Dem Congress Gives Itself A Raise

Gee, the fact people can get pissed over politicans voting for another legislative pay raise....

I knew you would try to lie your way out of being busted again

but it has nothing to do with congressional pay raises. you can't even stay on topic on your own thread.
good one. I dont think i will get married after all. Women tend to, in general, nag nag nag. NO thanks. And i want my own space, own money, etc.

I do sometimes wish you to be nicer, but i wont send the fairness police, cough doctrine afte ryou :badgrin:

I wonder if MM is the nag is his family?
good one. I dont think i will get married after all. Women tend to, in general, nag nag nag. NO thanks. And i want my own space, own money, etc.

I do sometimes wish you to be nicer, but i wont send the fairness police, cough doctrine afte ryou :badgrin:

I am nice - until someone else lets the insults fly

We have disagreed - have I ever attacked you?
True, and i have criticized you, all be it, I care about you, so i try to be fair, and non-judgmental about it.

Youse, I posted how the voters would be pissed over another payraise, and how the voters in PA tossed out Republicans

MM asked for a link

I posted several links

Then he tries to say it was not congresional raises

Sorry, but he is a lost cause. His ego and arrogance rules his brain

Youse, I posted how the voters would be pissed over another payraise, and how the voters in PA tossed out Republicans

MM asked for a link

I posted several links

Then he tries to say it was not congresional raises

Sorry, but he is a lost cause. His ego and arrogance rules his brain

your own link, and the paragraph you cut and pasted from your link, talk about Pennsylvanian legislative pay raises.

You DO know what the meaning of the word, "Congressional" is, don't you?

con·gres·sion·al [kuhn-gresh-uh-nl, kuhng-] –adjective
1. of or pertaining to a congress.
2. of or pertaining to the Congress of the U.S.: a Congressional committee.


con·gress (kŏng'grĭs) n.

The national legislative body of a nation, especially a republic.
The national legislative body of the United States, consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives.
The two-year session of this legislature between elections of the House of Representatives.

this thread has nothing to do with pennsylvania state legislatures. When I asked why you had not complained when republican congresses had given themselves pay raises in the past, you claimed you HAD, and showed me stuff about pennsylvania...showing you don't have a clue what your own thread is about or what the definitions of the words you use even are.
your own link, and the paragraph you cut and pasted from your link, talk about Pennsylvanian legislative pay raises.

You DO know what the meaning of the word, "Congressional" is, don't you?

con·gres·sion·al [kuhn-gresh-uh-nl, kuhng-] –adjective
1. of or pertaining to a congress.
2. of or pertaining to the Congress of the U.S.: a Congressional committee.


con·gress (kŏng'grĭs) n.

The national legislative body of a nation, especially a republic.
The national legislative body of the United States, consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives.
The two-year session of this legislature between elections of the House of Representatives.

this thread has nothing to do with pennsylvania state legislatures. When I asked why you had not complained when republican congresses had given themselves pay raises in the past, you claimed you HAD, and showed me stuff about pennsylvania...showing you don't have a clue what your own thread is about or what the definitions of the words you use even are.

Please go back and read post #26

I have said from the beginning politicans can be fired over their pay raises

Of course now that DEMS are running things - you have no problem with the pay raises
in post #25, I said:

the fact is, you never bitched when republican congresses were giving themselves an automatic pay raise ever year for the past seven.

why is that? and why didn't you applaud when democrats passed specific legislation to NOT give themselves a cost of living increase this year until they had gotten a federal minimum wage increase signed into law?

to which you replied in post #26:

Yes I did. In PA, 19 incumbants were tossed out in the primary because of thier pay raise

They do not need or deserve a raise - ANYONE who voted for it should be tosse dout

Yes you did WHAT? Did you bitch about republicans in congress giving themselves a pay raise? NO. And what does pennsylvania politics have to do with what you did or did not do in response to republicans in congress?????

and what is the "it" you talk about? the congressional pay raise? the Pennsylvania legislature did not vote on IT.

stay on topic. this thread is yours...and it is about congressional pay raises. It is not about the pennsylvania is not about the philadelphia city council.
in post #25, I said:

to which you replied in post #26:

Yes you did WHAT? Did you bitch about republicans in congress giving themselves a pay raise? NO. And what does pennsylvania politics have to do with what you did or did not do in response to republicans in congress?????

stay on topic. this thread is yours...and it is about congressional pay raises. It is not about the pennsylvania is not about the philadelphia city council.

Translation - stop mixing facts with the issues,. My head is about to explode
Translation - stop mixing facts with the issues,. My head is about to explode

no..translation. you don't know the difference between a state legislature and the congress of the united states. you think that the PA legislature votes for congressional pay raises. you need to run away....

or start talking trash again, because your ass is completly exposed here... you clearly don't know how to debate your own point in your own thread and your knowledge of civics is atrocious.
no..translation. you don't know the difference between a state legislature and the congress of the united states. you think that the PA legislature votes for congressional pay raises. you need to run away....

or start talking trash again, because your ass is completly exposed here... you clearly don't know how to debate your own point in your own thread and your knowledge of civics is atrocious.

Anytime you are busted (which is a daily occurance) you have to try and change the subject or ask slanted questions

Typical for a lib with no debate skills
Anytime you are busted (which is a daily occurance) you have to try and change the subject or ask slanted questions

Typical for a lib with no debate skills

this is a thread that you started about congressional pay raises.

I asked you if you had ever bitched when republican congresses had given themselves pay raises and you said that you had...and then proceeded to talk about the pennsylvania state legislature.

those are the facts. keep running away from them.
this is a thread that you started about congressional pay raises.

I asked you if you had ever bitched when republican congresses had given themselves pay raises and you said that you had...and then proceeded to talk about the pennsylvania state legislature.

those are the facts. keep running away from them.

Sorry if the facts once again have proved you wrong

Get use to it son
Sorry if the facts once again have proved you wrong

Get use to it son

the only fact you have provided is proof that you do not know the difference between a congressional pay raise and a state legislative pay raise.

I asked you if you have ever bitched about congressional republicans giving themselves pay raises and you immediately replied that, yes, you had.

and proceeded to tell me about the pennsylvania legislature.

the fact that you STILL cannot see the difference is almost mind-boggling.
the only fact you have provided is proof that you do not know the difference between a congressional pay raise and a state legislative pay raise.

I asked you if you have ever bitched about congressional republicans giving themselves pay raises and you immediately replied that, yes, you had.

and proceeded to tell me about the pennsylvania legislature.

the fact that you STILL cannot see the difference is almost mind-boggling.

Everytime politicans pull this crap - yes I bitch

In your case it depends which party did it before you decide if it is wrong. Much like how you determine if a comment is racist - party affllitation must be taken into account before deciding
Everytime politicans pull this crap - yes I bitch
In your case it depends which party did it before you decide if it is wrong. Much like how you determine if a comment is racist - party affllitation must be taken into account before deciding

but that wasn't the question. I asked you if you had bitched when republican congresses had automatically given themselves pay raises. And your asnwer showed that you didn't understand the question because, to your infantile way of thinking, "state legislatures" and "congress" are synonymous.

If I asked you if you had ever been critical of a republican president and you said, "yes...I got mad at our town's mayor one time"...same mistake.
You are getting very boring with your ducking and dodging


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