “greatest desire” would be to impeach President Donald Trump, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said investigations had “already started” and that some of the investigation leads to the “possibility of impeachment.”

Dem Rep Waters: Trump ‘Investigation’ Underway; Evidence Not Required for Impeachment

Let's hope these crooked pos political fks get hung..............They are traitors to this Nation and they deserve to be slammed and hard.
Maxine isn't smart enough to be a communist leader. She needs to take a lesson from Obama and never allow herself to be unscripted.
BRIEBART = TPNN Trump Propaganda News Network


Tom Foley said the same thing...

What was new with the Thomas nomination was the accusation of criminal wrongdoing on his part, namely the unproved sexual harassment claims of one Anita Hill.

Even though Ms. Hill couldn't prove her accusation, that didn't matter.

Thus, a new mantra for the Left was born:

“The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it’s the seriousness of the charge that matters.”

Tom Foley, Democrat, Former Speaker of the House.
Dem Rep Waters: Trump 'Investigation' Underway; Evidence Not Required for Impeachment - Breitbart
Monday on CNN’s “Newsroom,” when asked about her comments last week stating that her “greatest desire” would be to impeach President Donald Trump, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said investigations had “already started” and that some of the investigation leads to the “possibility of impeachment.”

Dem Rep Waters: Trump ‘Investigation’ Underway; Evidence Not Required for Impeachment

Let's hope these crooked pos political fks get hung..............They are traitors to this Nation and they deserve to be slammed and hard.
Maxine isn't smart enough to be a communist leader. She needs to take a lesson from Obama and never allow herself to be unscripted.
If a person is that stupid or ignorant that they need a script to run for public office why would anyone want them in public office in the first place?
Dem Rep Waters: Trump 'Investigation' Underway; Evidence Not Required for Impeachment - Breitbart
Monday on CNN’s “Newsroom,” when asked about her comments last week stating that her “greatest desire” would be to impeach President Donald Trump, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said investigations had “already started” and that some of the investigation leads to the “possibility of impeachment.”

Dem Rep Waters: Trump ‘Investigation’ Underway; Evidence Not Required for Impeachment

Let's hope these crooked pos political fks get hung..............They are traitors to this Nation and they deserve to be slammed and hard.
Maxine isn't smart enough to be a communist leader. She needs to take a lesson from Obama and never allow herself to be unscripted.
If a person is that stupid or ignorant that they need a script to run for public office why would anyone want them in public office in the first place?
Cuz she's black and a big-mouth.

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