Debate 2: Is it time for Obama go back to ole reliable?


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
You know - BLAME BUSH.

One thing that stuck out to me is that Romney very effectively showed that he has a great record and that Obama has a failed record. There's just no denying that and he made Obama look like "the amateur" he is. So, will he have to go back to blaming Bush? He really didn't a whole lot of that during the first debate.

Will that work? We know that libs rely on it on message boards. Will that even work with the average American? I don't think so; but one has to wonder if he's so desperate that he will attempt to do it.
You know - BLAME BUSH.

One thing that stuck out to me is that Romney very effectively showed that he has a great record and that Obama has a failed record. There's just no denying that and he made Obama look like "the amateur" he is. So, will he have to go back to blaming Bush? He really didn't a whole lot of that during the first debate.

Will that work? We know that libs rely on it on message boards. Will that even work with the average American? I don't think so; but one has to wonder if he's so desperate that he will attempt to do it.

His closing blamed Bush, then concluded I had good intentions and if vote for me I'll have real good intentions next time.
He did blame Republicans a time or too

My fav was when he told how he took suggestions from Republicans.

"The top congressional leaders from both parties gathered at the White House for a working discussion over the shape and size of President Barack Obama’s economic stimulus plan. The meeting was designed to promote bipartisanship.

But Obama showed that in an ideological debate, he’s not averse to using a jab.

Challenged by one Republican senator over the contents of the package, the new president, according to participants, replied: “I won.”
Obama to GOP: ‘I Won’ - Washington Wire - WSJ
You know - BLAME BUSH.

One thing that stuck out to me is that Romney very effectively showed that he has a great record and that Obama has a failed record. There's just no denying that and he made Obama look like "the amateur" he is. So, will he have to go back to blaming Bush? He really didn't a whole lot of that during the first debate.

Will that work? We know that libs rely on it on message boards. Will that even work with the average American? I don't think so; but one has to wonder if he's so desperate that he will attempt to do it.

His big boost was when he had Bill Clinton speak for him at the convention, he didn't seem to do all that well when he had no coaches or popular Presidential speakers on his side. Obama says Mitt has no detailed plans on these tax cuts, however where are HIS detailed plans to get America working? Simply education? Invest in clean energy? (we tried that) Roads and bridges? (tried that too). He hasn't shown that he can work with Republicans, he chose unemployment extensions over a pipeline (Is that what he truly believes the American people trying desperately to find work ..... prefers?)
After last night, will Bill Clinton continue to make appearances on obama's behalf? Will Hillary?
He did blame Republicans a time or too

My fav was when he told how he took suggestions from Republicans.

"The top congressional leaders from both parties gathered at the White House for a working discussion over the shape and size of President Barack Obama’s economic stimulus plan. The meeting was designed to promote bipartisanship.

But Obama showed that in an ideological debate, he’s not averse to using a jab.

Challenged by one Republican senator over the contents of the package, the new president, according to participants, replied: “I won.”
Obama to GOP: ‘I Won’ - Washington Wire - WSJ

Obama the (illegitimate) president and Obama the campaigner have two very different messages. I believe that alone is a reason to withhold a vote from him. I hope Americans are realizing that. Meanwhile, we saw a Romney who has a track record of working with both parties to get things done (a fact which scares me; but a fact nonetheless).
You know - BLAME BUSH.

One thing that stuck out to me is that Romney very effectively showed that he has a great record and that Obama has a failed record. There's just no denying that and he made Obama look like "the amateur" he is. So, will he have to go back to blaming Bush? He really didn't a whole lot of that during the first debate.

Will that work? We know that libs rely on it on message boards. Will that even work with the average American? I don't think so; but one has to wonder if he's so desperate that he will attempt to do it.

Will it work as far as your guy getting Democrats to vote for him? No.

Undecideds aren't really undecided at this point. You're fooling yourself if you think this display was a game changer.
You guys realize Obama is still kicking Romney's butt, right?

No matter. If you cling to your delusions, it's your party's funeral. Why should we interfere?
You know - BLAME BUSH.

One thing that stuck out to me is that Romney very effectively showed that he has a great record and that Obama has a failed record. There's just no denying that and he made Obama look like "the amateur" he is. So, will he have to go back to blaming Bush? He really didn't a whole lot of that during the first debate.

Will that work? We know that libs rely on it on message boards. Will that even work with the average American? I don't think so; but one has to wonder if he's so desperate that he will attempt to do it.

Will it work as far as your guy getting Democrats to vote for him? No.

Undecideds aren't really undecided at this point. You're fooling yourself if you think this display was a game changer.

It was a huge game changer. Obviously you want to ignore that polls that you're so fond of when they're putting your guy ahead.
You know - BLAME BUSH.

One thing that stuck out to me is that Romney very effectively showed that he has a great record and that Obama has a failed record. There's just no denying that and he made Obama look like "the amateur" he is. So, will he have to go back to blaming Bush? He really didn't a whole lot of that during the first debate.

Will that work? We know that libs rely on it on message boards. Will that even work with the average American? I don't think so; but one has to wonder if he's so desperate that he will attempt to do it.

Great idea........but its 2012.:D:D:badgrin:
You know - BLAME BUSH.

One thing that stuck out to me is that Romney very effectively showed that he has a great record and that Obama has a failed record. There's just no denying that and he made Obama look like "the amateur" he is. So, will he have to go back to blaming Bush? He really didn't a whole lot of that during the first debate.

Will that work? We know that libs rely on it on message boards. Will that even work with the average American? I don't think so; but one has to wonder if he's so desperate that he will attempt to do it.

Will it work as far as your guy getting Democrats to vote for him? No.

Undecideds aren't really undecided at this point. You're fooling yourself if you think this display was a game changer.

It was a huge game changer. Obviously you want to ignore that polls that you're so fond of when they're putting your guy ahead.

Gallup 10/1 - 10/3 1500 A 54 Obama 42 Romney +12 Job Approval
Like that one? :lol:
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Will it work as far as your guy getting Democrats to vote for him? No.

Undecideds aren't really undecided at this point. You're fooling yourself if you think this display was a game changer.

It was a huge game changer. Obviously you want to ignore that polls that you're so fond of when they're putting your guy ahead.

Gallup 10/1 - 10/3 1500 A 54 Obama 42 Romney +12 Job Approval
Like that one? :lol:

If you knew anything about polls (excluding non scientific instant polls which showed Romney kicking Obama's ass); you'd know they're conducted for a minimum of three days. So in about three to seven days time; that's when you'll see the effect of the debate.
It was a huge game changer. Obviously you want to ignore that polls that you're so fond of when they're putting your guy ahead.

Gallup 10/1 - 10/3 1500 A 54 Obama 42 Romney +12 Job Approval
Like that one? :lol:

If you knew anything about polls (excluding non scientific instant polls which showed Romney kicking Obama's ass); you'd know they're conducted for a minimum of three days. So in about three to seven days time; that's when you'll see the effect of the debate.

You're the one who told me to look at the polls, stupid.
You know - BLAME BUSH.

One thing that stuck out to me is that Romney very effectively showed that he has a great record and that Obama has a failed record. There's just no denying that and he made Obama look like "the amateur" he is. So, will he have to go back to blaming Bush? He really didn't a whole lot of that during the first debate.

Will that work? We know that libs rely on it on message boards. Will that even work with the average American? I don't think so; but one has to wonder if he's so desperate that he will attempt to do it.

I'm sure Romney is just waiting for that. Mitt has a great come back, probably, "In all honesty, Mr. President, when, exactly will you take ownership of your failed Presidency?"
You know - BLAME BUSH.

One thing that stuck out to me is that Romney very effectively showed that he has a great record and that Obama has a failed record. There's just no denying that and he made Obama look like "the amateur" he is. So, will he have to go back to blaming Bush? He really didn't a whole lot of that during the first debate.

Will that work? We know that libs rely on it on message boards. Will that even work with the average American? I don't think so; but one has to wonder if he's so desperate that he will attempt to do it.

Will it work as far as your guy getting Democrats to vote for him? No.

Undecideds aren't really undecided at this point. You're fooling yourself if you think this display was a game changer.

You are fooling yourself if you think this debate was not a game changer. Fifthy million people watched this debate, and realized that Romney was not the monster that Obama, and company, had been portraying him as. Hundreds of millions of dollars worth of Obama attack ads went right down the tubes.

Now, Obama, and the gang that can't tell the truth, are trying to convince people that the Romney that showed up at the debate was a different Romney. Yes, the Romney that showed up at the debate is the real Romney, and not the strawman that they have been busy knocking down.

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