Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Practically Accuses Scott Walker Of Assaulting Women

What did she say that was so offensive. I heard the metaphor. Is that what people are whining about, a metaphor?
Are you really this dense? She accuses Republicans of dragging women's rights backwards. She's a lying piece of shit.
What was not true? Is she giving her opinion or making a statement of fact? There is a national opinion being put forth that Republicans are dragging women's right backwards because of the Republican implemented new laws that have closed women's health clinics and Republican negative actions towards the violence against women's act. Those are just some of the complaints used to justify Shultz's opinion. What seems to be getting done is that because a group doesn't agree with another persons opinion they have decided to call the opinion a lie. But there is no war on women. That opinion is a lie. Opinions that differ from opinions of Teapublicans are not allowable opinions. The Teapublicans will validate what is a valid opinion. Those opinions not validate will be recognized and ordered to be referred to as lies.
You seemed to have missed the point.

There is nothing wrong with DWS expressing her opinion. I disagree with her opinion, but then again, she disagrees with mine. I am OK with that.

But whereas I would never say "the democratic party wants to put shackles on the black man so they can ensure a vote in their favor", I don't expect a democrat to say "the GOP has dragged women by the hair backwards".

There is something known as human decency. One does not have to minimize the importance of actual physical attacks on woman by men to make a point just as one does not need to minimize the atrocities of slavery to make a point.

It is insensitive to the true victims when using such victims to make a point that is not at all related to the pain and suffering of those victims.

But I am sure you will argue my point. Go for it. I really don't care.

I agree, she used a bad way of saying what she wanted to say and I don't blame folks for being critical. That said, she is promoting her side in an election that is pretty much even in the polls. The one advantage her side has is an 8% to 12% advantage with woman voters. I believe her mission was to put woman's issues in the forefront. She was willing to take the hit for being aggressive and "unladylike". All the local politicians can, and most have apologized and criticized her statements so they will not be negatively effected by Shultz's statement. They will send her back to D.C. or Florida and tell their constituents they are glad she is gone. But the woman's issues will remain in the forefront of the campaign. Walker in on the defense and that is what Shultz planned all along.

Do you ever ask yourself WHY she needs to tell those lies, Camp? A "bad way of saying what she wanted to say"? LOL Can't bring yourself to admit that she's deliberately misleading the American electorate...can you?
She isn't misleading. She is using a method of attacking her opponents that while distasteful to many, gets the job done. Lets not play like she is the only politician out there that does this. We live in a era where elected politicians in leadership roles misinform everyday about almost all issue's. We have a Congress jammed full of liars from both sides of the aisle. Shultz's job is to stir up trouble and controversy. That is what she did. She got lessons from Harry Reid. It works.
What did she say that was so offensive. I heard the metaphor. Is that what people are whining about, a metaphor?
Are you really this dense? She accuses Republicans of dragging women's rights backwards. She's a lying piece of shit.
What was not true? Is she giving her opinion or making a statement of fact? There is a national opinion being put forth that Republicans are dragging women's right backwards because of the Republican implemented new laws that have closed women's health clinics and Republican negative actions towards the violence against women's act. Those are just some of the complaints used to justify Shultz's opinion. What seems to be getting done is that because a group doesn't agree with another persons opinion they have decided to call the opinion a lie. But there is no war on women. That opinion is a lie. Opinions that differ from opinions of Teapublicans are not allowable opinions. The Teapublicans will validate what is a valid opinion. Those opinions not validate will be recognized and ordered to be referred to as lies.
You seemed to have missed the point.

There is nothing wrong with DWS expressing her opinion. I disagree with her opinion, but then again, she disagrees with mine. I am OK with that.

But whereas I would never say "the democratic party wants to put shackles on the black man so they can ensure a vote in their favor", I don't expect a democrat to say "the GOP has dragged women by the hair backwards".

There is something known as human decency. One does not have to minimize the importance of actual physical attacks on woman by men to make a point just as one does not need to minimize the atrocities of slavery to make a point.

It is insensitive to the true victims when using such victims to make a point that is not at all related to the pain and suffering of those victims.

But I am sure you will argue my point. Go for it. I really don't care.

I agree, she used a bad way of saying what she wanted to say and I don't blame folks for being critical. That said, she is promoting her side in an election that is pretty much even in the polls. The one advantage her side has is an 8% to 12% advantage with woman voters. I believe her mission was to put woman's issues in the forefront. She was willing to take the hit for being aggressive and "unladylike". All the local politicians can, and most have apologized and criticized her statements so they will not be negatively effected by Shultz's statement. They will send her back to D.C. or Florida and tell their constituents they are glad she is gone. But the woman's issues will remain in the forefront of the campaign. Walker in on the defense and that is what Shultz planned all along.

Do you ever ask yourself WHY she needs to tell those lies, Camp? A "bad way of saying what she wanted to say"? LOL Can't bring yourself to admit that she's deliberately misleading the American electorate...can you?
She isn't misleading. She is using a method of attacking her opponents that while distasteful to many, gets the job done. Lets not play like she is the only politician out there that does this. We live in a era where elected politicians in leadership roles misinform everyday about almost all issue's. We have a Congress jammed full of liars from both sides of the aisle. Shultz's job is to stir up trouble and controversy. That is what she did. She got lessons from Harry Reid. It works.

Come on Camp...admit it! You know that Debbie Wasserman-Shultz deliberately lies because she doesn't think Democrats can win on the issues unless she confuses the voters. When you can't win on the run a smear campaign. THAT is what she does! She learned from Harry Reid? That simply makes him as scuzzy as she is!
So now you've admitted that the Democratic leader of the Senate is also a liar? Maybe it's time to have that morning cup of coffee and come back after you've woken up?
I agree, she used a bad way of saying what she wanted to say and I don't blame folks for being critical. That said, she is promoting her side in an election that is pretty much even in the polls. The one advantage her side has is an 8% to 12% advantage with woman voters. I believe her mission was to put woman's issues in the forefront. She was willing to take the hit for being aggressive and "unladylike". All the local politicians can, and most have apologized and criticized her statements so they will not be negatively effected by Shultz's statement. They will send her back to D.C. or Florida and tell their constituents they are glad she is gone. But the woman's issues will remain in the forefront of the campaign. Walker in on the defense and that is what Shultz planned all along.
They don't object because the idiot Tpublicfools allowed the vawa to expire and than fought like crazy to weaken it and make it null and void for huge segments of the women's population. The Republicans, guided by the radical extremest T baggers objected to renewing or strengthening the bill that gave protection to women who were beat up by drunken or crazy or just plain mean boy friends and husbands. Now the idiots are angry because a women politician spoke badly of one of their leaders. Republicans want men to be given a break when they punch out and kick the crap out of their women, buy whine when a women speaks harshly about them.
So now you've admitted that the Democratic leader of the Senate is also a liar? Maybe it's time to have that morning cup of coffee and come back after you've woken up?
I did no such thing. I opened my comment by saying she wasn't misleading. If you don't comprehend the meaning and use of agitative language and how it is used as a method of speech in politics that's not my concern and their is nothing I can do about it.
So now you've admitted that the Democratic leader of the Senate is also a liar? Maybe it's time to have that morning cup of coffee and come back after you've woken up?
I did no such thing. I opened my comment by saying she wasn't misleading. If you don't comprehend the meaning and use of agitative language and how it is used as a method of speech in politics that's not my concern and their is nothing I can do about it.
Accusing someone of backhanding women and pulling their hair back is agitative language, therefore a method speech normally used by democrat leadership? ROFL ok...
why is it when a demoscum lies it is reported as "MISLEADING"..., BUT !! if a Republican says something misleading it is always reported as a humongous lie ?

demofools...... :up_yours:
What did she say that was so offensive. I heard the metaphor. Is that what people are whining about, a metaphor?
Are you really this dense? She accuses Republicans of dragging women's rights backwards. She's a lying piece of shit.
What was not true? Is she giving her opinion or making a statement of fact? There is a national opinion being put forth that Republicans are dragging women's right backwards because of the Republican implemented new laws that have closed women's health clinics and Republican negative actions towards the violence against women's act. Those are just some of the complaints used to justify Shultz's opinion. What seems to be getting done is that because a group doesn't agree with another persons opinion they have decided to call the opinion a lie. But there is no war on women. That opinion is a lie. Opinions that differ from opinions of Teapublicans are not allowable opinions. The Teapublicans will validate what is a valid opinion. Those opinions not validate will be recognized and ordered to be referred to as lies.
You seemed to have missed the point.

There is nothing wrong with DWS expressing her opinion. I disagree with her opinion, but then again, she disagrees with mine. I am OK with that.

But whereas I would never say "the democratic party wants to put shackles on the black man so they can ensure a vote in their favor", I don't expect a democrat to say "the GOP has dragged women by the hair backwards".

There is something known as human decency. One does not have to minimize the importance of actual physical attacks on woman by men to make a point just as one does not need to minimize the atrocities of slavery to make a point.

It is insensitive to the true victims when using such victims to make a point that is not at all related to the pain and suffering of those victims.

But I am sure you will argue my point. Go for it. I really don't care.

I agree, she used a bad way of saying what she wanted to say and I don't blame folks for being critical. That said, she is promoting her side in an election that is pretty much even in the polls. The one advantage her side has is an 8% to 12% advantage with woman voters. I believe her mission was to put woman's issues in the forefront. She was willing to take the hit for being aggressive and "unladylike". All the local politicians can, and most have apologized and criticized her statements so they will not be negatively effected by Shultz's statement. They will send her back to D.C. or Florida and tell their constituents they are glad she is gone. But the woman's issues will remain in the forefront of the campaign. Walker in on the defense and that is what Shultz planned all along.

Do you ever ask yourself WHY she needs to tell those lies, Camp? A "bad way of saying what she wanted to say"? LOL Can't bring yourself to admit that she's deliberately misleading the American electorate...can you?
She isn't misleading. She is using a method of attacking her opponents that while distasteful to many, gets the job done. Lets not play like she is the only politician out there that does this. We live in a era where elected politicians in leadership roles misinform everyday about almost all issue's. We have a Congress jammed full of liars from both sides of the aisle. Shultz's job is to stir up trouble and controversy. That is what she did. She got lessons from Harry Reid. It works.
That's the kind of government we need.

Troublemakers, not problem solvers.
So now you've admitted that the Democratic leader of the Senate is also a liar? Maybe it's time to have that morning cup of coffee and come back after you've woken up?
I did no such thing. I opened my comment by saying she wasn't misleading. If you don't comprehend the meaning and use of agitative language and how it is used as a method of speech in politics that's not my concern and their is nothing I can do about it.

It works for Hamas, don't it????
RWs have such a short memory.

I remember Pol Pot - I remember that his rhetoric is identical to what your filthy party uses today.

In fact, I refer to you as the Khmer Rouge democrats - because you are an exact clone of that earlier group. IF America is stupid enough to let you gain total power, the results will be the same, magnified for population.

"Never Again" becomes "Here we go again.."
Proudly posting without reading :rolleyes:

Wasserman Schultz added: "What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back. It is not going to happen on our watch."
No, Mud's lie is that Walker's "assault" is an innuendo for sexual abuse. It is not. His behavior is certainly akin to trying to put women back in a pre-lib economic state.

Mud and R. D., your innuendos and defense of them will fail every time you try to pull this crap.

You are on notice.
Wrong again asshole.

Just because you take the word "assault" as implying "sexual abuse" does not mean such is true. For if it were true, you would not need to add "sexual" to the word "assault" you fucking illiterate unemployed moron.

So, anyway, a normal person would simply say "Walkers policies are bringing women's rights back to the mid 20th century....

And that would be worthy of debate.

But no. Instead she had to use words that imply assault; physical abuse.

She is a weak person with absolutely no credibility with normal thinking people.

She is nothing but a tool for the democratic party to stir up the non an effort to get them to vote.
Walker endorsed vaginal probes. Some women consider having a stranger stick a device into their body via their vagina as an assault, maybe even a sexual assault. How would you like the government ordering you to let a stranger stick a device up your orifice? Would you feel assaulted?

But they're fine with the same stranger sticking a vacuum cleaner up there to dismember and suck out all the contents of their uterus. And hey, who needs an accurate determination of the age of the little monster, it doesn't matter, as long as it dies.

Unreal isn't it? They just don't want some woman to see their CHILD they will be killing. they might change their minds. that's what that whole thing is over

No, it's even more disgusting than that.

They don't want the women they're making money off to know they're over the gestation limit.
So now you've admitted that the Democratic leader of the Senate is also a liar? Maybe it's time to have that morning cup of coffee and come back after you've woken up?
I did no such thing. I opened my comment by saying she wasn't misleading. If you don't comprehend the meaning and use of agitative language and how it is used as a method of speech in politics that's not my concern and their is nothing I can do about it.

"Agitative language"? You can't bring yourself to use the word "LIE"...can you, Camp? You've tried labeling what Wasserman-Shultz does with every OTHER descriptive term but that bottom line remains...THAT SHE LIES AND SHE LIES A LOT!
It is quite evident you have never worked out side of your prospective work field. ???? even
If you have no idea what it is like outside where you work and you have no diversified work experience
how can you form an cognitive rationale opinion?|
Try again .

there's that classic class warfare again

there are some jobs a woman will NEVER be able to do as well as a man does. so why should they be paid the same? I mean seriously. How would you like to have to carry someone around on your shoulders who is making the same wage you are?
you libs just don't think you just spew the talking points. pathetic
The hag used inflammatory language that demeans women in order to try to frighten them into a course of action.

Yet another example of the high regard in which progressive nutbags hold women.
The hag used inflammatory language that demeans women in order to try to frighten them into a course of action.

Yet another example of the high regard in which progressive nutbags hold women.

The radical left effectively used race to stir up hatred and division, as a means of securing power in 2008 and 2012. Demagogue tactics that smeared anyone who supports Capitalism or the Constitution as a "racist" were employed by the DNC controlled media. This allowed the democrats to secure power and deal massive blows against both the free market and civil liberties.

Wasserman-Goebbels is just continuing the same tactic that has been used by the democrats since 2008 - the politics of hatred and division. She is slightly altering the slander and libel to smear people has enemies of women. Be sure, she IS representing the positions of her filthy party, the Khmer Rouge democrats use hatred and demagoguery as their primary weapon in their ongoing war against the middle class and civil liberty.
She isn't misleading. She is using a method of attacking her opponents that while distasteful to many, gets the job done. Lets not play like she is the only politician out there that does this. We live in a era where elected politicians in leadership roles misinform everyday about almost all issue's. We have a Congress jammed full of liars from both sides of the aisle. Shultz's job is to stir up trouble and controversy. That is what she did. She got lessons from Harry Reid. It works.

A method called demagoguery - used effectively by the Nazis to demonize Jews. and later by the Khmer Rouge - which you democrats emulate exactly - to demonize merchants and the educated.

What Wasserman-Goebbels is doing is misleading - it's blatant lies in fact. She is using slander and libel to smear enemies of the party in an effort to create hatred and division. This is how you of the Khmer Rouge conduct yourselves - it is the method you've used since 2008.

And yes Camp, it does mean that you're gutter filth - I think you know this.
Proudly posting without reading :rolleyes:

Wasserman Schultz added: "What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back. It is not going to happen on our watch."
No, Mud's lie is that Walker's "assault" is an innuendo for sexual abuse. It is not. His behavior is certainly akin to trying to put women back in a pre-lib economic state.

Mud and R. D., your innuendos and defense of them will fail every time you try to pull this crap.

You are on notice.


There is no use of innuendo:

"What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back."

She doesn't say "like" or "as bad as."

W-S is being shrill. Apparently Walker has hit a nerve that's causing the squealing to commence. Good for him.

He's a successful Republican Governor in a State that the Democrats mismanaged. That's the "nerve" Walker has hit!

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