The Great 'Media' War


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Has the media changed the way we talk about 'citizens-on-patrol'?


On a college campus in America (a prestigious Ivy League school), teachers of Anthropology and Film Studies were being compelled by changes in world culture to promote Machiavellianism in cinema. From the early days of D.W. Griffith, films were characterized as either being too political or not political enough. The groundbreaking films of Alfred Hitchcock changed way audiences conceived of what was permissible on screen and the rise of pornography and horror genres created a social demand for art that spoke to just about everyone.

On this college campus, a young man who was being groomed to become a Hollywood prodigy was involved in a three-way scandal with a female film studies professor and his career counselor who were helping him pass grades easier so he could play competitive lacrosse for his nationally-ranked college team. The affair leaked into the press, and the young man (named Daniel) was labelled as a modern-day 'Icarus' whose scandalous behaviours drew allusions in the academics-critical press to other peer-pressure related sectors of society such as the use of illegal performance-enhancing steroids by athletes. Daniel hated the attention.

The film and anthropology teachers at Daniel's college were busy writing papers about the need for more movies that were actively reflective of 'real behaviors' of people in the modern world. Meanwhile, the rising American movie star Tom Cruise read of these stories about Daniel and thought about his involvement in the school-sports meditation film All the Right Moves. Cruise started making statements in the press such as, "If we're to praise the pluralism in America that fosters the development of alternative religious organizations such as the Church of Scientology, we must take time to evaluate the peer-pressures in the academic world that give rise to generations of athletes lured into the world of laissez-faire admissions and steroids use."

An idealistic Armenian man and Internet-blogger named Ajay Satan read Cruise's statements and complemented their pseudo-idealism by adding "Addressing the psycho-sociological processes that give rise to a culture of 'pressure-based achievement' helps us address the human needs of those fallen in the trap of profit-driven questionable social decision-making." Cruise read Satan's statements (on the World Discussion Forum) in 2005 and made a pact with him to do some joint-work together. Cruise and Satan consulted with each other over email and worked hand-in-hand, delivering complementary statements about pro-democracy values in the modern media-gauged world.

In 2010, Cruise and Satan had a disagreement and decided to go opposite ways. Satan was not happy with Cruise's insistence that promoting the Church of Scientology was vital for the progress of political culture in the USA. Cruise was unhappy with Satan's 'pseudo-vigilante' approach to politics dialogue. Satan even wrote an anti-establishmentarian essay on the Internet titled, "Water-Pistol Manifesto," in which he criticized the laissez-faire morality behind the marketing of apparent anti-violence themed toys in the modern consumer market. Satan formed his own faction of bloggers called the Idealists, while Cruise steadily and conspicuously promoted Scientology with friends he considered real allies and called the Pragmatists. The Idealists and the Pragmatists engaged in what came to be known as the Consumerism-Media War.

The outcome of this 'media' war was a thorough re-evaluation of the entertainment industry and a meditation on the social impact of the widely-accessible dialogue-rich Internet. Various message boards on the World Wide Web encouraged contributors to offer inventive comments and respond to the comments of others regarding political upheaval (e.g., 9/11), cultural change (e.g., Barack Obama), and consumerism shifts (e.g., Wall Street). Reflective new films such as Veronica Guerin, Syriana, Babel, Traffic, and Charlie Wilson's War were imprinting onto the audiences that *everyone* was talking about progressive politics. Cruise and Satan decided to negotiate a peace-treaty and the hyping and release of the treaty-comics film Captain America: Civil War healed hearts pensive about true capitalism-involved conviction.

President Trump made the following remark in the press regarding this 'citizenry-vigilance media war': "I'm as big a fan of the politics-paranoia fantasy-comics film G.I. Joe: Retaliation as anyone!"


You're a Lit major, ain'tcha........ :eusa_whistle:

I sometimes I wish I majored in English/Literature, but I actually studied Cognitive Science (at Dartmouth), though I took a terrific grad-level course there in Comparative Literature called "Literature and Psychoanalysis" (Professor Lawrence Kritzman, an under-valued sage in the field I think).

I wanted to look at the 'cultural impact' of media-related 'psychology' with a second post (an addendum if you will) to this thread focusing on the 'pseudo-legacy' (in casual political discussions, political cartoons, etc.) of Benedict Arnold, the symbolic American revolutionary who betrayed the Americans and sided with the British during the War for American Independence.

Arnold surrendered a stronghold to the British Army while serving as a general for the American revolutionaries/'rebels.'

Arnold illuminated an important aspect of 'governance intrigue' during times of political change or upheaval --- the value of goal-based contracts. Contract negotiation is something that the Castro-Guevara 'team' negotiated with after the Cuban Revolution and it affected how they reached out to the Cuban people with newspapers (etc.).

Arnold forever changed the way historians discuss the role that constant contract evaluation plays in the analysis of 'ideology fanfare,' and while the U.S. Constitution (since it is amendment-based) focuses on the importance of flexibility, even modern-day presidents such as Donald Trump struggle with the challenges of using the media to curry social obedience (a 'society contract sanity' issue if you will).

Why, for example, do Americans in the modern-age love the etiquette-sarcasm program The Jerry Springer Show.



Tom Cruise had become the undisputed President of the New Allied Federal States of the Americas, but one member of his team (now called 'G.I. Joes') defected, unhappy with the level of power and social control Cruise was wielding and the level of martial law his 'loyalists' (such as Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, and Bill Pullman --- a movie-star) were willing to coordinate for him in American culture and politics. This defector was the descendant of Benedict Arnold, the iconic 'turncoat' of the American Revolution. The defector's name was Mark Satan (and he was the cousin of Ajay Satan --- Cruise's most vocal critic on Internet forums). Mark believed someone should topple Cruise's martial-law government, and Ajay agreed with him, so the two formed an anti-federal association known as 'Cobra Dust.' Cobra Dust was devoted to finding all malcontents in American society and uniting them for free-speech campaigning against Cruise's 'dictatorship.'

Cruise was infuriated and started calling Mark and Ajay the 'Twin Cobra Devils' in media interviews while promoting the influence of his cherished Church of Scientology. "There is no room for non-empirical politics anymore, so any responsible citizen needs to coordinate his/her beliefs in atheism, Catholicism, Buddhism (etc.) with the pragmatic approach of Scientology" Cruise stated after divorcing his third wife Katie Holmes after a Scientology dispute (Katie soon thereafter started dating Mark Satan). Cruise was always paranoid about the level of social mistrust created towards American uniformity by 'pro-liberal' voices (even if these voices were those of his wife and supposed allies). Cruise ordered his loyalists of G.I. Joe to hunt down members of Cobra (especially Mark Satan and Ajay Satan) and have them trumpeted in the media as 'unproductive Benedict Arnolds!'

Ajay knew that since his cousin Mark (who very wisely defected and helped Ajay establish Cobra Dust, which had now become a substantial pro-liberal 'community' known as 'The Seattle Underground') dated Cruise's wife Katie Holmes, he would be demonized as a 'sentimental' or 'effeminate' juvenile. Ajay decided to tell Mark to become Cobra Dust's Prime Ministers, serving all intellectual and cultural capacity-activities, while Ajay himself went on a secret crusade to dismantle the 'Cruise mystique' and assassinate Cruise. Ajay continued to use the Internet pulpit to disseminate his views. He would write things such as, "Cobra Dust of the progressive Seattle Underground, led by me and the balanced 'diplomat' Mark Satan, will reveal the censorship-evil of the Cruise dictatorship!" This Internet campaign got a lot of responses, and Ajay had to retort to the comments of pro-Cruise citizens (one seemingly fanatical blogger named 'Duke' may have been Cruise masked with an Internet alias, Ajay suspected, so the idealistic Ajay referred to himself as the rival 'Duke' known as 'Snake-Eyes').

DUKE: You're obviously too sentimental about free-speech.
SNAKE-EYES: I suspect you're an extremist fan of Tom Cruise!
DUKE: I might be. I'm interested in social psychology.
SNAKE-EYES: Mob psychology is not the same as 'social psychology.'
DUKE: You must have studied at Yale or Dartmouth.
SNAKE-EYES: Maybe I did, but what is your view on censorship?
DUKE: The media has too much influence not to be wielded by the government.
SNAKE-EYES: America will become no better than the USSR or North Korea.
DUKE: Pragmatism has a new face in the modern world.
SNAKE-EYE: Free-speech is vital to the health of American media (e.g., CNN).
DUKE: Cobra Dust caters to the ideology of the treacherous Mark Satan.
SNAKE-EYES: Mark is not treacherous; he is a philosopher of labor.
DUKE: Mark is the descendent of Benedict Arnold!
SNAKE-EYES: This form of 'crude character assassination' is neo-McCarthyism!
DUKE: Well, then, how would you deal with the problem of 'mob control'?
SNAKE-EYES: I would urge the government to invest in education (e.g., political science departments).
DUKE: That seems plausible.
SNAKE-EYES: It is sensible too. If we use censorship to justify 'political optimism,' we'll create gloom.
DUKE: You would allow any citizen to write things like, "Tom Cruise is an evil Nazi!"?
SNAKE-EYES: No (certainly not), but I would not burn such 'bloggers' as 'heretics/infidels.'
DUKE: Who are your media-world allies?
SNAKE-EYES: We've received positive feedback from Ellen DeGeneres, Charlie Rose, and Michael Douglas.
DUKE: G.I. Joe and Cobra/Dust should invest in a 'Dianetics Civil War.'
SNAKE-EYES: This is not the time for 'bureaucratic grandstanding.'
DUKE: I am an ally of the Cruise 'regime' indeed, and I will pass onto him your shrewd suggestions.
SNAKE-EYES: Thanks, networking is always appreciated, and I will relay with Mark Satan about crime-prevention.
DUKE: Yes, urban crime arising from mismanaged municipal funds is one of the catalysts of 'mob insanity.'
SNAKE-EYES: We will use free-speech diligence to combat the real 'American psychos' --- bad journalists!


Benedict Arnold

G.I. Joe

You're a Lit major, ain'tcha........ :eusa_whistle:

I sometimes I wish I majored in English/Literature, but I actually studied Cognitive Science (at Dartmouth), though I took a terrific grad-level course there in Comparative Literature called "Literature and Psychoanalysis" (Professor Lawrence Kritzman, an under-valued sage in the field I think).

I wanted to look at the 'cultural impact' of media-related 'psychology' with a second post (an addendum if you will) to this thread focusing on the 'pseudo-legacy' (in casual political discussions, political cartoons, etc.) of Benedict Arnold, the symbolic American revolutionary who betrayed the Americans and sided with the British during the War for American Independence.

Arnold surrendered a stronghold to the British Army while serving as a general for the American revolutionaries/'rebels.'

Arnold illuminated an important aspect of 'governance intrigue' during times of political change or upheaval --- the value of goal-based contracts. Contract negotiation is something that the Castro-Guevara 'team' negotiated with after the Cuban Revolution and it affected how they reached out to the Cuban people with newspapers (etc.).

Arnold forever changed the way historians discuss the role that constant contract evaluation plays in the analysis of 'ideology fanfare,' and while the U.S. Constitution (since it is amendment-based) focuses on the importance of flexibility, even modern-day presidents such as Donald Trump struggle with the challenges of using the media to curry social obedience (a 'society contract sanity' issue if you will).

Why, for example, do Americans in the modern-age love the etiquette-sarcasm program The Jerry Springer Show.



Tom Cruise had become the undisputed President of the New Allied Federal States of the Americas, but one member of his team (now called 'G.I. Joes') defected, unhappy with the level of power and social control Cruise was wielding and the level of martial law his 'loyalists' (such as Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, and Bill Pullman --- a movie-star) were willing to coordinate for him in American culture and politics. This defector was the descendant of Benedict Arnold, the iconic 'turncoat' of the American Revolution. The defector's name was Mark Satan (and he was the cousin of Ajay Satan --- Cruise's most vocal critic on Internet forums). Mark believed someone should topple Cruise's martial-law government, and Ajay agreed with him, so the two formed an anti-federal association known as 'Cobra Dust.' Cobra Dust was devoted to finding all malcontents in American society and uniting them for free-speech campaigning against Cruise's 'dictatorship.'

Cruise was infuriated and started calling Mark and Ajay the 'Twin Cobra Devils' in media interviews while promoting the influence of his cherished Church of Scientology. "There is no room for non-empirical politics anymore, so any responsible citizen needs to coordinate his/her beliefs in atheism, Catholicism, Buddhism (etc.) with the pragmatic approach of Scientology" Cruise stated after divorcing his third wife Katie Holmes after a Scientology dispute (Katie soon thereafter started dating Mark Satan). Cruise was always paranoid about the level of social mistrust created towards American uniformity by 'pro-liberal' voices (even if these voices were those of his wife and supposed allies). Cruise ordered his loyalists of G.I. Joe to hunt down members of Cobra (especially Mark Satan and Ajay Satan) and have them trumpeted in the media as 'unproductive Benedict Arnolds!'

Ajay knew that since his cousin Mark (who very wisely defected and helped Ajay establish Cobra Dust, which had now become a substantial pro-liberal 'community' known as 'The Seattle Underground') dated Cruise's wife Katie Holmes, he would be demonized as a 'sentimental' or 'effeminate' juvenile. Ajay decided to tell Mark to become Cobra Dust's Prime Ministers, serving all intellectual and cultural capacity-activities, while Ajay himself went on a secret crusade to dismantle the 'Cruise mystique' and assassinate Cruise. Ajay continued to use the Internet pulpit to disseminate his views. He would write things such as, "Cobra Dust of the progressive Seattle Underground, led by me and the balanced 'diplomat' Mark Satan, will reveal the censorship-evil of the Cruise dictatorship!" This Internet campaign got a lot of responses, and Ajay had to retort to the comments of pro-Cruise citizens (one seemingly fanatical blogger named 'Duke' may have been Cruise masked with an Internet alias, Ajay suspected, so the idealistic Ajay referred to himself as the rival 'Duke' known as 'Snake-Eyes').

DUKE: You're obviously too sentimental about free-speech.
SNAKE-EYES: I suspect you're an extremist fan of Tom Cruise!
DUKE: I might be. I'm interested in social psychology.
SNAKE-EYES: Mob psychology is not the same as 'social psychology.'
DUKE: You must have studied at Yale or Dartmouth.
SNAKE-EYES: Maybe I did, but what is your view on censorship?
DUKE: The media has too much influence not to be wielded by the government.
SNAKE-EYES: America will become no better than the USSR or North Korea.
DUKE: Pragmatism has a new face in the modern world.
SNAKE-EYE: Free-speech is vital to the health of American media (e.g., CNN).
DUKE: Cobra Dust caters to the ideology of the treacherous Mark Satan.
SNAKE-EYES: Mark is not treacherous; he is a philosopher of labor.
DUKE: Mark is the descendent of Benedict Arnold!
SNAKE-EYES: This form of 'crude character assassination' is neo-McCarthyism!
DUKE: Well, then, how would you deal with the problem of 'mob control'?
SNAKE-EYES: I would urge the government to invest in education (e.g., political science departments).
DUKE: That seems plausible.
SNAKE-EYES: It is sensible too. If we use censorship to justify 'political optimism,' we'll create gloom.
DUKE: You would allow any citizen to write things like, "Tom Cruise is an evil Nazi!"?
SNAKE-EYES: No (certainly not), but I would not burn such 'bloggers' as 'heretics/infidels.'
DUKE: Who are your media-world allies?
SNAKE-EYES: We've received positive feedback from Ellen DeGeneres, Charlie Rose, and Michael Douglas.
DUKE: G.I. Joe and Cobra/Dust should invest in a 'Dianetics Civil War.'
SNAKE-EYES: This is not the time for 'bureaucratic grandstanding.'
DUKE: I am an ally of the Cruise 'regime' indeed, and I will pass onto him your shrewd suggestions.
SNAKE-EYES: Thanks, networking is always appreciated, and I will relay with Mark Satan about crime-prevention.
DUKE: Yes, urban crime arising from mismanaged municipal funds is one of the catalysts of 'mob insanity.'
SNAKE-EYES: We will use free-speech diligence to combat the real 'American psychos' --- bad journalists!


Benedict Arnold

G.I. Joe

View attachment 113316
Never got into the media aspect of psychology, mine was applied with sociology and the study of history, the wife's is deviant psychology.
"Give me the Camera!!"

Here's a little tale about deviance and social control...

Does Trump really care about 'American culture vaults'?

IMO, Trump will be likened to Lyndon Johnson and Ronald Reagan (not Bill Clinton and Herbert Hoover).


Tom Cruise's ex-wife Katie Holmes started speaking out in the media about her husband's tyrannical insistence that all his friends and family be as respectful of the Church of Scientology as he is. Holmes suggested it was the primary reason for their divorce and why she started dating Jamie Foxx (someone very unlike Cruise). Holmes went on a media campaign of her own, citing why religious pluralism interests should not supercede an American appreciation of teamwork and free-speech. "If we say we should censor someone who hates Scientology, it's no different than if we censor someone who loves Scientology!"

Meanwhile, another Hollywood celebrity, Charlize Theron, was planning an eco-awareness autumn harvest event on Halloween for the eco-activism group The Leo DiCaprio Foundation. Theron and DiCaprio were in a relationship, so the joint endeavor suited both their interests (Charlize was interested in environmentalism-related issues for a long time but found no practical avenue for social work, given she was 'sheltered' by the fantasy world of cinema/celebrity). Theron came across Holmes' statements in the press regarding Cruise's tyrannical sentiments regarding the respect for Scientology and thought about the diversity of 'personalities' in Hollywood.

Theron issued a statement to the press: "American film actresses such as Katie Holmes and I are interested and willing to use the media pulpit (a hallmark of the modern age) to forward the notion that female celebrities have as much opportunity (and right!) to promote women's achievements in the arts and society as male celebrities have/do for their gender!" Cruise read the statement and became enraged. "Why are all these women in the media spotlight suddenly teaming up to denounce my character and intelligence?" Cruise decided to cite historical alliances and divisions from history/entertainment (e.g., deValera/Collins, Webber/Iverson) to support his claim that 'gossip-intrigue' only promotes Scientology (since it's a religion that supports 'exposure'), and what ensued was a 'Celebrity Media War' which compelled President Donald Trump to make several pro-capitalism comments about 'welcomed gibberish' (ironic, given that Trump was involved in media controversies regarding incendiary statements made to the press during his presidential campaign in 2016).



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