Debunking the claim that “Palestinians” are the indigenous people of Israel

99% of team Israel doesn't even believe that Palestinians exist, much less have a right to exist. That's a fact. LOL

Not so. Team Israel often responds to the call that the Jewish people don't exist as an ethnic group and have no rights with a counter-argument. Team Israel rarely, if ever, originates a discussion by claiming that the Palestinians aren't "real" and therefore can't have self-determination and a State. AND much of Team Israel's insistence that Palestinians aren't ready for a state of their own is directly a result of Palestinian's behaviour, not a fundamental "wrongness" about Palestinians being a people.

Team Israel does not accept that Palestinians exist. Which Team Israel poster believes that Palestinians exist? Perhaps you alone, maybe. No one claims that there are no ethnic Jews. They were a tiny minority, along with Samaritans, native people that had never converted to Christianity and then to Islam. We do not believe that Europeans, of whatever faith, are native to Palestine. Not a big stretch.
99% of team Israel doesn't even believe that Palestinians exist, much less have a right to exist. That's a fact. LOL

Not so. Team Israel often responds to the call that the Jewish people don't exist as an ethnic group and have no rights with a counter-argument. Team Israel rarely, if ever, originates a discussion by claiming that the Palestinians aren't "real" and therefore can't have self-determination and a State. AND much of Team Israel's insistence that Palestinians aren't ready for a state of their own is directly a result of Palestinian's behaviour, not a fundamental "wrongness" about Palestinians being a people.

Team Israel does not accept that Palestinians exist. Which Team Israel poster believes that Palestinians exist? Perhaps you alone, maybe. No one claims that there are no ethnic Jews. They were a tiny minority, along with Samaritans, native people that had never converted to Christianity and then to Islam. We do not believe that Europeans, of whatever faith, are native to Palestine. Not a big stretch.
You say "we" as though you are the designated spokes-loon for your invented "country of Pal'istan". Or is it "the voices", again.
We, are the Team Palestine, as Shusha has defined us. By the way, there are no Palestinian people in your opinion, correct?
Don't you think though, that the double standard is prevalent on both sides?

No, I don't. Not prevalent on both sides. I think most of the double standards are presented by Team Palestine and Team Israel often defends against these double standards by mirroring them. Its an important distinction. Its a call and response. It looks like both sides are contributing equally to the double standards, but in reality one is provoking and one is defending. While there are occasional Team Israel members who post unsavory ideas, I don't believe that any on Team Israel fundamentally believe that the Palestinian people have no right to exist, have no right to self-determination and have no right to a State. Where this is the foundation of nearly everyone on Team Palestine (you being the notable exception).

But you being the reasonable person you are, might be able to convince me. You'd have to bring examples, though. It would be a worthy conversation, if you are interested. I always enjoy debating with you.

As long as I've been here I've heard the same arguments rehashed over and over and know: Jewish Invaders! Arab Squatters! We need to move past it, just like we need to move past "Israel's right to exist". Regardless of how one feels about it's founding, it's here, been here now for generations as a state, and it's not going anywhere, so move on.

Could not possibly agree with you more! I've often said that the actual, practical problems are easy to solve. Its the ideology that is problematic.

99% of team Israel doesn't even believe that Palestinians exist, much less have a right to exist. That's a fact. LOL

Palesatinians do exist, it is just who you see as being palestinians in the first place. How can Ali from pakistan be a palestinian, or mohamet from Egypt. Suliman from Yemen. amric from Jordan or even bashar from Syria
Unsubstantiated Israeli talking point.

BULLSHIT it was substantiated by this palestinian leader

Don't you think though, that the double standard is prevalent on both sides?

No, I don't. Not prevalent on both sides. I think most of the double standards are presented by Team Palestine and Team Israel often defends against these double standards by mirroring them. Its an important distinction. Its a call and response. It looks like both sides are contributing equally to the double standards, but in reality one is provoking and one is defending. While there are occasional Team Israel members who post unsavory ideas, I don't believe that any on Team Israel fundamentally believe that the Palestinian people have no right to exist, have no right to self-determination and have no right to a State. Where this is the foundation of nearly everyone on Team Palestine (you being the notable exception).

But you being the reasonable person you are, might be able to convince me. You'd have to bring examples, though. It would be a worthy conversation, if you are interested. I always enjoy debating with you.

As long as I've been here I've heard the same arguments rehashed over and over and know: Jewish Invaders! Arab Squatters! We need to move past it, just like we need to move past "Israel's right to exist". Regardless of how one feels about it's founding, it's here, been here now for generations as a state, and it's not going anywhere, so move on.

Could not possibly agree with you more! I've often said that the actual, practical problems are easy to solve. Its the ideology that is problematic.

99% of team Israel doesn't even believe that Palestinians exist, much less have a right to exist. That's a fact. LOL

Well, do you believe Israel has a right to exist? Barely a century ago Palestinians believed they were southern Syrians. But I'd be willing to give them a state on the West Bank (the heartland of Eretz Yisroel), if it would bring peace. Would you be willing to accept Israel for those results?

It would surprise the publishers of Falastin (Palestine) that they believed that they were southern Syrians. Palestinians may have thought that the only way to achieve limited self-determination was to be included as part of the French Mandate for Syria, since the French had not issued a Balfour Declaration, but they have always been Palestinians, changing religions as conquerors came and went, from when the place called Palaestina during Roman times.

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The area known as Falastin is not the same as palestine
There are no Palestinians in your opinion, correct?

Wrong there are palestinians, the longest lived and most numerous being the Jews followed by a handful of arab muslims and Roman Catholics.
Humans are indigenous to earth and all have a 'right' to live there. Up to now, there is room for everyone and no necessity to fight. That makes war a choice, and the poorest one.
99% of team Israel doesn't even believe that Palestinians exist, much less have a right to exist. That's a fact. LOL

Not so. Team Israel often responds to the call that the Jewish people don't exist as an ethnic group and have no rights with a counter-argument. Team Israel rarely, if ever, originates a discussion by claiming that the Palestinians aren't "real" and therefore can't have self-determination and a State. AND much of Team Israel's insistence that Palestinians aren't ready for a state of their own is directly a result of Palestinian's behaviour, not a fundamental "wrongness" about Palestinians being a people.

Team Israel does not accept that Palestinians exist. Which Team Israel poster believes that Palestinians exist? Perhaps you alone, maybe. No one claims that there are no ethnic Jews. They were a tiny minority, along with Samaritans, native people that had never converted to Christianity and then to Islam. We do not believe that Europeans, of whatever faith, are native to Palestine. Not a big stretch.

Do you want the many hundreds of posts from you alone where you have denied their existence, even when confronted with evidence showing they were jn the majority until the LoN granted the land as the Jewish National Home
Don't you think though, that the double standard is prevalent on both sides?

No, I don't. Not prevalent on both sides. I think most of the double standards are presented by Team Palestine and Team Israel often defends against these double standards by mirroring them. Its an important distinction. Its a call and response. It looks like both sides are contributing equally to the double standards, but in reality one is provoking and one is defending. While there are occasional Team Israel members who post unsavory ideas, I don't believe that any on Team Israel fundamentally believe that the Palestinian people have no right to exist, have no right to self-determination and have no right to a State. Where this is the foundation of nearly everyone on Team Palestine (you being the notable exception).

But you being the reasonable person you are, might be able to convince me. You'd have to bring examples, though. It would be a worthy conversation, if you are interested. I always enjoy debating with you.

As long as I've been here I've heard the same arguments rehashed over and over and know: Jewish Invaders! Arab Squatters! We need to move past it, just like we need to move past "Israel's right to exist". Regardless of how one feels about it's founding, it's here, been here now for generations as a state, and it's not going anywhere, so move on.

Could not possibly agree with you more! I've often said that the actual, practical problems are easy to solve. Its the ideology that is problematic.

99% of team Israel doesn't even believe that Palestinians exist, much less have a right to exist. That's a fact. LOL

Well, do you believe Israel has a right to exist? Barely a century ago Palestinians believed they were southern Syrians. But I'd be willing to give them a state on the West Bank (the heartland of Eretz Yisroel), if it would bring peace. Would you be willing to accept Israel for those results?

It would surprise the publishers of Falastin (Palestine) that they believed that they were southern Syrians. Palestinians may have thought that the only way to achieve limited self-determination was to be included as part of the French Mandate for Syria, since the French had not issued a Balfour Declaration, but they have always been Palestinians, changing religions as conquerors came and went, from when the place called Palaestina during Roman times.

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You're evading the question that I asked in my post.
If support for Israel is based upon religion, how does that accord with the First Amendment?
This pulls the major justification that leftists use to justify destroying Israel out from under them.

Despite the substantial documentation assembled by Peters, demonstrating massive Arab immigration into Palestine, anti-Israel propagandists continue to deny it. Based on what we know today, and the simple truths of basic math, the issue has become clear and unambiguous. All historic records indicate that only insignificant number of long-term settled Muslims were present in Palestine before 1882, when the large Jewish immigration began. Muslim Arab numbers increased dramatically as Jewish settlements developed infrastructure and provided work opportunities to Arabs from the neighboring countries.

Also worth noting is that the “indigenous” 4.3% comprised many non-Arab nationalities. All of them were swamped by the Arab immigrants and within a few generations largely lost their identity.

Given the complete absence of any historical record to the contrary, we can authoritatively say that the “Palestinian people” never existed until they were invented in the 1960s as a tool for continuing the Arab war against Israel.

The claim that “Palestinians” are the indigenous people of Israel and that most of the present Palestinian Arabs have lived in these lands since time immemorial is a total fraud. Albeit posthumously, Joan Peters has had the last word on the subject.
Joan Peters...seriously? From Time Immemorial has been so thoroughly debunked it has no credibility whatsoever in academic circles, although the more ignorant amongst the Zio-nut crowd like to regurgitate it from time to time.
Don't you think though, that the double standard is prevalent on both sides?

No, I don't. Not prevalent on both sides. I think most of the double standards are presented by Team Palestine and Team Israel often defends against these double standards by mirroring them. Its an important distinction. Its a call and response. It looks like both sides are contributing equally to the double standards, but in reality one is provoking and one is defending. While there are occasional Team Israel members who post unsavory ideas, I don't believe that any on Team Israel fundamentally believe that the Palestinian people have no right to exist, have no right to self-determination and have no right to a State. Where this is the foundation of nearly everyone on Team Palestine (you being the notable exception).

But you being the reasonable person you are, might be able to convince me. You'd have to bring examples, though. It would be a worthy conversation, if you are interested. I always enjoy debating with you.

As long as I've been here I've heard the same arguments rehashed over and over and know: Jewish Invaders! Arab Squatters! We need to move past it, just like we need to move past "Israel's right to exist". Regardless of how one feels about it's founding, it's here, been here now for generations as a state, and it's not going anywhere, so move on.

Could not possibly agree with you more! I've often said that the actual, practical problems are easy to solve. Its the ideology that is problematic.

99% of team Israel doesn't even believe that Palestinians exist, much less have a right to exist. That's a fact. LOL

Well, do you believe Israel has a right to exist? Barely a century ago Palestinians believed they were southern Syrians. But I'd be willing to give them a state on the West Bank (the heartland of Eretz Yisroel), if it would bring peace. Would you be willing to accept Israel for those results?

It would surprise the publishers of Falastin (Palestine) that they believed that they were southern Syrians. Palestinians may have thought that the only way to achieve limited self-determination was to be included as part of the French Mandate for Syria, since the French had not issued a Balfour Declaration, but they have always been Palestinians, changing religions as conquerors came and went, from when the place called Palaestina during Roman times.

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You're evading the question that I asked in my post.

Does Israel as a Jewish state have a right to exist? Yes, of course it has a right to exist, whatever I think about theocracies, Islamist or Judaic.
What difference does it make who is or is not "indiginous", who was there first, who immigrated when. Screw all that. It doesn't lead to solutions. All it does is add fuel to the fires of those seeking to remove one side or the other from their land.
What difference does it make who is or is not "indiginous", who was there first, who immigrated when. Screw all that. It doesn't lead to solutions. All it does is add fuel to the fires of those seeking to remove one side or the other from their land.
It makes a difference because the so-called "Palestinians" claim they are therightful rulers of the territory they call"Palestine." So long as they can convince people of that, dumbass westerners will assist them in their effort to wipe Israel off the map.
What difference does it make who is or is not "indiginous", who was there first, who immigrated when. Screw all that. It doesn't lead to solutions. All it does is add fuel to the fires of those seeking to remove one side or the other from their land.
It makes a difference because the so-called "Palestinians" claim they are therightful rulers of the territory they call"Palestine." So long as they can convince people of that, dumbass westerners will assist them in their effort to wipe Israel off the map.

The native Christians and Muslims of Palestine certainly should have received, from 1920 on, the tutelage to become self-ruling in the territory. The transfer of Europeans to the territory has made that impossible.
What difference does it make who is or is not "indiginous", who was there first, who immigrated when. Screw all that. It doesn't lead to solutions. All it does is add fuel to the fires of those seeking to remove one side or the other from their land.
It makes a difference because the so-called "Palestinians" claim they are therightful rulers of the territory they call"Palestine." So long as they can convince people of that, dumbass westerners will assist them in their effort to wipe Israel off the map.

The native Christians and Muslims of Palestine certainly should have received, from 1920 on, the tutelage to become self-ruling in the territory. The transfer of Europeans to the territory has made that impossible.

What difference does it make who is or is not "indiginous", who was there first, who immigrated when. Screw all that. It doesn't lead to solutions. All it does is add fuel to the fires of those seeking to remove one side or the other from their land.
It makes a difference because the so-called "Palestinians" claim they are therightful rulers of the territory they call"Palestine." So long as they can convince people of that, dumbass westerners will assist them in their effort to wipe Israel off the map.
Should this be intepreted to mean that the mistake of the Palestinians is using the same argument as the Zionists?

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