Defund NPR campain

A Fairness Doctrine should be enforced on all Government-funded Media. NPR & PBS have been given a fee pass on their obvious bias for far too many years. I would think Democrats would be all for Fairness being forced on NPR & PBS. They support that for privately owned Media no? It's time to force fairness at NPR & PBS. Bring on the Conservatives.
I don't support the 'Fairness Doctrine' for privately owned Media Outlets but i definitely support it for Government-funded Media. NPR & PBS should be forced to present fairness. Unfortunately the Government has given them a free pass for far too many years. They have consistently only hired far Left-leaning Democrats as hosts of their shows. This same thing can be said of PBS as well. No one in the Government has called them on their years of bias.

Independent studies have shown that both NPR & PBS have consistently presented news stories with an overwhelmingly positive spin for Democrats while at the same time presented an overwhelmingly negative spin when reporting on Republicans. Obviously the usual suspect Leftists/Democrats will deny this but there are independent studies that have proven their bias. If the Democrats support a 'Fairness Doctrine' for privately owned Media,they should definitely support a Fairness Doctrine for Government-funded Media. I just want to see some more Conservatives/Republicans at NPR & PBS. There should be a required balance.

Here's the problem with that: the definition is very politicized and driven by those who wield power. Allowing government control of the media is like allowing a little bit of totalitarianism. It's a compromise we should never make.

Yep, kind of like corporate control of government amd media.
I'll bet the left wouldn't be defending NPR so passionately if they presented a conservative view.


I suggest you look into NPR and PBS programming; continuing to expose your ignorance makes everything you post suspect.

I suggest you quit french kissing the liberal media's colon; continuing to expose your hypocrisy makes everything you post...

What differing views? They just air the same old talking points from the party of "No" 24/7.

The Fairness Doctrine: How We Lost it, and Why We Need it Back

In answer to charges, put forward in the Red Lion case, that the doctrine violated broadcasters� First Amendment free speech rights because the government was exerting editorial control, Supreme Court Justice Byron White wrote: �There is no sanctuary in the First Amendment for unlimited private censorship operating in a medium not open to all.� In a Washington Post column (1/31/94), the Media Access Project (MAP), a telecommunications law firm that supports the Fairness Doctrine, addressed the First Amendment issue: �The Supreme Court unanimously found [the Fairness Doctrine] advances First Amendment values. It safeguards the public�s right to be informed on issues affecting our democracy, while also balancing broadcasters� rights to the broadest possible editorial discretion.�

Indeed, when it was in place, citizen groups used the Fairness Doctrine as a tool to expand speech and debate. For instance, it prevented stations from allowing only one side to be heard on ballot measures. Over the years, it had been supported by grassroots groups across the political spectrum, including the ACLU, National Rifle Association and the right-wing Accuracy In Media.
You don't want the FD to force Fox to present alternate views. You want to use it to shut Fox down...because you're afraid of conservative ideas.

Hahahah of course you can because you can read minds, right Dave?
I don't have to. You said yourself you want Fox shut down.
There is no FD anymore. However it is my opinion that Faux News has betrayed the public trust enough to revoke it's broadcast license. Their pseudo-conservative ideals are the only point of view they ever broadcast.
Fox has not betrayed the public trust. The worst you can claim is they've betrayed the left's agenda...but they've never had any allegiance to that.

Bottom line is you're afraid of conservative ideas, you're pissed off that they're being presented to the public, and you want to use the power of the Federal government to establish Thoughtcrime.

What a little proto-totalitarian you are. Why do you hate America?
By asserting PBS and NPR are "promoting a political agenda" you're 1) ignorant of their programming, or 2) a liar putting out RW propaganda, or 3) ignorant and a liar.

It is obvious the usual echo chamber members who have posted on this thread have never watched PBS or listened to NPR and don't have a clue as to the depth and diversity of radio and TV programming. One may excuse the echo chamber of their collective ignorance, willfull and otherwise, for they simply repeat whatever their favorite talking head tells them.
Perhaps you can answer the question that no one else seems to want to touch:

Why should the government be in the news business?

Their only link to it is thus:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Nowhere does it say anything of Funding it...on any level...
It does in the Leftist Constitution. That's got all kinds of shit in it that's not in the real one.
The government is not. Maybe, for once, you will avail yourself to new information which may challenge what you believe?

NPR : National Public Radio : News & Analysis, World, US, Music & Arts : NPR

I suggest you take a moment and look at the history of NPR, review some of its programs and compare NPR (and PBS) with commercial programming.
It's only your prejudice against conservatives that insists I don't expose myself to a wide variety of information. You have quite a closed mind.

Thanks for sharing. You are indeed stupid and an asshole.
And you do nothing but prove my point. :clap2:
I don't support the 'Fairness Doctrine' for privately owned Media Outlets but i definitely support it for Government-funded Media. NPR & PBS should be forced to present fairness. Unfortunately the Government has given them a free pass for far too many years. They have consistently only hired far Left-leaning Democrats as hosts of their shows. This same thing can be said of PBS as well. No one in the Government has called them on their years of bias.

Independent studies have shown that both NPR & PBS have consistently presented news stories with an overwhelmingly positive spin for Democrats while at the same time presented an overwhelmingly negative spin when reporting on Republicans. Obviously the usual suspect Leftists/Democrats will deny this but there are independent studies that have proven their bias. If the Democrats support a 'Fairness Doctrine' for privately owned Media,they should definitely support a Fairness Doctrine for Government-funded Media. I just want to see some more Conservatives/Republicans at NPR & PBS. There should be a required balance.

Here's the problem with that: the definition is very politicized and driven by those who wield power. Allowing government control of the media is like allowing a little bit of totalitarianism. It's a compromise we should never make.

Yep, kind of like corporate control of government amd media.

What a load of sophistry.

If you want to reduce corporate control, shrink the size of government and get rid of transfer payments to corporations and individuals.
More people would also probably listen and watch NPR & PBS if they allowed Conservatives/Republicans on the air. I'm pretty sure that's the Left's biggest fear. They know if Conservatives/Republicans are allowed on the air,more people will likely shift their support to Conservative ideals. The Left's own support would dwindle further if more people were exposed to Conservatism. NPR & PBS will have to be forced to present balance. It is what it is.
You don't want the FD to force Fox to present alternate views. You want to use it to shut Fox down...because you're afraid of conservative ideas.

Hahahah of course you can because you can read minds, right Dave?
I don't have to. You said yourself you want Fox shut down.
There is no FD anymore. However it is my opinion that Faux News has betrayed the public trust enough to revoke it's broadcast license. Their pseudo-conservative ideals are the only point of view they ever broadcast.
Fox has not betrayed the public trust. The worst you can claim is they've betrayed the left's agenda...but they've never had any allegiance to that.

Bottom line is you're afraid of conservative ideas, you're pissed off that they're being presented to the public, and you want to use the power of the Federal government to establish Thoughtcrime.

What a little proto-totalitarian you are. Why do you hate America?

Ah Dave. I fully admitted to the opinion that Faux New doesn't deserve to have a public broadcast license. Furthermore I gave the reason I feel that way. However your mind reading trick is that you peered into my mind and discovered that I am afraid of Conserative ideas. Faux is not Conservative they are pseudo-conseratives.
I think it's a GRAND idea...Taxpayers need NOT fund them anymore.
Taxpayer funding is only a very small percentage of NPR's operating budget, Tommy Boy.

So sorry that you won't be able to shut up the voices of progress.
Then pay for it your own self.

At least you acknowledge NPR's progressive bent...and the fact that it can't succeed without being forced on America by the government.
Say, maybe you could get that fuckhead from to help create some lying bullshit propaganda (you know some selectively cut video clips that makes it look like NPR worships the devil) that all the connies would buy into too?

Personally I think the FCC should revoke the Faux News license to broadcast.

Yea, we should also get rid of that pesky 'free speech' thing in the Constitution, huh?

The best thing - in fact, possibly the only decent thing about Fox News - is that they piss the fuck out of the left. For that, they get my support.

Clearly, the difference between a public funded enterprise and a private corporation escapes you. Are you always stupid?

Because fact-based, accurate news reporting for a large chunk of America should always take a back seat to angering your political enemies for personal jollies, right?

Don't ever again say that you care about this country. You care about petty gotchas.
The moonbats who are making FAUX comparisons between Fox and NPR neglect the following fact:

They can avoid supporting Fox News by not watching it. Those of use who opposed NPR are forced to pay for it against our will.
Hahahah of course you can because you can read minds, right Dave?
I don't have to. You said yourself you want Fox shut down.
There is no FD anymore. However it is my opinion that Faux News has betrayed the public trust enough to revoke it's broadcast license. Their pseudo-conservative ideals are the only point of view they ever broadcast.
Fox has not betrayed the public trust. The worst you can claim is they've betrayed the left's agenda...but they've never had any allegiance to that.

Bottom line is you're afraid of conservative ideas, you're pissed off that they're being presented to the public, and you want to use the power of the Federal government to establish Thoughtcrime.

What a little proto-totalitarian you are. Why do you hate America?

Ah Dave. I fully admitted to the opinion that Faux New doesn't deserve to have a public broadcast license. Furthermore I gave the reason I feel that way. However your mind reading trick is that you peered into my mind and discovered that I am afraid of Conserative ideas.
Of course you are. You don't want people exposed to conservative ideas, so you claim a betrayal of the public trust. That's utter nonsense, of course.

Liberalism: Ideas so good they have to be mandated by law. :lol:
Faux is not Conservative they are pseudo-conseratives.
Uh Synthaholic is going to criticize you for your spelling.

Oh,, he won't. :lol:
Say, maybe you could get that fuckhead from to help create some lying bullshit propaganda (you know some selectively cut video clips that makes it look like NPR worships the devil) that all the connies would buy into too?

Personally I think the FCC should revoke the Faux News license to broadcast.

Actually just make them remove news from the title as false advertising.

Why do the right fear PBS/NPR so much?

I gave them $1,000 recently.

Their actual news is far less sensationalized and biased with more comprehensive coverage than any netowrk news.
And the PBS Nightly news and nightly business report is mostly conservative slanted.

They fear what they do not understand.

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