Deathstroke UN: Violence/WMDs


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Modern journalism has been very well-focused on anti-globalization terrorism related issues/news.

Globalization is the new 'keyword' and anything that undermines it is considered counter-productive.

How can the United Nations help? How can the UN address problems such as terrorism-related violence and the development of WMDs (Weapons-of-Mass-Destruction) such as chemical bombs?

We can't solve the problem of eco-pollution if we're uncivil even to our own human brethren and sisters, right?

Perhaps that's why much of new age storytelling invoking classical themes about crusades and chivalry involve stories about the apocalypse.

Should we censor such storytelling?



"Goddess Kali (Hindu female deity of rage and anarchy) wielded her deadly scimitar-weapon (a bloody curved-blade) and proceeded to go on a small 'crusade' but while doing so accidentally stepped on her husband, Lord Shiva (Hindu god of meditation and destruction). Kali was ashamed at her error, but she nevertheless was resolved to understand how violence could control the problem of growing evil. When Lord Shiva awoke from his deep slumber and found Kali weeping, he comforted her and explained to her that violence is merely a symbol and never a condition (fortunately!)."


"As this heavenly intrigue proceeded, there was much intrigue on Earth as well, as the Middle Eastern fundamentalist-Islamic terrorist group ISIS planned to strike at Europe with biochemical weapons during the upcoming World Cup soccer tournament in Russia! U.S. President Donald Trump began coordinating the CIA so the world community could prepare itself and secure the World Cup and prevent any calamity caused by the anathema of biochemical warfare (and terrorism!)."


GOD: It seems globalization is threatened by unruly behaviour.
SATAN: Terrorism is a real problem.
GOD: Political grudges should be resolved with negotiations.
SATAN: Unfortunately, violence is a reality...
GOD: Man learned from Hindu mythology that anarchy is regrettable.
SATAN: Yes, but Hindu goddess Kali is nevertheless an avatar of rage.
GOD: You can't solve the problem of conflict with more rage...
SATAN: Rage is almost impossible to control!
GOD: That's why we have the tools of modern media (e.g., Internet).
SATAN: Circulation of news is important, but we also need governance.
GOD: The new American sci-fi horror-film Alien: Covenant symbolizes injustice.
SATAN: Yes, it's a movie about predatory creatures devastating human peace.
GOD: I wonder if Alien: Covenant represents political courage...
SATAN: Sure. We have to address the fear of 'evolutionary malady.'
GOD: Yes, stories about 'social plague' represent intelligence!
SATAN: Should men fear foolishness?




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