Decriminalize Prostitution


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
When will politicians understand that legislating morality is not only stupid but just doesn't work. All one has to do is interview the “girls” working in Navada cat houses to understand how much better they and their johns are than those working the streets. This article is written by a woman.

Thus in at least three ways governments undermine their own goals.

First, since those engaged in sex work are criminals, they cannot use legal channels to resolve disputes or report crimes without incriminating themselves. This discourages the reporting of wrongdoing and encourages violent conflict resolution.

Second, black-market prostitutes are less likely to get screened for sexually transmitted infections lest they alert doctors to their illegal professional activities.

Third, criminalizing prostitution makes sex trafficking more likely. One widely recognized consequence of prohibition is the formation of cartels, which in a black market are more likely to use violence. This violence drives some producers out of the market, leading to higher prices and large criminal enterprises with monopoly power. Instead of breaking apart sex-trafficking rings, prohibition increases their profitability, making trafficking more appealing to criminal enterprises.

Read more @ Decriminalize Prostitution - Abigail R. Hall Blanco
If its a women's body in the case of abortion it should also be her body when deciding whether or not to sell it
I've never been interested in renting any but don't care if other people do. The laws are weird anyway. Put it on film and it's perfectly legal.
I have wondered about this myself, but not because I would want to have anything to do with it (married over 40 years to the love of my life), but I would want the industry of prostitution to be cleaned up for the safety of women, and their health, and for the health of society at large. Also I find it completely disgusting when see these poor old guys being set up in a sting, and yanked out of their vehicles as if they are some kind of terrorist or worse just because they were trying to find some action in which who knows why exactly they might have been doing this.

I mean their wife might have passed away (don't want their family to think that they are going out to soon after their beloved family member had passed) or the wife may have developed a condition that caused her to not be able to have sex anymore, and therefore it might be that the wife may have given her husband permission to go out and get a fix if need be.

Sex trafficking is another (the most important issue to address), and it could be addressed in the legalization of the profession maybe (I would hope so) or would it actually get worse ? I mean even in legalized establishments you have illegal activities going on, so how much more would it go on if the industry exploded due to legalization ?? How much would the industry explode due to legalization ??

Having clean regulated, properly run places that would stop the drug trafficking, sex trafficking, abuse, disease, and etc. seems a good idea maybe, but not sure really how it all sets within a moral context. I mean if the nation can't stop it, then at least make it safe, and quit letting the underworld run it and control it to the detriment of so many lives lost or stolen.

However, I wonder what the overall consequences of legalization would be ? I mean studies would have to be done on the issue of everywhere this has gone on in the nation or in the world for that matter, and the studies should leave no stone unturned. If the laws were strengthened and enforced to totally eradicate the black market industry, would the practice still find a way to go on ??

It needs to stop or get placed into a nice little box in order to keep it all in check I would think. Then after legalization if the case, the FBI should crack down with extreme vigilance as to stopping any and all illegal activity outside of the legal context allowed. There should be regulation as the how much of the profession is allowed to exist in the United States in percentage of. Otherwise the nation doesn't want to become Europe or representative of any of the nations that draw huge sex shops, brothels, addicts, drugs or deplorable situations that destroy the fabric of our society due to an unfettered legalization.

The penalties for illegal prostitution should be 5 years with the possibility for parole in 3 years. During this time they would be freed from their pimps, they would participate in an education program, drug program, and if show great promise could be realised in 3 years hopefully. The pimps should get 15 to 20 without the possibility for parole. Still not sure about legalization due to my Christian values held. Tough call, but I worry so much about the problems to be found in it all, and how women are being abused, kidnapped, murdered, made to walk the earth as an ameba afterwards or during.

Something can be done better in it all, just not sure what exactly. Should work to help to stop women from being abused by implementing programs that work, and not doing things that make things worse in any way shape or form. Might look back in time to see why these problems weren't previlent in those time periods, and then study the type of society we had then. Maybe promote that type of societal thinking again ? It all comes down to education, family values, families staying together, praying together in order to push back some of the I'll gotten gains society has developed or gained over the years. I know the new generations hate to hear it, but it's truth if look at the evidence.
Morals and politics should be detached. Prostitution should be a crime only if a person is forced to do that.
As a woman the idea of having sex with a man for money disgust me but we're not all the same :)
Politicians here are doing the same thing, and even worse than US politicians; because here is a crime not only prostitution but even have a sexual intercourse with somebody who's not Vietnamese :uhoh3:
Morals and politics should be detached. Prostitution should be a crime only if a person is forced to do that.
As a woman the idea of having sex with a man for money disgust me but we're not all the same :)
Politicians here are doing the same thing, and even worse than US politicians; because here is a crime not only prostitution but even have a sexual intercourse with somebody who's not Vietnamese :uhoh3:
WTF!? Asian? Or specifically Vietnamese?
Morals and politics should be detached. Prostitution should be a crime only if a person is forced to do that.
As a woman the idea of having sex with a man for money disgust me but we're not all the same :)
Politicians here are doing the same thing, and even worse than US politicians; because here is a crime not only prostitution but even have a sexual intercourse with somebody who's not Vietnamese :uhoh3:
WTF!? Asian? Or specifically Vietnamese?
No Vietnamese. It's a crime having sex with a stranger if you're Vietnamese and with a Vietnamese if you're stranger.
I don't understand the purpose of this law but that's what we have here :dunno:
Morals and politics should be detached. Prostitution should be a crime only if a person is forced to do that.
As a woman the idea of having sex with a man for money disgust me but we're not all the same :)
Politicians here are doing the same thing, and even worse than US politicians; because here is a crime not only prostitution but even have a sexual intercourse with somebody who's not Vietnamese :uhoh3:
WTF!? Asian? Or specifically Vietnamese?
No Vietnamese. It's a crime having sex with a stranger if you're Vietnamese and with a Vietnamese if you're stranger.
I don't understand the purpose of this law but that's what we have here :dunno:
. Wow.
Morals and politics should be detached. Prostitution should be a crime only if a person is forced to do that.
As a woman the idea of having sex with a man for money disgust me but we're not all the same :)
Politicians here are doing the same thing, and even worse than US politicians; because here is a crime not only prostitution but even have a sexual intercourse with somebody who's not Vietnamese :uhoh3:
WTF!? Asian? Or specifically Vietnamese?
No Vietnamese. It's a crime having sex with a stranger if you're Vietnamese and with a Vietnamese if you're stranger.
I don't understand the purpose of this law but that's what we have here :dunno:
Morals and politics should be detached. Prostitution should be a crime only if a person is forced to do that.
As a woman the idea of having sex with a man for money disgust me but we're not all the same :)
Politicians here are doing the same thing, and even worse than US politicians; because here is a crime not only prostitution but even have a sexual intercourse with somebody who's not Vietnamese :uhoh3:
WTF!? Asian? Or specifically Vietnamese?
No Vietnamese. It's a crime having sex with a stranger if you're Vietnamese and with a Vietnamese if you're stranger.
I don't understand the purpose of this law but that's what we have here :dunno:
I've read China has a similar law (about prostitution I mean) :)
Morals and politics should be detached. Prostitution should be a crime only if a person is forced to do that.
As a woman the idea of having sex with a man for money disgust me but we're not all the same :)
Politicians here are doing the same thing, and even worse than US politicians; because here is a crime not only prostitution but even have a sexual intercourse with somebody who's not Vietnamese :uhoh3:
WTF!? Asian? Or specifically Vietnamese?
No Vietnamese. It's a crime having sex with a stranger if you're Vietnamese and with a Vietnamese if you're stranger.
I don't understand the purpose of this law but that's what we have here :dunno:
Vietnam is off my bucket list!
Morals and politics should be detached. Prostitution should be a crime only if a person is forced to do that.
As a woman the idea of having sex with a man for money disgust me but we're not all the same :)
Politicians here are doing the same thing, and even worse than US politicians; because here is a crime not only prostitution but even have a sexual intercourse with somebody who's not Vietnamese :uhoh3:
WTF!? Asian? Or specifically Vietnamese?
No Vietnamese. It's a crime having sex with a stranger if you're Vietnamese and with a Vietnamese if you're stranger.
I don't understand the purpose of this law but that's what we have here :dunno:
Vietnam is off my bucket list!
Too bad too. Cuz if they all looked like Esthermoon, it would have moved up toward the top of my list.

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