Dress Rehearsal for Impeachment


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Dress Rehearsal for Impeachment

Americans horrified by the conduct of the Senate Judiciary Committee over recent weeks should take heed. The reprehensible antics of Sen. Dianne Feinstein, and the complicity of her Democratic colleagues, revealed for the country a spectacle that was nothing less than a dress rehearsal for the impeachment of President Trump.
In fact, the success of the Trump administration in front of that very Judiciary Committee by seating two conservative Supreme Court justices practically guarantees that if the Democrats win control of the House in November, they will move to impeach the president. Why? Because Trump-deranged Democrats know full well that the president will likely cruise to re-election on the already significant fulfillment of many of his 2016 campaign promises. In addition to the Supreme Court appointments, Trump’s economic growth policies have extended and accelerated prosperity to millions of Americans. Partisans like Rep. Maxine Waters and Sen. Cory Booker realize, therefore, that the only way to prevent Trump from serving six more years in the White House will be to thwart the peoples’ will and remove him via impeachment – and they will resort to any grounds to do so..... Though Americans stand deeply politically divided at present, we still coalesce around some very basic principles that ground any just society, such as the presumption of innocence of the accused. We further overwhelming believe that conflicting accounts of the same event be reconciled via corroborating or exculpatory evidence, rather than tribal biases. By flouting these standards in the clear light of day, the sham perpetuated by the Democrats did Republicans a huge favor. First, America witnessed a full-scale dress rehearsal for an impeachment show trial. Second, this recent debacle roused the previously somnolent deplorables.

The dirt is in the hierarchy FBI cover up of the illegal surveillance of Carter Page and the Trump Campaign, plus the Clinton email server and Clinton Uranium One collaboration with the Russians. FBI directors like Comey, McCabe, Baker, Priestap, Strzok, Page, and others including Bruce Ohr of the DOJ committed perjury and malfeasance to get the FISA warrants for surveillance, and obstruction of justice to keep Hillary from being indicted. The FISA warrant application sections with statements of facts should be released unredacted. They would show that the FBI didn't have probable cause after the 1st application. That's where Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats/DSA are vulnerable.
It takes a 2/3 vote in the Senate to succeed in impeaching a President. President Trump is immune to a successful impeachment. Of course that may not stop DSA Democrats from using the process as a distraction.
The Kavanaugh hearings have clarified what we already knew - DSA Democrats only believe women, and prefer that men have no rights, not even the basic presumption of innocence.
Dems: "we lost the elections and can't stop confirmations, we'll IMPEACH!!!!!"

GOP: "You don't have the votes"

Dems; "Crap..."

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