Debt Hit $13 Trillion!!! Spend Baby Spend!!!


Free Breast Exam
Oct 10, 2009
In your head
The US National Debt Hit $13 Trillion!!! - See: U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

Plus the Bailouts are still at $5.6 Trillion

And the Fed is still increasing the monetary base.

Print Baby Print!!! Borrow Baby Borrow!!! Spend Baby Spend!!!

[ame=""]Money - Pink Floyd[/ame]
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And the Fed is still increasing the monetary base.

......( seasonally adjusted)....(not sesonally adjusted)
Jan 2008 1381.1 7534.3... 1375.5 7521.1
Feb 2008 1387.0 7623.6... 1365.3 7605.2
Mar 2008 1389.7 7684.3 ...1400.7 7744.7
Apr 2008 1392.1 7709.3 ...1406.4 7794.9
May 2008 1391.5 7732.8... 1396.2 7733.5
Jun 2008 1398.1 7745.2 ...1407.0 7755.5
Jul 2008 1415.1 7797.0 ...1417.4 7770.5
Aug 2008 1400.0 7785.0 ...1400.9 7767.2
Sep 2008 1459.5 7892.0 ...1441.0 7845.4
Oct 2008 1472.7 8007.1... 1461.9 7957.6
Nov 2008 1518.1 8058.7 ...1513.1 8046.1
Dec 2008 1594.7 8239.7 ...1618.7 8249.3
Jan 2009 1573.8 8300.7... 1565.6 8295.0
Feb 2009 1562.0 8338.4 ...1535.6 8320.5
Mar 2009 1564.2 8390.4... 1577.3 8452.9
Apr 2009 1592.7 8342.5 ...1608.4 8447.2
May 2009 1593.0 8415.4... 1598.3 8425.8
Jun 2009 1641.0 8442.1... 1652.9 8447.1
Jul 2009 1649.9 8437.7 ...1654.9 8418.4
Aug 2009 1648.3 8414.5 ...1649.3 8393.2
Sep 2009 1660.9 8455.2... 1640.0 8399.2
Oct 2009 1674.6 8487.8... 1660.3 8429.9
Nov 2009 1687.6 8522.7... 1680.8 8505.4
Dec 2009 1696.4 8543.8... 1721.6 8549.7
Jan 2010 1679.8 8485.5... 1671.1 8474.7
Feb 2010 1713.7 8541.0 ...1682.2 8515.2
Mar 2010 1712.2 8512.0 ...1727.4 8574.8
Apr 2010 1700.6 8479.6... 1716.7 8595.3

FYI how it charged during the BUST II ADMIN?

january 2000
Jan 2000 1121.9 4657.3 1126.9 4667.0
Dec 2007 1375.8 7501.4 1394.4 7522.2
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At the end of 2008 Bush (actually the Democrats as they controlled the purse strings) was showing a National Debt Verses GDP of 40.8%

At the end of 2009 BO (Democrats still holding the purse strings) was showing the National Debt verses GDP of 54.6%

Projected at the end of 2010, BO (Dems still holding the purse strings) will have a National Debt verses GDP of 67.1%

All spin aside, it does not take a Rocket Scientist to see the US is in for a Meltdown if the spending does not stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS - 2011 is predicted at 70.1%

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15 Mayors Who Must Shred The Budget To Save Their Bankrupt Cities The worst cities have democrat mayors. These cities will file chapter 9 bankruptcy soon.
Damn, not when we are so close to starting to generate jobs. Remember because of population increase (births and immigration) we need to generate about 300,000 jobs a month just to keep up with the increase in the labor force.

If we are generating less than 300 K, we are adding to unemployment even though the Department of Labor drops most of these people out of the Labor Force because of their phony survey.
The U.S. debt now stands at 90% of GDP. For those who love to whinge about the Reagan era debt, it peaked at @ 60%. And Obama's plans add another $7T to that amount by 2020 without the impact of ObamaCare and with very optimistic GDP growth rates (which are highly unlikely).

The current level is $118K per taxpayer and $42K per citizen. Note that these do not included the burgeoning unfunded liabilities for SS, Medicare, and Government & Union Pensions (the latter is being pushed through via Senator Bob Casey's Bill so that taxpayers will be responsible for guaranteed benefits to unionized employees who work for corporations). The unfunded liabilities dwarf these official debt.
The official U.S. debt now stands at 90.36373% of GDP.

Greece National Debt hit the point of no return at 115% of GDP.

If you include Fannie & Freddie the current US debt to GDP ratio is currently very close to 115%. If we do not end the government backed pensions, or stop Fannie & Freddie then we are Greece.

Fannie and Freddie Make the U.S. Look a Lot Like Greece
The numbers on our federal debt are becoming frighteningly familiar. The debt is projected to equal 140 percent of gross domestic product within two decades. Add in the budget troubles of state governments, and the true shortfall grows even larger.
And now today on Drudgereport we are told that the M3 is going down.

So which is it?

Is the amount of money going up or down?
And now today on Drudgereport we are told that the M3 is going down.

So which is it?

Is the amount of money going up or down?

The verdict is in. Paying people to sit on their ass & not produce does not add any real sustainable GDP. It only creates debt + interest = DEFAULT & CURRENCY CRISIS.

Had the stimulus money went for real assets that returned real product & value, we would not be in this situation. Paying for political favors & votes has doomed this country.

The M3 money supply will continue to decline while the M1 currency rises causing a global currency crisis. You people may think that our currency is strengthening but it is falling. It is only strengthening against most other paper currencies of the world that are worse off than ours. Most investments will no longer keep up with real future inflation rates. This will deter more investment & encourage hording of assets.
Spains Debt to GDP ratio is less than ours. Spain got downgraded by S&P last month & just now by Fitch. Look out below, we are going to crash.

Fitch Downgrades Spain's Credit Rating
Fitch Ratings removed Spain's AAA credit rating, dropping it by a notch, on expectations that the moves to cut the nation's debt will slow its economic growth.

The downgrade to AA+, the second-highest possible rating, moves Fitch closer in line with Standard & Poor's Ratings Service, which cut Spain's ratings to AA last month.
Spains Debt to GDP ratio is less than ours. Spain got downgraded by S&P last month & just now by Fitch. Look out below, we are going to crash.

Fitch Downgrades Spain's Credit Rating
Fitch Ratings removed Spain's AAA credit rating, dropping it by a notch, on expectations that the moves to cut the nation's debt will slow its economic growth.

The downgrade to AA+, the second-highest possible rating, moves Fitch closer in line with Standard & Poor's Ratings Service, which cut Spain's ratings to AA last month.

Crash? Impossible. All we have to do is ask the FED to forgive our debt as we forgive our debtors. It is a wonderful system that we have here. If we did not have the FED, then we would not have the means to have our debt forgiven. The FED is economic God to the US.
Spains Debt to GDP ratio is less than ours. Spain got downgraded by S&P last month & just now by Fitch. Look out below, we are going to crash.

Fitch Downgrades Spain's Credit Rating
Fitch Ratings removed Spain's AAA credit rating, dropping it by a notch, on expectations that the moves to cut the nation's debt will slow its economic growth.

The downgrade to AA+, the second-highest possible rating, moves Fitch closer in line with Standard & Poor's Ratings Service, which cut Spain's ratings to AA last month.

Crash? Impossible. All we have to do is ask the FED to forgive our debt as we forgive our debtors. It is a wonderful system that we have here. If we did not have the FED, then we would not have the means to have our debt forgiven. The FED is economic God to the US.

Gold will skyrocket if the Fed did that. We are facing $109 Trillion in unfunded mandates. Up $3 Trillion in the past year. The Fed can't forgive debt while our fiscal house is a train-wreck & expect the dollar not to crash.
The U.S. Total Credit Market exceeds $50.0 tril. In the most recent few years, anyone should notice that the Socialist Credit Market can accept a great of failed social, political, and religious values. The rich can get richer, and the poor can fail to pay the mortgages. The rich houses come tumbling on down. The banks virtually go out of business. They do repay TARP within 18 months, at 8.5% APR. They can even re-start doing business again.

The GOP Conservatives, and the Democratic, Ivy League Liberals: Have in common one simple matter of fact. No one discusses that, at all. At the Univesities, and most especially at the ones where the Nobel laureates are located: The discussion can not even be raised, and no solutions can ever be presented, for ever, going into the 35th year.

So The GOP created TARP, for the rich, and The Democrats created The Stimulus bailouts of the rich public sector employees.

Even noted above, especially the locals don't know what to do. They fail

Rich houses failed. Their Congregation members were all failures. Their Religions were all failures. Their governments were all failures. Profits rose, and the stock markets soared. The Asians are tying to prevent a bubble. The Europeans are trying to bail-out the bubbled. Everyone else is still attempting to create the bubble.

In all cases, mostly the wiped out tend to be in the nations where credit markets do not flourish, and impoverishment is the norm. The Soviet System failed of the same values problem The rich were getting richer, and the proletariat wasn't doing all that well.

The only thing that anyone noticed is that the owners of the buildings would not trade them for even one of the shiny little trinket coins. Conservatives all know that real value is in shiny, round, litttle trinkets. Manahattan Indians once knew this.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(These, after all, are educated people! Now, Just What Do We learn From This?! Firstly, we learn that they really do not know who they are, after all! Little kids need to know that!)
If you really want to create a "meltdown", stop all spending. Won't take long before we find out what "soup kitchens" are all about.
The National Debt just hit $13.1 Trillion today. It is up $101 Billion in just 23 days.

In other news Gold set another record at $1262.00 per ounce.

Government is doing an excellent job destroying our savings.

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