Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Practically Accuses Scott Walker Of Assaulting Women

DNC chair Wasserman Schultz rips Scott Walker on women's issues

Carolyn Kaster
Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a member of the U.S. House from Florida, is shown speaking at the University of Miami in Coral Gables in 2012. On Wednesday in Milwaukee, she criticized Gov. Scott Walker for his record on women’s issues.

By Bill Glauber of the Journal Sentinel
Sept. 3, 2014


Election 2014

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Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz ripped into Republican Gov. Scott Walker's record Wednesday during a round-table discussion on women's issues at the Milwaukee Athletic Club.

The Florida congresswoman said: "Scott Walker has given women the back of his hand. I know that is stark. I know that is direct. But that is reality."

Wasserman Schultz added: "What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back. It is not going to happen on our watch."

Republican Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch said she was "shocked" that Wasserman Schultz used domestic violence language to discuss political disagreements.

Well when people like her start bitching,you know your on the right track.
How dare Ms. Wasserman_Schultz talk about how scott walker has treated women and their issues?

You republicans can call her names all you want. You can say she's lying all you want. You can twist her words all you want.

We women know that none of what you say is true and it won't negate the facts of what the republicans are doing to women.

Women are the majority sex in America and we are the largest voting block in America. We also vote in higher numbers than men. The most recent numbers I could find were for 2004. In that year 60.1% of women voted. While 56.3% of men voted. I'll look for some more recent numbers but from what I've seen thus far, no political party will ever be able to win an election without the votes of women.

If you want to win any elections in the future it's best not to ignore women's issues. All you're doing is making more women run from the republican party in horror.

If you want to win elections you're not going to do it by repealing equal pay laws as scott walker and the Wisconsin legislature did in 2012. You're not going to get women's votes by forcing them to give birth to a rapist's child or force her to have tests she doesn't need. scott walker signed the bill to require ultra sounds for abortions in 2013.

While you conservatives think that women will just stand by and allow republican politicians to take our rights and freedoms from us you're only fooling yourself.

If you don't want your party to be extinct within a decade or so, you really need to wake up and stop your war on us women.
How dare Ms. Wasserman_Schultz talk about how scott walker has treated women and their issues?

You republicans can call her names all you want. You can say she's lying all you want. You can twist her words all you want.

We women know that none of what you say is true and it won't negate the facts of what the republicans are doing to women.

Women are the majority sex in America and we are the largest voting block in America. We also vote in higher numbers than men. The most recent numbers I could find were for 2004. In that year 60.1% of women voted. While 56.3% of men voted. I'll look for some more recent numbers but from what I've seen thus far, no political party will ever be able to win an election without the votes of women.

If you want to win any elections in the future it's best not to ignore women's issues. All you're doing is making more women run from the republican party in horror.

If you want to win elections you're not going to do it by repealing equal pay laws as scott walker and the Wisconsin legislature did in 2012. You're not going to get women's votes by forcing them to give birth to a rapist's child or force her to have tests she doesn't need. scott walker signed the bill to require ultra sounds for abortions in 2013.

While you conservatives think that women will just stand by and allow republican politicians to take our rights and freedoms from us you're only fooling yourself.

If you don't want your party to be extinct within a decade or so, you really need to wake up and stop your war on us women.
What a load of horse-dung.

Nobody took your rights away. Democrats simply invented urban legends to make it appears so.

What is the latest accusation?

Income inequality?

Why do women make less than men? I'll give you three guesses.
"she criticized Gov. Scott Walker for his record on women’s issues." is not practically accusing "Scott Walker of assaulting women."

But your statement is a lie.
Who says fakey jakey is not a liberal, only a far left liberal would defend the angry bitch.
Geeting the back of someones hand??
reactionaries on the far right lie - Google Search reactionaries on the far right lie brings back more than 4 million hits
Deflect much??
  1. Women take maternity leave. Do you expect to get paid for 3-8 months to sit at home?
  2. Women have been in the job market less than men, so they spend less time learning their trade.
  3. Some professions have a difficult time attracting women for one reason or another.
How dare Ms. Wasserman_Schultz talk about how scott walker has treated women and their issues?

You republicans can call her names all you want. You can say she's lying all you want. You can twist her words all you want.

We women know that none of what you say is true and it won't negate the facts of what the republicans are doing to women.

Women are the majority sex in America and we are the largest voting block in America. We also vote in higher numbers than men. The most recent numbers I could find were for 2004. In that year 60.1% of women voted. While 56.3% of men voted. I'll look for some more recent numbers but from what I've seen thus far, no political party will ever be able to win an election without the votes of women.

If you want to win any elections in the future it's best not to ignore women's issues. All you're doing is making more women run from the republican party in horror.

If you want to win elections you're not going to do it by repealing equal pay laws as scott walker and the Wisconsin legislature did in 2012. You're not going to get women's votes by forcing them to give birth to a rapist's child or force her to have tests she doesn't need. scott walker signed the bill to require ultra sounds for abortions in 2013.

While you conservatives think that women will just stand by and allow republican politicians to take our rights and freedoms from us you're only fooling yourself.

If you don't want your party to be extinct within a decade or so, you really need to wake up and stop your war on us women.

really, you all are just about back to being put in your place being barefoot and pregnant all because of them Republicans.
no wonder some of you need a party to run your lives
class warfare at it's finest and poor pitiful them they are being VICTIMIZED

yet they don't care one bit being portrayed this way by their elected asses in government

just sad and why we are doomed in this country as Free people
Google "Debbie Wasserman-Shultz caught lying" and see how many hits you get.
What does that mean? I tried it and got the number 244,000. It means nothing. It's just a search engine combining words for random answers. I did a google on "george washington caught lying" and got 7,900,000 references.
Debbie just knows how to push buttons. She wants lots of PR. As long as the statement ends up in the press and on cable news with Republicans whining in the back ground she will drink champagne and laugh with her supporters.

Ah, so telling lies is defined now as "pushing buttons"? Got it...
No, lying may or may not be related to pushing buttons. Pushing buttons means saying something that will get a predictable reaction, usually a foolish over reaction, from a particular person of group of people.

Quite frankly I'm having a hard time thinking of an elected official who has told more lies than Debbie Wasserman-Shultz has. Others bend the truth by cherry picking stats or taking things that someone said out of context but 'ole Debbie just flat out lies and then when she gets called out for them she denies she ever saying it in the first place. It's like she doesn't grasp the fact that the news media TAPES things this day and age!
Proudly posting without reading :rolleyes:

Wasserman Schultz added: "What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back. It is not going to happen on our watch."
No, Mud's lie is that Walker's "assault" is an innuendo for sexual abuse. It is not. His behavior is certainly akin to trying to put women back in a pre-lib economic state.

Mud and R. D., your innuendos and defense of them will fail every time you try to pull this crap.

You are on notice.


There is no use of innuendo:

"What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back."

She doesn't say "like" or "as bad as."

W-S is being shrill. Apparently Walker has hit a nerve that's causing the squealing to commence. Good for him.

He's a successful Republican Governor in a State that the Democrats mismanaged. That's the "nerve" Walker has hit!
Hell, we thought one of your political platforms was family is paramount.
Ummm!!! But economics trumps family values.
Interesting concept.

  1. Women take maternity leave. Do you expect to get paid for 3-8 months to sit at home?
  2. Women have been in the job market less than men, so they spend less time learning their trade.
  3. Some professions have a difficult time attracting women for one reason or another.
How dare Ms. Wasserman_Schultz talk about how scott walker has treated women and their issues?

You republicans can call her names all you want. You can say she's lying all you want. You can twist her words all you want.

We women know that none of what you say is true and it won't negate the facts of what the republicans are doing to women.

Women are the majority sex in America and we are the largest voting block in America. We also vote in higher numbers than men. The most recent numbers I could find were for 2004. In that year 60.1% of women voted. While 56.3% of men voted. I'll look for some more recent numbers but from what I've seen thus far, no political party will ever be able to win an election without the votes of women.

If you want to win any elections in the future it's best not to ignore women's issues. All you're doing is making more women run from the republican party in horror.

If you want to win elections you're not going to do it by repealing equal pay laws as scott walker and the Wisconsin legislature did in 2012. You're not going to get women's votes by forcing them to give birth to a rapist's child or force her to have tests she doesn't need. scott walker signed the bill to require ultra sounds for abortions in 2013.

While you conservatives think that women will just stand by and allow republican politicians to take our rights and freedoms from us you're only fooling yourself.

If you don't want your party to be extinct within a decade or so, you really need to wake up and stop your war on us women.
This woman says you're just being silly
Walker is too successful for them to tolerate. Just for fun republicans should get snarky about democrats. Maybe something about Joe Biden going around sniffing bicycle seats.
What lie did little debbie tell that pissed off Republiteas the most?

Wow...which one? There were so many it's hard to choose...

There isn't one in this clip. What is the lie you claim she is telling in this video. She is arguing that as a Presidential candidate Romney is responsible for the Republican platform he is running under. I didn't see a lie being told. Is there something specific or a certain time in the video you can be specific about?

She stated that Romney's campaign put the abortion planks of the platform in place and Anderson Cooper is telling her that's not true. For someone who is the Head of the DNC to misrepresent something like that is shameful. Wasserman-Shultz knows that she lied in that fund raising literature but seems bewildered by Anderson Cooper's not letting her get away with it. Her first answer to his question was a pathetic attempt to dodge what she'd done yet she gets annoyed that he won't let her dodge stand.
they wasted millions of dollars and thought they had a recall of him in the bag.

so now here they come like rabid dogs smearing him in every ugly way they can think of

progressive party is NASTY!!!! filled with nasty elected people how some of you vote for them and then talk about the people in the Republican have some nerve. and then stand by what this hag said. I find it offensive as a woman
Like wasting millions of dollars to repeal ACA. And now suing the president.
That's right. Waste, waste, waste.

they wasted millions of dollars and thought they had a recall of him in the bag.

so now here they come like rabid dogs smearing him in every ugly way they can think of

progressive party is NASTY!!!! filled with nasty elected people how some of you vote for them and then talk the people in the have some nerve. and then stand by what this hag said. I find it offensive as a woman
How dare Ms. Wasserman_Schultz talk about how scott walker has treated women and their issues?

You republicans can call her names all you want. You can say she's lying all you want. You can twist her words all you want.

We women know that none of what you say is true and it won't negate the facts of what the republicans are doing to women.

Women are the majority sex in America and we are the largest voting block in America. We also vote in higher numbers than men. The most recent numbers I could find were for 2004. In that year 60.1% of women voted. While 56.3% of men voted. I'll look for some more recent numbers but from what I've seen thus far, no political party will ever be able to win an election without the votes of women.

If you want to win any elections in the future it's best not to ignore women's issues. All you're doing is making more women run from the republican party in horror.

If you want to win elections you're not going to do it by repealing equal pay laws as scott walker and the Wisconsin legislature did in 2012. You're not going to get women's votes by forcing them to give birth to a rapist's child or force her to have tests she doesn't need. scott walker signed the bill to require ultra sounds for abortions in 2013.

While you conservatives think that women will just stand by and allow republican politicians to take our rights and freedoms from us you're only fooling yourself.

If you don't want your party to be extinct within a decade or so, you really need to wake up and stop your war on us women.
What a load of horse-dung.

Nobody took your rights away. Democrats simply invented urban legends to make it appears so.

What is the latest accusation?

Income inequality?

Why do women make less than men? I'll give you three guesses.

You can close your eyes and bury your head in the sand all you want. It won't change reality. Women know what the republican party is trying to do to us.

In the case of scott walker, he most certainly did repeal the equal pay act in Wisconsin in 2012. You might want to read the article at the following link:

Wisconsin’s Repeal of Equal Pay Rights Adds to Battles for Women - The Daily Beast

He also signed the forced vaginal probe law in 2013. That law also included unnecessary regulations that caused clinics to be closed. You might want to read the article at the following link:

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker signs forced ultrasounds into law

You can make all the excuses you want. It will never stop women from running in horror from the republican party. No woman wants to be forced to have a medical test she doesn't need. No woman wants to be paid less than a man when doing the same work. You can make excuses for that all you want. There are no excuses to justify paying women less than a man while doing the same job. Women won't pay any attention to you. When we see republican politicians doing those things and much more, all the words in the world from you isn't going to make us women support and vote for republican politicians.

The republican party will continue to lose the votes of women if your party keeps this up.
How dare Ms. Wasserman_Schultz talk about how scott walker has treated women and their issues?

You republicans can call her names all you want. You can say she's lying all you want. You can twist her words all you want.

We women know that none of what you say is true and it won't negate the facts of what the republicans are doing to women.

Women are the majority sex in America and we are the largest voting block in America. We also vote in higher numbers than men. The most recent numbers I could find were for 2004. In that year 60.1% of women voted. While 56.3% of men voted. I'll look for some more recent numbers but from what I've seen thus far, no political party will ever be able to win an election without the votes of women.

If you want to win any elections in the future it's best not to ignore women's issues. All you're doing is making more women run from the republican party in horror.

If you want to win elections you're not going to do it by repealing equal pay laws as scott walker and the Wisconsin legislature did in 2012. You're not going to get women's votes by forcing them to give birth to a rapist's child or force her to have tests she doesn't need. scott walker signed the bill to require ultra sounds for abortions in 2013.

While you conservatives think that women will just stand by and allow republican politicians to take our rights and freedoms from us you're only fooling yourself.

If you don't want your party to be extinct within a decade or so, you really need to wake up and stop your war on us women.

You don't speak for all women. You speak only for the low information women voters, most of them single, who have been conditioned by the Democratic Party to believe that if Republicans are elected, they will never be allowed to have sex again.

What a lie.
How dare Ms. Wasserman_Schultz talk about how scott walker has treated women and their issues?

You republicans can call her names all you want. You can say she's lying all you want. You can twist her words all you want.

We women know that none of what you say is true and it won't negate the facts of what the republicans are doing to women.

Women are the majority sex in America and we are the largest voting block in America. We also vote in higher numbers than men. The most recent numbers I could find were for 2004. In that year 60.1% of women voted. While 56.3% of men voted. I'll look for some more recent numbers but from what I've seen thus far, no political party will ever be able to win an election without the votes of women.

If you want to win any elections in the future it's best not to ignore women's issues. All you're doing is making more women run from the republican party in horror.

If you want to win elections you're not going to do it by repealing equal pay laws as scott walker and the Wisconsin legislature did in 2012. You're not going to get women's votes by forcing them to give birth to a rapist's child or force her to have tests she doesn't need. scott walker signed the bill to require ultra sounds for abortions in 2013.

While you conservatives think that women will just stand by and allow republican politicians to take our rights and freedoms from us you're only fooling yourself.

If you don't want your party to be extinct within a decade or so, you really need to wake up and stop your war on us women.

You don't speak for all women. You speak only for the low information women voters, most of them single, who have been conditioned by the Democratic Party to believe that if Republicans are elected, they will never be allowed to have sex again.

What a lie.

thank you
that one had every DNC talking point down pat
sheesh, sheep-tool

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